What's a good name for Fantasy Netherlands?

What's a good name for Fantasy Netherlands?
I'm ok with cities and NPCs, but I suck at naming kingdoms.
Hard mode: it has to be very easy to remember for a group of players already overwhelmed with ploot hooks, companions and minor nobles.

Kingdom of Aardreus.


Sounds nice, but I named a town Aardenberg already. Could be a little confusing considering it's not even the capital.

Setting is not original enough to be worth giving more details, just keep in mind we're talking XII century/ very early Hansa stuff.


Arva (latin for coutryside, plowed fields or *lowlands*, Netherlands=Lowlands)

The Kingdom of Orange
Dominion of Ollverand
Principality of Dradamste
Duchy of Fandlers
Kingdom of Auge


Wrong, Muslims are welcome in Mecca.

A little too obvious, but decent town material nonetheless.

Sounds too much like Arda, and they all know what Arda is I guess.

Nice try

I don't know about the 'land' thing, I always go with that when taking notes, but then I say it out loud and it sounds lazy as fuck.

The Upperlands.

Low Kingdoms
Not So High Lands



Just call it what it used to be called in the way old days, like Frisia or something.



Batavian Republic.

Generally if you want cheap knock-off Europe names, use the ones from Dungeon Defense.

Is it supposed to be a secret Netherlands? Is this gonna be some kind of surprise where you go "It was Holland! It was Holland all along!" and your players are shocked?

Then take the name from the Cananefates or the Chamavi.

You could take the Roman name for the region, Belgia, and twist around a little. Belsia or Besgia, which don't resemble the words you're trying to avoid.

This one is my favorite so far


This is a comedy setting, so use the names at your own discretion


If there's any country that should end in -land it's fantasy netherlands. Its distinguishing feature is that its ground is low. Are the lands nether? You're in the Netherlands.


>Paralysed dog


Regnum Flevius

My generic Woody vaugly north European nation is called Grossenfelt

Westerland with the capital Marienburg.

hue hue

The netherlands aren't woody bro, they are watery.

They're just one step away from being underwatery.

They're not vaguely north European either.

There's a lot of forests as well, but most is uninteresting marshlands and just flat-ass swampy muddy grasslands

The forests aren't all that wild though, it's a very densely populated country

Most forests in the Netherlands are pretty modern. Only the Veluwe is quite old, thats why they are boring.

You could play on the old name of the Netherlands, which is based on it being the first republic of Europe since the romans:

United provinces of Boswaria something like that
Not that good with naming things, but I think it could be interesting for diplomacy to throw that in there, would be flattering as well to me as a Dutch person if somewone would go so in-depth with the name
Although I'm already flattered that someone would even try to use the country
What kind of land will it be?

This is absolutely true, but still, it's a lot of forests in the country
And that shit in Limburg, forests on top of literal coaldumps how does that even fucking work

The marshyness of the Netherlands is way more defining, ut to say there's no forests (or not many) would be untrue

Once upon a time, there lived a guy who bought a puppy who was paralysed. Once he went to take a swim in a pond and left the puppy on the bank, but hit his head on a carp while swimming and drowned. People saw the dog lying next to the pond and thought that it was waiting for its dead owner out of incredible loyalty. They fed it until it died, by which point a settlement grew around it.

Once upon a time, there lived a guy who bought a paralysed puppy.
He went to take a swim in a pond and left the puppy on the bank,
but he hit his head on a carp drowned and sank. People saw the dog lying next to the pond and thought that it was waiting for its dead owner out of incredible loyalty.
They fed it until it died,
by which point a settlement grew around it.

something like that


Not really, but since my setting is definitely not Europe it was my idea not to make it painfully obvious. I'm using Netherlands because the starting kingdom for the campain is roughly at the same latitude as Northen Europe (but we're in the Southern Emisphere, so turn everything upside down) and the climatic conditions are the same as Holland. Plus, one of the party members is a noble with a Van in his name, and I started building from that. I feel like using historical or not!historical names without changing them even a bit could misguide the players in thinking this is in fact Europe, when it's not.

That's the thing, this place is much bigger than Netherlands. Think about early medieval France, with just the upper portion of it being low and the rest being a generic rainy/farmable country. The low part is more important because it's on the coast, with trade and all that. But you can't use "mountainland" for a place that's over 70% grassland, if you know what I mean. Even if the capital is on the top of a mountain.


Only the right sort of muslims. The others are tolerated at best.

>The Kingdom of Orange

You can always use Coastlands, or lowlands, Riverlands or something.

Nederland, neuk ja!

Driewerf hoera!

Srsly though. Fantasy Netherlands is awesome, especially Fantasy Golden Age united provinces.

Surely if this isn't Europe, you'll have other elements that are clearly non-European anyway though?

Low Countries.


Combine it with Australia and make it the Underlands.

United Cities.
Crib halfling city names from aow1

Call it Pecunis. For money. Because of the trading.

