I realized what I hate about the Tau in 40K, Veeky Forums

I realized what I hate about the Tau in 40K, Veeky Forums.

The Imperium of Man are depicted as fascist imperialist religious fundamentalists. Their technology is retarded and innovation bogged down by dogma, their civil rights are next to nill on almost every hive world, their societies are rife with crime and power disparities and ultraviolence, where the life, worth and dreams of individuals are but meat for the grinder.

They are an extreme caricature of every imperialist, authoritarian, theocratic, autocrative regime with personality cults and culture wars and colonialism, manifest. Every single possible negative trait that Europe has ever manifested on itself and its neighbors.

.. But then you look at the closest allegory to communism.. the Tau.

A mere 6,000 year old race that has technologically progressed up to and beyond The Imperium of Man in the span of the blink of an eye by comparison, with a casted system and adopted civilizations under their rule. A classless structure where everyone works for the betterment of everybody else for the "greater good."

Their technology is in many ways superior to the Empires, their tactics of war are not steeped in bravado and tradition, their doctrine treats the ethereals as leaders but not gods, and while their Greater Good as seen as totalitarian, it's also seen as benevolent in many ways.

They are not the Mirror Darkly look at communism they should be. They are not a gritty grimdark look at the horrors and failures of bureaucracy and economy. The Tau are like some shiny juche propaganda by comparison to the Imperium of Man and its blemishes and failings.

So. Any historians or socialist/communist state afficianados here? How could we remedy the way the Tau are written and depicted to be to communism what The Empire is to fascist theocracy? How would it look like if we mashed Maoism, Stalinism, Leninism, Trotskyism and Latin American socialism in a big fucking pot and hit frappe?

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>So. Any historians or socialist/communist state afficianados here? How could we remedy the way the Tau are written and depicted to be to communism what The Empire is to fascist theocracy?
Make it like it currently is, but everybody's starving.

I believe they're largely intended as an Orwell reference. The Etherials are manipulative tyrants who force the other Tau into defined castes from birth, unable to breed outside or change their position. Everything is for the Greater Good. They're set up to be pretty dystopian.

I don't think everything has to be a direct analog to our world. The imperium exists as it does because it HAS to in the lore. They state ad nauseum that anything anywhere near "the greater good" for humans would be begging chaos to come in and take over.

Tau get away with their happy-go-lucky, idyllic society because of ethereal fuckery and the fact that their souls register so shittily in the warp that chaos doesn't even bother.

I am sorry that 40k has hurt your alt right, AnCap fee fees though.

>has a caste System


Wrongo. The orwellian stuff came later, when everybody bitched about MUH GRIMDARK.

Tau were initially meant to be a noblebright race, to provide contrast for the bleakness of 40k.

Actually the Tau were initially meant to sell mecha to 40k players, and their lore was written around explaining why they get anime technology and shiny suits

It's like dissecting the lore for why pauldrons in 40k are so massive, when the reality is that they were designed so spess merehns could have stickers on them.

I'm aware that those elements were a more recent condition. That doesn't change the fact that those elements have already been added. Or do you just think they don't go far enough?

>casted system
>classless structure


You hate them because they are free and prosperous.

The best I've seen is someone arguing a civilization where everyone is lawful good would be awful to live in because everyone would share and that's communism which would mean everyone starving.