Has anyone realised how fucking impractical scythe-blade-bayonets are

Has anyone realised how fucking impractical scythe-blade-bayonets are.

Who really wants to have to swing their giant fucking weapon around in huge arcs rather than just thrusting forward?

And if the blade gets stuck in someone, it's bloody aiming off in on an awkward angle, rather than pointing directly into your enemy.

The worst part is, they're always mounted on the biggest fucking hand-held weapons, making swinging it around like a madman all the more difficult.

You could everything better even with a normal bayonet .

>blah blah blah

But they're fun, so you are wrong.

Does it matter if you have the superhuman strength to wield it? I also take it Wraithbone is light so combine the two and you can afford to be impractical.

The Eldar are so technologically and psychically advanced that such things like "practical design" no longer even factor into their thinking.

Of all the things in 40k that ignore reality in favour of the rule of cool this was what triggered your autism?


>These fictional space faring S&M elves have weapons that won't work in the real world! Better tell Veeky Forums!

Your autism is showing, user.

Its a 100million year old perfectly engineered race of mimes that poop crystals and most common weapon is a ninja star that only shoots 100m.

They fight 7-8 foot tall monster men who have shoulderpads bigger than your torso and can eat memories from eating your brain. They fight with giant chainsaws on swords to protect an immortal lighthouse.

40k's messed up. Scythe bayonets is low key retardation comparatively.

of all the things to complain about dumb things in 40k

you choose this

>immortal lighthouse
chuckled audibly

Logicalfags talking about 40k were a mistake

The must uptight faggots I swear they are no fun

>From your brain
Tell the whole truth.

That ability isn't limited to needing the brain.

Good point, they can get it from drinking your blood too but that's tied to soul magic genetic memories of a dead angel of an undead atheist god.

>close combat
>enemy swings
>block with indestructible perfect elf gun barrel
>use scythe as hook, pull opponents weapon away/down, while still pointing end of barrel at them
>fire into enemy

Seriously it's not all that impractical. If anything it should have a regular stabby bayonet AND a catchy hook/scythe part.

Don't they also flip around a fuckton in combat?

Only stopping to pose every once in a while.

Wow, impracticality if 40K?!

The scythe itself is a farming implement unsuited to the task of killing much more than tall grass-like plants.

Of course, that's not to say scythes haven't been used in war, but a warscythe has its blade straightened so it can make more effective sweeping and thrusting attacks. Similarly, a flail is thought to be a modified wheat thresher with some more damaging bits on the end. Generally it seems like, when peasants get pissed off, they fashion their tools into weapons for their own defense.

But this is 40k and there's a number of other elements at play, like the ubiquity of super-materials and power-fields that cut through matter, including a good deal of those super-materials. Plus exotic aliens which probably have their own alien combat techniques to make use of their own different biology, psychology, and the other tools available to them in war like personal antigravity devices and holographic fields.

I'll post the gif in a bit but it's a gif where the gun is so heavy that they use the recoil from the shot to maneuver swing the scythe.

Look who is holding the scythe bayonet and tell me the whole design was meant to be grounded.

Get fucked.

Wait really? I thought they only get the memories when they nosh on your brain.

Maby Eldar are a bit impractical with their designs Eldar try to end them rightly rather than quick and practical. .

>We Eldar have mastered the Path of the Scythe Gun for millions of years
>You filthy mon-keigh can't even comprehend our skill and might with such a perfect weapon
>What do you even mean"impractical"?
>If there was a better way, we would have come up with one

Yes. Imagine the countless lifetimes of memories of animals locked away in a space marine's mind from their centuries of feasts and training.

With a spear bayonet, you stab them, and then you can shoot to person you just stabbed.

If you're confident that you'll kill someone you stab, might as well be able to use their dead body to brace your weapon effectively and fire at the people behind them while you take the time to extract the blade.

>le fun xD

You want to know the terrain of a new planet before the fighting starts? Right after you first arrive on planet, you and your battle company hold a big feast made out of the local wild game. Assuming it's not a barren waste or venomous hellhole, it's a pretty quick way to get an idea of the lay of the land.

Cancer: The Post

Stop being stupid.


posing is serious business

maybe not. on a more important note that harlequin in the back looks like he's having a great time

>oh boy, time to go flip around and beat up daemons

I want a picture of Eldar making Jojo poses.

Kill yourself

i got just the thing

You do realize that Death Jesters, like all other space clowns, pretty much ignore gravity? And it's combat style can be summarized as "Death by Thousand Keks"?

40k is retarded. Deal with it.

Isn't it supposed to be retarded?
I am an outside observer but I thought the whole joke was based on being as ridiculously dark as possible.

"Has anyone realised how fucking impractical scythe-blade-bayonets are."

Not really,for a death jester he could easily use it as parrying blade or use the end of it for a quick under shot stab or even arc it over and inhale it into someones head. Remember there harlequins; trickster acrobats of death. The same goes for DE

It is.
The true retards are people who take it seriously.

>weedy gits
>making jojo poses

That's「Absolutely Disgusting」

Agreed, please removeself and GTFO


That's an axe-rifle, dumbass.

I want the Jojo meme to diaf.

You do realize OP is bitching about having to swing a gun around to use its attached blade, rather than trusting with it, right? And the axe comes with a spike on the other side for a more stabby swing, the ones that might get stuck in the opponent, as OP mentions, right?

But no, you only read the part about it having to be a scythe blade and the rest just passed through your empty dumbass head.

>somebody doesn't like something and is vocal about it, expecting everyone to comply

>Butthurt redditors detected

40k weapons are impractical. News at eleven.

Listen here fucker, Maugan Ra didn't go all the way to the Eye of Terror to kill a Keeper of Secrets and make a sweet scythe-gun out of corpses just so you could question his designs. Last bone singer that question him lost his eyes, hands and tongue.


>fun times
you can never really tell with death clowns, masks and all, maybe he's being chased by bees

Say that to my meat shield when I ram the blade to his/her shoulder and keep weapon there while shooting your friends. I now have platform, shield and victim all in one.

>Everyone I don't like is a redditor
Let me guess, you're some poor sap from Reddit yourself who came over through 1d4chan, then found out that Veeky Forums wasn't the bastion of creativity you thought it was, but you could express your views better here, so you stuck around and bought into the cynicism. Now you criticize everyone you disagree with and call them redditors because you get a small ego boost from being "Muh Superior Website User."

I know you're probably playing us, but maybe you're from /v/

>A group of space-elves obsessed with theater and symbolism has a member called the Death Jester, who uses a gun styled like a scythe.

How does that not make sense OP?