It's been a year or so, let's give this a shot again.
Pirates has been rather beaten to death, but are there any other movies that strike you as unexpectedly RPG-ish?
It's been a year or so, let's give this a shot again.
Pirates has been rather beaten to death, but are there any other movies that strike you as unexpectedly RPG-ish?
Holy Grail, from the Monty Python
Indiana Jones, as Atchung Cthulhu
Indiana Jones is decent, but sorta one-player for parts of it.
Not sure about Monty Python, seems a bit too parodical to paradoy.
I was just thinking that the Mummy might be decent. I can definitely see it as a Call of Cthulu-ish game, though I'd appreciate some recommendation about character-specific roles, traits, etc. especially from someone who's played that system. Same deal with Jones I think.
I can really see the Mummy as an RPG.
You've got the archaeologist chick is trying to run the campaign, the brother is trying to fuck around and getting repeatedly shut down, Brenden Fraser is a bit of a power gamer that slowly comes around, and Benny is That Guy who always has to roll a CN/CE character.
The Mummy is what Indiana Jones would be if Indiana Jones actually was someone's RPG campaign.
I like the sound of this, someone give me a scene.
Kubo wasn't subtle about it.
Its so obvius as an RPG the only thing there is to debate is who is playing each character
Campaign start, first two players have shown up and are ready to start, but Brendan needs to be worked in from being stuck in prison with his mary-sue backstory shit.
13 assassins
Seven Samurai
Oh fuck is that a good one, though Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels might be better, just for the sheer volume of fuckups involved
>Okay, let's get started here, everyone got their sheets?
Evy: Yep, Archaeologist and Linguist, just like I said.
Johnathan: Here's mine.
>Another bard? Really? I told you this is a low-magic setting, you can't just play support and screw wenches in this.
Johnathan: Oh well, I'm cool with that, it's not like we picked anything but stats and background, I'll just spec out into rogue or whatever after I level. I can just be a party-rogue right? We're going to need a face in any case.
>Right, makes sense I guess, and what about you Benny?
Benny: Scoundrel with bonus languages and occult.
>Why do you have "chaotic evil" written under your name?
Benny: I couldn't find the alignment field.
>There isn't any alignment, this isn't D&D, and it's a silly mechanic anyways.
Evy: And you were banned from playing evil characters, remember?
Benny: No it makes total sense, see when I was in the desert I discovered this evil temple and I-
>No I'm putting my foot down, we'll figure out your backstory on the fly, but none of this evil shit. Brendan have you got your sheet?
Brendan: Right here!
>Oh Jesus Christ, what the fuck is all this?
Ronin would play really well with the Night's Black Agents version of Gumshoe, assuming you ignored all the vampire parts-- it has really cool rules for the spycraft stuff.
Brendan: My backstory! I read your thing about the city of the dead, and I worked it into my character background so that I was already there, so we don't need a guide or anything. It's really cool, I was part of the army and we all went out to find the city because of the treasure, but when we got there bandits attacked and we had to fight them off, but there were too many and I got cornered, but before they could execute me the mummy scared them off, but I was immune to fear because of my Jaded trait so I-
>Whoa, slow down for a second.
Johnathan: What the fuck is this mary sue bullshit? Let me see that!
Jonathan: Holy shit, you've got like eighty points into handguns, and what's with these stats?
Brendan: It's point-buy, so I took the minimum education and background, and then I found this "imprisoned" negative trait that gives you a ton of points-
Jonathan: Wait, you don't have any income, how do you have six guns?
Evy: WHY does he have six guns?
Brendan: Well, reloading is a half-action, but weapon-swap is free so I can-
>Okay, okay, hold on here, I know this is a bit of a mess, but I'm looking at this backstory and I can work with this. Trust me, any stat discrepencies will balance out after early game, and it's not like the rest of you took any serious combat skills, so I think it'll work out.
Benny: Wait how come he gets all this crazy backstory bonus shit?
>Well I mean I guess it sort of works, it's a bit snowflakey, but I already have a good idea for how to work it in…
Benny: Oh that's bullshit, if he's going to have all that backstory shit then my character should've been there too, and that's where I saw the evil temple-
>FINE! Just fine, you can do your evil character shit, but I'm going to put my foot down HARD the second it gets out of hand. Now let's get started here: Evy, your in the Cairo library stacking books when Jonathan comes in and shows you this artifact he "found"...
>all character names except Fraser
Your shit got fucked up.
I can change it, but I like calling him Brendan Fraser, because as far as I can tell the only character Brendan Fraser plays is Brendan Fraser.
According to IMDB he's Richard O'Connel, but I can't say I actually remember hearing his first name at any point in the film.
In any case, if it bothers you I can change it for future use, but that's on the condition that YOU pick out the next scene.
Bleh, getting incoherent, will return to write more stuff tomorrow if the thread is still up in the morning. Maybe I'll even manage to wrangle up some other writefags.
Or maybe it'll die to lack of interest before I get back.
>the Mummy
I remember when that movie came out, I had never even heard of tabletop games, but my friends and I talked for days about how we would design a video game to be like The Mummy. Definitely feels like a game.
Surely the Princess Bride, with two groups opposing each other that end up as one group when the Scicilian quits after being tricked. But with 1 really serious player (Inigo), and the rest and the GM in on the joke. I
If this isn't someone's Vampire the Masquerade campaign rewritten as a movie, I don't know what it is.
Star Wars
13th warrior is a movie made out of mid-power campaign, with one of the players being a noob with special snowflake characters, but the GM adjust for that the entire game.
And 100% serious, The Last Witch Hunter is literally "Vin Diesel turned his D&D character into a movie". It's much more blatant than Riddick, since Riddick was barely inspired by his drow, while Kaulder is 1:1 copy of his PC
Mummy is literally Hollow Earth game
The Dwayne Johnson version of hercules is low fantasy (no monsters for instance) but the heroes are a perfect example of an rpg party.
There's a fighter, barbarian, ranger, cleric, rogue, and a bard.
Even if the cleric is mostly focused on divination.
Starship Trooper, it would sounds like a Only War campaign I guess
Conan the barabrian (the one with Arnold)
Any Star Trek movie + Galaxy Quest
So there I am, a travelling pot merchant, and I see this big, scary castle. And I think, yeah they need kitchen utensils.
As I approach, this huge winged form swoops down on me and it bites my neck and kills me.
But then I wake up, and see the monster in front of me. And that was Pietr, and we've been friends ever since.
(Read this is Slav accent)
This entire scene is save or die.
>Seven Samurai
Most experienced player, knows how to play Lawful Good well
New guy, also has a more romanticized view of Japanese history than the other players
Your standard min-maxer, focused on getting his sword skill as high as possible
Made his character at the last minute, tends not to think things through, good roleplayer though
to me Hercules was 'why you should have a bard in the party' the movie
Where is that from?
He really did so well with that.
Still, my favourite had to be Amphiaraus.
Guardians of the Galaxy seems pretty RPGish, right down to nonsense plans that when broken down only make the situation worse.
wasn't there a fan theory that it was the avangers' rpg game
>Cap plays a fish out of water normal human
>Tony plays a weapon-obsessed engineer
>Banner isn't too interested and lets Tony build his character, he min-maxes him to all hell, doesn't really roleplay much
>Thor makes a character with a straightforward motivation and a couple simple traits
>Black widow basically just plays herself
In the spirit of the missing OP, anyone got scene requests?
Either for the Mummy or any of the other movies, I'll take a shot at anything.
>Hawkeye just continuously bitches that his character can't do anything, the entire archer class sucks, and he wants to reroll
The Mummy 2 Pygmy attack is classic RPG shenanigans.
Especially when Jonathon uses his PC powers to fuck over the previously lucky NPC
I recall the scene (and am downloading the movie for reference) but I'm spacing on which one was the lucky NPC.
There's one of the minions who constantly dodged attacks, like knife throws, inevitably letting a fellow minion eat it instead, but the moment he met Jonathon the exact same happened to him instead.
Neverending Story, if memory serves.
>not requiring inventive roleplay
I am Groot.
Penny Dreadful, especially the first season, feels like a campaign to me, possibly Rippers
The plane scene from TDKR is pure PC logic in action, combined with a far too lenient GM
underage b&
>Okay, Evy and Jonathan you're staying up on the ledge to snipe while Brendan and Ardeth go down to get the kid right?
Brendan: Wait which one's Ardeth? Is he the blimp pilot guy or the tomb keeper guy?
Jonathan: He's the DMPC self-insert mary sue.
>No he's not!
Brendan: Wait so he's the pilot?
>No he's the tomb keeper, the one you've been partied with for three quarters of the campaign.
Evy: Maybe you should go back to just calling him the tomb keeper.
Brendan: Or give him a more Egyptian name, like Atesh or Mohammad or something.
>Fine! Brendan, you and the TOMB KEEPER descend from the ledge into the jungle, you're about half a mile behind the cultist group, what do you do?
Brendan: I run them until I get to the edge of their detection range, then I switch to stealth and-
>Hold on a second, I'm going to need a bunch of rolls before any of that. First I need perception from all of you.
>Okay you all notice an ominous wind blow through the jungle and hear a distant chittering sound. Jonathan and Evy, you can see some movement in the jungle, and the cultists begin to fan out into a defensive formation.
Jonathan: Oooo ominous.
Evy: What about the leaders or the kid, are they doing anything?
>You can't see Imhotep, the High Priest, or your SON, but you notice the big henchman moving back along the column with his sword drawn and hear him yell something about "the boy".
Branden: Shit, I start full sprinting.
>You didn't see any of this, all you and the Tomb Keeper saw were a bunch of shrunken heads and cages with bones in them next to the path.
Branden: Well they scared me, so I start sprinting anyway.
>Whatever, shortly after you find the bones, the chittering and rustling sounds increase, and you hear the sound of screaming and gunfire from up ahead, so you start sprinting.
Jonathan: You really shouldn't indulge him like that, it only makes it worse.
>O'Connor being played by That Guy who doesn't even learn his own character's name
It's the little things
>Yeah yeah, John you and Evy notice the commotion as well. You see the grass around the cultists starts rustling violently, and two of their sentries get pulled down into the grass. Then cultists fire blindly into the grass and start to panic as their picked off one by one from all sides.
Jonathan: Oh shit, is it raptors? Is this a dinosaur jungle? I'm going to roll perception to identify what's attacking them.
Evy: Me too!
>Jonathan, you notice several cultists that aren't in the grass being hit with small darts and immediately dropping to the ground, Evy you catch a glimpse of small dark figures with blowguns running through a clearing.
Jonathan: That does not sound nearly as cool as raptors.
Evy: Ohhhh, with the shrunken heads and stuff, their some sort of cannibal pygmies right?
Jonathan: No, no, they're going to be MUMMY cannibal pygmies, because everything in this game has to be a fucking mummy.
>That's not true! What about the cultists, and the, uh… scarabs….
Jonathan: Yeah, I'm going to ready my rifle and sit on overwatch until Branden arrives.
A Hard Day's Night, niggers.
John: doesn't give a shit about GM's plot, wants to get out there and fuck around
Paul: great player, but has an unfortunate habit of bringing shitty friends to the party
George: doesn't give two shits about the roleplay, he's there for the action
Ringo: new player, doesn't really understand the rules
Grandfather: a That Guy to end all That Guys, solely there to bait other players
The Magnificent Seven remake is pretty classic RPG stuff, just cowboyed up.
Anyone who tells me that this movie wasn't based on a campaign is full of shit.
Branden: Am I there yet? I'm moving a hundred and sixty feet a round right? I should be there by now, and I should have a surprise attack bonus since the cultists are all busy with the pygmies.
>Okay, yes, you're there. You and the tomb keeper come into the clearing right in the middle of the panicked cultists and both open fire, you shoot your first target in the back without him even noticing you, the rest turn and-
Branden: Wait, they're all still fighting and firing their own guns, so they wouldn't have noticed my shot. I should get at least one more free round in, and so should the NPC, and we should both run and fire, since sneak-attacking at this range is a guaranteed hit so the malus from moving doesn't matter.
>Oh goddamn it, really? You're going to do this shit again?
Evy: And me and Jonathan are both on overwatch, so we can just pick off any that notice him before they raise the alarm.
>You too now? Do you guys even want a challenge?
Evy: Eh.
Jonathan: Not really.
Branden: It's your fault for not setting up the encounter better.
>FINE! Fine, I'm just going to put the dice away then. You guys can run around, shooting everything, and we'll just play make believe with these minis until you decide you're ready to return to the real game again.
Jonathan: You are so fucking butthurt over this it's hilarious.
This thing right here.
Will return to finish off the pygmy scenes after lunch.
Chris Prat especially comes off as an RPG character in pretty much everything he's in these days. I'm not sure it's a good thing exactly movie-wise, but it makes me giggle in any case.
>The Hunt for a Kidney Stone
Yep, this is Swedish.
>arnie was the guy who got there early, DM eventually just decides to start with just him
>Sobutai eventually gets there
>Valeria is extremely late
>Valeria's character eventually dies and has to play the DM's NPC for the final battle
I would say this is a pretty campaigny movie.
The bloody nipple saga was a webcomic based on the premise.
Are you trying to rustle me, user?
thread no die plz
Jonathan: Feeling better?
>Yeah, yeah, I admit I overreacted, it's not like the mooks were supposed to be a real threat anyway, and I liked some of the pygmy death scenes you guys came up with, but let's try to get moving again.
Jonathan: You mean back on track?
Jonathan: Nothing
>Hmm, so Branden, you're running through the melee towards your screaming son, you see him backed up against a tree with the big henchman in front of him. Your pistols are out of ammo, as is your lever shotgun. Your son screams for help as the henchman raises his sword, what do you do?
Branden: Do I still have my double barrel?
>Yes, but it's on your back, but it'll take an action to draw and aim it.
Branden: Hmm, I don't want to waste one of my last shots, and you said the guy had a sword right? So melee is probably a bad bet… can Evy or Jonathan snipe him?
>The tree is blocking their view, you've got to save him on your own.
Jonathan: ~choo choo~
Branden: Okay, I speed up and do a running grab of the kid, that's dex and strength right?
>You sprint between them and manage to grab your son as you run by, but the henchman's blow catches you in the-
Branden: Wait, what about my dex bonus for being barehanded, since I dropped my empty weapons earlier, and I should also have a speed bonus for having dropped all that weight too.
>Fine, you scrape by just ahead of the henchman's blade, which hits the tree exactly where your son's neck was a second earlier.
Branden: Booya, I throw the kid over my shoulder and start sprinting.
>You are now running, moderately encumbered, with no readied weapons, through a chaotic melee filled with random gunfire and poison blow darts, with a sword-wielding henchman gaining on you and your son.
I already knew about this comic's predecessors, but had no idea it existed. Thank you for introducing me to this.
Branden: Well if the sword guy is chasing me, that means he out of cover now, so Jonathan and Evy can just snipe him before he catches me, right guys?
>He's moving fast, and if they stop to shoot him they won't be able to clear ahead of you, you guys will have to make a choice.
Evy: Well, if he slows a bit we can try to split our focus and-
Jonathan: Wait what about your stupid DMPC with the sword and machine gun, what's he doing? Doesn't he have some sort of grudge against the sword guy, on account of how he killed that bird Branden kept using to scout fights?
Brandon: Yeah, Mohammad was right behind me during all the gunfighting, so he should have practically ran into the henchman as I passed.
>Well, I guess that makes sense… The dungeon keeper's blade crashes into the cultist's, and they start hacking at eachother. You look back as you run and see it's a desperate battle, where even the slightest distraction or mistake could spell sudden death.
Jonathan: I notice you're not rolling any dice as you describe this.
>Shut up. Branden, what do you do, do you keep running and guarantee your son's safety or go back to help your companion?
Branden: Fuck it, he's an NPC and I don't have a melee weapon, I keep running.
Evy: So should we split our fire this round? It should only take one shot.
Jonathan: Nah, don't bother, he'll be fine. The DM won't let his special snowflake die just yet.
Evy: So we keep covering Branden for two more turns and he's out of the melee right? That's two marksmanship rolls each?
>Yeah, I guess.
>And you both pass... every cultists that even looks in Branden's direction drops dead, and he makes it out of the clearing… BUT, Branden, as you enter the trees, where Evy and Jonathan can no longer cover you, your son shouts a warning that something is behind you.
Branden: It's gotta be some of the pygmies right? And this should be the last of the encounter, since I'm already almost off the board. I stop, draw my sawed off shotgun in one hand, and turn.
>As you turn you see a horrific monkey-like undead monstrosity leap towards you face with a dagger in its hand, while behind it another swings upwards on a vine to launch an aerial attack.
Branden: Yeah, that's fine, the second one can't reach me this turn and I still have an attack since I didn't move. I reflex shot the close one, and since he's jumping right towards me that should be an uncontested shot, which falls below my accuracy bonuses from weapon expertise and having my son there, and the shotgun should be a guaranteed kill at that range. And for the second I can just take half a turn to aim which'll put him in guaranteed kill range at well. Do I even need to roll?
>*sigh* Yes, yes you do.
Branden: Oh look, two perfect headshots.
Jonathan: I don't understand why carrying a screaming child would give you a bonus to accuracy and focus.
>Because, if it didn't, Branden probably wouldn't have bothered rescuing the kid at all.
Branden: Well…
Bodyguards and assassins would be a good one shot campaign. With 3-4ths of the movie set up as plot and adding in each character and backstory. Followed with the last bit being quick action and combat.
>So are either of you going to help Ardeth with the henchman now that Branden is clear?
Jonathan: Nope, too much risk of hitting him by accident, I'm going to focus on keeping any other cultists from interfering with their fight.
>None of them are even trying to to
Jonathan: That's because they know I'd stop them.
>I swear you are worse than Branden sometimes… So Jonathan is just going to keep sniping random cultists and pygmies, what about you Evy?
Evy: I scan the melee to see if I can spot any of the leaders.
>Again? But they've all already… fine give me a roll. Not you Jonathan, I'm not going to calculate damage on every level-2 you shoot for fun.
>Okay, the ONLY leader left in the area is the high priest, you see him fleeing with his entourage, but they, uh, run into a patch of quick-mud and the leading four start to sink as the rest watch in horror. As the High Priest turns to flee along the northern path, a group of pygmies use the sinking men's heads as stepping stones, the last one pausing to stamp the struggling cultists down under the surface.
Evy: Ewwwwww, neat.
the Mythica series
A wannabe Mage, A Cleric, A thief and a Soldier go rescue the Clerics sister
>And while you both waste time, and Branden sits unarmed in the pygmy-filled Jungle with his son, Ardeth's pitched battle with the swordsman continues, blow after ringing blow. Their desperate struggle is the eye in the whirlwind of melee. The tomb keeper parries a strike a bare fraction of an inch away from a killing blow, and the cultist only barely rolls under his return strike. It is an amazing display of swordsmanship, Nubian versus Egyptian styles, two experts fighting to death in a deadly dance of death.
Jonathan: Tone it down a little man, we get it, they're sword fighting.
>Well they wouldn't be if you two would actually do something.
Jonathan: Nope, I'm going to make you do this yourself, either decide how its going to end or roll those dice and see if your special snowflake gets his ass cut off.
Evy: Don't be a dick John.
Jonathan: But it's so fun watching him squirm.
>FINE! Ardeth finally finds an opening and dispatches the swordsman with an expert blow across the chest, followed by another across the belly. The henchman sinks to the ground with a surprised look on his face, but as the tomb keeper pants for breath, a cultist with a pistol comes up from behind and-
Jonathan: Nope, I was keeping the cultists away remember, I shoot the guy with the pistol before he can do anything. And I notice you still didn't do any rolls.
>Fuck you Jonathan, seriously, and you know what? That's fine. Ardeth gives you a nod, and runs off the battlefield in the opposite direction, heading towards the desert where he will rally the rest of the tomb keepers to fight the Anubis Warriors.
Branden: The what now?
>Haven't you been listening to any of the lore about the bracelet?
Branden: Ummm.
>Yeah, you know what, I'm going to go take a break. Jonathan, you and Evy make your way down to where Branden and his son are, and we'll start back up from there when we I get back.
Evy: You guys are both such assholes.
Branden: Huh?
Jonathan: Eh, he likes it.
Well that's a decent enough endpoint I guess. I'm getting too bogged down in details that I doubt anyone cares about (seriously who wastes forty minutes trying to screencap shitty action scenes).
I might take a shot at finishing off the last bit of the scene, or some other scene from this or some other movie later tonight, or if there's as little interest as I think I'll just wander off. Thanks for reading if you did though, it's good to be writing again.
I enjoyed it, user.
seconded: it was a good time
I enjoyed this, user.
a semi-decent screecap. if anyone wants to fix it be my guest
Is having a detailed backstory actually considered to be Mary Sue-ish?
not unless it's a five or ten page wank off, of how awesome and cool and unbeatable your character is..
I tend towards encouraging my players to do looser backstories, so I can fill them in with drama ("Oh, looks like your dead dad was alive all this time under an assumed name", "Well, the sacred crystal you were seeking is kept here, but you must face three trials to find it", et cetera)
Three pages of backstory is masturbation, in my opinion, no GM is ever gonna be able to comprehend it.
Depends on how much of it makes you look awesome, and how high level you are.
A mid level guy probably would have some decent stuff under his belt, enough to warrant a few pages.
Someone starting off having a similar level of achievement in their backstory just raises the question of why the hell theyre still low level
I'm a strong proponent of short backstories for two reasons:
1) out of respect for fellow players;
2) because interesting things should be happening to the character during, not before the campaign.
Guardians of the Galaxy
It is session 2 of this 1800's gaslight CoC game. One guy is playing a Psychologist, the other is playing a young Noble, another rolled up an american gunslinger because he didn't realise this was going to be set in england. The token girl of the group is playing the husband of a missing Laywer and best friend of the NPC Damsel who is in distress.
Said Damsel has been increasingly ill with a mysterious disease after the players failed to follow up any of the GM's plot hooks.
They are joined this session by the GM's brother, who is playing an old foreign professor of medicine and anthropology.
>Professor: Okay, so I inspect the NPC for distinguishing signs of disease.
>GM: Roll medicine please. You see clear signs of anemia and what looks like two small puncture wounds on the throat.
>Professor: So it's vampires.
>Doctor: Apparently we can't say that because it's metagaming.
>Professor: But it IS vampires, right?
>Cowboy: Yeah, he's got the vampire splatbook under the table.
>GM: Hey!
>Professor: Okay, I'm going to make an Ancient Lore check to recognise it as vampires.
>GM: When did you get that?
>Professor: You gave me all those points for playing an old dude remember? I've got a 3 is that good or bad?
>GM: ...fine. It's vampires. But remember, the rest of the party don't believe in vampires...
>Lord: Even though it clearly IS vampires.
>Professor: Fine, I propose a blood transfusion. Then I'm going to claim that her health would be vastly improved by hanging all this garlic everywhere.
>GM: Dude! Metagaming!
[20 minutes later]
>GM: It seems the nurse against your orders opened the windows and removed the garlic due to it's strange and unwholesome smell...
[another session later]
>GM: Okay, this is todd, he's playing nancy's lost Lawyer husband..
>Laywer: Do *I* beleive in Vampires?
>GM: ...yes but you don't believe anyone else does.
>Laywer: But, this is CoC, so I *have* been writing a comprehensive journal to pass on to next of kin in the event of my death... right?
>GM: ...yes?
>Wife: I steal the journal.
[a further session later]
>Cowboy: Okay, so the apartment is locked. I propose we return under cover of night with lockpicking tools.
>Doctor: I'll take the tools since I have the highest agility.
>Lawyer: I'll bring my Kukri and I'm assuming you STILL aren't letting us take explosives?
>Lord: ...uh, guys? I'm a Lord of the Realm in Victorian England right?
>Rest of them: Yeah?
>Lord: Well, couldn't I just go up to a locksmith, tell him I've locked myself out of my London Apartment, and could he come and fix the lock and let me back in? We could do it right now, get in, do whatever it is we do to the coffins in broad daylight. Maybe even catch the count and be home by teatime.
>GM: ...that's actually the best plan any of you have ever had.
[Even Later]
>Professor: So I've coup-de-graced all three of the vampire brides right?
>GM: [grumbling] yes.
>Professor: ...did they drop any good loot?
I thought it was pretty funny user
This thread reminds me of Darths and Droids.
Thanks guys.
I'm back again by the by. My time's a bit limited, but if anyone has a scene request from the Mummy or any other movie I'll take a crack at it.
How about Kong: Skull Island
The scene first introducing John c Reily's character
Hmm haven't seen it yet and don't have time to go out to the theater this evening, sorry.
There should be at least one scene addressing Andy Serkis deciding to star in another King Kong film after just how badly he died last time he did that.
The Mummy is litterally always what comes to mind when I think about RPG's in media.
Especially the trope "Our group of heroes accidentally release an ancient evil that they must now stop." Hell my group pulled this shit on their first session by accident.
Jeeves and Wooster as a long-running solo MAID campaign.
I don't understand
If you've seen it, could you do the training scene from Hercules?
Det är norska, och filmen är norsk, storsvensktölp
Andy Serkis was a soldier in the King Kong movie with Jack Black in it as well as in Kong.
In the latter... he did not meet a pleasant end.
If you can link me a youtube of the scene and recommend character traits I'll take a shot.
Unfortunately they don't have a clip of the best scene in question, ah well.
The second film is pretty much pure campaign material
Why has nobody posted Rogue One yet?
because le sjw avengers quips
Because is totally an imperial assault expansion pack, not an rpg
I can't believe no one has posted Big Trouble in Little China, which is clearly a modern wu-shu game gone horribly right.
Or Showdown in Little Tokyo, where Brandon Lee and Dolph Lundgren are trying to play cops, but instead play typical adventuring murderhobos.
What would be a good system for running a game with something like The Mummy's aesthetic be, anyway?
Because it's shit famalamadingdong
Savage Worlds is the most correct answer there ever was. Spirit of the Century is also a good answer.