This is a japanese orc.
This is a japanese orc
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No, that's Ganon, wielder of the Triforce of Power and all-around asshole. Easy mistake to make.
>this is a japanese santa claus
Yes. That is also Ganon who is to orcs what Superman is to humans.
He reminds me of the Ratmen from Fone Bone.
This is Tunisian Easter Bunny.
>Fuck you too, Japan.
Santa died for our sins.
This is a Japanese Dorf.
This is a japanese demon.
Which makes sense since Orc were originally pig/boar-like.
No, they weren't. Tolkien's orcs were never described as porcine.
>Tolkien invented Orcs
In the modern context? He absolutely did. Before Tolkien, "orcs" were just an obscure way of saying "demons" or "evil spirits."
Apply yourself.
>Concept of a single person inventing fantasy
As they exist now.
Etymology is from 'Orcus' and intertwines with faerie tales about ogres.
But contesting this is bollocks anyway. Kobolds not being house spirits, gnomes not being house spirits, dwarves not being house spirits, elves not being house spirits...
If by "originally" you mean in early editions of D&D, then yes.
>early editions of D&D
But that where 99.9% of Japanese depictions of western fantasy creatures come from
Case in point, Kobolds being doggos because a lose translation of one of the MMs
Those thing were orcs? I thought they were Uruk Hai, ash born creature goblin thing.This is an American kaiju not iguana
No, these are.
This is a japanese dragon
Those are cute. What're they from?
Final Fantasy XI. (R.I.P. 2001-2010)
This is a western dragon
No, THIS is American Kaiju
Two nukes weren't enough.
> I thought they were Uruk Hai, ash born creature goblin thing
Uruk-hai means orc-folk, but is used to describe the bigger breeds. Goblin is the common word for orc. It's orcs all the way down.
It's the Godzilla from the American 2014 movie, which everyone fatshamed
Please remove yourself and return to reddit
This is a japanese goblin.
This is a japanese orc.
God, if those didn't have the weird human teeth they'd be perfect! Just give them tusks damn you Miyamoto!
Mediocre, ugly, die in one hit, do hit hard at least.
Kobolds were mine demons/spirits.
Not surprising, given that Japanese religion, as a concept, is basically incompatible with our western understanding of it. Japan, like most of the far east, has always practiced massively syncretistic "pragmatism" faiths by which beliefs were casually and routinely adopted, switched around and discarded based on perceived everyday utility ("Oh, this traveler from China claims he has a prayer that works against ghosts. Cool."). The religious "institution" never quite organized because people were too focused on stuff like talismans and spells on the one hand and sweeping philosophical generalizations like "the Buddha" on the other.
Like, most modern Japanese couldn't even tell you what their religion is. Throughout their lives, they participate in Shinto, Buddhist, and Christian rituals interchangeably and with the same amount of fervor. They see no problem with celebrating "Christmas" (or getting it completely wrong) because to them, it doesn't preclude also giving offerings to Eleven-Headed Kanon OR bringing over a Buddhist exorcist when they buy a new apartment.
No, these are the Japanese orcs (soon to be "were").
What's happening to them?
Not very clear, but there's a not-too-unlikely rumor that the Japanese government keeps list of remaining Ainu families so they can ensure they don't marry anyone or breed too much. Their population has been decreasing for the past century and it's not a secret the main Japanese ethnic group/Yamato would very much like them to go extinct already.
There are people who do that in their own way even when it's illegal to research clan/caste kinda things.
Actually, Ainu orcs would be pretty badass, on top of a rather nonstandard twist on the trope. Bears instead of wolves, for once.
to be fair, she's from a separate culture entirely. She's technically an Ainu dragon.
Japanese art is fucking terrible fuck you weeboos!
Don't swallow the fan bullshit, that game has about as much to do with actual Eastern European culture as Bartok the Magnificent.
Well yeah, it was Commie fantasy pulp. Similar way Kanna is to Japanese mythology
>In the modern context? He absolutely did.
If we go by influence, I think Warcraft and Warhammer had more influence on the modern depiction of Orcs.
I don't think this video has ever been more relevant to a conversation before
This is a japanese troll.
That's not a Japanese troll user. This is.
This is a Japanese Outer God.
This is a Japanese elf.
The differences are negligible, they make them as slutty as we do.
This is a Japanese DM that has had his magical realm going for a good 20 years now. And his daughteru who finally got old enough to want to play too.
>most modern Japanese couldn't even tell you what their religion is.
Not entirely true. Their government requires rhem to register their faith, and technically syncreticism has been outlawed. In practice, however, syncreticism is still alive and well and a registered Japanese Shintoist might have more in common with a Zen Buddhist as far as the faith goes than other Shintoists.
Back when I was traveling in rural Japan, I made a game out of entering a temple and asking people whether any particular statue represented a god or a Buddha. Not only would I get both answers for each one, sometimes I'd get people to start arguing about it. Sometimes one of them would be the temple monk or priest. Sometimes BOTH would be.
I want to fug that cow
Blue board, user
This is a Japanese king of dragons
tbf poland kind of blurs the line
oversized everything
No it's not.
No, this is.
Don't forget japanese hamster
>house spirits
>house spirits
>house spirits
>house spirits
Congratulations, you managed to be wrong about everything.
What the heck is that deer thing?
I much prefer this Bahamut to kindly human-guised Bahamut.
The eliminator of evil by purging the world with celestial fire.
No, THIS is a western dragon.
No, this is a western dragon.
where's the American dog character from? looks familiar.
You seen what they did with Cthulhu Mythos? nothing but trash!
I for one approve of frog-orcs *(frorcs?)
Its the reason I liked the orcs in the animated Hobbit/LotR movies from the 70s (technically they were more bulldog, but certainly had some frog-like qualities too)
Kobolds were trickster mine spirits/goblins, they were what gremlins were to fighter planes.
Gnomes were alchemical spirits of earth, elementals.
Dwarves were mythological beings that were expert miners and craftsmen, believed today to be Northern European peoples' interpretation of southern peoples.
Elves are the only you had close to right. In Anglo-Saxon tradition, the word denotes a wide range of different types of pagan spirits, but were often tricksters that would fuck with your farm and home, but most D&D interpretations take from Tolkien, whom himself took from the Scandinavian elves, who were more something of a near-angelic-like race.
So I'd give you a D- on your comments. If you want a quintessential house spirit race however, look to Brownies.
That's not best frog.
Kobolds and Gnomes are house spirits. Elves and Dwarves aren't. Why would you even want those in your house.
I knew radiation can do weird things to your body, but that I didn't expect.
That's the good shit right there man. Bartebly and Kingdok were my favorite in during childhood.
Goblin and orc are interchangable in Tolkien's works. Basically, "orc" is mostly used for Uruk-hai, and goblin for the smaller breeds, but both can be referred by either term. Uruks are a specific brees of orc/goblin
These designs were ok, but BotW Moblins are where it's at for me
Their design is the most unique and interesting, by far. Really dig how they got this mix of dog and pig going on.
This is a British goblin.
Uh, no, that's a skeleton by now .
Neither is that
Felt more like Pig-Elephant-Tapir to me.
I would have liked a "Windwaker but with full blown boar tusks' look best but BotW is really up there.
Tomtar(gnomes) were norse house spirits that fucked you up if you didn't give them porridge on the winter solstice.
It's a toss up with elves, since they are mostly depicted as a mix between álfor and älvor.
>Why would you even want [an elf] in your house
Is he going to rape those little boys?
>pelts you with twigs when you throw garbage at the wrong bin
>always looks at you like a dumbfounded cat
>you have to hose her just to get her down a tree
>always judgmental
>would rape you if shes in heat
>and her only notion of hygiene is a tongue bath
dat ass
This is a pretty accurate representation of modern Christmas in general
Ganon is fucking metal. Downfall timeline is the most realistic timeline.
I advise you to do some source searching friend.
FFXI still exists. It's just crazy different from how it was at launch.
What's the drawback?
I dislike how stretched they are.