I heard you like keywords.
Amonkhet Spoilers
Card would be better if it cost less and/or did more.
I am contributing to the conversation
>Sweltering Suns
>~ deals 3 damage to each creature.
>Cycling 3
>Creature - Sphinx
>Whenever ~ becomes the target of a spell or ability for the first time each turn, counter that spell or ability.
Not bad, honestly. Especially with being exactly big enough to dodge it.
Literally the most exciting card spoiled so far
Insane, I love it!
Maybe if you're a faggot babby edh autist
And you can tell it's been pushed to all hell
oh great, another proud, independent woman of color who needs no man. How original
this set is literally EDH garbage the set.
This is easily the worst-designed card I have ever seen.
I am I the only one glad that this Kangz is not a plainswalker? Why could we get pic related.
>6/4 haste for five with other junk
I mean he hardly seems terrible.
I was expecting worse. 6 body lets it avoid a couple effects. The ability works nicely with the set theme.
With embalm? Or is the 5UU ability something else?
But it would be better if it did more and/or cost less.
With keen observations like these you can tell I am a strong magic player.
It's embalm
>no deathtouch
>no flying
literally unplayable
So is she a villain or the Jacetice League's newest buddy? Do we even know yet?
that's the kind of card even /ccg/ would call bad design. wtf is wotc thinking.
Why do you post this every thread? Just go jack off already.
Oh hey, she's wearing the Set of Favor
This plus the new mana dork that removes -1/-1 counters could be pretty baller
They could just get rid of the haste as a keyword, and have 'creatures you control have haste'.
Would remove 2 unnecessary words and make it a little cleaner
>in a world created by a grixis elder dragon
$10 says unawakened nuWalker.
So we're getting another 'Stronk Female character stands up to bad peoples and gets Planeswalkers to help' episode? Damn.
If they were going that route couldn't they have at least brought someone better back, like Elspeth?
Don't give them ideas.
>Samut, Voice of Dissent
>Voice of Dissent
Gee I wonder, will the anti-authority character be a good guy?
In the lore she's a native heretic opposing Nicol Bolas, so she's definitely a good guy.
The artist already hinted it she was a planeswalker.
Current templating rules seem to be for creatures to just have keywords rather than giving themselves keywords (except for slivers), and for those keywords to be listed at the top of the rules text.
I personally agree that it would have been better to go with your templating, but I can kinda see why WotC would want to have consistency.
>He isn't playing the best format in magic
I for one look forward to hitting her with Slave of Bolas in casual games at uni. I think I still have a few of those in my collection.
Hey Kimberly Kreines don't you have a block to Kangz up?
so this is basically top-down "always in combat forever"
I want a Jackal. Your shitty kang can go fuck off
Why does she have flash and haste, flash usualy bypass the need for haste as you're casting it at eot and can attack before sorcery speed removal.
This card is a desing mess
There is no good MtG format, let alone best format.
>Draft/Limited: crapshoot with random cards
>Standard: play one of two decks or lose
>Modern: Aggro the Tappening
>Legacy: incestuous circlejerk that no one can get into
>Vintage: the format nobody plays
>EDH/Commander: I combo before you combo, gg no re
I want Bolas to show up and do absolutely nothing evil, he's just there as the Jacetice League points fingers at him as the crowd slowly turns on them.
Bonus points if they lose Gideon to cat pussy and he tells them to fuck off along the way.
>Don't give them ideas.
I wouldn't dare. Whatever crap I come up with would be better than the official storyline. They could ask second graders to write the storyline and it'd come out better than what they've got. No, I'm just stating what they're blatantly already doing.
Who? I'm assuming that's some nigger /pol/ is mad at recently.
>EDH/Commander: I combo before you combo, gg no re
Only if your play group are tryhard faggots.
My best guess is that they want you to flash it in and use the tap ability. No way to have a instant speed tapper without flash and haste.
I do think the card is a bit mess. Feels weirdly too pushed. Either the character is very important for ongoing storylines or RGW really really needed some help in the FFL.
Bolas did not create Amonkhet though, it was all a lie by the whites
Boy the irony of you complaining about SJW shit is plapable.
Besides, it's not like being a Planeswalker is some great honor. All the worst characters in MTG are Planeswalkers introduced post Time Spiral. Much better to be a legendary creature, a card type with a long and venerable history.
confirmed for being shit at draft
What kind of design-by-committee garbage is this? I thought legendaries were supposed to be special
>EDH/Commander: Jank made viable, the format
So going by the thread that's up for the new story, this could legitimately be the case.
God fucking damnit.
what kind of animal is this? Is this the Jackal or is the red god?
This is actually ridiculous
5 power flyer, extreme card advantage/ resilience
>yfw the gatewatch accidentally lure Phyrexia to Amonkhet and ruin everything again
How is she in any way good in edh?
ah, makes sense
>Super excited about New zombies
>oh there goes all my tokens I guess
That wouldn't work. nuPhyrexia would be BTFO easily by Bolas. Without Karn they have nothing that can compete with a planeswalker.
Doesn't die to bolt.
Are you OK user? Did you accidentally time travel here from a week ago and also have inch thick cataracts?
Your post really seems to hint at the fact that you don't find ccg strategy stimulating, which is weird because there's actually a lot to offer. Obviously limited means you don't get exactly the cards you want, but that enables it to be freshly engaging each draft. EDH is hardly the most combo oriented format and if you keep getting beaten by combo I suppose you just don't have the right mental faculties for deckbuilding.
Not every format is for everyone, but if you can't find a single one that speaks to you maybe look at other games like board games.
>Without Karn they have nothing that can compete with a planeswalker.
>What is a Negator?
Kinda? A friend of mine paid my entry to the pre-release even though i haven't played in 6 years, so i figured i should look up the cards. Yesterday and today are the first days I've looked at this set.
I say stuff like that mostly as absurd hyperbole to highlight the fact that there really is no best format. There's a time and place for each of them, but there's no no useful discussion that can be generated by arguing over which is best.
Personally i play Modern, Commander and Pauper the most. I'm also trying to get better at draft, but I have a harder time wrapping my head around it and only ever go 2- 1 at best.
>lotus bloom now $25
>ancestral vision is nearly $70 and rising
Great job, Wizards.
I want a Jackel too, but my pic is of an Egyptian women, so I will take either or.
>being at all a threat to a real Planeswalker like Bolas
Negators could kill Old Walkers. That being said I'm not sure if there are any Negators left nor do I know how their power level compares to Oblitorators
So why would I buy anything from this set when unlimited cat works combo still exists?
Is this a joke? This looks so bad, am i missing something?
bant or BUG seems legit
I like her.
Every now and again you need a word salad legend.
Lotus bloom is still under 10 euros on MCM, and that's for the superior prerelease one
yankees lmao
It's a strictly better spellheart
Is this good or no? Just seems like a bunch of keywords stapled together. It is nice to get a tri-color commander in such a fashion but damn. Other than being a haste enabler for naya tokens what does this do?
Am i supposed to sac and recur this until my opponents dead or is it just supposed to be a bear with an upside?
Very okay boardwipe. Anger of the gods sees play but that's because of the exile clause. Wil this be anything big or just a budget anger.
Wish we got cooler sphinxes on the egypt plane
Shitty for standard, mediocre for edh. unplayable anywhere else. Now that all the gods are out and they're all trash I'm going to just say its because bolas feared his creation turning on them so he made them intentionally weak.
>prevent 1 damage
actaully thats not-
>5 cmc
Pffft Ahahahhahahhaha
Don't even have to attack to win anymore.
>Other than being a haste enabler for naya tokens what does this do?
Voltron, you stick a rancor on it n shiet
2/10 needs more abilities.
>bolas feared his creation turning on them so he made them intentionally weak.
And WotC fears putting any effort into designing interesting cards so they made them intentionally boring.
Yes, it's good to pop a defender or untap an exerted creature
Use the zombie with Lili's ult and a boardwipe to friccin bean your enemy's
>no haste
enjoy tripping over my kobold tokens
>no haste
fuck you on about
*fug meant no trample
Well, I actually like this card.
Seeing that the effect for Oblitorators is "Whenever a source deals damage to Phyrexian Obliterator, that source's controller sacrifices that many permanents" an obliterator can "kill" a walker. However, since this is in a story and not actually playing against another person with a Bolas card, the writers would probably hand wave the effect away because "muh walkers". Planeswalker cards were a mistake and a cash grab
Is vehicles dead now?
with haste you sound super reatrded.
with trample, what is what you actually wanted to say, you still sound retarded because rancor was already said some posts ago and is easily appliable.
Why is everyone complaining about wanting a jackal, we got a beastfolk, this is clearly an ancient Egypt style baboon-headed human, like Hapi
Vehicles got kill with mean teacher of combo hate
She works for WotC she's a white women who is lead creative design, aka she is in charge of how many We Waz are going to be in the block.
I remember when this guy used to be okay
As a follow up to this...
Is this set really under powered or is it just me? The Rares seem ok, and a couple of the uncommons are good, but this seems really weak over all.
I'm thinking boros looks best in draft so far? Maybe Orz? Solo green maybe if you get the rares?