This movie was, well, my roommates have bitched about it for an hour. Is 40k Really this bad?
I want this Hour of My Life Back
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The story and voice acting is actually pretty solid and faithful to 40k. It was written by one of the better black library authors. Where the whole movie falls short is the animation, which it was a small studio that did the best with what was given to them. Other than that it was a faitfhful story to the setting.
If you want good in all fronts (mostly), check out this other project that is currently in the works:
Let me put it this way - there is virtually no mention of this movie within any 40K community, except to mock it.
While does a fair job defending it, at the end of the day it's still really, really bad, and there ARE quite a few holes in lore that don't get explained.
TL;DR Nobody thinks highly of this movie.
Play the drinking game:
1 shot for each time they say Codex Astartes
1 shot for each time they say Maccrage
One drink of beer for each fallen battle brother.
It's "fun".
It's boring. They spend fucking half of it walking around.
>Is 40k Really this bad?
No, if it was then it wouldn't have survived for the past 30 years.
That movie is absolute shit though, Dan Abnett cant write a movie worth shit. They spend half the movie walking and the other half talking, there's no tension, the characters are beyond bland and the animation is piss poor even for its time.
Cool music though.
"Get to Cover"
"No, They'll Be Expecting That"
Tried it once. Was surprised when I realized they say Codex Astartes only once, Courage and Honor never, but got absolutely fucking shitfaced because they could got stop talking about Maccrage.
>got stop
not, fixed. Weird typo.
Honestly the only things I liked were
>heavy bolter fucking up the tower
>distortion around the daemon
That was it. The rest was shit to meh tier.
Is there an explanation to why its their first mission but they're full marines? I watched this once a while ago and have tried to block it from memory. It was not good. Not even fun in the bad way.
Nope. Abnett wrote it and decided to disregard pretty much ALL the fluff so he could have them act like idiots.
>explanation to why its their first mission but they're full marines?
Right up there with the crozius that shoots blue magic, the banner that lights itself on fire if Daemons are nearby but doesn't burn, and them suddenly being based in a "chapter house" instead of the Fortress of Hera.
Not to mention that they all act like it is literally their first time with a gun in their hands, where they should have had at least a solid decade of training by the time they even get their Black Carapace.
>The story and voice acting is actually pretty solid and faithful to 40k.
Incorrect. John Hurt was clearly phoning his performance in and I'm not convinced that Terrance Stamp had actually read the script beforehand.
>It was written by one of the better black library authors.
Dan Abnett's dialogue is consistently awful.
He writes great descriptions, which are nowhere to be found in a screenplay.
>Where the whole movie falls short is the animation, which it was a small studio that did the best with what was given to them.
It's glorified work-for-hire, Games Workshop commissioned a film and got exactly what they paid for. Don't try to foist this off on the animators.
>Other than that it was a faitfhful story to the setting.
Can't argue with this. It faithfully recreates the soul-crushing despair that one must experience as a citizen of the Imperium, the only escape from which is death.
In english the movie is boring, but de translation in my language made it fun. It' so bad that i laugh each time i hear it.
The poor translation begin from the start with the "We are in the fourty-one century". That and some replies all more retarded than the previous ones make the movie not so bad.
Watch-it with your friends and take a shot each time you hear or see something retarded and/or non-canon.
There is no non-canon in 40k. Just alternative facts.
>is there an explanation
Dan Abnett is a hack.
It's a shame that MST3K will never riff this movie because between the sandstorm and the rock climbing scenes, this movie is a prime example of DEEP HURTING!
What is Lord of the Rings?
There was more percentage of walking in this movie than there was even in Lord of the Rings. And even if, by some design, there wasn't, Lord of the Rings gives you more interesting things to look at while they're walking than an empty desert.