I need ideas for a Beastfolk setting. I'm thinking I'll try to make it Grimbright sort of thing but other then that I've got no ideas for cultures, cities, religions or anything. Pic related is the kind of thing I'm thinking of ripping ideas of though
Does anyone have any to share?
Daniel Jenkins
When you say Beastfolk, are you talking just mammals, or are you including other kinds of animals.
If so, maybe have all the weird not-warm-blooded stuff as the kind of alien eldritch creepazoids that drive some of the plot?
Nathaniel Sanders
so seeing how they're fighting a tiger I'm guessing you're going to do a east vs west king of thing with traditional European animals like wolves, rabbits, and bears against more eastern themed animals like tigers, pandas, and monkeys.
Sebastian Green
I'm going for more of a "Animals that walk on to legs and are smart" then a "Let's yiff behind the tavern" furry thing. I hadn't thought about that but non-mamales would be considered quite allien, so that's a good idea.
In the game he's actually a Lion. I'd rather not pull on the whole east vs west thing because I rather run more adventure focused games then political.
Logan Campbell
In that case, what kind of animals are you thinking of your core races? If we're going with Armello's kind of vaguely european woods feel, you'd probably get Wolves, Rabbits, Boars, Bears, Weasels, various large cats, Mice, all that kind of classical stuff.
Did you have any ideas on what kind of tech level or general era you wanted?
Ryder Taylor
how complex of an adventure? Because if you want something simple just have it that every tribe/race of beastfolk are being forced to join force to stop an ancient dragon of legend that has resurfaced for some reason.
Dylan Gutierrez
Dragon nothing, if this is just animals you could totally do it with some kind of strange, exotic animal to the area. Like a crocodile, or maybe a hippopotamus.
Jayden Thomas
I was hoping the have tech levels be early Renaissance. Both me and my players like early firearms in settings so it would definitely include that.
For core races I was going to keep it mostly European set but I think having the world already widely traveled could be good. It would allow me to mix it up with races that aren't local to the kind of areas they're in and to give the players freedom to chose the race they want.
Maybe saying I wouldn't want it to be political wasn't the right way thing to say. Traveling large distances and dealing with different customs are all things I'd like to include, but I'd rather avoid a war between x and y or ancient evil has awoken as the main plot.
Though after ruling them out I don't have any other ideas off the top of my head.
Isaiah Long
I can see that, all the local tribes only bronze age tech or lower but a new tribe shows up that's more advance and all the local tribes need to set aside their differences to stop this new threat.
Evan Jackson
They all fuck each other in the ass. This is what you're waiting to hear, ain't I right? Piss off from Veeky Forums forever.
Brody Barnes
To me this sounds like a cool antagonist in this would be something along the lines of a big mercenary band, or maybe some kind of weird building evil, like coldblooded cults starting plagues to soften up for an invasion, or an aspiring warlord developing the early prototype Gatling Gun and going on a conquest rampage.
Aaron Lee
yiff in hell furfaggo
Camden Miller
>Traveling large distances and dealing with different customs are all things I'd like to include, but I'd rather avoid a war between x and y or ancient evil has awoken as the main plot. Group of adventures/body guards hired by a map maker wanting to explore and chart the known world before he's to old and hoping by doing so will let him retire with enough money to support his family till the end of his days. Adventure hooks could include him stumbling across old ancient ruins for you party to explore that he found while comparing old maps with his newer ones. Him being kidnapped by locals of wherever your party ends up for whatever reason. Hell if you don't want the party to feel like they have to follow him around all the time you could have it that he'll stop at certain points to make his maps and just have your players wonder around around doing "local" quest or even have points where they split up cause the old bastard could be a cheap prick and pay for a ship to let him cross a river or something but tell the players they have to walk about a day south to cross a bridge and then head back up to meet him in town. Really just tossing ideas out a window here.
Asher Campbell
Make size difference actually matter. The rabbit and the rats in your picture should be small, like a real rabbit standing on its legs. The bear should be the tank. A rat rogue should be squishy but insanely hard to hit. Tiny animals have little cities within cities in which big ones are not allowed to go full Godzilla.
Grayson Martinez
>something along the lines of a big mercenary band
Oh, I've actually always wanted to use that for a campaign. A bunch of seedy characters who aren't some end of the world bullshit, they just oppose the party in some major issue and eventually it becomes personal.
The idea of someone beginning to develop more powerful weaponry is a good one as well and easy enough to put in somewhere down the line.
That's a really good one for the start of the campain. I can tie the Mercenary group in as an occasional antagonist while they help the guy out until they butt heads with the party over some major issue they have to deal with.
I'm most likely using either D&D 5e or Ironclaw but I'm open to other ideas if it'll make including things like size easier.
Then again D&D 5e doesn't have many advantages to being Large aside from taking up more space and carrying stuff easier. So it shouldn't be too hard to make races somewhere between Small and Large.
James Perry
Nah. I want to hear that they lust for human cock, and prefer mating with humans over their own species. Kind of like elves.
Henry Peterson
>Wanting humans in your furry porn
I may be into bloodplay, cub, abuse and masochism but you're a completely irredeemable sicko.
Levi Martinez
Honestly when I think of mercenaries in any setting, It makes me want to run the game in Reign, but that's a lot less down to earth adventure and a lot more "the pc's now run a country" in its progression.
Thomas Evans
Do you have any good ideas for mercenary related things from it? I've never heard of Reign.
Austin Cox
Reign is an rpg from Greg Stoltze that I like a lot. The system is pretty rules light, and its based around the idea of having both ground level PC combat and rolls, and higher level combat and rolls for your party's warband/army/kingdom/country/empire.
For mercenary stuff, I would probably go with the mercenary band being a group with a (kind of) noble goal, but who are complete dickbags to everyone in their way of it. Give them a charismatic, unscrupulous leader, a loyal elite group of badasses, and you've got your self an antagonist.
If you've read Berserk, think of how to everyone NOT in the band of the hawk, Griffith is a huge dick for pretty much the whole Golden Age. To the people who aren't under his banner of hiring him, the whole band are huuuuuuuuge dicks.
Isaiah Long
deferent guy but if you go with the temple ruins things you could have it that the mercs are sacking it for the loot to sell to try and fund the their company when you party comes along.
Ryder Watson
Let's see what ideas I can come up with years of Redwall (and other furry) experience.
>The prophecy tells of a band of heros that vaugely resemble your party.
>The rivers are dominated by certain species of animals. From the hardworking and industrios Beaver-folk that live in grand water front plantation homes, to simple and boasterous Otterfolk. Occasionally disputes over fueds new and old rise up between them.
>An ancient civilization of great strength once flourished long ago in these parts. There is said to one remnant left; a mighty warrior king said to be both wise and ferocious in combat. The king is rumored to be of a race of people long since extinct.
>Several species are known to primarily serve the dark forces in the land. However, this is not true for all, and even good and honest critters are the target of hatred and suspicion in these dark times.
>Each species of animal follows one or two primary gods. Temples exist that preach the teachings of these Gods to their mortal offspring. However, a new religion has sprung up offering salvation to all peoples, not just to one particular species. The members of this religious seem honest enough, and do many good things, but many see them as heretics against the old ways.
>There are said to be people born in the oldest swamps without fur. They are covered in armor and reek of fish and mud. Rumors say they hold powerful magic, but speak in an unidentifiable tounge, can they be convinced to help stop the evils in the land?
>Many people live in one area their whole lives, but not the Crows. Living a entirely nomadic lifestlye, they haul great hoards of "valuables" ontop of the backs of the giant mountain-beatles of which they make their homes. Either welcomed as merchants or reviled as theives and snakeoil salesmen (sometimes literally), the Crows make a profitable living selling trinkets and other objects of interest.
Basically take cliches and run with them. All in the presentation.
Logan Lopez
That's a good idea on how to run the band. I want the party to try and be convinced that fighting them is something they want to do, not need to do. I'm thinking I'll weave it into smaller plot lines as Rivals until the end of the arc.
Think I'll go with this for one of the first adventures. Maybe even recovering something for the mapmaker and the Mercenaries want it as well.
These are all awesome ideas for background and adventures. I really love the idea of a member of an extinct race holed up somewhere for them to seek out.
Robert Lewis
>Think I'll go with this for one of the first adventures. Maybe even recovering something for the mapmaker and the Mercenaries want it as well. and if they actually get the item that could be a good reason why the mercs would kidnap the map maker later down the road. And hell as long as you actually have the map maker pay the party every now and then they'll probably go and try and help him. But if they're murder hobos I would suggest putting banks or something in certain towns that the map maker draws his money from so they just don't kill and rob him while on the road.
Daniel Mitchell
Thinking of that kind of extinct race idea, what about weird nonviable races like Ligers?
Now I'm just picturing having a recurring enemy or member of the mercenary band be a liger, who by virtue of being a liger is FUCKING HUGE. Give that thing a greathammer and watch the bodies fly.
Gavin Morales
Jesus fuck those things are big. It's definetly going in there somewhere as a mountain of meat, muscel and claws.
I'm lucky enough that my players aren't murderhobo freaks, if they spend a long enough period of time with the guy they'll hopefully grow fond of him.
Any ideas for a good mapmaker race that's not very physically able?
Logan Barnes
>Any ideas for a good mapmaker race that's not very physically able? avians? I mean hollow bones, the ability to get a literal birds eye view of the land. Just pick a non bird of pray and you'll probably be set. Oh and if you players have ever seen the holy grail stay away from swallows. Both the European and African ones.
Ryder Bennett
Not exactly the same but we played a little-beings sort of game where the setting was the normal, modern world, but there were tiny humans (borrowers) and animals were insularly intelligent (to one another but not to humans).
It was quite fun though, with the group including some tiny humans, and some animals of similar size. We had to face some real world problems and encountered various threats from environmental to other animals. The BBEG was a cat even.
Nicholas Brooks
>It's a tradition generations old. The Tiger and Lion kingdoms come together and the royal class marry their first born sons and daughters together. The offspring of these unions are always large in stature, strength, and will, but are unable to have children themselves. These hybrids are tasked to be peacekeepers, and symbols of unity between the otherwise animous kingdoms.
Could be cool.
Jackson Perry
I'm curious. What is the draw to beastfolk settings/games? What do they offer that more traditional fantasy settings don't?
>inb4 furfag degeneracy
Nolan Torres
In terms of royal lines and such, that would be a terrible idea though.
Maybe something more along the lines of an old myth between two warring tribes. Since they're both big predators, they'd probably feud over territory and resources all the time. It's been generations since the Lion Prides and Tiger Streaks have met in peace, but legends speak that when they did, they created warriors without equal, cursed to never pass on their strength as it was too great, even for them.
Isaac Brooks
Eh, sometimes you just wanna play Redwall or Mouse Guard.
Charles Hughes
A couple of my players and myself are actually furries and all my players specifically requested it.
I like animals and find beastfolk charming and fun.
It makes things a little bit different and lets you play up the fantasy and rule of cool a little bit.
There's so many movies and books out there with an animal cast that wouldn't be as interesting if it was all human.
Ayden Hill
Ehh. I imagine things with litters don't hold first borns in such high regard.
Henry Allen
Grayson Lewis
Oh, murr. Please call me filth user.
Cameron Edwards
comes down to personal taste really.
But sometimes it can be that people just get tired of playing elves and dwarves all the time but don't really want to come up with a completely original race but don't want some not-elves/dwarves/humans/ect race and beastfolk races are easier to just bullshit then most others. I mean bear folk are big tough S.O.B.s, wolves work well in groups, Magpies are thieving assholes. It's just easier to bullshit animal people since you have something to actually base them off of.
Aaron Morris
you are the problem: kys have a look at metamorphisis alpha you could start a low tech & go fnuts from there or just use the race generation. yay for handgonnes & firelances
Nathan Anderson
i use dto keep rats: and one of my favourite books was the amazing maurice by Pratchett the borrowers/tiny humans idea appeals too