How do you enjoy your highly infectious space super parasites Veeky Forums?
How do you enjoy your highly infectious space super parasites Veeky Forums?
Oh shit I didn't even notic that Fukken sweet
Able to be transmitted digitally as well as physically.
Metroid style. I'm tempted to unleash X parasites on a Shadowrun party where Metroid genetics to eat X come with a crippling essence cost, just to fuck with the players.
The Thing
Deleting check'em posts.
Fuck you mods, absolutely pathetic and low energy.
Or the black goo stuff from the X files. Just finished the episode Tunguska and I love this stuff
Psychic powers and tentacles
Hiveminds, but initial infection presents signs of mental illness, progressing to a complete breakdown of morals and self-preservation, to finally creating body-horror monsters. Also, the source of the hive-mind needs to have some dimensional fuckery.
Check'd, too.
Well meaning. The viral equivalent of a dog who wants to play with friends. But all of its friends turn into it by proximity. So the large group, feeling alone again, wanders off to find more new friends. Repeat ad infinitum.
In teriyaki sauce.
>Able to be transmitted digitally
I prefer
>Eating raw
>Considered a delicacy in Space China.
Fucking Space Asians man.
This, The Borg and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
>tfw we played a The Thing game and one of the characters willingly got into an intimate relationship with a Thing and even survived for a time
Talk about That Girl.
>one of the characters willingly got into an intimate relationship with a Thing and even survived for a time
Did she get their powers?
how far did the relationship go?
What's this? I was mainly thinking of Exsurgents from Eclipse Phase.
You're alright.
Parasites that take over the body with the host still conscious.
I don't respond to distress calls, so I don't have to deal with that kind of bullshit.
on fire
Oh I love this one.
Totally gonna work. Totally.
that is the worst kind of parasite.
Half life was fucked up because you could hear the guy inside screaming for help and begging to die.
Hell, even the Combine zombies could be heard saying shit. They would report their position to their own dudes and you could hear it. Meaning they were actively trying to prevent death/ be used as a trap.
No she ended up getting assimilated. Well I guess in that sense, she did get the powers.
The whole way, freakiness and all. She managed to trick the Thing into relying on her not being infected and lured it into isolation, during which time she (knowing she was going to die eventually) decided to experiment and make it get intimate with her while witholding on infecting her. Both out of curiosity and a big "Fuck you" to it.
It fit her character who was very scientific and analytical like that, but still felt magical realm. I also blame the DM for using the interpretation of The Thing that he did as well.
Say what you want about the Combine and Overwatch but those guys are professionals.
I like the cumulative hive mind, the more they infect and assimilate the smarter they all become.
I'm getting a bad Rick vibe from this.
And that's how the Thing evolved into Unity
Maybe, but it was more evil and cold/calculating than anything. It was her fault that everything bad happened anyway. Right early on her character figured out and understood what the problem was, and she stood back and let it happen, even encouraged it to, just to see what would happen and study it, to the willing endangerment of everyone.
What about highly incestuous space super parasites?
Sentient, with goals.
Hey, who turned out the lights?
user, my man. You have to tell me where I can read this.
Hands down best waifu
>Can be anyone, anything
>It, and all it's endless resources, strive only to make you happy
they were purposely bred/engineered to be professionals
you notice that unity still allowed the individuals to have some amount of free will? Like when they shit talk the one guy and he says "I can hear you, ya know". Unity is basically a safety net. Though it is funny that when one of the collective gets high/trashed that all of them do.
No way.
>Getting it on
>Randomly turns into a literal animal, like a dog