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Oh hey new thread, this means it's time to post builds.
Jump #305: Final Fantasy XV
>The Sun: A time of contentment and freedom from restraints.
>Age: 19
>Location: Galahd
>Identity: Traveller
>Drawbacks: In The Astral's Service [+6], Misplaced Hatred (+100), A Rapidly Spreading Scourge (+200), A War of Necessity (+300)
Peace?... no. No peace. The Empire is a plague, anyway, their attempts at peace are nothing but subterfuge. Better to cut the pretext. Meanwhile, Bahamut seems like a nice guy, I'll see whether he has any odd jobs...
Oh, he does. Which is to keep the starscourge from spreading, because it's my fault by being here. Not to mention someone else entirely is gunning for me and trying to undermine me. Well, that's just great. So much for my plans of ripping apart the empire alone, I'm going to be too busy dealing with the scourge.
It is of note that I've got (1300) points, and [11] crystals.
>Friends From All Places (1300)
Well, first off then, I'm going to bring in my companions. Not certain as to what they may end up planning - we often go our own ways, after all - but with another wonderful existential threat to the world, I'm sure they'll do what they can to help.
>Just One of Ours (Free, Traveller)
Never hurts for the locals to be friendly to a tourist, right?
>Layers Upon Layers (1200, Traveller)
Ah, now here's something worthwhile and then some. Knowing when I'm being targeted or involved in various plots... yes, this is most useful.
>Rite of Passage (1000, Traveller)
And the next time I have to go through some silly experience to prove I'm worthy of something, rather than just picking up Thor's hammer, it'll be expedited. Handy.
>Forging An Heirloom (700, Traveller)
Ooh, now this I like. It's not very useful for the limited duration of a jump, but honestly... making some sort of heirloom that can be passed along to successors is neat. Doubly so if they can pass along a skill or a power of the user.
>The Matter of the Inheritance [10]
Two skills/powers, rather than one! That sounds very useful.
>Of Predecessors Past [7]
This seems even more useful to me. An imprint of the mind of those who had the item in the past, at least to a limited extent. Spiffy.
>A Modest Proposal (600)
Eat the rich! ...wait no, that's the wrong modest proposal. This is just diplomacy writ large... and diplomatic immunity. I'll take it.
>Noblesse Oblige (400)
Being able to make fast friends with those in power is never a bad thing.
>Rite of Unity (0)
Ah, now here's something most useful: casting with others to geometrically increase the power of what we do. Of course, doing it in this way with eight companions means that if we invest the time and energy, any spell that is cast as a group of nine is two hundred fifty times more powerful. (Note to self: use this to cure cancer in the future, global enchantments are now markedly more awesome.)
>A Test of Faith (Free)
Free is a bit of a misnomer considering this means I have to follow Bahumut's lead for the next ten years. But it could be much, much worse.
>Astral Projection [6]
Okay, I'll admit that being able to teleport via this method is neat. Can't afford to pump it up to powerful levels, though.
>The Tongue of Spirits [5]
Well, it helps to be able to speak in the tongues of the Astrals. And everything else that speaks eldritch tongues. Bahumut does like to yell at me now, though. Calls it motivation.
>Purity of Spirit [3]
Ah, now this is useful - purifying those affected by the scourge. I'm sure the oracle (whomever they may be, Bahamut isn't talking) will appreciate an extra set of helping hands.
>Breakwater [0]
Now THIS is what I need, considering what's going on., The ability to push the daemons and infection back, to clean up places that have been infected. Sure, I can't hold it all back single handedly, but I can at least put a dent in it.
My build pretty much shows my plans to be obvious and evident. Quite honestly, 80% of my time was spent dealing with demons and trying to purge as much of the starscourge as I could. There was a depressingly large amount of this.
10% of my time was spent sabotaging the SHIT out of the Empire of Niflheim and trying to make sure as many refugees as possible could escape. A further 5% was dedicated to sending my own magitech knights against their magitek infantry, though I purposefully made them appear shoddy and reverse engineered. Right up until they weren't, and were present in massive numbers. Sure, this was just at the end when the plot lines finally came to a head, but I made certain that the heroes could do their thing, and that the empire would quite thoroughly crumble once the emperor was taken out by the heroes.
(The remaining 5% was spent with myself and my companions laughing at the blatant project placement because what the fuck Squaresoft. Audi? American Express? Roen? Uniqlo? Fucking cup noodles? You truly have sold out as much as possible, haven't you? What a disgrace.)
So is Rin's jewelcraft the best Magecraft specialization for someone with the Second Magic or would something else be better?
Reposting at the advice of an user, due to poor timing the first time it was posted:
Hiya thread.
So, you guys remember that SoAnon debacle a little while ago?
While I was particularly furious about it, and said some harsh things about SoAnon, another user, that claimed to be her friend although not a very good one given what they did to her, or rather the regard she could have had here, but that's just my opinion said that she was actually a really decent person, despite the way she behaves.
So I want to ask you guys, what are your impressions of SoAnon and how do you feel about her behaviour? Have I been too harsh on her for the way she shat on us as she left? Does she deserve some forgiveness and consideration?
I'd really like to know.
Thanks in advance.
Jump #306: Chocobo's Dungeon
>King of Wands: An artist who can take hold of an idea and make it a reality through bold action.
>Age: 15
>Location: Aboard the Invincible (Free Choice)
>Race: Chocobo
>Situations: The Heirophant, Temperance, Judgement (+300)
So, not all the monsters are going to be adversarial, but it'll complicate things. Because dungeon politics! Damn shame that most of the treasure chests all over the place are full of junk and monster parts though. Especially with that one moogle following me everywhere, making more monsters chase me about!
>Fancy Footwork (Free, Chocobo)
Apparently I can use my feet practically as hands? Chocobos...
>Not A Burdened Beast (1200, Chocobo)
Coupled with the type of chocobo I am, I suspect a kick from me should be someone through a wall.
>A Matter Of Plumage: Black Chocobo (1000, Chocobo)
Hush little baby, don't say a word. Jumper's gonna bring you a big black bird.
>A Sense Of Larceny (900)
Rather handy to be able to tell what's in a chest or box, yeah? As long as the treasure chest isn't a mimic. Makes for a bad day.
>Unnecessary Fail-Safes (700)
I would argue that putting such things into anything I create is a VERY necessary fail-safe. Remote detonation is nifty.
>What Is Aerodynamics? (500)
It doesn't matter how silly or loaded down I am with things, it won't slow me down. Physics are for amateurs.
>Danger Zone (400)
L̶A̶N̶A̶A̶A̶ ahem. Right! Being able to spot a trap is the first step to avoiding them. Not all traps should be sprung, at least not unless it works in my favor.
>The Dungeon Delver's Shack (0)
Oh, we're going to have so many upgrades. A flower garden! A pond! A tune up station! A place for sculptures! Even a cauldron to bubble.
Frankly... this is me taking time to enjoy a semi-vacation jump, after the pain in the ass of PRODUCT PLACEMENT: THE GAME. I'm not even in it for the loot, though it's a nice plus, I'm just going to have fun running through the dungeons from time to time.
Does the magic-boosting Aspect in PGtE apply to magic from out-of-jump?
Why even bring this up. She's gone. Digging her up is like playing archaeologist with old fossils that don't make any difference except drag up bad feelings and bad impressions. If you don't like her then that's your opinion. This has no relevance to jumpchain aside from drama.
What kind of news is on your tv today jumper?
Not a fan.
I'll just leave it at that.
Actually, one more build to post before I run out the door to work, because why not.
Jump #307: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
>Two of Cups: A great concordance or pledge of fidelity.
Appropriate, since I've chosen to work alongside the hero and help him as much as I can, rather than replacing him outright.
>Location: Foresta
>Drawback: Benjamin (0)
I don't mind not being the main character, honestly.
>No Nose? Who Knows? (+50)
As though any of you are surprised by THIS one. I'll just try to keep my face hidden behind armor for now.
>Pixelated (+50)
Everything looks very... snazzy. Wait, no, I meant SNES-y.
>Can You Spare 2 GP For A Cup Of Coffee? (+50)
...ugh, I think I'll let Benjamin talk to people and just follow his lead.
>Stoic Monsters (+100)
Doesn't mean much, just keep hitting them until they die. It'll just be trickier to know how much it takes to grind them into the dirt.
>More Battlefields (+200)
The first step in making the world more formidible. There used to be twenty battlefields. Now there are significantly more.
>Deeper Battlefields (x4) (+400)
30 groups of enemies to wade through instead of ten! ...not really a big surprise.
>Extra Encounters (x10) (+500)
More monsters in the dungeons, too. This world's been pretty badly overrun, hasn't it?
>The Video Game Atlas Was Wrong (+200)
Welp, half the meta-knowledge I had is useless now. Oh well, we'll have to deal with it.
>Total: (+1550)
That is an awful lot of monsters, though at least they're not being made stronger or smarter.. Let's see what I can do to make it worthwhile.
>Chocobo's Dungeon
I didn't even know we had that.
>Sword Expertise (1350)
Sure, I've learned enough over the years from wielding swords, but it doesn't hurt to have the innate ability from the jump to strike twice as fast.
>Excalibur (1250, Sword Expertise)
If I'm going to have swords, better to go big. With the hordes of monsters, we'll need that. (Wait, does Ben get one too?)
>A Bit Of Safety (1100)
Yeah no, this is a gauntlet, we're not going to play around with instant death effects.
>White Magic Specialization (800)
It'll probably help to have a little extra healing on our side. I'm not so much a knight, more a paladin, I suppose. Benjamin keeps all the spotlight.
>Heal (Free, White Magic)
Being able to fix multiple status effects at once from the outset is a SUPER handy thing. (Or to inflict them.)
>Mass Blaster (600)
Being able to use my abilities to reliably hit everyone with full effect... even MORE handy.
>Beyond 41 (200)
>Beyond All Ceilings (0)
Now, these? These are what makes the number of monsters in the world being multiplied fivefold worthwhile. I'm not going to hog all of the experience for myself, especially considering the challenges everyone will be facing at the end of the road we're on, but it's safe to say that we are going to be WAY past level 41 by the time we get to Doom Castle and face down the Dark King.
Despite the odds being what they are, I'm pretty damned confident that once we get past the speedbump at the beginning (well, more like climb the mountain of the first several levels), things will be relatively smooth sailing. It doesn't hurt that you aren't forced to face down all the monsters in a battlefield before you leave it.
Not sure what I'll really do with most of this, because quite frankly aside from being able to apply softcap to my allies, I've basically got all of this covered already and then some. And... let's face it, any jumper worth their salt would have found two or three ways to apply that to their allies this far in.
Still, nice gauntlet, I liked it.
Why the fuck are you asking this again at the start of a new fucking thread?
"Island in southern hemisphere mysteriously starts drifting west. This marks the third this month."
Because he's trying to stir shit up. Isn't it obvious?
Not my intention. Believe me. I just want to know whether she deserves my ire, or whether I'm not being fair to her.
I want to be angry at her because of what she did and caused, but I don't want to be a jerk who's hatin' on someone who's all-in-all a decent person. But also I don't want to forgive a person that deserves to be held in contempt.
So I just want to poll the thread and ask what sort of person she was, so I can clearly make a judgement one way or another.
SoAnon was somewhat annoying with her claiming of lots of things at once, she got a lot of shit she deserved and quite a bit more that she didn't. Never fond of losing a jumpmaker it would have been worse if someone more fun to have around had left instead.
Please see
Seriously. I just need this for peace of mind.
I'm not trying to bring up old drama.
I thought it would be safe precisely because she's gone and enough time has passed for tempers to cool.
Well, it seems obvious, but... Sarkhan's dragon-y magic? I want to turn my arms into dragonheads, and take the form of a dragon.
Also, Ugin's ghostfire and colorless magic?
Options for all the races (I'd probably go Djinn myself), and maybe the option to actually /be/ a dragon, with Sarkhan's timefuckery?
Looks cool, and definitely fitting to Kami. But I'd make it less about /instant/ communication and summoning.
You're a spirit, you're probably not going to be summoned or adressed instantly whenever someone wants, right? Well, maybe if you were specifically paying attention to the guy calling you, but otherwise... There needs to be RITUAL, appeasement, possibly a shrine and a priest even.
Not sure about knowing the inner workings of anyone, just by them claiming to worship you. Maybe that should be knowing those who do 'proper' prayer/worship (even if they don't mean it), or just those who claim that in your presence?
The cursing's awesome though.
Anyway... About the previous Kami spoilers...
Can we get an upgrade purchase for Bizarre Form, to upgrade to Ryuu/Dragon Spirit sizes? They're a /bit/ bigger than the perk allows.
For Symbolic Link, how do you connect that to a land? Does it just need to be shadowy if you picked 'Shadows' for example, or would you need to pick that particular land as your Symbolic Link?
How mighty of a Spirit are we if we go Kami? We're obviously no O-Kagachi, but where /do/ we stand? Myojin, Ryuu, Kirin... Lantern Kami? Do the perks help with that?
If we have the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit perk as a Kami, can we just pick one of the available races as our 'flesh' body? The original sisters are sorta human, but I'd prefer to go with a Kitsune (which you have added, right?) or Orochi form.
Also, I think I had a question about the other 100 cp perk aside from Bizarre Form, but I forgot and your pastebin's gone, so I can't reread it to refresh my memory.
World of Warcraft user! Did you see my question the thread before last? About a possibility of including a race option like Demonic or Undead to shed the Curse of Flesh and be like an Earthen or Mechagnome?
We have a Final Fantasy XV Jump?
Is it not on the drive or is it named something different than 'Final Fantasy XV'?
I do not understand how an uninvolved person can get peace of mind by asking others' opinions. The thread's opinion was pretty obvious, sympathy was widespread right up to the point that SoAnon threw a tantrum, and that pretty much sums it all up pretty well.
"Stone angel found, glows, talks, produces miracles. SJWs vow to destroy it for sexism after a woman was injured for trying to clime on it in spite of it being both made of stone, and carved like a female."
Oh, don't worry none about ole Crux.
He's just pissed because he wanted to monopolise the start of the thread with his writefaggin'.
Don't know why, that very rarely works out.
Well, I certainly got it off the search function of google drive, so... yeah? I don't know, I'll look into it later since I need to get out the door momentarily.
MTG Sphinxes are where its at.
...Could there be an option to start Dragonstorms once or jump? Maybe like the 1000 CP to make an Avacyn clone in Innistrad.
Good to know that posting builds is writefagging now! Thank you. You're ever so helpful, anonymous. I'll remember to keep posting every single build I make for this chain, just for you! Our only thought is to entertain you.
"Mysterious growing tower predicted to reach orbit in 15 days after mysterious corporation named after an anime buys island. Experts say they have no idea what the fuck is going on."
"Kamen Rider Ex-Aid spotted at nearby hospital curing kids of their cancer via summoning it as a monster and then punching the shit out of said monster. One child stated 'I wished for him to come and he did! My wish came true!'"
Well I haven't been around that long, just a couple of months. I saw her leave and the events surrounding that in real-time. But she hadn't been terribly active for a while before that, as I understand, well before I became active. So I never got a chance to get a grasp as to what sort of person she is. And everything i've heard has been coloured by her departure.
I just want to have a clear and relatively unbiased picture of her now that enough time has passed to allow it.
Maybe I'm just being odd, but I don't hold people in poor regard often and it eating at me a little that I may be putting someone who doesn't deserve in in low regard, but on the other-hand I'm too much of a grudge-holder to forgive someone just because it is in principle a virtuous thing to do. I need evidence for peace of mind and I generally like and trust the community here.
If you guys say she a decent person and I shouldn't hold her actions when leaving too much against her, then I will.
And if you guys tell me that she was a spoilt princess that we are all better off worthout, I'll believe that.
Nope. Planar travel doesn't work in Innistrad and anything that would allow you to circumvent or survive the Blind Eternities shorts out.
I guess I might as well post my own builds since it seems appropriate.
---Jump Number: 3
---Title: Venture Bros.
---Starting Location: Venture Compound
> Rolled 1 on a 1d8, got Venture Compound.
---Age: 31
> Rolled 3, 5, and 7 on 3d8, added 16.
---Gender: Male
---Background: -100 Choice Points - Super Scientist
---Drawbacks: +300 Choice Points
> +100 Choice Points - Albino
> +200 Choice Points - Waylaid by Jackassery
---Perks: 1200 Choice Points
> -100 Choice Points - In
> -100 Choice Points - Number Two
> -200 Choice Points - Hench 4 Life
> -200 Choice Points - Peak Human Fitness
> -200 Choice Points - Quizboy
> Free from Background - Superscience
> Discounted from Background, -100 Choice Points - Cloning
> Discounted from Background, -300 Choice Points - Robotics
--Jane Doe: 0 Choice Points
> Background: Free from Number Two - Secret Agent
> Free from Background - Super-Competent
---Ending: Onto the next jump
Unrelated, but Chipped Dragon Scale and Misfit Circle from the Mortal Heroes Gauntlet. Do those also give companions an Origin and such, or only the appropriate Race option? I know this is a dumb question, but I just want to make sure.
Wait a tick. I thought posting builds was a type of writefagging.
Whats the difference? You're still talking about your jump, so isn't it the same thing?
A Refreasher. Note this is a WIP so subject to change.
You know what? I don't even know anymore. I'll just keep on with business as usual.
Using 'Final Fantasy XV', "Final Fantasy 15', 'FFXV', and 'FF15' in the search doesn't return anything and its not in the Final Fantasy folder.
Maybe, Im just missing it though.
Go to work, you're going to be late if you keep shit posting.
Now you're just being silly, user.
She was a massive whore. She made up fights and lied all the time.
She bullied people into changing their jumps at least three times.
And I heard she's even worse on IRC. Before she fucked off.
We're better off without her.
No-one misses her but her scissoring friends.
"Top story, Stephen Hawking has announced that magic is real in a press conference where he summoned a demon that healed him on live television. Sources say he has also promptly converted to worshiping some entity he calls 'The Traveler of the Planes" and has named himself the grand Arch-Wizard of this new religion."
I was asleep.
Then I was somewhere.
A dark room, with stained glass windows leading to pure black.
I was in a chair, and there was a cup in front of me in a table.
Past that was a girl. Just a girl.
I couldn't tell what she looked like.
I just knew she was a girl. Someone I wouldn't be afraid of.
She motioned for me to drink.
"Are you tired of your life?" she asked as my arms moved, and I nodded.
"Would you like to go somewhere else," she carried on as I took a gulp.
"To be someone else,"
"To feel great passions,"
"To learn great lessons,"
"To live great legends,"
"To be someone worth remembering?"
I looked at her. I couldn't tell what she looked like. I couldn't tell what emotion was on her face, if any.
But I knew for a fact she already knew my answer.
She just wanted me to say it, out of respect.
She stood up, and so did I.
There was a door at the back of the room, now.
Maybe I just didn't notice it before, but I knew it was here now.
She opened and entered it. Much like the windows, everything past the door was pitch black.
I followed her.
0 - Body Mod - 600 CP
"What do you want to be?" she asked, the sound of her voice and footfalls the only thing I could sense. Even touch was gone in the pitch black abyss she lead me, my legs moving and touching ground solely by repetition rather than awareness of space.
"I want to be strong. I want to be someone who can shatter anything, anyone, binding him," I replied.
"That won't change how weak you are," she said.
Eh, maybe I'm wrong.
I just thought they were synonomous or posting builds was a type of writefagging.
That said that was just the understanding that i gleaned. I never actually asked anyone outright.
Guess it doesn't really matter that much.
Heavy Bodybuilder - 500
Strength 4, Endurance 2 - 400
Even though I felt nothing, a part of me simply knew I was changing.
I knew for a fact I was stronger. Like I could break someone in half.
"I just want to feel powerful, and stand tall, greater than anyone else,"
"Simply by virtue of being me rather than any effort at bettering myself," I clarified.
"It doesn't matter if my heart is pure porcelain."
She laughed at me.
Height Up 2, Metavore - 200
Again, I changed, and became taller.
It wasn't exactly something I could put to words, but I knew my body was... different now.
That I could devour anything of value, and my glorious self would render it into nothing but sustenance.
"Now," she started again.
"What about your world? What about those you knew?" she carried on.
"I don't really care. I know I'm going to feel sad about them, and regret all of this," I started.
"But even so. I want to run away. I want to abandon the shackles of my life, and be someone whose past will never catch up to him," I finished.
Speed 4 - 0
"Well then," she spoke, stopping.
"I will send you somewhere normal, to ease you into this," she said. I didn't stop walking.
This was starting to feel more like a dream, and I lost the certainty of being able to command my body to stop.
"But there is something that must be done for you to play your part," she added, grabbing my left arm, not stopping my movement despite presumably standing still, as the darkness itself became hazy in my vision.
"You will become an actor on the stage of life, so you must look like the character you are assigned," she continued, one of her hands touching my neck, the sensation more like the imagination of touch as one reads a book rather than the touch itself.
"I won't make you stay awake through it," she finished, as she gently held my carotid close.
Isn't that... type of stuff supposed to hurt?
I guess it doesn't matter.
It's in the Dirge drive, not the /jc/ one.
Look for "FF15 Kingsglaive"
i've never heard... any of that before.
Are you sure your not mixing her up?
I dreamed again after a few moments, the minutiae and terms of this adventure flowing into my mind.
1 - Katawa Shoujo - 1000 CP
That name...
That person...
Ah. It was a dream.
As if something as great as a cosmic being whisking me away to a world of fantasy could ever happen.
Why am I in a hospital?
I looked down, finally seeing the rest of my body instead of the hospital ceiling.
My body... is scarred.
Disability: Top half of body is covered in scars. Cosmopolitan mix of atrophic and keloid scars.
Ah... oh, that's. That's gonna be a-annoying.
There's almost a pattern. The way my chest... my ripped pectorals are crossed by those fucking lines, with the little holes between them. Almost looks beautiful. Did... she do this to me?
I'm forced out of my introspection by the sound of a car honking.
The room I'm in is... modern. I'm guessing it's modern. Cleaner than most hospitals I've gone to.
Then again, I've never gone to a real hospital. Just public clinics.
A man entered the room. Black hair, vaguely oval face, medic scrubs, most generic goddamn guy.
"Good, good, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"
Is this fucker speaking Japanese. Wait, am I understanding Japanese?
Another car honks.
"Well, the important thing is that you’re doing much better now. Your parents wanted to be here to tell you themselves, but they had car trouble and asked me to just go ahead with the announcement."
"Your parents and I have decided, in light of recent events, that it would do you a world of good to change schools. I know, I know, it’s not a pleasant idea, but we believe it would be for the best."
I'm not even going to school, you giant dumb f-
He forced a pamphlet into my hand.
'Yamaku Academy', huh? Wait, hold on a goddamn sec-
Well, yeah... But sadly, there's no Sphinxes in Tarkir. Nor in Kamigawa.
...That /would/ be cool.
Actually, it just says those things fail in the middle of the Blind Eternities. Technically, if you never go into the Blind Eternities and bypass them entirely, you should be fine.
But that's rules lawyering, and not quite the intent, I think?
Ah, yes. There we go... I'm... Still not sure what I was going to ask. Well, I guess, around how many of these attendants can we have?
And my questions?
"Yamaku Academy is a premier learning institution and a fine choice of a high school. It specializes in teaching students who need a little extra help adjusting to the world at large. There's a fully staffed clinic right on campus that is open 24 hours and a respected hospital only minutes away. It even has dorms so you don’t have to deal with commuting to and from school. Isn’t that exciting?"
Am I... am I in Katawa Shoujo?
Holy shit. Holy shit! It's not a dream! It wasn't a dream!
Am I gonna go to Touhou some day too? Could I meet Remilia?
WHAT ABOUT WORM? I don't care what people say, Taylor deserv-
I let my excitement show through.
"Excellent, excellent. Your parents will be happy to hear that I'm sure. Don't worry, we'll handle all the details. I'm sure you're going to love it there!"
Everything went dark again.
I wasn't really anywhere. I just thought, and knew the girl from before was here.
"There's still more to be decided," she said.
"The matter of your stay," she continued.
"A simple decade? High school, yet again? Alongside Hisao? Or the long haul?" she carried on.
"I... would like to be peers with the guy," I replied.
After some time, I woke up. Even then, it all felt hazy, the path I took and how long I walked to Yamaku being forgotten.
I look back at the gate. It could be fun... but.
Let's be real.
Even though I'm a big guy now, there's no way I can make it as a Japanese hobo.
After entering the first big building I see, I run into what seems to be the head nurse heading my way.
Smile and nod.
He leads me to the clinic, intending to see if my medical records are correct.
After a quick physical, and an explanation of how things work around here, the nurse sends me on my way.
I sandbagged him, since he tried asking me about myself.
To be honest, I didn't really have an answer.
But, if I had to think about what I want to be...
Thanks, dude.
What are some of the best ways to become an Eversor?
Titanfall seems like a good place to start with augmentations and the auto-injector, but I need more drugs, integrated technology, and off the wall combat ability to become a One Florida Man Army.
'I'm already strong where it matters. I want to lord that fact over the world, and become ultimate.'
Sporty (Mixed Martial Arts) - Free!
'I want to free my mind. Even if the hate that turned me into the person I am spills over, it will only hurt others. So, it'll be okay if my cosmic mind expands.'
'And... I want to show the world what's in my heart. I want to show the colors of my soul to all the Earths.'
Strange (Art Specialization: Digital Drawing) - 900
'I want to show them the truth, and break the chains around their hearts and souls. I am right, and they WILL know it.'
Odd - 800
After arriving at my classroom, the teacher asked if I'd like to introduce myself. Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt.
"Hello. My name is"-I don't know what my name is. The girl from before said I'd sometimes take on other identities... what the hell do I...-"Yamada Tarou. I hope our school year will not be troublesome," I finished in an emotionless and low tone, automatically.
Intimidating (Discounted) - 700
...Did the girl cover for me? Ah, hell, I should go sit down. There's just one seat, near the back and the window.
Wait, is that Hisao?
Charming - 500
I wanted to make some small talk with him, but Japanese schools are a lot stricter than my home country's.
Or maybe the students are just more disciplined. I just got here, why am I taking wild guesses?
Anyway, class was rather dull, and I'm somewhat insulted at how much I had to actually think.
Soon enough, it was time for lunch.
Following the rivers of humanity, it was easy to make my way to the cafeteria.
Orderly lines, no jostling, I could get used to this.
After taking my meal- a simple plate of rice and eggs- I made my way to a table.
I overheard some kid complain about how the free food here is 'totally boring'... are you for real?
This shit's great.
Old Friends x4 - Free!
I try to find an out of the way place to sit in and enjoy my eggs in peace, when some goober looking straight outta hot topic waved at me with a stump.
Fuck it, why not?
"What's up, homeslice," I said to the black-haired guy with the goth makeup. He was trying really hard to make his uniform look dark and scary, but he was failing.
"Oh, you know, just trying to build up strength to tear down the ivory towers of our masters!" he exclaimed under his breath. Oh boy.
"I share a classroom with you, and that scary presence you had while introducing yourself just proved to me you have strength beyond your muscles," he continued. "We could use a powerhouse like you in the resistance," he finished.
What the actual hell.
"Please don't mind Kazunise's meanderings," said a girl with auburn hair sitting beside him. "I'm Kuukyoko Tenno, nice to meet you. He's my little brother," she added. An errant eye told me her left arm was gone, and I calmly looked at her face instead. "I'm not sure why you're entertaining him, but we wouldn't mind if you sat here," she finished.
New Companion: Kazunise Tenno, Free Perk: Odd, Disability: Partially Disarmed (Right Arm)
New Companion: Kuukyoku Tenno, Free Perk: Calm, Disability: Partially Disarmed (Left Arm)
I decided to take a seat opposite to the duo, to the right of the other two sitting at this table. The one besides me was a lad with no visible impairments, and beyond him was another girl, with neon pink hair.
It's just normal news. Those Magi did some pretty hard work to hide the fact that there was a fucking regenerating tentacle monster in the river last night.
"So do those scars hurt?" the second girl asked. Normal guy facepalmed. Kuukyoko seemed mildly bothered, but goffik edgelord just ate his meal without a care. Now that I actually paid attention to myself, instead of being pulled along by the flow of the world, I could tell it was rather difficult to move. Supposedly, scars don't stretch as much as actual skin. The fact that I was a musclebound hulk wasn't helping. Either way, I just started gently shovelling large forkfuls of rice into my mouth while ignoring the girl's question.
"Come ooooooooon. Don't leave me hanging here bro. If it really bothers you just say it so I'll stop bothering you, I promise," neon girl said.
"Moving is annoying. But it doesn't hurt," I replied after I finished munching down about half the rice on my plate. If I turned the egg upside down and popped the yolk open now, all the remaining rice would get juiced on it, so I did so. Fucking delicious.
"I'm sorry for Nakamura's rudeness, Yamada," the other guy apologized.
"It's not a problem for me, Mister...?" I replied after savoring a nice forkful of eggy rice.
"Musashi Yamamoto, sorry for not introducing myself," he said. I nodded back while quietly chewing my food, letting the comfortably warm yolk mix with the pulped rice, forming a pleasantly solid mass of taste that humbly satisfied my palate.
"Actually, neon girl, what would be your full name?" I asked after extracting every little bit of taste from my current feast and swallowing it, already gathering more of the glorious rice-egg mixture with my fork. A look of resigned despair appeared on Musashi's face, while Kazunise was too busy licking his plate squeaky clean and Kuukyoko held back a smirk.
Post limits are making this real fucking awkward.
"I am Yaseiko Kamina Hanami, of the esteemed Nakamura family, soon-to-be bride of Musashi Yamamoto and new heir to the Yamamoto clan!" she proudly boasted, though she took an odd care to speak fairly low. I suppose some of the kids here might actually be hurt by loud noises. Or maybe I'm overthinking it. Whatever, need to finish eating. Cute couple, though.
New Companion: Musashi Yamamoto, Free Perk: Shy, Disability: Heart Arrhythmia
New Companion: Yaseiko Kamina Hanami Nakamura, Free Perk: Strange (Writing), Disability: Legally Blind
Lunch ended without anything of note happening.
After returning, I found some type of quiz on my desk, same as everyone else.
Ah, a career survey. I duly provided answers, holding back my more esoteric or questionable opinions as usual. Brutal honesty did not quite work my last time through high school, so I've decided to simply lie this time around.
Most questions were a bore, but very last one stuck out.
The survey said, "What do you hope to learn during your time at Yamaku Academy?"
'I want to become someone who gladly connects with others, without any fear that his heart will be carelessly shattered.'
A Hand Slowly Reaches - 300
Soon enough, class ended. I decided to simply go back to my room and see what the hell I even have in this world, but Musashi was waiting for me in the halls.
"Sorry to bother you about this so early, but would you mind joining the Writing Club?" he asked, minding the people still making their way to their dorms, club rooms, or whatever the kids might want to do after school.
>Post limits are making this real fucking awkward.
Put it in a pastebin?
"Ah, I'm not sure how stringent this school is about stuff like joining or leaving clubs, so I'd prefer not to set it in stone now. But that seems like a place I'd enjoy, Musashi, so I'll think about it," I responded while making sure I wasn't holding anyone up.
"It's fine, Yamada. Not jumping headfirst into new water is a respectable trait. I'll see you tomorrow," he said while nodding, before calmly joining the winding down stream of people. I went a different way, going to the dorms.
Making my way to my room was rather easy.
Inside, I found a box... checking the rest of my room, I already had basic things like clothing, and even a laptop.
The box itself held a lot of medicinal stuff, like ointments and creams. Even a few special brands of hygiene products... likely due to my skin's vulnerability. Taking that stuff out to put it in the proper places was... annoying. I wasn't actually tired or hurt, but the strain of forcing my arms to move as much as they can- as they should- was starting to bog me down.
Necessaries - Free!
Next, I noticed two rather strange things. The first was a handwritten message.
'Hey, kid, it's your uncle. Sorry I couldn't be here in person. Remember that chain you loved going to as a kid? Well, turns out they have a store near your school...' followed by the address. 'I'd love to write more, but I need to go to work, and it's not like I know your hobbies, eh?' The note was finished up by a smiley face.
I don't know about any of that, but that store seems like a good place to buy stuff, at least.
Convenience Store - 100
Besides that, there was some type of document.
Apparently, I was given a teahouse from an uncle.
...I'm guessing it's the same one who wrote about the store.
I'm glad I won't have to do any real work.
Shanghai - -100
Batman: The Animated Series
Doing a sort of soft reboot on my chain where a lot of the builds are copied from a previous recent one but with a few builds different. When I first saw the Deranged Fan option a while ago I thought I'd do a chain with 8 of them but recently I've soured on the whole harem thing so I'm going for a single waifu instead as a main companion.
Mostly for the Poison Ivy powers.
>Timm Design
Is appreciated but no less than expected from a superhero jump really.
For the purposes of this jump I'm going plants due to Florakinesis but it's a really nice perk and implies you can change gimmick which I'll make a lot of use out of.
>Secret Identity 100
Means my secret identity is safe. It's a pretty cheap one of these sorts of perks.
>Specialist (Botany)
Both science freebies. Went botany in specialist as it's implied to work with Florakinesis for plant monsters which is sweet. Researcher is a pretty nifty freebie as well as anything that makes the tedious business of researching stuff faster is nice.
>Multiple-Choice Backstory 300
This was one of the last things I chose as I wasn't sure what else to get. Still it's really useful for not seeming out of place as a jumper.
>Accidental Breakthrough 400
Means accidents result in benefits sometimes and never kill me which is good given all the mad science and lack of impulse control.
>Clock King 700
Was another of the last things I chose. Seemed a bit more unique and cheaper than some of the other gimmicks and struck me as a really good thing to get early.
>Florakinesis 1000
Poison Ivy powerset. Probably going to call myself the Mandrake if I ever start fighting crime. Also I'm probably green now.
I'm thinking Spectre's hood and cape but made out of leaves. Probably a leaf shirt and trousers of some sort underneath as I don't want to rock Spectre's whole running around in his briefs thing. Probably a mask as well to cover my lower face.
I left to familiarize myself with the school's layout.
I was just calmly walking through everything, sometimes making small talk, nodding, or just saying hi to other students. I felt... great. I stood large and proud, no longer tied down by fears of myself. Time passed fast, since I was finally enjoying the simple act of being. I went to the dorms once I realized it was getting dark.
...Well, isn't that lucky. My dorm is actually near Hisao and Kenji's. I already could overhear the last sane man unveiling the twisted truth of this world at Hisao.
"...In the past, the buildup of a military has always been the clearest sign of imminent war. Japan is just the first step. Our economy is badass, and the country itself is small and isolated, yet a huge part of the Pacific in terms of political value. The perfect target. They are so cunning... As expected of women. Soon, the day will come, when..." he said, before noticing another person.
"Who's that?" he exclaimed, noticing my arrival.
"Yamada Tarou. I see you know about the truth. I am also taking preparations for the coming war, although I'm sorry to say I can not help. Who's that beside you?" I said, as a joke, before noticing that Hisao wasn't entirely happy about another perceived loony showing up. Damn.
"I'm Hisao Nakai. It's extremely late, so I'm going to go to bed now," he said, turning away to enter his room. Well, that's a fumble.
"Well then, mystery man. I don't trust you, even if you know what's really going on in this school, so I'm leaving," Kenji said, also going for his room.
This wasn't how I thought this was gonna go.
I decided to just go to my room, and cut my losses.
Going to sleep was easy. Darkness took me soon enough, and...
Was going to do it that way after I had more than one build done. Posting now just because I'm a petty cunt and that user complained about Crux posting builds.
Would buying Miracles in Demon's Souls let you learn Miracles in Dark Souls?
You can learn Miracles anyway in Dark Souls, the perk just gives you more than basic talent at it and a talisman.
[nightmare redacted due to heavy copy-paste usage]
Normal High School Student - 0
It was just a nightmare.
Thank fuck.
I noticed it was 3 AM when I woke up. Part of me wanted to protest waking up so soon, but I actually felt good, even if that dream was still scaring me. I decided to check my medical stuff again.
There's an ointment there I'm supposed to apply before any large actions. I was getting it for free, and it might help with the discomfort of stretching during day-to-day activities, so I decided to use it.
Turns out, I probably should use it regardless of my own feelings about fiscal freedom.
Some of the scars in my arms... well.
Tore open.
Nothing too bad, since they were on top of normal healthy skin, but still.
The ointment was supposed to be absorbed by my skin after a full hour.
I carefully cleaned my hands after applying it, then started browsing the Internet.
I didn't have a mouse, but I did have some headphones, so I just watched videos of goobers playing videogames.
Once I wasn't uncomfortably slick, I looked up some stretching exercises.
It was simple enough to do them for another hour.
After that, I left to faff around school until classes started. There already were some students awake, but there wasn't much to do other than let the rising sun and growing day suffuse my being.
I couldn't help but spread my arms wide as I admired the sunrise, my shadow slowly dancing as it appeared over the horizon.
I imagine there'd be some skill/practice overlap in terms of how it's done, at the very least.
Got to go to work but for now let me try to get these out of the way.
>You're a spirit, you're probably not going to be summoned or addressed instantly whenever someone wants, right?
On the addressed front that's exactly how it happens in the books.
>Maybe that should be knowing those who do 'proper' prayer/worship (even if they don't mean it), or just those who claim that in your presence?
It's basically you know if they are meaning it when they do so. I'll clarify.
>Can we get an upgrade purchase for Bizarre Form, to upgrade to Ryuu/Dragon Spirit sizes?
Are you dragon user? That guy has been on me about that and I still don't know what's up. I'll add in the buy up for size no prob.
>For Symbolic Link, how do you connect that to a land?
You chose a land type.
>How mighty of a Spirit are we if we go Kami? We're obviously no O-Kagachi, but where /do/ we stand?
Around the same level as a Kami of a city, but as worship spreads and with a diverse set of Links, you could spread it further. Around the level of a Kodama or something I think. High end, where you start spinning off personal Kami for each thing you Link to isn't possible for you unless you nick Jumper of Spirit and Flesh.
>If we have the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit perk as a Kami, can we just pick one of the available races as our 'flesh' body?
Kami is both a Race and Origin Choice.
> Kitsune (which you have added, right?)
Added yes and if you want you can make that your Bizarre Form.
See you guys in a few hours.
As opposed to grabbing the talisman in Firelink and getting that dick cleric to teach you?
Everyone can learn miracles in Dark Souls, it seems. Just need to train in it. Don't see why you couldn't use DeS faith for DaS, it's the same thing.
"Sick JoJo reference bro," said a feminine voice I'm fairly certain is Yaseiko from DIRECTLY BEHIND ME.
"When is class actually going to start? Lovely as this might be, posing on the sun is getting tiring," I replied, trying to not let Yaseiko notice she spooked me and hating how much I loved the fact that JJBA existed in this world.
"Give it a few minutes. Why're you up so early, anyway?" she asked.
"Decided to have an early day for once. Overshot my goal slightly," I answered.
She went away after that. I left after another minute, too, since the bells started ringing.
Nothing too big happened the rest of the day.
Yaseiko tried to bait Musashi into implying questionable things about their relationship, as a joke.
I took Kazunise to that convenience store I got a note about and bought some pre-made lunches, and at Kazu's request, beer. Apparently the people behind the counter know about my... "condition", and were willing to hand over that stuff. Nor were they afraid of the police. I'm guessing the girl who got me into this world provided them special considerations.
We used one of the back rooms in the teahouse I inherited to eat it all in peace.
To be honest... I wasn't gonna fuck around with the alcohol. Call me a lightweight if you want.
So, I actually only got one can of beer, and split it between me and Kazu using some of the regular cups that weren't being used due to not fitting the establishment's aesthetics. He didn't complain.
After that, we went back to school and hanged out with the others.
The Writing Club is... well.
It's barren.
Between the regular Book Club and the Literature Club, people just haven't bothered.
Yaseiko, Musashi, and Kuukyoko are the only members.
Still, it was pretty fun, and actually helped me learn a lot.
I've seen enough hentai to know where that is going.
Fate/Zero, pal.
I'll definitely join if I don't find any other club I feel strongly about, and told Musashi as much.
Yaseiko was ecstatic and... heh. He tried to hide it, but I could tell Musashi was keeping a smile in check.
Soon enough, we all went to our dorms to sleep.
I did not dream.
Thursday was feeling like any other day.
I missed the sunrise, but decided to make waking up at 5 AM a normal thing, so I set my clocks appropriately.
I did the same thing as yesterday, applying my ointments and stretching after my skin was properly saturated.
For some reason, Kenji was walking around the dorms naked. Not gonna worry too much about that.
Regardless, I made sure to catch Hisao and apologize for acting like a weirdo. I said I had heard about Kenji's oddities, and just wanted to shut down any tirades he might have ready for me. I could tell the guy wasn't terribly impressed, and probably wanted to snark a bit about it, but I could also see some relief in his face.
Classes and lunch were the usual, though I had some small talk with Hisao.
The rest of the week wasn't that eventful, although Kazunise ended getting pretty close with Kenji, since he spoke about having some real firepower saved up for when the war started and it somehow led to him joining our drinking sessions.
Hisao himself started taking advice from me, for some reason. He ended up trying to befriend Hanako.
Then came Sunday, and with it the School Festival.
I just wanted to have a normal and relaxing day before fucking monday.
Which, of course, meant someone knocked on my door around noon.
I paused the music I was listening to, while saving up the images I was drawing, before answering it.
>Lab Safety Equipment
Another freebie, protects more against lab damage than they should which is cool.
>Deranged Fan 1100
>Nuala: Timm Design, Gimmick, Put A Smile On Their Faces, Servant, Costume
And this is largely why I'm doing this jump early. Over various failed chains I've realised I much prefer having companions from settings I know and like and this one is A) from Batman, B) comes with a reference to unconditional loyalty and C) can come with perks that make your companion good at wisecracks. I'm all about the wisecracks. As such I took Put A Smile On Their Faces for conventional quips and jokes and Servant for snarky comments and tea making. Sure she might have spent some time in Arkham and introduced herself to me by breaking into my apartment but she's cute and good at jokes. Struggling with a theme to be honest because I've decided to make her a redhead and it's very difficult not to come up with an Ivy clone. Maybe her costume is more flower based or something. Big sunflower hat.
Taking a waifu at all because I spent 4 years marooned on an island in CATastrophe so human contact is a bit more of a priority this chain than usual.
>No Killing Rule 1000
Is almost mandatory in every Batman related jump. Partially because I get the feeling that I wouldn't really want to disappoint Batman.
It's a nonexistent jump on the nonexistent drive.
"Hello, hello," I said, right as I realized it was Kuukyoko.
"Hey, would you like to spend the day with me?" she asked.
"Uh, sure? Where's everyone else?" I replied.
"Kazu's hanging out with that Kenji guy, and you know how Yaseiko is. No way she'd let Musashi do anything other than spend the day on a date, and everyone else I know already has something to do. So, I'm kinda alone," she said.
"Ah, kind of a lame thing to say, but I know how that feels," I responded, before grabbing a jacket and stepping out of the room.
We walked together, noticing how spruced up the entire school was. People really worked for this... I'm feeling kinda inappropriate now. I didn't even remember the festival was a thing.
After some time, Kuukyoko decided this was boring as hell, and asked if I wanted to go elsewhere.
Truth be told, the only thing I cared about was the food.
It wasn't long before we took a bus to the city center.
Yamaku wasn't exactly in the middle of the metropolis, but it wasn't the boonies either.
So, getting to the more urban places wasn't difficult.
We eventually settled on going to an arcade, after faffing around clothing stores and grabbing a bite at a KFC.
This may have been a mistake.
Kuukyoko roped me into playing Street Fighter 4.
It was an onslaught.
She was doing one frame links perfectly, crossing me up just right every time she could, and never failed to corral me into exactly where she needed me to be with footsies.
My pride was an origami swan thrown into a paper shredder. Woe is me.
"Alright, buddy boy," she started saying as we left the building.
"I won't hold this over your head if you promise to stop giving Kazu alcohol. Every other day he gets a hangover since he's such a lightweight," she continued, stopping and watching the surprisingly sparse city streets.
"Well, I guess I should have expected the responsible older sister to swoop"-
"And start sharing some of that with me instead," she finished, walking again.
Are there perks to avoid collateral damage?
Oh my god I love you so much.
I publicly request that it be accepted. I freaking loved that game.
Okay, thanks anons.
Do we have any perks that would let you cast them without a talisman? I'd like to throw lightning without having to swing a bell around.
>No Killing Rule
Am I the only one who takes theae simply to see how much of a rube goldberg keikakku plan setup I can work through to get people I dislike to somehow kill themselves? I honestly see it more like a challenge mode.
Pretty much what everyone else said. There's no real prerequisite to learning miracles besides finding someone to teach or finding some kind of material for self study. If you're already practiced with Demon Souls Miracles you'll probably be off to a decent start since they're fundamentally similar (Faith = Stronger Miracles)
>As opposed to grabbing the talisman in Firelink and getting that dick cleric to teach you?
>Not immediately tossing Petrus in the pit where Rhea ends up
For shame, user.
Son of a. "Are you serious?" I asked, following and minding the few people around me. Being large and charge has its downsides.
"What? Just because I'm prim and proper where it matters, doesn't mean I have to be a stuck up bitch all the time," she countered.
...You know what? Kinda dickish of me to just assume things like that. "Fair enough," I replied.
We got back to school soon enough.
After arriving, we parted ways, Kuukyoko reminding me about the booze on the downlow.
I was curious about where Kazu got himself, and briefly remembering the events of the game, went to the roof to check for manly picnics.
That is exactly where he was. No sign of Kenji, but Kazu was snoring loudly beneath the open sky.
I decided to sit beside him, and gaze at the stars.
This week... wasn't what I'd expect when thinking about journeying to another world.
But this is alright.
The rest of the year was a peaceful blur.
I properly joined the Writing Club, though I wasn't terribly great at the actual writing, though I learned a lot about the more formal aspects of storytelling and worldbuilding.
We all ended up collaborating in producing a webcomic. Musashi's cat-herding skills, my drawing abilities, Yaseiko's writing, and Kazu's general Internet thuggery.
Hanako and Hisao became a proper couple.
But... I decided to tell Kazu about my nature the day before graduation... and the end of my stay in this world.
One last drinking session, for old time's sake.
Before I cracked the beer, I broached the subject. My hands were just a little bit shaky. Reminds me of back when... before this entire thing. Could count the hours I wasn't hopped up on caffeine in one hand.
"Hey, Kazu..."
"What do you think about parallel universes?" I asked, setting down the ham cutlet lunch I bought at the convenience store, and holding my hands with each other to try and settle them down.
I don't think you can. Every time the jumpmaker shows up somebody reminds him to leave. That's why we call it the nonexistent drive in the first place. You can use the jumps from there and no one will care, but you'll have to find it and track updates yourself.
I humbly request all the prettyness perks you guys know of please as well as some way to become a magical girl of a theme of my choosing.
"Dunno. I guess it could be an opportunity to find allies against the conspiracy. I mean, if stuff like that's real, I'd hope they're not hostile or anything. But if I'm gonna be honest, that seems pretty unlikely," he said, before taking a big bite of his food. I put my hands on my legs, making sure neither had much chance to move.
"Nnnnneat. So, hypothetical. Would you have any strong feelings if I told you I'm not from this world? Pure hypothetical," I said, trying to keep down any fear or shame I felt and gritting my teeth instinctively.
Kazu looked at me. I'm fairly certain I was imagining my heart beating inside my own head.
Kazu squinted at me. But I did not feel otherwise.
"There better not be an invading force following you, if that's the case. I'd have to kill you then," he replied, oddly serious. My body loosened up.
"Well, another hypothetical. Would you be down with travelling to other worlds, if time stopped back home, and stuff like death didn't stick?" I asked, knowing Kazu at least wasn't opposed to the basic concepts.
"...Hell yeah," he said, putting down his boxed lunch. Thank.
I guess I was being melodramatic.
Definitely that.
The others would be cool with it too, right?
We ended up leaving later than usual. The streets weren't empty just yet, but a vague sense of unease suffused the night air.
It was a calm and slow walk back to Yamaku. It wasn't that late, so there was no need for us to rush in order to stop someone from getting spooked at kids disappearing.
So, of course, shit went to shit.
We happened upon some Yakuza wannabes.
Just petty thugs trying to front.
This part requires you to take a relatively high power interpretation of the maximum stats in Body Mod. If you're not cool with that, feel free to ignore this, as the effects it may or may not have in the next jumps can easily be explained by Jumping itself being a wild ride.
Actually realised that Henchman is a better get for Nuala than Put A Smile On Their Faces as it means she'll always know if what she's about to do will annoy me.
Not that I'm irascible or overly bossy but it'll help to make sure she doesn't butterfly away any plot points I'd rather keep intact. Henchman is a pretty great perk to give companions generally for this.
Anyone else have an opinion to add?
Or do I have to believe this is true
that doesn't get you miracles, which is what the user wanted.
Accursed mathematics, let me work on New Phyrexia goddamit
Math jump when
"Alright kiddos, I been watching you, and I know you've been buying some booze," said the man in front. He looked to be in his late twenties, wearing some shitty business suit and gold bling. "Now y'all know that's illegal, so me and my buddies, like the good citizens we are, think you should quit that. We can't just take a pinky promise of course, so I think it'd be best for your future if we just took whatever money you've got, to make sure you don't buy anymore," he continued, before Kazu spoke.
"Shut your mouth. Tarou here could break you gangsters like a bar of chocolate if he wanted, so you better start running if you know what's good for you!" he exclaimed. I'm kinda glad he thinks so well of me, even if he really REALLY shouldn't have said that shit goddammit. The men laughed, the two at the back walking towards us, while goldie boy just cracked his knuckles.
"You think we're gonna take shit like that from some dumbass kid that got his arm ripped of?" the one on the right said. Alright, if this actually becomes a fight, I'm breaking his fucking face.
"Piss off, you shitty dregs"- Kazu spoke, before the two men lunged at him. I ran forward immediately, dashing past Kazu, crashing directly into the guy on the left and dislocating the arm he tried to defend himself with while sending the one on the right down to the ground where he belongs with a clothesline, cutting my hand on some of his shattered bones and teeth. Kidney punch, kidney punch, and throw the other sucker onto the streets with a one-handed toss. I turn around and-
oh my fuck
Blinged guy is dragging Kazu to a car, already running with some other fuckboy waiting at the wheel. The remaining three bitches stood their ground, so I just tried to bowl them over like a football star. With the way he screamed, I probably broke the ribs of the first guy standing in my way, but combined with the other two, I couldn't just get through. The car's doors closed now.
Great writefagging, buddy.
Top notch.
Thanks for sharing.
You don't need another opinion, man. She really was that bad.
She shold burn in Hell, the SJW she is.
WEre better off without SoAnon.
I didn't really notice them punching me, even if I intellectually knew it hurt like a motherfucker.
I threw the one directly on me away with a backhand while downing the other behind him with a straight hook. I just ran past the remaining fool. The car was already picking up speed.
I ran.
I ran without a care for what people might think.
Faster than anyone back home had ever thought possible for a simple human.
Thirty meters.
Some kids on the sidewalk are losing their shit.
Twenty meters.
Someone up front's pulled out their cell. It's a flipphone. Good taste.
Ten meters. Five meters. I'm besides the car, and I see Kazu in the back shaking.
I tear my right hand through hinges of the left back door, and it starts flopping slightly.
Slow down, another quick jab, and it flies off. My hand's already busted from punching out the guys from before, so fucking it up even more with the metal is fine. Kazu jumps to the side I'm running by and I grab him with both arms. The only reason this works at all is because my top speed is far beyond the car itself, so I can afford to slow down to make sure I don't trip over myself.
I slow the fuck down after that, and the worthless human dregs who tried to take Kazu away don't even bother trying again, speeding off into the night like the bitches they are.
Part of me wants to ask Kazu to stop holding on so strongly, but the rest of me points out that he very nearly just got kidnapped.
While the few people still around this late clearly want to ask or do something about the superman they just saw, I just started jogging back to Yamaku.
The head nurse, from back in my first day, was upset. Not upset that I saved Kazu- who was currently being watched by some of the faculty and his sister- from a bunch of ruffians, but that I went so far overboard and didn't just run away alongside my friend in the first place, or stop him from picking a fight, or anything more reasonable.
Its great and all but would you just make a pastebin and not spam this already? Damn.
ssh. I am enojying the writefagging.
And i couldn't care less about somone who has left us for good.
>On the addressed front that's exactly how it happens in the books.
Oh... Well, okay. My objection retracted then.
>It's basically you know if they are meaning it when they do so. I'll clarify.
That sounds much more reasonable. Same as above.
>Are you dragon user? That guy has been on me about that and I still don't know what's up. I'll add in the buy up for size no prob.
I... might I've been dragon user twice, yes. Though I think someone else brought it up before me too?
I like eastern-style dragons. We don't have nearly enough options for them, and the Ryuu in Kiki-Jiki's story was cool.
Anyway, thank you.
>You chose a land type.
Ah. So, if you take Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, and Wastes you've got it covered?
>Around the same level as a Kami of a city, but as worship spreads and with a diverse set of Links, you could spread it further. Around the level of a Kodama or something I think. High end, where you start spinning off personal Kami for each thing you Link to isn't possible for you unless you nick Jumper of Spirit and Flesh.
Huh, cool. Thank you, that helps a lot.
>Kami is both a Race and Origin Choice.
>and if you want you can make that your Bizarre Form.
Alright... But what would our mortal half look like with Sisters of Flesh and Spirit? Like, Michiko looked human as the mortal half, but Kyodai had something like a humanoid/draconic appearance, as her serpentine twin?
I'm not asking for Race discounts on stuff, just want my mortal form to look like them, and I was wondering how that'd fit?
...Oh. If you're willing to divulged this, how many perks are the Races planned to get discounted, to compare to Kami's free Symbolic Links?
>Added yes
Thank you.
>See you guys in a few hours.
See you then, Gaunlet! I'm only throwing questions at you because I'm excited for the jump, hope it's not too annoying?
I sympathise. I too used to fear the pastebin.
But I overcame my fear. Like a manly man.
He can to.
Let's all encourage him.
You're problem gonna wanna go to Generic Magical Girl, Madoka, Nanoha, Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon for Magical Girl stuff. I'd recommend JoJo, Bayonetta, Street Fighter, Fate/Stay Night, Generic Modelling and Agame ga Kill for pretty perks. (Don't go to Agame ga Kill early, do not do it.)
I'm already worried about your plans with a name like that but I also want to be helpful in case you're sincere.
Gwyn was shown being able to freehand lighting bolts like Zeus. If you were faithful enough you could probably cast miracles without a talisman. Though they'd be weaker then normal till you git gud at doing it without a talisman.