> Several months have passed since adventurers from Oerth plundered the crashed space ship from another material plane.
I am planning on running a few sessions that take place after the barriee peaks adventure and am looking for some ideas. Any help is appreciated.
Some thoughts:
The vegepygmies are basically a zombie apocalypse waiting to happen
If one of the robots is repaired, perhaps through magic, it could teach advanced science
If the laser weaponry could be reverse engineered, the faction with access could quickly become one of the strongest
There was a mind flayer on the ship. Abberations and abberation hunters alike may want to know how it got there and what it knows about the universe it came from. Id imagine many of the gith in the astral plane would be very concerned if they found out.
Spelljammers from oerth and other worlds may wonder how a ship can fly wothout magic. For races like the Gith whoch cannot use spelljammers due to a lack if magical aptitude, this couls be the end of reliance on the spelljammers of other nations.