>BBEW warns party that the king they are trying to have ascended to the throne of godhood is actually a false king
>Party does not heed her advice, proceeds to get the false king into the greatest position of power as the divine emperor of the world
>BBEW retreats into hiding
>False king, as one of his early displays of power, destroys an innocent village with a reign of heavenly fire
>Begins threatening the world
>BBEW re-emerges, tells the party she knew this would happen, and offers them a chance to go With Her
BBEW warns party that the king they are trying to have ascended to the throne of godhood is actually a false king
I want to bang Mary Lee Walsh
Is this your entry for worst thread ever? It might win.
Who doesn't?
Post yfw trump impeached and hillary rises to the challenge
Have you ever been in a game where the major good guy turned out to be the biggest a-hole?
>Haha the villain my players had zero reason to trust at all was right the whole! How clever I am for subverting their expectations!
The fuck does this even mean?
>height: 4'7
Gnomes are not scary.
big bad evil woman you dumb retard
Bear in mind this character's primary enemies are "electric hedgehog Pokemon" who are like four feet tall max.
>a game where gnomes are the giants in the setting
>where you play as redwall-esque vermin
I would play it.
Big Bad Evil Woman. Not every bad guy has to be a guy. Women are just as capable of being villans in the series as much as a man can be, see also Cleopatra and her empire of blood in the 1600s in egypt.
>where you play as redwall-esque vermin
Except those vermin are also a superpowered secret police which has total immunity from the law, lives in government-provided housing, and spends all their time surveilling the citizenry for homosexuals and Veeky Forums sympathizers.
Well, the "no gays" stuff got toned down in recent years because of the creator's shifting political views but these Sonic ripoffs are still super goons.
Funnily enough someone did design an RPG for playing in CWCville.
>Funnily enough someone did design an RPG for playing in CWCville.
I *NEED* this.
Given sufficient magical power Chris-Chan would actually be a fucking awful villain.
Of course it would have to be a high level multi-class Warlock and Cleric in deal and devotion to himself somehow because Sorcerer requires CHA and Wizard requires some level of planning capabilities.
His class would depend on what incarnation of him you're fighting.
I don't even think his most recent self-insert even has PC levels. It's clearly some kind of Outsider.
I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.
Then shouldn't we use BBEP (Big Bad Evil Person)? I mean, if we're not going to assume the use of the colloquial Guy (meaning person), then shouldn't we not assume the gender of this antagonist and use Person instead? Or maybe Being if Person also assumes humanoid race.
Perhaps BBEE, Big Bad Evil Entity, would be preferable so as not to assume anything.
You could write it off CWCville being his demiplane where all magic is absorbed by and amplified through him.
Also. if Chris is in his Sonichu Chris form, he gets all the powers of every single Sonichu he's ever created, so he automatically gets to switch between their stats at will.
CWC would be some kind of reality warper, with incredible control over his realm.
The citizen's only hope would be to make pacts with 'Entities' form outside their reality, who could cause Chris enough mental disruption that it would temporarily weaken the Mayor's powers long enough to get something done.
Considering these Entities actually did force the death of one of Chris's super goons (albeit temporarily) this may be the best option.
>yfw Trump impeached and another Republican takes his place, but at least Democrats have retaken congress
well by law it would be Pence, the most establishment "moral majority" conservative to ever refuse a meeting with a woman until his wife arrives to supervise
So...just as planned?
Trump is pretty obviously a legitimate target for impeachment, but I don't that Pence has committed any legally impeachable offenses. He might resign, but he would know full well that he's basically giving up the presidency if he does.
That's why I'm hoping that Trump doesn't get impeached until 2019
Did something significant actually happen this weekend, or is OP just on a fishing expedition
Trump launched missile strikes against one of Bashir al-Assad's airfields.
This is currently the Worst Thing Ever, despite President Obama using far more reckless and indiscriminate attacks against Syria for the past six years.
Either way he blundered by posting Chris Chan art as the OP.
CWC is the ultimate BBETransexualMaleLesbian
Unfortunately, Chris attained his Super Form and was able to extend his powers outside the scope of CWCville.
You can have an outside force momentarily destroy one of his Sonichus, but he'll just power up, come to your world, rewrite its inhabitants in his image, and then res his dead Sonichu.
The bastard literally runs off of the "Nuh Uh, I had this power THE WHOLE TIME" rules of 1st Grade make-believe fights.
in case you missed the joke: op's post is about Trump.
BBEG is gender neutral, guy or girl.
Big Bad Evil Walsh
OP here and this thread is far better than anything I could have imagined coming out of this. Also holy fuck this Dont Zap to the Extreme is pretty fucking good for a horror game.
>Also holy fuck this Dont Zap to the Extreme is pretty fucking good for a horror game
Yeah it's almost as if Chris-Chan is a creepy individual and his own little fantasyland is equally creepy.
If I ran out of Sanity would have to be Bantine the rapping Mantine Electric-Manta-Pokemon, yo yo yo!
No one, even chris does.
He drew porn of her and not the hot version that came about from fanart, the old witch lady based on his highschool headmistress.
>high school headmistress
She was the dean of student affairs at his community college. She became a villain in his life when she told him to stop harassing female students. She also suspended him for a year when he shouted a hex at her in her office.
I honestly wanted to write a story where autism suddenly begins manifesting as horrific eldritch power and Chris-Chan becomes some horrible infant Old God but I never got around to it.
Just finished Dont Zap to the Extreme, that was one fucking wild ride.
>She also suspended him for a year when he shouted a hex at her in her office.
He tried to Dragon Ball Z magic her. Because that's a thing that Chris believes works for some reason. He actually stood up and shouted "CURSE-YE-HA-ME-HA!!!!!!!" carefully making the BBZ fireball casting hands gesture like so
How the fuck is he not taken into sheltered accommodation or whatever the US equivalent is?
You are understating the magnitude.
Though its interesting to note some of the changes that have been made to his fictional realm to line up with the change in his current politics.
>How the fuck is he not taken into sheltered accommodation or whatever the US equivalent is?
Because it's not the government's job to babysit some idiot who's demonstrably less dangerous than people with far less delusional beliefs.
One thing I've learned over the years regarding Chris is he's nowhere near as mentally defective as he seems on the surface. His biggest hurdle is his crippling laziness. Group homes are for people who cannot function in society. Chris is just a weirdo.
He certainly is too retarded to manage finances, he got angry at his old fat mother for paying taxes
Why false kings gotta be evil?
Who says they won't do a better job than the real one?
Actually wrong. Firsthand sources suggest he pays most of the bills. He's still not good with money but he's not financially incompetent.
It's his mother who constantly racks up the debt. Several credit card companies are suing her right now.
Why don't you open up your eyes and check the news and see what our false king has been doing lately. Fucker is literally trying to start world war 3.
A.) His parents have been sheltering since it was a toddler. When his kindergarten noticed that he was legitimately an aspie, they tried to get documentation but his parents flipped because they though SpEd classes were medieval torture dungeons and tried to sue the school board before fleeing to a part of the state they lived in that didn't give a shit about SpEd.
b.) As far as the law is conserned, because he is medically counted as a high-functioning autistic, he doesn't qualitfy for more than his monthly tugboat (which is suppose to suppliment a regular job because he's too handicapped to take higher pay-grade jobs) as far as government aide goes
c.) He's 30 years old, so he can't become a ward of the state
d.) the mentally unstable are just put down by our cops because anything other than complying is grounds for death-by-cop if you're literally spazzing out and autisitically screeching when they're talking you down with guns drawn
Chris ends when his mom's does
It's why I don't pity him in the least and think he's simply a monster.
What? I've got no idea what you're talking about.
Does such a thing as a false king really exist, though? If a king's royalty is recognised by the military and enforced, how are they false?
Join the queue
Because, instead of voting in a person who could have saved humanity and given us a future, we chose to vote in a person who swayed and cheated and lied his way into the hearts and minds of gullible ignoramus saps who unquestionably followed the bullshit he spewed from his crooked wiry lips. Now we're all going to suffer because of it. You thought what was happening lately was bad, just wait and see what happens next.
>inb4 stupid alt-right shitposting
You faggots screamed that she would start the war, HE just did it. What now?
Pretty sure Veeky Forums has already made Cwcville as a setting.
It's a horrible Orwellian nightmare, where CWC rules as the divine leader, psychic hedgehogs monitor the residents for thoughtcrime, "dating education" forces women into sexual slavery, and all money goes towards "soup hotels", bloated military taskforces, and bizarre vanity projects.
...voting in? I don't think you understand how your garden variety feudal monarch works, user.
oh, right, you're one of THOSE people.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realise OP was talking about Trump. The UK Liberal Democrat leader said he totally agreed with Trump in his newsletter, and the BBC did an article a year ago on how Obama's failure to punish Assad for a chemical attack made them bolder about breaking international law. And I'm pretty sure /pol/ considers both of those Leftish-shill-mega cucks.
But who gives a shit, let's talk about Mary Lee Walsh. A FAR better topic.
Honestly, I'm just confused with whatever the fuck your point is. Are you trying to argue some anti-trump political point here? Can you please go somewhere else to do that?
I just want to have a discussion about false kings and what that means, so I can figure stuff out for my games too.
i feel like this would work better had the BBEW not spent the last 4 years saying 'fuck peasants lol'
>bloated military taskforces
Does CWCville really have much of a military though? The government hires a small group of private contractors for defending the city.
It has a militarized police force that helps fight JERKOPS, tanks, a company of CWCville loyal Transformers (or transforming robots resembling Transformers characters), and a specialist Power Rangers team formed by the mayor to fight PVCC.
That's just off the top of my head.
I thought the only ones who are actually on the government's dime are the Sonichus and Rosechus.
That said, I feel like the government spends way more on those ten-story soup hotels and enforcing contraband laws for cigarettes.
I love that Mary Lee Walsh was supposed to be an old woman wearing a horned viking hat, but Chris was too lazy to draw her grey hair, and everyone drew fanart of her as a sexy blond with devil horns.
I also love that the ultimate villain of the setting is the personification of his Highschool Graduation. It's like pottery.
>contraband laws
Ah yes, who could forget that CWC started the Cwcville space program just to launch a rocket full of cigerettes to the moon?
I'll take an incompetent blowhard over soneone who kidnaps teens and tortures them with electric shocks to keep them from turning gay. Trump wasn't the worst player in this farce, not by far.
There is a police force, but it's a skeleton staff at best because the mayor doesn't trust the loyalty of police officers. Two loyal police officers have been seen chilling with the mayor though, and CWC took pains to say JERKOPS are corrupted officers and not 'real' police.
The Transformers are apparently manufactured by CWCville(?)
The CWCville power rangers and all their mecha are funded by the city, they can be seen fighting trolls in one of the later issues.
>I also love that the ultimate villain of the setting is the personification of his Highschool Graduation
Well, to hear Chris tell it his High School graduation was the most devastating time of his life. He had to say goodbye to all his "gal-pals" and the principal didn't acknowledge his artistic talent when giving him his diploma.
The state he lives in doesn't give a single fried shit, Virginia is one of the reddest of the red states.
It bothers me that that is enough to make it the most devastating event in his life. He's surely had people say and do worse things to him than "somebody else got the best artist award"
>Cleopatra and her empire of blood in the 1600s in egypt.
is this some spicy new meme given she ruled from 51BC to 12BC
Well, he made those comments before his brief stint in jail so it's possible his perspectives changed.
As much as I would like to believe you I can't. Chris is just as bad. He buys a lot of games that he never plays and buys DLC for games he doesn't own.
He also has demonstrated a near total ignorance on how much money is worth.
To be fair, although he probably doesn't deserve it, there has been such a thing as an elective monarchy.
Jail? I thought he got off with basically a warning for every time he's been in front of a judge.
>He buys a lot of games that he never plays and buys DLC for games he doesn't own.
This is old Chris. New Chris still isn't frugal but he does in fact pay his bills and spends money on necessities. He absolutely does recognize he has financial problems and he brings this up constantly when begging for money.
>He also has demonstrated a near total ignorance on how much money is worth.
Also not really true. Again, he's bad with money. But he does understand it and what he can use for it. Once, some idiot gave him a thousand dollars to draw more Sonichu, and Chris immediately spent half of it on a new bed because he'd been sharing one with Barb recently. This is a pretty wise use of money.
You have to understand the wiki on Chris paints a picture of Chris the Character. Chris the Person is quite different.
Chris has never been to prison. Jail is where arrestees usually wind up until they're released and given a court date. He was still arrested and kept in a holding cell for a few days after the GameStop incident.
I hope you are right about him having changed for the better, I really do. Maybe it's my pessimistic nature but as much as I want to see him become a legitimate human being I also don't think it's going to stick.
I would have, but Hillary cheated and stole the primaries from Bernie. That was point when we got locked into a badend route.
Unfair. Both he and Her are both blue, so therefore its not cheating to share.
The American MSM thought it was a bad thing? I thought they hated Russia and /pol/ were the ones getting salty about it?
I'm afraid you're too late, we've already devolved into shitposting at this point. There's nothing left to derail.
>him having changed for the better
Oh no he's not getting better at all. He's been getting weirder and weirder. But his weird behavior is mostly limited to just being awkward and strange. He doesn't /need/ help.
I do have a real issue with people who demand or expect the government to take over Chris's life for him. There are people who are far more deserving and in need of that kind of help. Chris is just lazy and stupid; he's not the blithering retard people pretend he is.
It's more that Chris is painfully aware that they don't have Bob's pension and Social Security to sup up, so more of his monthly tugboat has to go to paying the bills than him really gaining fiscal competency.
Chris did, after all, spend $400 of the $1500 he got for that Sonic Totem thing to buy his mom a necklace. I'd be trying to make sure we have all our debts in order before trying to buy back pawned items.
Oh no, Chris still isn't good at money. But he's also not a mental defective who literally can't understand money or financial obligations. Some people think that's the case.
>if the party followed the BBEW the exact same thing would have happened
At least the false king isn't forcing the refugees he's creating with these attacks down our throats or he isn't yet, considering his failed promises so far I wouldn't be surprised if he flip-flops on that as well, in which case he and the BBEW would be equally bad.
>the $1500 he got for that Sonic Totem
I'm still baffled about this. Why on earth would anyone buy it for that much? I can see if it was like $30 or even something absurd like $100, as just a weird piece of christory, but for $1500 nobody is going to find it interesting, they'll just think the buyer's retarded.
Guys, I wanna try running Don't Zap to the Extreme for my group now.
We're all aware of chris-chan, but I think I need to read up more. I've mostly only read the articles about chris himself, but can someone point me in the right dorection of articles to help me understand every last detail about CWCville proper?
The article on CWCville itself is a good starting point. It lays out the basic legal system (as much as you can call it that), the geography, and the economy. Remember CWCville mints its own currency.
I'd also read the individual articles on the Chaotic Combo (Punchy, Wild, Blake, Magi-chan, etc.) because each one explains just a little bit how CWCville is a police state.
Also read the Alison Amber article. She's a failed actress who served as Chris's mayoral secretary. In recent "canon", Chris abdicated his seat and made her mayor so he could exist as some kind of benevolent guardian figure outside the city's politics. At least on paper. He's still very much in charge.
You are operating on the assumption that all people hold the same probably quite sensible sense of value that you do. They do not.
It could be that it is someone that honestly doesn't want CWC and Snorlax to get evicted from their house and this is a way of helping them out of some compulsion to charity.
It could be BlueSpike or another of the earlier and crueler trolls having grown up and now feeling huge remorse.
It could be an eccentric millionaire to whom the cash is not so important.
It could be someone speculatively buying shit that may acquire value in 50 years when we see documentaries about the earlier internet celebrities.
Or it could be some crazy bastard who will post a video of it on fire next week on youtube.
>Chris gave up mayorhood of CWCville to ascend to a position of blatant godhood.
Jesus; Sonichu canon gets more terrifying as time goes on.
Yeah, it gets weirder. When Chris decided he was now Christine, his Chris-chan Sonichu used magic to transform himself into a Rosechu. After doing so, "she" impregnated herself with a sample of her own pre-transition semen and gave birth to three offspring.
A few months ago when his credit card provider raised his limit he immediately spent all the money on transformersr and posted to facebook bragging about it. NINE MINUTES LATER he was back on FB complaining that his mother's bills were crippling him financially.
He is maxed out on half a dozen credit cards and since Bob died his debt has risen from $3500 to over way over $10,000 and that is the most conservative estimate. Another CWC follower told me today he figured it was $250,000 but he had no figures to support that, so I'm just going on what I've read on the CWCki. His monthly minimum interest payment when Bob was around was $220. No clue what it is now.
Remember the time Chris traveled into the future and synthesised a "gay vaccine" from his blood, and then went back into the present day to cure homosexuality by putting his blood/vaccine into the water supply?
You lie, sir, there is surely no new Sonichu content.
>After doing so, "she" impregnated herself with a sample of her own pre-transition semen and gave birth to three offspring.
Are you sure you're not confused about Sonichu and Rosechu's three kids? Because Chris aged them and had one of the boys be trans and the girl be a lesbian.