Where would 40k be now if they hadn't retconned anything of the original?
Where would 40k be now if they hadn't retconned anything of the original?
We wouldn't have newcrons, the best necrons bar none. We'd have chaos androids.
>We'd have chaos androids.
And now we don't. Which explains why everything's turned to shit.
It begins with an S & ends with a t.
Superb Amazement?
Rogue trader is basically just 40k without chaos.
and arguably better for it
Super Great.
Sweeps you off your feet!
We'd have a 2000AD wargame instead.
Except Chaos was in Rogue Trader.
That quote is glorious.
Probably better overall if anything, because no retcons would require by nature, that they add new shit to the setting to keep it alive. So we'd avoid that cringey early-mid 2010s era of Black Library where they spent more time retconning existing fluff than coming up with actually new stuff.
At least they seem to be getting a bit better about it.
Marines would look cash as fuck.
We'd also still have the half eldar ultramarine librarian that had served in multiple different chapters, tyranid slave races and electric guitar noise weapons (actually that last one was cool).
A lot of the stuff from the early days was kinda poorly done, and we're better off without it, but at the same time shit like "the emperor made a deal with chaos" and "khorne has no honor" we could really do without.
ALL those things were great, piss off.
Then 40K wouldn't turned popular and would be a mediocre setting or have died out.
>"khorne has no honor"
That was the original Khorne you faggot.
Would we? Chaos Androids was more of the Hasbro game than WH40k.
Khorne and honour? As long as you gave blood to the blood god, he didn't care, kill your mates, spill their blood, spill your blood, the more the merrier!
In fact Khorne favoured those who betrayed their friends the most, because they understood the truth of things the best.
As opposed to a shitty setting that is dying out?
Better to be dying out than to have died out if it is even dying at all.
>We'd also still have the half eldar ultramarine librarian that had served in multiple different chapters, tyranid slave races and electric guitar noise weapons (actually that last one was cool).
I'm kind of new to 40k, but this sounds way more entertaining than what we currently have, desu.
Rogue Trader original was very much 'Heavy Metal Magazine: the Wargame'. Even now, I feel like the closer 40k hews to that, the better things work out. Of course, that still means there's some goofy stuff around the margins, which some people will love, and some will hate.