are there black cadians?
Cadian conundrum
not canonically stated but there's nothing stopping black people from living there and having a kid with the locals aside from it being a war zone/exploded and moving there being a dumb plan unless you want to fight chaos.
depends if they are fresh cadians or if they have recruted from other planets I believe? anyone back me up?
think there's one on the City fight front cover but I think of any other official cadian art work with black people in, although I could swear I've seen a black Cadian officer somewhere but I'm not sure where. Maybe they're all Kasrkin
Nope unless there is a cotton plantation
Depends on how racist you are.
Now? there are no Cadians, period
? what does that mean?
I read this as "are there any black Canadians"
>nothing stopping
Self-respect? Casual inherent racism? An unwillingness to regress evolutionary? There's many reasonsm
and some folks just want to have sex with black people.
>A whole planet is completely mono-race.
Yes, user there might be black Cadians. We haven't seen them, but it's logical to assume that not all Cadians looks the same.
Technically possible, but unlikely. Because who the fuck wants to go to Cadia? It's like saying you'll take a vacation on Armageddon
>black people are inferior
Literally the stupidest meme.
Not sure why there wouldn't be unless it's specifically stated that they're all of one race.
OP do you like baiting people?
It's another way of saying none
Oh come on, there's discount vacation packages to Catacha, why not save some thrones?
Cadian Blood had the Cadians unused to seeing black people, so I'm guessing no. It's worth noting the story had a black Commisar assigned too them, so it's not impossible to see a black face in warzones outside Cadia, but they wouldn't be Cadians.
Thee adians also killed the Commissar for being an arsehole at the end of the story.
The answer is the same for either reading.