Post your favorite MTG art. I just got a new one with Amonkhet

Post your favorite MTG art. I just got a new one with Amonkhet.

Time Reversal is pretty sweet.

Here's another spooky demon.

No contest for me, Bloodghast

I don't know if I could pick one favorite. Heres one I really like.


Also this style needs more love nowadays. Things are way too safe in magic nowadays.









Best accidental flavor.

Wrong thread?



>G U A Y
Not limited to MtG









"I done it again, George!"

>Look at me mama! I drank da food coloring and took pepe on da canvas!


Just think of the rabbits, Lenny.


Seb is one of the very few redeeming factors to modern magic art.

I'll never be able to find the art by itself but this Raymond Swanland Glorious Anthem art is amazing to me

It's been my desktop background for about three years.




Holy fuck what is that?

An Archfiend of Ifnir.

The card doesn't quite do the art Justice, but the name certainly does.


I was wondering what it was in the context of the setting and the card really helps.

I really have no idea what it is in the context of the setting other than being a big scary demon that lives somewhere called Ifnir. My knowledge of M:TG lore is pretty lacking regarding the new set because I don't really care anymore.

That's frankly all we know

Most magic sets have one giant random scary demon that just kinda exists.

Like that one that's just kind of in the middle of a Kaladesh market from Aether Revolt


The people don't even seem that distressed.

Maybe he's a frequent shopper

Shows up to Pajeet's curry stand every Monday, asks how his kids are doing

>What's Hakeet, the Infernal Son doing here on a Wednesday?

Pajeet must have something real spicy in that curry then

They probably think he's an invention desu

As long as we're talking stained glass...

The card might become a living end staple.

I really hope so, that art is too good to be on a card that see's no play. Seb has supplanted John Avon as my favorite MTG artist; he's easily the best new artist to do work for WoTC in years.



I think the Overrun's card art is pretty neato.

I don't understand

my nigga

took me a long time to realize that this is upside down, implying the person is lying down with their head back. They're dead, jim.



Destroy target creature.

No flavour text. No fancy name or subtle joke. Just overwhelming, deafening bluntness.

The perfect art for the perfect name for the perfect effect.



aaaaand /thread

I sorta miss when ALL of magic was like that. When the fluff was basically just "So there's these two wizards... and they're FIGHTING, right? And they can summon monsters from, like, myths and shit.", and you'd read some of the little fluff lines on the cards and just be like... WTF is an "urza"?

IMO beginning of the end was when they started trying to explain the backstory.

I've always been partial to this weirdo. His fluff blurb was something along the lines of him taking other people's faces and wearing them because he has no face of his own. The execution is a little dubious, but I love the concept.

That art is really striking, but the actual content is just bizarre. What was that dude doing before he was stabbed? Who SITS like that? What is holding his head up? Why doesn't he drop the circlet? Where is all the blood? WHAT IS ANYTHING IN THIS PICTURE!?!?!?!


That looks like absolute shit.

What card is that tho

Enchanted evening

The best flavor cards in each set are always the ones that have nothing to do with the main story.

Got a few





This is honestly by virtue of meeting him in person, but Adam Rex has done some pretty cool MTG Art, though he has ever since blossomed out into being a quite frankly kickass children's book illustrator.

He did a lot of stuff in Lorwynn and original Ravnica, and when meeting him once he handed me a big box of test prints of cards in Modern Masters 2... and Box of Modern Masters 2.

But yeah, that said, I've been really digging his children's book work and been getting his books for my baby brothers ever since.

Almost anything by Mark Tedin.

More Adam Rex.

Akroma doing her thing.

Kaladeshi demons are literally inventions, so they are not wrong

Everyone who posted Seb, Kev Walker, rk post are my brothers of african descent. Ron Spencer had some cool pieces too. One thing I miss sometimes from mtg art is Frazzeta og sword and sorcery though.

best art coming through

Man, Lorwyn had some really solid art

If you didn't mind the whimsical art direction is was a great time to play. The cards were gorgeous. Plus evil elves was a nice change of pace.