Yo /TG, if you were an elder race who will soon turn extinct trying to trap an ancient immortal evil in your temple, what kinds of defenses would you install?
Yo /TG, if you were an elder race who will soon turn extinct trying to trap an ancient immortal evil in your temple...
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Putting it at the bottom of a pit, possibly filled with or under water - perhaps able to be filled with water, if it's part of the temple or city's water infrastructure - which would likely also necessitate large buildings and mechanisms for moving water, as well as giving a potential power supply, and making buildings that would need to be secured anyway.
Putting the can you're putting the evil in a pit underneath a big cistern with the capacity to drop a shit-ton of water (and possibly the big "plug") on it (from a great height) if the containment fails seems like a fair plan.
Also means you can have lots of sewers and underground tunnels and canals before you get down to the containment itself, and perhaps an underground alter at the main reservoir (I'd want to bless that water occasionally)
Seems pretty good.
Let's say you can safely assume that the evil's influence will cause some of the relatively primitive human tribes on the island to form a secret cult trying to free the Evil.
How'd you stop them, seeing as you won't be around in person.
I'd build it in the middle of the largest desert I can find.
Shoggoths, most likely.
One level of the dingeion is a giant mirror trap designed to seperate people and force them to fight manifestations of their own evil nature. The more evil you are, the stronger it is.
If you kill it, your alignment changes to good because you literally destroyed the evil within you. If it kills you... well, you are dead. You go no further.
This way, I can ensure that only those pure of heart make it to the deeper chambers, which include magically translated explanations of the purpose of the dungeon and why keeping the evil locked up is so important.
That should foil both evil assholes and good people being tricked by evil assholes.
Also seal a bunch of giant robots nearby that will come out of hiding when said ancient immortal evil awakens.
This is dangerously close to Pacific Rim; wizard punches edition...
...And I LIKE IT
>build an underground temple at the bottom of the sea
>bury the ancient evil beneath it
>create or ally a tribe of mermaids/deep sea horrors to guard the temple, and entrust them a legend about the temple's purpose that's completely misleading
>design the temple so that aquatic beings cannot enter or move around in it, if anyone of them do think to investigate
>make the underground temple an elaborate maze defended by golems, traps, wandering monsters, and what have you
>design the temple in such a way that at its well-guarded centre is a treasure hoard with heaps of gold and moderately powerful magic thingamajigs
>if some villain or faggot adventurers explore the temple they'll think it was build to guard the magic thingamajig and fuck off once they have it
>rig it so the magic air bubble sealing in the temple disappears when the treasure room is breached
>also sprinkle some ancient mega-golems/magitek mechas around that can help contain the ancient evil if it ever does awake
A doah.
I'd put locks on the doors.
A few goblins could probably do it. They seem trustworthy enough. Maybe a snake if we want to go overkill.
Storing a living fuckton of radioactive waste and toxic materials literally fucking everywhere in and around the elder god's sarcophagi is a good start. Dissuades casual attempts in favor of large-scale ones.
Pair it with golems, automatons, magically resetting traps, and unstable magic rifts in the upper levels.
Finally, put a 100 foot gap in front of the only fucking entrance with a raised drawbridge at the far side, no way to drop it from the outside, and have the pit shoot some kind of hellfire every 30 minutes.
Another great one? False entrances that are one way portals to other planes.
Finally, the surefire overkill bit? Have it belch out a cloud of toxic gas that kills everything for hundreds of miles every year.
Actually, question-- How far can a "primitive human", that is one without medieval conceptions of food preservation, road-building beyond primitive paths, or medicine travel in a year with the support of a really dedicated tribe?
Because the simplest solution seems to be pulling in equal amounts of negative and positive energy or some shit to nuke to all hell a sphere 10x that every year.
I make a magical sign that allows it to be read by anybody and auto-translates itself and is immune to harm, along with being placed in an obvious spot (along with there being no doors, this is a fucking tomb not a temple).
>Look here you cockguzzling dipshits, our dying act was to save your pathetic ungrateful asses from the greatest evil to ever exist, currently residing in this here tomb. Unless you want every single person on the planet enslaved and the rest killed, I sincerely advise you retards to not unleash this evil again. And to that one Chaotic Evil drooling slack-jawed, ass-sucking, motherfucking utter dipshit, no retard. You will not become this thing's second in command as a reward for releasing it. It will fucking kill you. This is a no-win situation for anybody who opens these here tomb.
>But honestly if you're so fucking stupid you're going to do it? Fuck you. I didn't install any traps because fuckit, I'm dead. If you new races are too fucking stupid to comprehend this here warning, you deserve to fucking die.
So basically put it into the Sun?
Creative, I like it, but what if the evil counterparts win?
What about good asholes?
Make interior of building out of legos, then a series of traps that destroy footwear in the main entrance way.
Storing radioactive material is its own problem.
Of course, in either case you should probably start your warnings with:
>This place is a message...and part of a system of messages...pay attention to it!
>Sending this message was important to us. >We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
>This place is not a place of honor...no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here...nothing valued is here.
>What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. >This message is a warning about danger.
>The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
>The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
Stick it under a self-sustaining nuclear reactor, deliberately made to spew out radiation to kill anything that approaches in a 100km radius. This would also double as a method of testing the immortality part of the 'ancient immortal evil', who knows what an eternity of radiation might do to it. Hopefully make it weaker at the least.
Flood it with mercury. Lots and lots of mercury.
Yes, let's expose an immortal monster to massive amounts of radiation. There's no way that could go wrong.
Yeah, it'd probably die or mutate from cancer so much it can't even move and end up living a undying life full of torture and pain until the sun extinguishes itself and anything on the planet, immortal or not.
A number of self-educating custodian golems instructed to maintain the facilities and eachother, keep themselves apprised as new languages develop in the world and be up-to-date in their fluency. Then whenever someone stumbles into the temple, they will have the nature of the facility and the evil clearly explained to them, rather than relying on cryptic pictogram bullshit that leaves too much ambiguous.
Do all of these other suggestions, but then build another decoy temple on top of it. Fill this one with more mediocre defenses, and have the center of that one contain a fake version of the sealed evil. Some sort of doppelganger that believes its the evil force, and that it has to seek to regain its strength. Then have it be weak to fire or something really easy to find, so that any heroes who go against him will have an easy time. Ideally, you want a way for this to reset, so another duplicate will be in the fake temple a century from now.
Then, you put the real entrance as a really deep pit hidden under the room of that duplicate.
A few billion of these.
Absolutely none.
The more defenses there are, the more attention it grabs. The more you tell people "Don't do this thing" the more they want to do it. The more mysterious a thing is, the more people want to figure out its meaning.
No labels.
No mention of the location.
Put it in it's containment unit.
Bury it under an 100 foot earthen mound, nestled in some hills so it looks like it belongs there.
Forget about it.
If future races dig it up? Let the fact it is improsoned and somebody went through a lot of trouble to imprison it be the warning. If they're too dumb to leave it alone : fuck 'em.
Have you read the containment procedure for some of the Keter-class SCPs in the Foundation?
Try SCP-682-containment procedure.
That'll be a start.
Chuck it into a black hole. Alternatively, trap it in the centre of a white hole that expands space faster than the speed of light.
Among other measures, tons of unavoidable and really shitty curses for anyone who comes through. And I'll announce it to, no traps, just opening the doors forever kills your erection, makes you ugly but not too ugly, you get Alzheimers and cancer, emanate a constant smell of putrid shit, people reflexively despise you, constant migraines, IBS, acne, the curse reads your mind and automatically sends your relatives and friends all the vile and disgusting shit you've done, people struggle to remember you, you get severe depression, start stuttering, your height drops and your weight increases, clothes alway tear on you and seem like they are slipping, you are constantly sleep and apathetic, teeth start rotting, any god you worship is sent a message which brands you a faggot (hey, you ARE trying to unseal an evil), also all food tastes like feces 'till the end of your life.
This guy in a sarcophagus, set to awake if the seal evil even so much as fucking twitches.
A giant fucking boulder.
Due to how long it takes radioactive waste to decay, there have been studies done in ways to make sure the far future understands warnings about it. If memory serves, one of these studies - done by the UN, maybe - can be found online. Lots of strange pictures, highly inspirational for 'Ancient People's Warnings'.
>Part of me has always thought 'Call of Cthulhu' could be read not as an actual god almost awakening, but as a cargo cult built around psychically-charged waste from an ancient war.
Some sort of spike pit.
Maybe a basilisk or cockatrice.
20 miles a day (the standard for Roman legions, IIRC) * 365 days= 7300 miles per year.
So you'd basically need to nuke the whole continent to do that.
Interesting. I suspect that this strategy would buy you some time, possibly quite a lot of time (especially if you buried it a kilometer down rather than 100 feet), but the world is thoroughly screwed if the ancient evil is ever uncovered, because nobody will know what it is or how it got there. And of course they'd free it, because that'd be their only way to figure those things out.
I'd go for the absolute polar opposite of the obscurity approach-- I'd publicize the hell out of it. Make sure everyone knew what it was and where it was and what would happen if it ever woke up again, provide great detail as to how it was sealed and who it was sealed by, and spread the information so far, and in so monay different forms, as to make it impossible to erase. Defenses can be overcome, and time erodes all mechanisms; as other posters have noted, the responsibility for preventing the return of the ancient evil ultimately lies with future generations, and the righteous people of the future will surely understand their opponents far better than I can anticipate them. Thus, my first duty is to transfer my knowledge to those righteous people accurately and completely, so that they are as well-informed as possible.
That said, some defenses wouldn't hurt. I like the signs and the custodian golems, of course, but I'd probably adopt the "Zone of Death" approach as well, either with radiation or with something else.
Yeah, I was quoting from a warning that got suggested.
We put it under a gazebo.
After writing this, I thought of a much sillier scheme which still sounds fun.
An evil cult seeking to unleash a sealed ancient evil has nothing to lose but their lives, and if you're looking to unleash an ancient sealed evil, the threat of death presumably isn't going to deter you. So let's introduce something for the evil faction to fear: introduce the possibility that screwing with the temple in the wrong way will cause the ancient evil to be destroyed rather than unleashed.
Suppose you craft have an extraordinarily complex mechanism in your temple, with supplied information (in one language or another) stating that the mechanism can either release or destroy the ancient evil. (In reality it does neither, as the evil cannot be destroyed and your race doesn't want to release it.) Now any future evil cult has a reason to avoid screwing around with the device-- they might destroy the evil they seek to unleash if they don't know how to work it. The same goes for would-be do-gooders, who should fear unleashing the ancient evil. Both sides have an incentive to stop lolrandom lever-pulling douchebags from getting anywhere near the thing, and if the temple is sufficiently remote, lethal, and obnoxious to explore, most randos should be discouraged.
Next, give out a tantalizing but meaningless clue to the operation of the device-- say a text of some variety which is actually total gibberish but looks something like Linear B, the Voynich Manuscript, or the Codex Seraphinianus. Play up the importance of this text, and hint that it contains, in some form, instructions for operating the mechanism. Anybody who's studying the text will have a vested interest in the idea that it's meaningful, so it should be centuries before anyone even suggests that it's garbage. And anyone who manages to test their interpretation using the mechanism will be sorely disappointed to discover that their scheme is wrong-- it must be, because the mechanism didn't do anything.
The main problem here is that somebody, somewhere, ought to be informed that the ancient evil cannot, in fact, be destroyed. I'm not really sure how to work that in, though.
Hang a "No Solicitors" sign at the door.
>Yo /TG, if you were an elder race who will soon turn extinct trying to trap an ancient immortal evil in your temple, what kinds of defenses would you install?
none. i'd make it as remote and nondescript as possible, then murder everyone (lastly, myself) who knew anything about what we did