It is only okay to roleplay a little girl character if:
>they were a wizard that changed into a little girl and still act like a crotchety old man
It is only okay to roleplay a little girl character if:
>they were a wizard that changed into a little girl and still act like a crotchety old man
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Go be a pedophile somewhere else.
Anyone that has an image they've titled "Loli Smolder" is not asking this question with pure intentions.
While the actual idea isn't bad, perhaps if the wizard was merely de-aged or something, you clearly wanna discuss this for fetish reasons.
So fuck off.
I think that inherently makes it more creepy.
It's never okay to roleplay a little girl you sick bastard
>if you want to roleplay a little girl.
Fuck your safe space, asshole.
Only if you also have a penis.
>It is only okay to roleplay a little girl character if:
you want to roleplay a little girl character.
Fuck these idiots, I'll play whatever I feel like building as a character if it's in tune with the gamemaster's world, regardless of what a bunch of idiots on Veeky Forums think. Veeky Forums is now a bastion of autistic dipshits who think all fun is bagwrongfun.
>roleplay a little girl
You've watched too much anime, Boy
Lolis are for monks and barbarians only.
No, don't do it. Other people will hate you.
You're okay
>tfw have a female player playing a dumb blonde teen girl
It's okay to roleplay a little girl character, but only if she is Danny DeVito.
>little girl smacking other party members with a walking stick
>often goes full 'GET OFF MY LAWN'
I guess it could be funny in a beer and pretzels game. Wouldn't do it in anything serious.
Might work as a one-off npc in a completely-not-serious campaign, but I can't imagine them being amusing for more than a couple sessions, even if they completely stayed out of uncomfortable magical realm territory
Only on a lolcampaign.
As DM I wouldn't give you such a spell. But I would let you create a little girl character, as long as you are ready to suffer the penalties that low age provides.
I mean, in general it's okay to play whatever you want as long as you're with people who are fine with it and it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.
As a rule, just ask yourself "Would the other players find my character concept creepy or make them feel uncomfortable?" If the answer is yes, don't do it. Personally, I'd be skeptical of someone who wants to play "little girls", but as long as it's not overly creepy, I could probably deal.
That said, I did end up having to play one in a campaign where we randomly generated every aspect of our PCs with dice rolls.
Ended up with a character the party nicknamed "Sick", a terminally ill, evil gnome barbarian girl who barely spoke Common, coughed on everyone she came across to spread her disease, and murderhobo'd her way around every obstacle. Thought demons, bugs, and zombies were cool as hell, and bossed the party around with one word sentences and pointing and grunting.
Not the kind of character I usually play, but it was fun nonetheless.
Long story short, I had to RP a little girl (13) and a pitfiend that was bound to her soul. She was unaware of this and just assumed the big scary demon man was her best friend.
As long as they're 2D and we don't get too weird user, it's alright in my game. I dare to enter your magical realm.
Side note, the girl was originally played by the DMs daughter but she got sick for a couple weeks and I had to step in. I was the pitfriend
So Purah?
No, really, you're a dick.
I would be okay if you did a character like this.
I would however kick you out if it was for ERP.
Are you being punished by your DM, or is this your fetish/
If you regularly use terms like "loli" and "shota" to describe children, no it is not okay.
Why are people so obsessed with little girls? Seriously? Is it because adult women seem unobtainable? Is it because you can pretend your attraction is only cute and thus unrelated to perversion?
Why the hell has it become acceptable to be a pedophile -in spirit if not in deeds? Seriously? I know the japanese have had a youth obsession for some time, but WHY would a western-educated person think it's okay?
Sorry, OP, you might be genuinely interested in the character archetype, but... the hell. I'm sick of seeing people drooling over kids every other thread.
That said...
It's okay to roleplay a little girl when it's appropriate for the setting and game. But it's most likely not okay if you feel you have to make excuses for it.
I do DM Little Fears one-shots often. I actually like kid PCs. They often have very nuanced personalities, because the players don't assume they have to be a hero or be badass when they create them. They often are both endearing and cruel in turn. Horror works very well, because they know their characters are vulnerable.
But if anybody came up to me with an anime little girl/boy as an illustration for a LF character, I think I'd bolt out on principle. People here made me paranoid.
No, now stop posting threads like this.
>another thread died for this
>pedophile in spirit
Go on, I'm interested.
I was in a superhero FATE game at my university for a while where two of the guys were playing little girls, Anaesthetic (whose power was super surgery) and Karma (whose power was condition swapping). As far as I could tell, everyone else thought it was funny and there was nothing fetishy about it.
I agree. It's all about tone. I'd be a little girl in something like MAID, or some other light-hearted game. But I wouldn't do it in something heavy and serious. Unless it was Nechronica.
>Why the hell has it become acceptable to be a pedophile -in spirit if not in deeds?
Try going to places other than the internet, hell even just Veeky Forums. If someone admits "Yeah I'm a sexually attracted to children, but it's alright because I don't act on my desires", everyone will still treat them like a creepy weirdo. You can't compare the way people interact on the internet to how they do in real life. Even with normalfags encroaching on internet life more and more over the past ten years.
Are you this asshole?
I bet you are.
I will never pass up a chance to call this guy out on his bullshit.
Yeah, I know. I'm asking about the people from there. I don't know, I can't compute somehow telling themself it's okay to be a pedophile.
The only little girl character in a game I ran that wasn't shit was a girl being used by a suit of spectral armor that desperately needed a tether to the mortal realm so it grabbed the first thing it could find.
>if you are a cute little girl
>if you roleplay a cute little girl
The idea is that if someone isn't harming others, what is wrong with what they do. At least that's how I think it would work.
>As DM I wouldn't give you such a spell.
So you wouldn't give a PC access to, say, DnD's True Polymorph for fear that they would use it to permanently become a little girl?
I mean, there's dictating goodfun and badfun and then there is this.
But why do they feel the need to let that creep in tabletop games? Or boards about tabletop games?
>see a character concept
>already thinking of penalties you can put on it
Shit GM
The same reason anyone else could let their particular fetish creep into games. They either don't recognize that it makes other uncomfortable, or don't care. Remember the whole "dare you enter my magical realm" line was from a webcomic about players getting mad at their DM shoving his watersports fetish into their game.
It's usually best to have a household rule of "no politics, religion, or sex" during game sessions, I've found.
>Veeky Forums loses its shit already
Fuck it guys, what is best kind of wizard?
>So you wouldn't give a PC access to, say, DnD's True Polymorph for fear that they would use it to permanently become a little girl?
You really don't want to play this game user.
But if you want, sure, I will make you a sheet of little girl scores. Have fun reducing all your stats accordingly and that's if I'm generous.
>do something retarded
>reee bad GM, why my actions have consequences?
That GM detected
Literally everything becomes acceptable under such conditions.
>user getting salty
Sorry user but this is how it works. Adults are just superior to children in everything. But if you want I can give you a little bonus to surprise.
I'd allow it if the wizard could polymorph or there was a prequel session before the main game with the protags as children.
-5 strength, dex, and con, and - 2 charisma (with subtractions in intimidate and persuade).
Also they aren't allowed in Taverns, or on the battlefield. -- Also they can't take jobs, and the other party members have to talk for them because nobody will take them seriously.
Pretty much what being a little girl is actually like.
I feel like I've been put on a watchlist just for looking at this.
>Also they aren't allowed in Taverns
As if anyone would care in a medieval setting. Except you're injecting your own moral beliefs into the shit, but then you shouldn't care about realistic depiction of children at all because the setting itself would be flawed.
>Also they can't take jobs
Bullshit. Children were always helping out their family and in light jobs through history. Especially in a tavern they could help in the kitchen, clean up rooms and service drinks/food to the table.
>-5 dex
>-2 charisma
Pedophilia is more common than you think and less taboo in earlier history.
Anyone who wants to play a little girl should probably be rejected unless the DM knows them personally and has RPed with them before and thus knows that they can take it seriously and not go around being a stereotypical little girl or trying to get molested. Also your idea is retarded and even if someone I knew and considered a good roleplayer asked to play it I would probably say no because its retarded.
Fun fact:
Japanese obsession with lolis comes from west actually. Loli stuff didn't really exist in Japan before 70-80s and was influenced by Nabokov's book (duh), European CP (legal back then) and European artistic photography which uses nude children (it's a real thing and considered to be art).
I've been around weebs and anime for so long that my mind barely registers "loli" as actual kids, just wierd anime bullshit. theres a degree of seperation that my brain has built up but when something is so blatant that it tears it down I react like a good normie should.
Playing a "loli" in a non-anime themed game would probably push my normie button
>injecting moral beliefs that could very well exist in a realistic society makes a setting flawed.
lol k
>Children can't takes jobs tho.
Seriously, every instance of what you said was either orchestrated by a parent, family, or guardian of the child. While the odd case of a person letting a kid work without acceptance of an adult exists, they usually are either not paid or paid poorly.
That's beside the point I was trying to make that no one would hire a child to kill bandits or explore ruins, or anything else an ADVENTURER in a ROLE PLAYING GAME would do.
You're grasping at straws.
>-5 dex
Fair enough.
I'll leave dex the same on the grounds that there are 8 year old ballerinas more dexterous than me.
>-2 charisma
Are you honestly suggesting I was referring to sex appeal? You sicken me.
Charisma is the force of one's personality, and ambition. Children are followers by their very psychology and biology. It's nature. Just like -str and -con.
I'd give penalties to a guy who ploymorphs a bear all the time too. Body affects the mind just as much as mind affects the body.
One can never say that a concept is certain to be "okay" or "good" because even a valid idea needs to be played well. Some are more risky and require some experience or finesse to play, and child characters are such a concept.
However, you can rule some concepts out as bad immediately.
Protip: If you ever use the phrase "loli" or "shota" as a descriptor for a child or child character, you're gonna be shit and invalidate any concept you had.
Nah, loli or shota might be fine description if the setting is contemporary Japan and character is a prostitute or something like that.
>everyone will still treat them like a creepy weirdo
And that's a good thing.
>injecting moral beliefs that go against the realistic representation of that time in a setting that obviously aims for a realistic portrayal (children in your case)
lol k
>Seriously, every instance of what you said was either orchestrated by a parent, family, or guardian of the child. While the odd case of a person letting a kid work without acceptance of an adult exists, they usually are either not paid or paid poorly.
In my country there's a history of havin children as young as 10 working in coalmines. Was the pay poor? Yes. Did they have a job? Yes.
>That's beside the point I was trying to make that no one would hire a child to kill bandits or explore ruins, or anything else an ADVENTURER in a ROLE PLAYING GAME would do.
You probably play a shit system and a shit game or just are gm'ing shit games if the only thing you do is killing stuff and exploring unrealistic bullshit dungeons. It's ROLE PLAYING after all.
>Are you honestly suggesting I was referring to sex appeal?
Are you honestly saying that charisma doesn't include physical appearance? Besides children can influence us pretty well. They're not only skilled liars but also induce by biology the need to protect/care for them in most people.
>I'd give penalties to a guy who ploymorphs a bear all the time too. Body affects the mind just as much as mind affects the body.
You are an autistic THAT GUY.
common age for children to be married off was 12-14 or younger for most of human history, we only started jacking the age up to 17-18 in most places late victorian period
>It is impossible to find a picture of an 11 year old spellcaster
Did this nigger even try?
>You probably play a shit system and a shit game or just are gm'ing shit games if the only thing you do is killing stuff and exploring unrealistic bullshit dungeons. It's ROLE PLAYING after all.
What? In most games you're going to be doing something dangerous. It's not the ONLY thing you'll be doing but you will be doing it at some point 9 times out of 10.
a cute
The fact that he reuses the same character, just changes the name and pic, should be the answer to your question.
Also he's using 3dpd, he's too far gone
Only among nobility, and even then, less often than popular culture would have you believe. Why the fuck would a peasant sacrifice a hand that could be working in the fields for the next year if they had any other choice?
Danger is not the same as permanent conflict and fighting - and can appear in a much more subtle context than just an armored guy with a big sword. You are playing a shitgame or a just use a shit system that doesn't allow for more complex scenarios than "go there and kill xyz".
Is her foot broken?
I thought Veeky Forums always wanted to be the little girl. Have things really changed that much?
>>It is impossible to find a picture of an 11 year old spellcaster
>Did this nigger even try?
He went as far as to use photos of actual little girls. Yea, I'm sure he "tried".
Okay. But what about children in those situations.
They grow up to be ninja cyborgs.
No, her shoe is dangling off her toe.
I miss when Veeky Forums wasn't full of lewd nazis.
I mean, why are you on Veeky Forums if you aren't at *least* desensitized to most perversions?
They have to live through that, suffer from it or otherwise have to deal with interesting dilemmas that can give a nice tone to the general roleplay and mood of the table.
Also . These are the moments that make a character and evolve a personality.
Because people figured out how easy it was to troll Veeky Forums by pretending to be a normie.
>they were a wizard that changed into a little girl and still act like a crotchety old man
Yup. Disgust for pedophilia is trolling.
so cagliostro from granblue?
>and still act like a crotchety old man
Doujins tell me otherwise.
forgot to post this but the reason he switched to a female body is implied to be because he was a lolicon, and REALLY liked cute things
I like the one where caglio and the hero start arguing over what's better: loli footjobs or super tits paizuri... to everyone else it devolves quickly from there
Since the real reason you are going for this is to convince another greasy neckbeard at your table to have unwashed sex with you, I'd say do what you want. Just don't tell us about it.
What about a little girl that was changed into an old man but still acts like a little girl?
No shit sherlock. If anyone tries to drag out their fetish and shove it down my throat I'll think they're a creepy weirdo.
>Not playing a little girl monk, who, despite her age, has somehow attained deep wisdom and inner peace, delivering much needed advice to the other party members when they need it, and being found meditating quietly when not traveling
>And even though she's so young she can split boulders with her bare hands
>being disgusted on Veeky Forums
Hawhaw, newfag.
Kinda funny sounding actually
>"Aw aren't you a magical lil lady."
Puré was shittely done, mostly because they tried to push the little girl thing to cater to pedos.
They should've just gone all the way with the joke.
>delivering much needed advice to the other party members when they need it
I know you're mostly just memeing, but this has never worked. No character in the history of gaming has ever offered "sage advice" to another, especially not in D&D and its derivatives.
I meant in a fluff way, the kind of character, that in any other story, would be appear out of no where, meditating in a convenient place to deliver sage advice to one of the other characters. I know that would likely never happen in an actual game, but I was using it as an example
Fuck off, ageist