My firrst game of MTG

Hey guys played my first game of MTG commander today, and it wasnt very fun desu.

What happened is my buddy has been bugging to me try the game out, and I decide to take him up on it. It was recommended that I play commander as they say thats the easier format.

So he let me play his his mono black commander deck. While he played a white/blue protection from black deck.

My turns consised of me untapping my land, drawing a card, then passing my turn because I couldnt do anything.

Is this the way MTG normally plays out? If so then why is it so popular?

Or was my first time experience not the norm?

your friend sounds like an asshole

get gud

Either you got shitty mulligans, or your friend gave you a shitty deck. If you have the decklist someone could probably tell you which it was.

He had artifact creatures that I couldnt destroy, due to them having protection from black, and my spells didnt work because they said they dont work on artifact creatures.

How do I?

>So he let me play his his mono black commander deck. While he played a white/blue protection from black deck.
Your friend is a twat. Go to your local game store and ask some random nerds between rounds if they could teach you how to play.

As much as i agree edh is the best format, I think it's better for you to start off with standard and limited to get a feel of the game, especially limited. Limited is basically either draft or sealed, where you and a group of 7+ people at a gaming store open up packs and use cards ONLY from those packs(they, the local gaming stores(lgs) provide land tho, if your wondering) and play each other in a traditional tournament style. Then standard is building decks from the last 5-8 sets, right now we can use battle for zendikar, oath of gatewatch, shadow over innistrad, Eldritch moon, kaladesh, and aether revolt. The only problem with standard right now is that it's got like 2 top decks that beat the fuck out of everyone, so unless you got a casual crwod avoid tourney, or just play with friends. But if your friend tries to play against you in standard and pulls out shit in mardu(red, white, and black) colors tell him to kill himself, cause he's basically doing the same thing he did to you with the commander scenario. Or if he plays a card called saheeli rai or felidar guardian. After understanding the normal way to play magic then you can transition to the fun free for all edh. Btw edh/commander is the same thing and is really meant to be played in groups of 3 or more, much more fun that way, if anyone tells you different, you know the magic words you should respond with, 'Kill yourself'

>white and blue
>artifact creatures

Sounds like he played the most cunty and annoying deck possible. Go find someone who plays red aggro, or green decks with tons of lands.

Oh, and get new friends.

Thanks for the advice. Any tips for drafting a deck?

no since most commander games are played with pods of 4
color hate ushuly dosen't exist
your friend sounds like a faggot