Soulblight battletome when? edition
>old thread:
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>custom warscroll maker
Soulblight battletome when? edition
>old thread:
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>custom warscroll maker
I feel you user, but I got around that shit by kitbashing my Blood Knights out of Empire and Bretonnian sets. Limited, bad or dated models is my excuse to get creative.
>probably me being stupid
Yep, glad we resolved this.
So me and my room mate want to get into AoS. I already have some skaven from back in the day and we are looking to start lizardmen, the enemy of the skaven. We want out list to both be strong but also pretty evenly matched so one person is not always winning. However, it would be nice if these lists could hold their own against other armies if we take them out to play against others.
For the skaven we have
40+ clan rats
a screaming bell, warp lightning cannon, and doom wheel
20 monks
Tons of giant rats, weapons teams, and ogres.
For a 1000pt match we are looking at
Screaming bell 260
20 clan rats 120
20 clan rats 120
doom wheel 140
warp lightning cannon 180
We then have 180 pts left over. I am thinking
2 x warpfire thrower weapon team
1x poisoned wind mortar weapon team
We could also add a warplock engineer or gutter runners or something.
If we want to expand the army I am thinking of getting a vermin lord (which is the best?) and some storm vermin.
For the seraphon we want to have a skink heavy army.
Skink priest 100
Bastiladon 300
stegadon 200
10 skinks 80
10 skinks 80
5 Chameleon skinks 120
5 Chameleon skinks 120
If we wanted to expand the army for higher points I am thinking of adding some ripperdactyles for the skink patrol and another box of skinks. Maybe a skink starseer and skink chief. If the stegadon or bastiladon work out well we could get another one of those too.
So, how do the lists look? Keep in mind they are written by someone who has never played age of sigmar. Any advice on how to expand each army? I am worried that because skaven are chaos the lizardmen will wreck them hard with all their anti-chaos stuff, but at the same time skaven have so many mortal wound applying weapons that maybe the skinks on dinos won't be able to handle it.
4th for slaanesh
Would you say 1k is the best points value?
I've found army building and matches at 2k or higher to be very unwieldy, and at 2k+ list building basically becomes 'your opponent gets to take everything they could want and need with no hard choices made'.
MOONCLAN grots are best grots.
Spiderfang are okay too.
Gitmob why even bother?
Is there any Lore for Moonclan in AoS in any of the tomes or Campaign books? Or any art?
So guys, when is the new Bretonnia Battletome due out?
Posting from last thread, I played mostly at 1000 but t b h I've just started so I don't even have more than those points in units. It's a good point racket as it's not too expensive and you can get a lot of variety and wacky tactics as it's fast and fun. Sc boxes are 500 all I think and those are pretty fun too but ain't much to do apart of clashing in the middle.
Not as of yet, unfortunately
So they've not even been mentioned?
What are some decent 1000 point beastclaw Raiders lists? Best I can see if I want to stay pure raiders is like a huskard on thundertusk and a bunch of Yhetees.
Id say 1500 as 1000 usually restricts you from using most Monster/Behemoths efficiently.
I think GW intended standard games to be 1500 - 2000 points that way summoning is actually a decent option too
One Meme I really hope dies is people playing at 1200 points as it literally boils down to 1000pts+ 1 extra Battleline in most cases. which further pushes the Balance of armies which have good and multiple battleline uníts (read: updated battletomes) vs Armies who buy their nice toys after paying Tax with their Battleline which usually is low variety
They murder grots whose skin is not green enough and noses not long enough.
Played my first game today as a Demo. I actually enjoyed it. I like how melee combat switches back and fourth, and it's not set on who goes first each turn with initiative. I'm actually surprised how much I enjoyed it.
Welcome, friend. It's good you're giving the random initiative a chance. There are many who still hold out against it because of those dreaded double turns. And I will be hones, there have been a few times I was on the unfortunate end of a few of those that lead to my losses, but for each time that has happened, it has worked in my favor. Also it provides another level of tactical depth that is hard to grasp initially for a lot. A common knee-jerk reaction to first getting introduced to the rules is to either hate it, or ignore it altogether and do standard alternating turns. Good for you.
If I wanted to start a small army for our Escalation league starting soon, which army would I want to look into if I wanted to me on the more snooty spectrum? I liked some of the Stormcast Vanguard with the sniper bows.
That's shooty spectrum, Damond auto correct.
Sylvaneth, Kharadron when they drop, Stormcast, Skaven are all good choices. Tzeentch as well if you want magic fire shooty and bucketloads of magic.
I have the silver tower box. Tzeentch wise I have what's in there. Not sure how decent that would be.
Wait until you start meeting enemies that let you fuck up the attack turn order. The new coming Sky Dorfs will have access to bombs that force people they hit to attack last.
There are ways to do that already, but I forgot what has that rule.
Did some base coats on armor, chains, weapons, and cloth
Chaos Dwarf user here. Love that pale skin user, it's lookin great!
I'm gonna put purple and red washes over it to make it look bruised and disguting, like I did with pic related
Is there anyone who has bonus to init rolls?
Fire dqarf
seraphon can reroll their own initiative and the enemy initiative
archaon knows ahead of time what his initiative roll will be
fyreslayers have a battalion that gives them bonuses to the roll
Get the start collecting for Lizards.
The carnisaur alone costs the same as the box so you get the saurus and cav for free
On the note of Fyreslayers, despite a lot of the army being "meh" right now because of their overcosting, I think I will always have a place in my heart for the Grimwrath Berserker. He fits into pretty much any army, since he is basically a bearded cruise missile.
I am hoping the Kharadron Overlords will have a battalion or code interpretation that lets you grant the "Skyfarer" keyword to any Duardin unit, just so I have have the fucker jump from a blimp into the thick of it.
That's pretty much what I'm hoping for as well. Dwarven combined might would be a fucking awesome force to field.
Death has the Coven Throne which can reroll a single die in the game and its command ability lets you decide you goes first on a iniative Tie it is pretty meh tho
I honestly wouldn't count on it. It would be cool if it happened, but I don't see it happening. Just because they're dwarfs, does not mean they are buddy buddys with the dispossessed or fyreslayers.
We need unification among spooky stuffs!
Normally, I ignore the Brits when they talk about Americans ruining their game.
But I'm beginning to understand them.
Which is the best Verminlord build? Just ordered one and I'm planning to magnetize it, but which should I run most often?
The eshin one (deceiver) with skitterleap is pretty gud
Well, they still have a lot in common, and their goals do not interfere with each other at all, since Fyerslayers want Ur-Gold, Overlords want Aether Gold and Dispossessed want somewhere to live. Also regular gold, since you know, Dorfs.
Also, GW have been shown willingness to get a bit weird with their fluffy rules with the Sylvaneth book, letting you take 2 Duardin units in the Ironbark Wargrove.
Incidentally, the airships will most likely have the Duardin keyword now I think of it.
>Also, GW have been shown willingness to get a bit weird with their fluffy rules with the Sylvaneth book, letting you take 2 Duardin units in the Ironbark Wargrove.
Well I wanted to run Sylvaneth/Kharadoran overlords anyways... airships ahoy!
Why does anyone need to know who you are?
Just become a tripfriend if you're that obsessed with "fame"
They won't be Bretonnians, but early to mid 2018.
What? 40k Orks haven't gotten a new model for years.
Dat squig tho
Like I said, years.
How good is the carnisaur? I wanted a skink army list and the troglodon seems like trash. Compared to a stegadon how does the carnisaur fair? I feel the tegadon may be better vs hoards while the carnisaur may be better against other behemoths.
Proper version of BoK pdf.
Thanks to our slav friend.
What army should I play, Veeky Forums?
Thankyou brosef! Much appreciated
Moonclan obviously
Is it just me or is something up with the store? There's weird numbers beside the "add to cart" button
Not seeing anything, screencap?
What region are you and what page?
You might be in a weird region. Sometimes it puts me in the Netherlands or Australia if I go to a specific page from Google. Idk why.
Read it
Pretty nice fluff, and the new rules are also great too
Kind of annoyed that there isn't a DP warscroll in there, but understandable i suppose
All i want is a VC one now ;_;
I don't. And yes I can't get one. Am working without permit, so no bank account for me.
The way it goes here, if I understand it correctly is that at the store only GW models with proper bases and fully painted are allowed. At the club, they are a bit more lax with stuff. But only as far as painting or assembly goes. Models have to have proper bases. You could play with legs on a base and it would probably be ok, as long as it is an AoS base.
What does Ironjawz infrastructure look like? What is their kultur like? I know they're more-or-less nomads and value the same things as more orruks/orks/greenskinz, but I wish their battletome discussed their kultur a bit more. I need inspiration for terrain.
What plans do you have for the armour? I am going to get some Blightkings for myself sometime soon, and I would like them to have some variety in their armour besides just regular metal and rust
>Bloodmaster of skullbloodblooding
>3x8 Bloodcrusheskullblooder
>1 Hero
>8 Battleline
Wat do with the 540 points left ?
>complaining about blood in Khorne units
You knew what you signed up for.
You'll need some ranged
Just go 3x1 and you'll be 2k on the nose
>That Army + 3 Cannons since all you need is range
>Over £260 w/ 25% off
300 ish pounds isn't bad for a complete army.
I pay full price for everything.
What's the easiest army to collect AND play? Girlfriend looking to join
>I pay full price for everything.
Why? Especially if your UK - just order from Dark Sphere or something
My girlfriend is away and my friend bailed on me for the second time
So I impulse bought 2 Daemon Princes just for something to do. Put them together, greenstuffed 'em and now today I'm going to paint them
Bro I ordered 9 start Collecting on wayland and got another 10% discount on top.
I already have all the minis on the way thats why i asked
>My girlfriend is away and my friend bailed on me for the second time
Hows the weather in Cuckistan today
>my girlfriend is away and my friend bailed on me
>for the second time
Ironjawz Gargants confirmed?
Oh yes, hue hue, cuck etc
Totally got me there guys, very well done
No, but confirmed that they're going to do something Aleguzzler related sometime in the next 2 years.
The rules of AoS say that measuring is done from model to model. Bases are only for keeping your model standing. Square and round bases are both allowed. If the GW store gives you shit, then whatever employee is doing so is in the wrong, especially since so many AoS kits are just old WFB boxes and still come with only square bases.
What happens when Skydorfs are all out of model-to-model range?
Then the rest of the armies as fucked. I sure as hell wouldn't want to face of an entire flying army that has long ranged weapons with my Brayherds
That sounds decidedly unfun.
Then ostensibly you can't hit them, particularly with melee dudes, not that it makes sense for a a grot or whatever to walk up and stab a boat with a spear. That's why so many people are concerned that the airships will be broken. The truth is that we just don't know how melee combat against the boats will work until we see some rules. That doesn't however, preclude you from blasting the thing out of the sky with ranged weapons.
Anyone checked out the new Mutalith rules?
50/50 chance of a free arcane bolt or better seems gretty pood
Ground units can hit them, they got destroyed by Flesh Eater Courts in the WD battle report.
I know. So I am not so thrilled about them coming out
It seems like has settled the issue. Apparently ground units can attack flying dorfs. I hadn't seen the WD battle report, though I had heard that Overlords were apparently the first army to ever actually lose their debut WD battle report. Doesn't bode well for them as a faction unless whoever was running them got fucked on rolls or something.
Rolls did not go well for the Kharadron player.
Well, there it is. To be fair, even if Overlords dropped and were shit tier right out of the gate, GW would sell a ton of them anyway because people seem to be digging the aesthetics of them.
So, Cthulhu Aelfs (sky pirates) and Sky Gobbos next, right?
I'm thirsty for some Your Dudes, Antoine who can aid an user in need to satisfy his thirst.
Seraphon or beastclaw
I wouldn't count on either for next, but the skygrots will probably show up at some point, and and people keep mentioning early art depicting junk dirigibles that belong to Ironjawz, so with the skydorfs out of the gate and everyone obsessing over their boats, we'll probably start seeing aircraft for other factions before too terribly long.
Cthulhu Aelves next.
Pretty much, I'd still play them. Airships are A) cool as fuck, and B) they really stand out on the table which I like.
Here you go user, here are my dudes.
C) will die to My Dig Bick Bloodthrister
(Hopefully ;_; )
We'll just reel him in with giant skyhooks, have ourselves a little Bloodthirster BBQ