A thread for discussing all that is Games Workshop Lord of the Rings / Hobbit miniature war games.
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Always loved these miniatures, could never decide on a faction to play. Does anyone even play anymore? I love a lot of the Gondor units, hell, pretty much everything from these lines.
Is it like a smaller scale skirmish game? Or lots of units in formation?
I only dabbled a bit when it first came out, but I think the rules adapt very well to smaller scale skirmishes, a lot of the hero characters are set up to play very much like the Schaeffer's Last Chancers from 40k in that they can, as a hero group take on a disproportionate amount of enemies without faceless grunts backing them up. I also seem to recall there being quite a lot of specialist scenarios for the game being printed too.
We're playing Battle Companies at the moment. Fun when my guys aren't bickering over rules. Loving making appropriate scenery though.
Yes please. Thank you OP for bringing this up, let's keep this game alive.
I've felt an aching nostalgia for this game lastly and been watching the few good battle reports on Youtube religiously. I'm stripping off my early paintjobs from my pre-teenage years right now from the few miniatures I have in preparation to some sweet re-painting sessions.
I also got my hands on a couple of offers for super cheap miniature batches, so I'm waiting my 80something Orcs and a good 50 Good fighters for around 100 bucks. Can't wait to paint them and make some scenery.
Did you guys ever play a map based campaign like war of the ring risk-style? Or do you at least have a map of middle earth with areas marked?
>never really liked LotR, always a 40kid
>now I like fantasy skirmish games and I've got the odd model but nothing like the decade of bitz I have for 40k which I don't care for anymore
I've got the Mines of Moria intro set, unfortunately as a teen for some reason I didn't maybe assemble it with complete interest, so there's gaps to be filled and swords to be unbent from years in storage
Check out Amazon, Ebay and whatever site you have in your country for second-hand purchase. Also check game conventions. You might get some neat deals. I saw on Ebay a deal for a 50+ models Isengard army (with heroes and all) at like 70 euros last week, so you might get lucky.
Bump with army shots. Post your work
Currently part of the LOTRSBG Renaissance at my local GW. One staff member had a theory that most people had it, but thought no-one else did. So never brought it along to game night. Tracking down three of us and basically insisting we bring LOTRSBG next week, we now have a thriving scene, and some people getting back into it.
>List is Elite Harad list. Betrayer with 6 Venomblades, 6 Watchers of Karna,
>Suladhan with 12 raiders, 6 with bows, all with war spears.
i tried to get hold of these bases and for some reason they are a whore to find anywhere in decent amounts.
Fucking beautiful.
Same thing at my store, people love the models and the game still. It's just got less presence because it has so little shelf space now.
You're a gentleman and a scholar.
Awesome user, thanks for sharing.
By the way, here's another resource that could be useful:
I'm half sure that everybody and their cat already know about it , but I've found out about scenery molds only yesterday
What do people think about the Siege scenarios? In my opinion, having proper rules for sieges and assaults gives it an edge over 40k and Fantasy.
Lets keep this a general people, not a one shot.
All of the rules i find are extremely good. Sieges work surprisingly well and fluidly. It amuses me in the Age of Sigmar threads that people bitch about the priorty phase when the SBG has been working it well since the beginning.
Yeah. I love how SBG deals with how OP the double turn is by having it done in phases. Most times I've seen a double turn in AoS, it results in a game over for the guy who didn't get it. But if everything was split, the actual advantage drops off. Also, by having the Good wins ties makes it nice and fluffy, since Evil has to plan about being second more than first.
Local GW is running a slow grow and I want to get back into LotR; 1 hero leading 12 troops.
Wanting to bring Easterling warriors and Haradrim archers lead by an Easterling captain.
Are these guys useable in The Hobbit game even though they're not in the movies?
Yeah, both games slot into each other. Its literally just a rename with a few new rules and the ability to make lists like the company of Thorin, or the Troll Brothers.
Easterlings are essentially Mordor's most elite troop, but they're very limited to run on their own. Harad probably has the most variation but you'll need Serpent Guard for your elites. You'll have to convert them currently as they haven't been reintroduced back into the range yet.
Using Easterling Cataphracts with Haradrim arms and some heads with the wings clipped off works well. I painted the horse armour like it was bone, and gave them little metal wings from the helmets.
Is there anything akin to Warscroll Battalions or Formations?
Lotr used to be bloody amazing fun. One of my friends just got into it again because of a tourney so I brought out my old mirkwood list to face him. It still has the stuff
It is sad the whole lotr hobby died with the movies. We lost all the normies who thought it was cool