The last pyromanic, murderhobo, rapist, edgelord, snowflake or party member heavily inspired by an anime character has been replaced by none other than Hank Hill.
What happens differently? Is it improved?
The last pyromanic, murderhobo, rapist, edgelord, snowflake or party member heavily inspired by an anime character has been replaced by none other than Hank Hill.
What happens differently? Is it improved?
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Oh jeez i haven't watched King of the Hill in ages. I wouldn't be able to do him justice.
Much better because Hank hill would not flay a diplomat and hang his skin from a flagpole
>entire party of anime edgelords
>entire party, now Hank Hill
It would be pretty interesting, I-tell-ya-wut.
The most important thing about Hank is that he's very uncomfortable outside of a few familiar situations. He's very practical and goal oriented but his desires are very simple. I don't know how you'd write him into an adventuring party
>"Now gosh darn it I was given a job by Mr. Strickland to bring propane and propane accessories to these Godless heathens and I am NOT goin' to let some little punk elder dragon get in my way!"
Crusaders of the holy flame. And holy flame accessories
I knew what that was going to be and damn it was good.
>A cleaner burning evil
I know it's Stephen Colbert, but still.
Have a more appropriate pic user
Well, it'd be an entire party of Hank Hills, this is gonna get weird.
Holy shit I forgot this existed. Oh sweet mother of propane fuck yes.
in the case of multiple characters that'd qualify, any beyond the first become other KOTH characters
>Is now the party face
He'd just kick his ass.
Tell you what man dang ol' piles of gold man dang ol' scary cave dragon man dang ol' real dungeon man.
I really want to play a shadowrunner based on pic related now.
We need more King of the Hill fanfics.
On paper the party shifts a little way away from Lawful Good.
In practise the party shifts a whole lot away from Chaotic Evil.
The man of the household Hill produced a small parchment with inscriptions inked in the fabled Strickland style. He presented it before the dragon Vasamel, the burning enforcer.
"For one of such a feeble stature," the powerful creature mused, "your words carry much power behind them." The man of household Hill gave a warm smile. "I am flatered Mr. Enforcer, and thanks once again for buying with Strickland Propane." The dragon nodded a respectful nod. With the addition of this magical liquid, this wondrous stuff that seemingly amplified his already searingly hot fire breath, none could deny his sovereignty.
The man of household Hill took his leave. "Same time next week Mr. Enforcer?" he called behind him. "You know it Hank!" the dragon called back.
If you too are in need of the man of household hill, you need only summon him with magical words. 'Propane Products and Accessories' and he will be there within the instant.
>Boomhauer ends up marrying the princess and becoming the new king after the old one passes away
>he issues a new decree
What is it, Veeky Forums?
I wanna adventure in a world where the man of the household of Hill is known to roam. Where his clean burning fuel warms mankind.
Next part of antagonists will just be the King of the Hill cast i've decided.
So much fire.
>What is it, Veeky Forums?
> "Dang'ole man talking about taxes witha ding do dangit an'a dang'ole war crimes man sorta bow chaka bow wow gonna dang'O oh oh anna XOcutions, dang'ole sssmooooth man."
Better question, what makes inserting Hank Hill (and by extension characters similar to Hank Hill) into anime, video games, or other more fantastical settings so common?
There is so much King of the Hill x Kill la Hill art.
What class is he?
>Kill la Hill.
Shit, even on a subconscious level I'm crossing them over.
Bard seems obvious, unless he's like a Wizard with super secret spells only he can pronounce?
No one knows until the campaign ends.
Mah dag gum brother o' a dif'rent' sum' mother
>Implying he fell out of God's favor.
>Implying it wasn't the world that fell out of his.
>Unintelligible Intensifies
But what is the greatest King of the Hill fanfic?
>Paladin of Propane
"Do ah look like ah know what a 'beholder' is?"
"I'm gonna go up to those bandits and kick their ass"
>Detects evil on NPC
"That boy ain't right."
Best. Game. Ever.
Well the first one you see if you go on fanfic and search through King of the Hill crossovers is a JoJo one. It's at the top of the page, but I think that just means it was updated the most recently.
>dealing with wizards
"No mooore castin' that fireball!"
>Diplomacy check
"Now you listen to me, mister...."
Well he's already a Texas Ranger, so I'm saying ranger.
I also really wanna hear him do bird calls but morphed with his speaking style
much worse as the last pyromaniac I played was effectively a tech wizard who's main reason for being crazy was his devotion to saving his people and the fact that things kept backfiring. Hank would certainly do a bit better in a few diplomatic situations, but then he'd be eaten by ghouls or sold as a slave, or be mutant chow.
Ranger, on account of him actually being a ranger.
Have you ever seen Black Lagoon?
Hank Hill was a bit villain in it.
Dang 'ol ranger.
He's so normal and relatable that it makes for a comedic contrast. Plus, Hank is pretty grounded, so he's usually actually helpful.
>Is now the BBEG
Haaaank, can I borrow some gold?
Ser Hank of the Hill, defender of the shire of Arlen.
>the last... heavily inspired by an anime character has been replaced by none other than Hank Hill.
My game is a JoJo FATE hack.
It has definitely been improved.
>"And so King Boomhauer issued the first of his wise decrees. Many more followed that the people understood to be for the greater benefit of all. His reign was renowned for his intelligent and well mannered speech."
So his stand is Propane Nightmares?
>Hank: the DM
>Boomhauer: Sorcerer
>Dale: Rogue
>Bill: Bard that fails every charm roll
>Bobby: ?
Nah, Bill would imitate Hank, picking the most Hank-like class. Something strong / with fire. Maybe the fighter subclass with a clean-burning firebolt. His backstory would include not!Peggy as his wife. Bobby would be the bard, the biggest disappointment of a class.
Brilliant, user.
epically posted gentlesir!
*sips le reddit pundit*
Anyone have a guess what this faggot is trying to convey?
So, if we're talking 5e, Bill would be an Eldritch Knight with a focus in Fire spells.
In Pathfinder, probably a Magus.
Yeah, I can see that.
Yeah he's be a cleric for