Who was most right? Who was most wrong?
Who was most right? Who was most wrong?
All of them were most right.
All of them were most wrong.
However, the expansion factions were least most right and most most wrong.
They were all different flavours of wrong.
It's like Bioshock. It's a bunch of ideologies exaggerated to grotesque extremes with no moderating influences unless it's the faction you play as.
>Who was most right?
Morgan or Santiago, depending on whether you think militarists or libertarians are further right.
>Who was most right?
Deidre or Santiago, depending on who you think has the biggest tits
>It's a bunch of ideologies exaggerated to grotesque extremes with no moderating influences unless it's the faction you play as.
>Implying there's anything wrong with extremist anarcho-capitalism
Keep that up and I'm going to buy your house from your landlord so I can shoot you in the face for violating the NAP, bucko.
Hive. Because they're all about transcending matter and in the end you fuse with the planet.
Giaians are fucking terrifying
On the surface they seem kinda alright maybe a little to good but fucking turning an entire alien species into your own personal bio weapon is wrong
Right about what?
Right about who's wrong
Aki Zeta a cute! CUTE!
Oh. All of them then. Especially Planet.
The most right faction was the one that valued individual freedom the most. The most wrong faction was the one that valued individual freedom the least.
A 2-2 tie and is declared victor? No wonder they were ejected from Earth to die on a planet that wants to eat them.
Also Santiago. Batshit.
Every faction has a dark side. Every faction can become a utopia or a dystopia, depending on how you play them.
That's really my favorite thing about the game.
Other than incompetent bureaucrats and one over-quoted bit about cloning his dead wife, what did Lal do wrong?
>A 2-2 tie
>262 votes to 24
It's not one vote per faction, my dude. It's portion of the planetary population, with some secret project modifiers.
Brother Lal might still get on the talk shows, but with 4 votes he can't really claim to speak for the people.
He's hidebound. He's clinging to a past that failed. His entire character is "Let's do this again! I'm sure it won't go awful this time! Human nature has surely changed!"
I'm getting sick of explaining this, honestly.
>Home Depot©®™ presents: your Corporate Dystopian Future©®™ Deluxe Edition!
>Communist China in its worst years turned up to 11. Have fun being shot for treason (littering) and your remains turned into a genejack.
>Mad Scientist: The State, with a generous dose of actual autism.
>Sure, let's put alien worms into our urethras and inject ground fungus into our eyeballs!
>What, you don't want to get shot at the frontlines? Too bad, you get shot for desertion!
Westboro Baptists: The State, with a generous dose of bipolar disorder.
Remember all that bullshit that made the Earth a shithole so we had to get out of there? Let's do it all over again!
Reminder that whatever you think about her, miriam was probably the most sane leader given how shit tends to pan out.
Lal was the most humane though since that's his entire thing.
Good luck finding them
Santiago, without a doubt. If it weren't for her, the factions wouldn't have split up aboard the ship before landing on Planet
Lal did nothing wrong. If he's guilty of anything, it's being weak-wristed.
>most sane
>lead entire population through gate to whoknowswhatprobablynothing after losing war she started
Its like being the snake with the most practical suspenders.
Trying to maintain a 20th century failed global peace bureaucracy on a radically different planet with rapidly dehumanizing technology.
So what you're saying is, Zakharov Did Nothing Wrong?
you could say that
Cool traditional game, faggot!
In order:
Science bitch
Nature bitch
Corp Nigger
Science up in this mother fucker
The point was they are all horrific. You see the end results of all sorts of things, but gloss over the horrific forced/directed/mandated research that must be done.
don't lie, this game's older then you are
>Lal did nothing wrong.
Curry-nigger cloned his dead wife and forced her to love him, was 'elected' in perpetuity as the leader of a democratic nation. Obfuscated the lower classes with byzantine bureaucracy and allowed rampant corruption to flourish.
Still more traditional than you.
Nah. It's doesn't belong here in any case, fuck off to /v/
This game has been featured on Veeky Forums longer than you have, drone.
I wouldn't a gurps, but people do.
Best option imo would be to get a few friends who love the game together and play Kingdom or Microscope with it.
No, it probably doesn't, but it's been this way for years and years, the threads come once every blue moon, and world's kept spinning. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill
Please tell me about these games.
Hello new friend, do I need to dig out commander keen to tell you the facts of life.
Why don't we make a DOOM thread then, there are several boardgames based on it.
I really couldn't care less if it's been done before, it's not a justification for breaking the rules.
Grognards are worse than shit worms.
They're both by the same guy. They're abstract collaborative story telling exercises with frameworks. Microscope focuses more on a historical timeline/epoc that you start with knowing the beginning and end of, everyone fills in the details. Kingdom is more about a specific region, area, with powerful and influential players and negotiated roles. I like microscope more in terms of design and scope, but only played kingdom once.
>Why don't we make a DOOM thread then, there are several boardgames based on it
Because it never got popular here. Elder Scrolls DID get popular, though, and we make threads of that.
>That entire post
Have you played the game at all? It reads like a third hand account bastardisied by your desire to be right without knowing fuck all.
>doomguy threads haven't been a thing for ages
people who go into threads they don't care about to be mad are the worst
Andrew Ryan violated the NAP when he tried to establish contraband rules. Andrew Ryan failed to live up to John Galt's example.
well I guess that makes you a furfag then
>Starts with -1 Efficiency (U.N. style bureaucracy)
>I loved my chosen. How then to face the day when she left me? So I took from her body a single cell, perhaps to love her again.
>Rank Director
Do you have any links to them?
>turning an entire alien species into your own personal bio weapon is wrong
Isn't that basically what humanity already did with dogs?
Honestly, I really want to replay Alpha Centauri and just run Morgan going full on ANCAP meme/Helicopter ride giving asshole on the whole of planet. Going to glass over everyone and build parody fast food restaurents of their former ideologies ontop of the ruins with them as wage-slave junior managers inside them.
dogs didn't crawl into your brain through your eye sockets
>Forcing people to be mind-raped until some are able, through sheer force of will, dominate and forge a connection with the neutral network of an emerging, quasi-sentient planetary body.
Give it another couple hundred years of breeding.
No, that's cats.
>Implying cats didn't domesticate us.
So yeah, thanks for proving what I said but you could have just not posted.
The ideologies of all the leaders are all "wrong" as it has been put, clinging to the past to the detriment of being able to deal with the future is Lal's main issue, to overly simplify, though it's likely others in the thread shall go into more depth discussion about it.
>Breeding mind cat swarms
>Sending them against enemy nations
>Soldiers lay down their arms and surrender to the purring mass of fur and flesh, to be devoured and join the greater harmony
>Then when it returns it just stops at the border meowing to be let in. Then when you open the door it leaves again. This continues for hours.
Sorry for the shitsite. The writer is pretty ontop of sites, terms of service violations, takedowns etc. It'll probably get taken down quickly.
I went and got a hardcopy of microscope anyway cause I liked it.
Thank you very much
I do this in Stellaris multiplayer. Play as cat people with a custom cat namelist. Start wars with "open borders" as the only demand. Win. Immediately declare a rivalry. When the ten year truce ends, start the war again. Repeat until I get my shit shoved in or something major happens.
In what scenario is the Human Hive anything but dystopian?
Did you forget the part where Andrew Ryan couldn't play by his own rules?
You failed to explain why I was wrong, please do so without ad-hominen, straw-men or otherwise.
I have given my reasons as to why arguably Lan is not 'good' or 'noble' as he likes to be called, or even Democratic.
In order from right to wrong:
>I have given my reasons as to why arguably Lan is not 'good' or 'noble' as he likes to be called, or even Democratic.
Coming into an argument and vomiting, then being offended when being called out on the vomit so much you claim retroactively to have an agreeing view to those calling you out and complaining about being unfairly treated... You're a special kind of special.
Most right, University paves the pathway to the end game, the ultimate height of technology when humanity becomes something more.
Lal was onto something
>Flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny
>Not right to have firearms
>Not separation of Church & State
>Not private property
>Not free association
>Not free will
Baffle them with bullshit, constant stream of useless information to keep them complacent and ignore the big things. Literally what is happening now.
>>Not right to have firearms
Won't help much if you don't know who to point them at.
>>Not separation of Church & State
Impossible if you don't know one from the other.
>>Not private property
Lol, no.
>>Not free association
Goes hand-in-hand with free exchange of information. Warrants serious discussion and debate and consideration.
>>Not free will
Well.. yeah, but it's kind of a m00t point. You can't have freedom of choice if you are physically/mentally/spiritually/w/e incapable of choice.
Fair point.
>Sending them against enemy nations
It'd be harder than herding cats!
>Baffle them with bullshit, constant stream of useless information to keep them complacent and ignore the big things. Literally what is happening now.
What's happening now isn't "free flow of information", it's "information increasingly monopolized by profit-seeking entities".
Any site can be overwhelmed and pushed to a single viewpoint. They already have been. Facebook, reddit, Veeky Forums - none of those has actual free flow of information.
The right to have firearms is increasingly useless as the gap between civilian and military equipment widens.
It was always useless, since society has always been willing to disarm anyone considered "criminally inclined", whatever unpopular minority that happens to be. Germans had more of a right to bear arms under Hitler, unless they were "dangerous jews", Iraqis had the right to bear arms under Saddam, unless they were "dangerous kurds/marsh arabs", etc...
It doesn't matter if there's gun control in general or not; it matters if there are any kind of discriminatory laws that target one sub-set of the population. Guns do absolutely nothing to prevent tyranny; tyrannies love having a well-armed population that's terrified of some sub-group of disarmed scapegoats.
You have at your fingertips the great engine for the free flow of information, yet free flow is usless without honesty, a lanyard or any other measure to quantify it.
The fact is we would all laugh at cats than actually researching our news. Free flow of information is the worst means of ensuring freedom as it is easy to corrupt.
Put a rifle in the hands of every able bodied man in LA or perhaps a city with valuable infrastructure like Houston or New York and see how far they get. The right to keep arms is a great deterrent for government or foreign tyranny.
>Guns do absolutely nothing to prevent tyranny
Tyrannies hate having an opposed group, armed and able to defend themselves. It's why the Kurds lasted as long as they did, were it not for the US arming them they would have been wiped out a generation ago.
>It's why the Kurds lasted as long as they did, were it not for the US arming them they would have been wiped out a generation ago
Yes, when there's an international superpower backing your insurrection you can get armed. That has bugger all to do with any "right to bear arms". That's just global power politics.
>Basic ordinance and the means to assemble such
All of these were supplied to the kurds and many other violently (read nearly genocide'd) persecuted peoples and the above saved them.
Sure is /pol/ in here today...
Right. A huge supply of externally-provided resources and infrastructure. At that point, domestic laws are a moot point.
I think the real benefit of a guaranteed right to bear arms is that it encourages a certain attitude among a portion of the population that makes them less tractable in some ways. this increases the diversity of political viewpoints and attitudes without causing divergence too far from the common cultural framework necessary to make democracy work. The arms themselves are largely useless. If the government ever turns hostile towards its own people for whatever reason, things will get very complicated very quickly and foreign powers will probably flood the black market with guns anyway, mooting the gun rights or lack thereof which may have existed antebellum.
To answer the OP, Santiago was most right because her voice actress had dat sultry voice. Could listen to her read bland blurbs about "exponential growth of military blah blah blah" all day long. The most wrong was Deirdre, because mind worms are creepy as fuck.
At which point a firearm is of the utmost importance than knowing who was President of Turkmenistan during 1952-1956.
>I think the real benefit of a guaranteed right to bear arms is that it encourages a certain attitude among a portion of the population that makes them less tractable in some ways. this increases the diversity of political viewpoints and attitudes without causing divergence too far from the common cultural framework necessary to make democracy work.
I'm not sure "Dale Gribble hopped up on Infowars" is conducive to a healthy democracy.
I see you are a man of taste as well
>To answer the OP, Santiago was most right because her voice actress had dat sultry voice. Could listen to her read bland blurbs about "exponential growth of military blah blah blah" all day long.
Of course that's why I would never play as Santiago and try to conquer her first, to get the BDSM-y faction conquest cinematic. youtube.com
>more right than literally anybody
I'd rather have Yang than the bitch who caused the factions to form in the first place. And Miriam is slowly proven right when the factions start getting to reality breaking tech. Hell, if we take GURPS she's good even before then, the moral center of the factions.
Of course, in a thread about a game with noticeable political themes and ideologies, it's to be expected.
like how the game automatically assumes you torture the shit out of her
Ok, lets say US backed them in all other ways except arming them. Now what?
The game automatically assumes you torture any and all of them.
I was just hoping for a discussion of weaponized cats.
>I'd rather have Yang
The man views you as raw materials, the defense perimeters he gets for free are not to keep people out but to keep his people in. Like all other 'barriers' of dictatorships.
Think about it, why would the man who views humans as nothing but computers and materials be so concerned with defense, over Santiago?
It would make far more sense that he had recycling tanks. But no, he gets the defensive perimeter/Underground bunkers.