You are conducting an interview to search for players for your new campaign and these fine ladies turn out for it. You need 2 more players. Who do you choose and why?
You are conducting an interview to search for players for your new campaign and these fine ladies turn out for it...
I choose 1 and 2 because they make my penis become the big penis.
Dude, the middle one is already in character. Interview her but interview her AS her character. If she makes it work, go for it.
Everyone else should be interviewed normally. Look for the red flags and decide carefully.
FPBP(First Penis Big Penis)
I have no information to base a decision on. Their appearance and manner of dress is mostly irrelevant to their quality as a player.
What's attractive about 2? Just the big tits?
1 and 5 are the patrician choices.
> Their appearance and manner of dress is mostly irrelevant to their quality as a player.
I don't know man I've dodged a lot of bullets by deciding to never game with a guy wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog t-shirt the first time I meet him
...I didn't even notice the tits. Wow.
No, I was drawn in by her cute bangs and more prominent eyebrows, plus dem eyes. Unless I subconsciously honed in on the tits too, but I really didn't even notice until you pointed it out. That's kinda fucked up.
5 is a witch. Only albinos and witches have purple eyes, and she's no albino.
>Doesn't look motivated or confident
>Wannabe Hillary
>Good extra curriculars but too many gaps
>Nice presentation and posture
>he likes bangs
good taste
>He actually believes this
Yeah, I'm sure you'll be accepted everywhere you go as if you wear your fedora, trench coat and katana. Truly a respectable person at first glance.
3 and 5 because they're making eye contact like real humans.
4 & 5
I have a small chest fetish and i find it endearing how intimidated they are by 3. Plus it'll be a huge boost to their confidence and allow them to have more self assurance when going for their next interview
Jesus Christ, the projection in this one post is unreal.
Option 3. Expand the campaign to make room for 5.
He right though
You telly me you wouldn't want this fellow in your game?
You aren't though
Option 4; ditch the last game full of that guys, grognards and weirdos and start a new one with these fine ladies
Because I'm looking for a secretary and she has huge tits.
3 is the most professionally dressed, well armored, and most importantly C O N F I D E N T choice. 5 however is maximum cutie so I pick her too.
You're a fool if you pick any others.
What is this, a school shooter for ants?
Here, I found the version who would bring firearms to a human-sized school dance.
3 and 5
3 because she is IN character, meaning that she at least takes her role playing serouisly. she at least, has the courtousy to look someone in the eye when they are being interviewed.
5 since she has good posture, is looking me in the eye when im talking to her, and at least has a smile
over all, while both aplicants would be welcome to the position, there can only be one. we gotta settle this the old fashioned way of selecting a candiate
in game mud wrestling. she who talks best shall be the victor
>mfw captcha :longleat assis
Why do 1, 2 and 4 look like if if they are smelling shit?
I'm not sure she'd make a good secretary, user.
>My lord, a stranger came to the door seeking you out.
>Liz, I told you to call me Dave.
>Apologies Lord Dave. Anyway, a stranger came seeking you out. You will be glad to know I slew him before he could harm you.
>Dammit Liz, that was a client! That's the third time this week!
i'd watch this once season anime
>Plus it'll be a huge boost to their confidence and allow them to have more self assurance when going for their next interview
Neutral Good as fuck
How 4 looks at 3 makes me think she's a self-centered cunt who loves to be in the spot-light and abhors when someone takes it from her. She looks like she'd make a mary sue as her character and try to base the campaign about her special snowflake.
How many times have you made this thread?
Just thinking the same thing.
1 and 2. 2 is first choice; I don't know why my D&D "interview" requires suits, but I'll take the one casual enough for top button loose and actual pants. 1 just doesn't have a barely-skirt.
I'm all for cosplay and getting into character, but 3 is striking me as a freak who is ~one with the character~ and has some combination of a self-insert and tries to constantly be like their idol OC. Maybe I'll hit her up for cosplay talk later.
high collar, proper from, good show. she passes muster
wearing trousers, overly large breasts. confirmed ladyboy
lady's who dye their hair purple are crazy or a pensioner, no exceptions
Has rickets, deformed left hand. possible retardation Shame she's not black or she could make up all the quoter's.
purple eyes, defiantly a witch.
probably has no toes and blisters on he tongue
1 is the only acceptable candidate, 2 may be acceptable to play a breeches role
>4 looks upset because she wore her shortest skirt to the interview but got upstaged by 3
Anyway, 2 and 5. 1's old-fashioned skirt would suggest that she'd be shocked by the bullshit that goes on in our group, 3 is either a total weirdo and/or someone that would miss sessions while on adventures, and 4's sluttiness is a recipe for guaranteed drama.
Three is pretty much a shoe-in, so it's a tie between 1 and 4 because I'm sucker for short hair.
this image triggers me so bad every time I see it
it is wrong on every level
Three and Five. They're the only ones who aren't comparing themselves to anyone else.
One is clearly sizing up Three as a threat though. You'll either see crazy drama between those two or the best roleplaying of your fucking life.
Three is totally a shoe-in, but 1, 2, and 4 look like they were all forced to be here. At least 5 is putting some effort. 3 and 5.
These are my choices too, but I'm taking Far-right because she has purple eyes. Shit's exotic, yo.
I guess I'm that one person. A buddy I played PnP with lived in a trailer with that layout. Even had a couch on that wall and the bookshelf between the door and window.
Hey, it's Grandma's old trailer. God, that's some old ass memories.
4 and 5 because I don't want anyone in my group with bigger tits than me
I don't understand this london meme sorry
I definitely choose 4. I mean, just look at her, she's obviously tired of everyone's shit and just wants to get it over with. I bet she is a relatively introverted, serious person that can mostly behave herself.
The other choice is a tie between 1 and 2 - one looks rather demure, while 2 looks genki.
I hate this argument. being speedy can go choke on a room made of dick
empowerment body type, body language and how they dress. yes tone and how realistic story/setting counts
anybody questions validity chainmail bikini's answer with "fuck you why you a cunt also why do you hate fun!?!!!"
gets it
The original meme was meant to be a shout out of where the user is located as well as defining where they are, originally as "pls b in london" it was shortened to LONDON! from there.
Either way, that jealousy is adorable.
I see.
I am insecure, what can I say
IKTF. I couldn't imagine how shitty it is for girls where it's all on display. At least as a guy I can wear huge hoodies.
Fuck you Veeky Forums for giving my body dismorphia
Eh, it's not that bad. I just let it get to me too much lol
1 and 5
1 is wearing a dress, meaning a +1 cha bonus on rolls against me. I just couldnt win.
5 is making eye contact the whole time, shes focused on what she wants and is what we're gonna need in this party.
2 and 4 are too easily rattled. We deal with monsters out there and theyre gonna lose their shit if they can deal with someone in armor sitting next to them.
3 is out because this is a god damned interview and I expect EVERYONE to dress professionally. Leave that boob plate shit for the back alleys of Waterdeep, we're here to make money.
5 looks like she'd be quite helpless but still trying to be a good player.
2 is the one that has already had experience with the hobby but never gave into the cancer that are Veeky Forums's opinions.
1 is most likely a rule autist, but at least knows the system well enough to explain it to other players.
4 is an attention whore that will now most likely wear a costume to the session, too.
5 is just here for escapism of the highest altitude, and takes the game too seriously, at least at the wrong parts.
2 and 5 then.
>player number 5
i meant 3
i take 2 and 5