I've been playing philsophy: the enlightenment, and i just got to say...

I've been playing philsophy: the enlightenment, and i just got to say, did you guys see that massive buff islam got last set?
Im not sure if i want to build a jihad camel deck or if i want to play a good ol conversion deck
One of my friends said that i should play a hybrid deck
Im not sure how i feel about ythe hybrid playstyle but i love the creativity
What do you guys think?

>playing anything that just scoops game 1 against Protestant Aggro
Hope you enjoy your 0% win rate against half the format.

I wish I knew the retarded magic terminology so I could participate in this thread.

>playing protestant aggro
You are literally the cancer of the earth
My LGS banned that shit after it sweeped an entire tournament

Bruh, every good Saint and Pope got banned in the last update, it's beatable as shit right now. Any decent Formal Logic control list can stomp it.

But then you're playing Formal Logic control. I mean, it's no Nihilism Control but it's a bit nofun.jpg.

t. that Pastafarain Tempo-Combo guy
>It'll work one day, I swear!

Have you not seen that new theocracy build?
Even if they can't fuck you up as fast as they did all they have to do is bully you and field one politician and boom, your dead
The only thing that i know can beat it is a really lucky aethiest control deck

You newfags are ruining the game: I remember the good old days, when a good player could win with a Diogenes deck while still running it in-character. Now we've got all this shitty lore and people mixing Kant and Objectivism decks to minmax even though the canon states it makes no sense.

This shit is even worse than the time they legalized Golden Means Fallacy.

All their stuff post Mongol Bugaloo is just rushspam and anglo buffs. The good islam set is the neoplatonic block. But that's because it was the only stuff not banned in Dark Age.

All these plebs not playing a marxist teaching deck that evolves into a leninism propaganda deck in the mid game and turns into a stalinism zoo deck late game
Its like they don't know the power of fielding vodka into hundreds of infantry tokens getting buffed by motivational posters

Stalinist's late game is trash, can't keep up with Global Market ramp.

Shit's fun in 1920s limited though.

Epicurean extremists has always been my go to.
>cheap, cost effective
>heavy damage control elements
>if you lose, fuggit, who cares

>play anarcho-capatalist aggro-control
>get banned from the store because my opponent destroys NAP and i forcibly annexed his cards

>Not using propaganda machine to force free market into his deck and then raping him from the inside out
Its like you don't know how to capitalist

>Diogenes deck while still running it in-character
My man. I still run Diogenes at local tournaments (both for fun and because I don't have the resources to build for current meta). It doesn't win much but it's funny to watch the reactions of newbies who don't know anything about the classic set.
Case in point: "Behold! A man!" hasn't been relevant as an anti-meta counter for ages, but I can usually get at least one person to crack up by playing it.

If you run a full extension of BAM it still does pretty well in an humanist heavy meta.

Fuck man
I remeber my plato appetite spirit deck and my aristotle question everything control deck
Good times

>aristotle question everything control deck
Such a fun deck, but it meant they stopped making recurring question cards for so long.

>all the theocracy meme builds in this thread
These haven't been relevant outside casual formats in ages. Even during the dark ages expansion they only worked because they had synergy with feudalism decks

If you're going to run a retarded gimmick deck, just run ubermensch buff. Running that with a fascism control deck is actually pretty viable

Fascism control died in the post war expansion, the closest to that is nihilism control

All they had to do was ban aristotle
aristotle allowed you to pop over 20 questions in one turn and is what caused the deck to go infinite and deck opponents
If they didn't want the deck to be as strong as it was all they had to do was print more expensive questions or ban him and they did none of this

Guys, help. I've been cheesing my FLGS with a Pax Americana deck for years now, but they finally nerfed all the commanders into the ground recently. Should I switch? I was considering Chinese Trade Ramp. Is it still viable after the economic nerfs?

Most of the pax americana cards can be used in a UN control deck
As soon as you field globalism with the UN the amount of value you can achieve is reminiscent of the old spainsh colonialism deck or british colonialism deck

Mornington Crescent was improved by a reskin. Colour me surprised.

The new pope is complete shit. What the fuck were they thinking with him, he has literally zero synergy with the cath meta.

Do you have any insight on why reddit likes him so much? They usually run atheism decks so seeing them all suck a cath legendary's dick so hard is disconcerting. Are they just retarded?

Anyway the only good Islam deck is ISIS, it dredges up a lot of ancient concepts (reminds me of hashashin decks actually, if you're grog enough to remember those) and makes them viable again.

Vehicle-Ramming Attack is seeing a ton of play, outperforming even Suicide Bombing against Western philosophy. Good riddance I say, West has been a joke for years.

Reminder that if you don't Run Nihilism-Illuminati Control / Combo you're objectively not fit to play in tournaments.

I keep hearing this, but the meta is evolving. For the first time in a while, I'm seeing Ethno-Nationalism deck builds popping up in tournaments. True, they haven't won any so far, but I saw a simple Anti-Roach Wilders deck make it to the finals in the last Dutch Open.

Apparently there's a Youth Resurgence deck based around him, but I've rarely seen it played. Personally, I play Knights of Columbus. Solid monetary defense, even though a few of their early cards have been banned so hard nobody acknowledges their existence.
Not gonna win you any tournaments, but it's a solid casual deck.

Guys I know I've said this for the past five metas but Fascism is going to make a comeback not as control but as a combo deck and it's going to be the perfect counter to Islamists.

It's a very similar deck to the old self-revolution decks that were popular back when the Mass Politics expansion came out. So you set up as the standard Western Liberal Democracy that's very popular right now, strip out all the win conditions and add a few self damage cards and neutral assets.

From there it's a good out fashioned Self-Revolution combo deck, you take as much ideology damage as you dare then you trigger the revolution and you get to put the Facist cards in your sideboard (that's all of them btw) into play or your hand and you close out the game with burst.

Islamists don't have much burst (excepting Loose Nukes but who plays that?), it's all slow and insidious so you can hold off as long as possible. Plus since the revolution will purge all the non- neutral or Facist assets attached to you it clears their sleeper agents to.

Facist combo boys, see you at the World's.

>Marxism into Platonic Utopia combo
It doesn't work reliably, but when it does, it's a thing to behold.

>Tfw I play a fluffy Jehovah's Witness deck
I mean I rarely ever win, but it's nice and I always get he "best sportsman" award at every torny

>tfw Meme Decks have actually been getting high places at tournaments
What the fuck is going on
I mean every tournament has a guy running a Vermin Supreme lre-deck for shits and giggles but I've seen one of these things sweep at a major tournament for fucks sake

Are anti-memetic decks going to become a thing now? Christ

It's less of a meme decks becoming a thing in their own right and more of Illuminati Control splashing memes. And Illuminati Control has been part of the meta since forever, nothing new under the sun. Just push Whistleblowing and Exposition on every opportunity even if they hurt you they will always hurt them more.

You do realize those stop being effective lat into the game right? You stop yourself from playing any of the black-bordered cards that you get late into the game and it's not like the other guy is going to stop using theirs

Ideological Subversion combo/control master race. It's such a versatile deck type that can be slotted to work against anything. My favorite is using a Cultural Marxist build against the dumbasses that still run various authoritarian ideologies and watching their deck fall apart. Hard Propaganda-Lock and Globalist type decks that exploit pop culture to erode other archetypes are also neat.

>it doesn't work reliably
You mean it doesn't work at all. That deck's success is 100% theoretical and it has never once worked in a real game.

>implying it ever works in a serious game
oh yeah my twenty card combo surely will not get disrupted at a single step and fall apart

>Hitler's Brain is still broken
>Federal Reserve and IRS combo ruins enemy's economy

>authoritarian decks
>Don't have orbital mind control lasers
Try to play against real player and not primary school children next time.

I've been playing an optimised pure solipsism deck for years.

I've yet to win a tournament, sure, but it's hilarious to just nope everything for a few hundred turns, and when I win, it's by letting them self-destruct with unsustainable combos.

You are the cancer that is ruining this game

It's one thing to go up against a meme deck, it's another to go up against a deck who's entire purpose is to play the game as little as possible

Mono Diogenes is the only acceptable way to play.

Everyone else is a try-hard, pay-to-win, trust-fund-baby that can casually drop $1,000 on a tri-syllogism deck with turn 3 Descartes.

I will concede that combo Herodotus+Epicurus are alright, but they still need to nerf dual treatise before if ruins the format.

>running buddhism OTK
>draw none of my moral high ground enablers
>draw nirvana without a teachings of gandhi
>draw none of my tutors for the buddha statue
>opponent is a islamic theocracy who got the nut draw
Why the fuck do people love this deck so much?

I will never understand this. The Reformation block shat all over George, now all you have is Martha and Jeanne and you don't even get those as protestant, so you're forced into really boring tactcis.

I wish Olga was still legal to play, she'd remove the kebab right out of the field. Literally what is the difference between an orthodox deck and a buddhist one at this point?

>Playing Islamic decks.

Enjoy getting kicked in the nuts by the Bodhishvtva decks.

Shit man, not every Christian deck needs to be aggro. Francis of Assisi pillowfort still works, stronger than ever since it combos with new age shit and generally the leftist power creep.

Bitches don't know 'bout my janky mongolian creation decks
They think it's fuckin' horsemen and khans when suddenly BAM, Bai-Ülgen in your face, same attack as any other supreme god and all it takes is a few sacrificed horses

who eternal recurrence here

If you're trying to use Nihilism as control, you need to learn to play. Defensive Nihilism with alternate win cons is the intended build.

The other day I saw 3 people at tournament try to incorrectly play "There are no facts, only interpretations" for free into the Public Forum and get corrected by a judge. All 3 of them scooped in rage. Funny, but also sad. It's one of the most misunderstood cards, and everyone tries to build nihilism control around it, but it's basically unplayable after the errata.

Yeah it works if you use your entire hand worth of hands to artificially change the rules of the game into something literally completely different.

That said, it used to be a big thing that you'd only run a bunch of marxist cards to set up the field and then use the augmented environment to push nationalism or a really agressive religion or something. Actually I think that's the only kind of a marxist deck that ever won anything, it's not bad as a dual deck.

I recently dusted off my Olypian 100-card singleton. I know it does not win shit today, but back before the Roman/Christian powercreep it was the shit.

Actually still play really smooth, but it's just too slow. Still super fun to blast any blasphemer creature with lightning bolt though

Do you sideboard Kublai Khan?

Saint Barbara still gets lightning bolts in the present meta, even though you need her to die first. She's a meme for the ages though, only good against islam, but at least she comboes with bombardment well while she's on the field. When she's in the graveyard it's lightning bolts for days

Maybe Olympian would have been more popular if they ever printed some actual fucking philosophies for it besides some lame ass Odyssey Morals.

That's what happens when you change lead designers mid block and try to separate Olympian and Fathers of Philosophy into two different sets when they should have been one.

>George is banned because islam players still have PTSD from crusader decks stomping the meta, aside of the odd Hussite meme
>the decent legal saints (Jeanne, Barbara) are women, Jeanne isn't even combat
>Francis is a cuck

What did they mean by this?

Who's ready for this to get on the ban list?

TFW you flip a foil Occam's razor and the chubby girl at the other table give you the "fuck me" eyes.

Fuck hedonist decks, what even is their endgame? None of their shit DOES anything.

Everytime I play a hedonist they just cycle their cards and pull them back out and play solitare for five minutes before putting them back and there is no result and then they die. Are they like trying to draw through their deck for some sort of a one-of wincon or something?

gotta go hedonism w/ solipsism and have them draw out.

look maybe my shit does nothing but yours won't either


Who's excited for the new Confucianism block? I'm planning to use Filial Piety to build a dynasty megastructure and outvalue my opponent. Tips?

Hedonist decks want to get out hedonism and then just cycle through their deck and play materilism
At that point all you need is the pleasure calculator then you just fucking go off

>Fuck hedonist decks, what even is their endgame? None of their shit DOES anything.

It's supposed to cater to "Johnny" players who want to feel good without accomplishing anything with the decks endless combos.

>tfw you will never have new stoic cards printed (That are even moderately playable)

>West has been a joke for years
>Not remembering liberal/capitalist control decks are so painfully meta that literally all modern viable decks are built around countering it
>And that they still do a shit job of it

kek, someone doesn't even play modern.

Confucianism will never work because of shitty mechanics
Your better off sticking to a heir of rome deck

I want to make some kinda joke about JS Mill and milling, but I know fuck all about MtG, and there's probably no analogy to be made


>West has been a joke for years
You weren't saying that when you thought you were playing against aristotle teaching but it turned into alexander conqur mid game

You all seem trapped in the past. Methodological Naturalism has been killing it since it was introduced. And it is comparable with so much. Then Karl Popper really took it over the top.

>>tfw you will never have new stoic cards printed
Yeah man that was the shit. Still play my Aurelius controll deck even though its terrible nowadays, I fucking hate the populism decks running Trump or Le pen, though I prefer them to an Islam aggro meta.

Ar you kidding? Imperial Exam in the midgame means you basically have no dead draws anymore, and it makes all other cards cheaper.

It wasn't even that the deck was a problem, just that it was already a solid tier 1 and any more questions would buff it heaps, as we saw when Why 42? was printed in the irreverence block and bumped it back to tier one after it had been long irrelevant.

He's for a hybrid Catholic/Compassion build. It's a fun deck to pilot since the Catholic part and the Compassion part work against each other, but have some neat synergies sometimes.

Dies hard to a solid media, not that we're seeing much of that in the meta right now.

Solipsism is fine, it's just something you have to board against.

You gotta admit the Trump deck winning the last GP was a hilarious upset to watch live on TV, even though his deck wasn't too ethical either. That globalist guy was so mad

I'm trying to make a Solipsism-Communism deck but it's jank as fuck. Are there any alternatives?

>Have you tried Nihilism instea-
No. I am not making yet another Solipsism-Nihilism deck. Give me something fresh, I'm trying to make something new here.

>mfw that guy plays agnostic permission control
>"yeah but you don't know" "yeah but you don't KNOW" "yeah but you don't """KNOW""""

>Western Liberal Democracy is still the most popular deck
>you borderline cheat by abusing public education and the media which are core of those decks
>enemy doesn't notice until he lost the game, and even then they rarely actually see what went wrong

Try "it from bit", it's a meme deck very similar to solipsist but it's actually all a control-oriented simulation.

>tfw i thought this was a V:tM thing at first
And now I really want to play as rouge philosophers granted supernatural powers by their beliefs.

Did you know that WLD playstyle is a slightly change copy of the obscure Juche deck?

Is it possible to play It From Bit in a Christian shell? That's something I've always been interested in.

If not that, then maybe I'd try shoving it into a Humanist deck, I probably wouldn't need to cut much out of it. It From Bit Solipsism seems a little bit too masturbatory. I like playing interactive decks, it's more fair for the opponent.

Is this a new meme?

>Is it possible to play It From Bit in a Christian shell
Post-Christian with core being Judgement Day, some players did that but it's really difficult to pull off, it counters itself if you don't know what you're doing.

>odd Hussite meme

that was the best suicide aggro in any game ever holy shit

I'm pretty sure they released Sub Utra Que specifically to hose the Vatican because everybody complained back then, but playing all those high toughness defenders and then flipping them and going ham was the most satisfying thing.

>not seeding Absurdism during the WLD phase so any sideboard nonsense only counts as 1/1 cartoon frogs

I faintly remember a /co/ thread about superheros with powers based around their philosophies.

Ok you're right, that game was amazing, though im getting tired of it at this point.

I've been thinking about trying a trans-humanism deck, but om not sure about what ideology I can pair it up with to ramp out singularity.

Which becomes 10/10 Fascist Death Squad after you punish enemy for using public education and big media by using "backlash"

how long has it been since you've played?
occam's razor isn't the "must have" monster it used to be, empiricism's power creep has changed the meta considerably.

>Not running a media using indirect regulation and civic duty.

>he doesn't run twelve layers of irony
You can't handle all these triggers, son

They get countered by subversion and sleeper agents.

What deck should I take to the next GP?

>Identitarian Control, with Globalism win condition.
Tried and true, although the resurgence in Nationalist decks, especially the Ethnocentrism variant, has hindered its popularity lately.
>Psychedelic Ramp
Always fun, if a little unreliable. For this purpose, I usually run Nirvana, Übermensch and Sisyphus. If I don't hit any of them with a ramped Transcend Consciousness, I usually just fold.
>Christian Midrange
Yeah, I know, it's a bit vague. There's a few too many options. I usually run Westboro Baptists but that deck tends to build itself. I'm thinking of running Papal Infallibility instead. And no, don't suggest that I run Papal Infallibility in a Westboro Baptist shell, I'm not that stupid.

Mormon outlasting is the most cancerous deck in the format
Who thought that mormonism was a good deck to begin with?
Anyone who plays that shit needs to stop or be killed

Run more rational compassion.

Psych ramp, but try swapping Ubermensch for Ascended Consciousness. You can bluff it with a Woah Man or a Hey, Dude and a Right Answer, Wrong Reasons can pull it out to combo a win.

it's like you don't even WANT to hardcast Xenu
when they release him I mean

Is Yakub deck any good? The ethnocentric core seems solid but I hate how your cards get countered by pretty much anything at all

An ethnocentric deck with "we wuz kangs" and "melanin" may work with yakub.

If you wanna feel like a real winner, it slides real esily into a Anracho-Capitalism feck.

although it can give you plenty of options for control if you decide to go for a Futuristic-Oligarch Deck (there are even some pre-built combos right in the cards and it has good theming)

I've heard that some people have gotten transhumanism to work with more spiritual decks in this real cheese-strat though. could be fun.

It's usually seen as a joke deck, but the trick to catch some wins with a Kangs-style deck is to not engage the opponent conventionally (which, as you say, gets countered by almost everything). Make heavy use of cards like "de-imperialized scholarship" or "post-colonial grudge" to protect your stuff. With a little luck, they won't be able to pick apart your pieces before you achieve the Pan-African wincon.

>MFW the guy is breaking out his Dadaism deck

That shit is never not fun. If you play a Dadaist deck, your a fucking amazing person.

>Those fucking stupid combos with both Solipsism AND spiritualism
I'm both rock hard and rolling on the floor

I still think it was a mistake to reprint those outside of an 'Un-' set. Don't get me wrong, it can be a blast to play with friends, but it just makes a mess in "serious" games.

You need to run Papal Infallibility. Look, I know that sounds stupid but hear me out.

>Get Papal Infallibility out as soon as possible.
>When your opponent's tapped out, play Racial Revisionism.
>Once it's in play, use it to give all of your cards with the Black subtype the Catholic subtype.

And suddenly, your Black cards can't be countered until they removed your Racial Revisionism with Discredit Research, Enlightened Ignorance or some other project removal card.

Just because careful though. I know no one really plays Orthodox or Protestant variants of Christian decks anymore but they hard counter Catholics.

ok, hear me out on this...

Formal logic, but splashing Christian for Ontological Argument. Use Ontological Argument to define P=NP and cheat Singularity out. It sounds fragile, but you can use Flawed Proof to protect the combo against other logic decks and Quiverfull to stall the board against aggro decks.

I actually started as an art deck player but the archetype is so fucked at this point it's just not worth.

Dadaism is basically mechanically so bad it's good, they were like 'well if art/culture decks are not going to be a thing from now on, let's kill it with a bang'.

Postmodernism is just so disconnected from what it used to be, fuck. Today you can TRY to play structuralism but you're not gonna win shit. Kubist combo was worth something also, but it died long ago too. Everything that comes out in Art is just an overpriced piece of garbage, all just that it can tie into Irony to flip around, so that you can be complete fucking cancer.