Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Throw Edition
Why are thrown weapons so hard to use? Low range, lots of feats required, obligatory magic items taking up slots. Is this because of the waterbaloon fighter fallacy? What would you do to make ranged weapons occupy different niches while retaining balance?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

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>back to having furry anime girls in the OP

Well it was a good run lads.

This is the future you chose.


I guess the ban must be up, cause this faggot posted it on page 7 too

While I thank the team for the clarification, I just have to sigh and shake my head at the results. I'll add it to the ever growing list of FAQ's I hope my DM's never see and use. :(

As a side note, this means a trapper ranger or Alchemical Trapper could set up a trap right in front of you and it vanished from sight, even though you haven't taken your eyes off of it so it doesn't matter what the DC of the trap is: it's like you have to daze yourself to figure out that the trap is still there...

So! How was your weekend, /pfg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?

You play Pathfinder. This is inevitable.

I like how you made this general early just so you could ensure it has a fucking weeb-ass OP image. Great job, shithead.

Just make a different thread with a non-anime OP you silly billies

We killed a dragon.
We had to use 4 breaths of life to keep the party going


Even more cancerous

Every time we try to do that the second, reasonable thread gets no replies and is deleted.

It worked well enough for /5eg/. He gave up in 2 days

Is it better to PM in Roll20, or just Discord?

I hate this fucking character so much.

whichever works

A League of Legends character, at that.

1) because legolas used bows and legolas was hot
2a) other than legolas, anything else is a filthy fucking martial, which is disgusting and wrong and often they're male which means they're rapist racist sexist assholes too or they wouldn't have a penis
2b) Martials especially things with penises MUST NOT ever have nice things. If they want to fight they have to suck: it sucking has to be the most important starting point or else it's not balanced because full spellcasters have a limited amount of times they can do things in a day and even though there's an equally restricted amount of encounters in a day because the martials can do the thing all day and thus technically an equal number of times to the restricted amount of encounters in a day which was designed around the number of vancian discharges a full caster is capable of in a day, if they are able to do it all day as opposed to the vancian full caster who is only able to do it as many times as he needs to in a day which is entirely different due to the way encounter design has been designed and balanced, it would be broken.

This is the worst timeline.

>furry anime girls
I'm genuinely curious as to why /pfg/ gets a bad rap for being "furry" when it's clear most of the shitposters are using any third-party material they can find to deliberately make their weebshit moeblobs NOT furry. We had one thread with an actual anthro kitsune (the Pathfinder standard) as a joke and the weebs flipped their shit. Not trying to defend furfags, but please call the cancer for what it actually is. This is entirely /a/ refuse spilling out of its containment board.

Weeb isn't a strong enough insult.

Discord is usually more instaneous. Roll20 can take some time cause the page doesn't auto-refresh, and some people only go to Roll20 to make apps.

So Discord if you want/need a reply right meow, Roll20 if you can afford to wait a day or two.

Because fuck you, the user already explained how to make it work, you're just too retarded to do that and don't want to put in the work.

We get it, you want to make a character with throwing weapons so you can live your degenerate erotic fantasy as Xayah, but the munchkin in you also doesn't want to gimp yourself by going down an obviously cancerous weapon style.

Sucks doesn't it?

Me, my brother and his friends went to Gatlinburg for a bachelor's party weekend, it was tons of fun!

What are you asking for? If it's a general question, just use Roll20. If you're trying to say you want them to typefuck your face (or vice versa) use Discord.

Can you just delete this shit instead of being a colossal anime furry waifu faggot?

Anyone know of a relatively painless way to get WIS to ranged attack rolls and/or damage?
3pp is fine, although not PoW.

be a zen archer

Pretty good!

Got another job offer, had a great characterization session in RotJR, and challenged a bunch of rats to a dance-off in HR, after exchanging witty banter with the rest of the party.

>Characterization session

Explain, EXPLAIN.

Well 12 Spell Resistance help me at all? I'm currently level 6.

Psychic Armory Soulknife.

Just as importantly, how was *your* weekend FennecAnon?

Shitty, as always.

Just the party decompressing after the day's events.

Most enemy casters are going to be in the levels 3-9 range, so the chances of it being useful are non-trivial.

Kill yourself. YOURSELF.

Is this thread mocking the user from a thread or two ago or is it actually serious, I can't tell anymore.

Reminder that if you want to give Rory shit for being shit, he can be found on discord at A Vilderavn#6031

Enjoyable, thank you. Played the first session of a new campaign (which was a lot of fun), and spent some time at my grandmother's place, fixing up her corrals so my aunt could leave her horses there while she finishes moving.

I am not DFT starknife user, I just saw that argument and it inspired me.

Uh... no? What I am asking is why are some fighting styles so weak and crippled at the very base? If this was an intentional design choice then why does nothing warn you that throwing weapons are not supposed to be focused on? And how would you make it so every weapon choice has a good, healthy niche (which should have been a thing from the start)?

Rory pls GO.

Fuck off rory

Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on Ironfang Invasion?

I hate this meme.

Has anyone fucking played a SINGLE GAME OF IT

I'll be sure to let you all know if I get in BitF.

What did he mean by this?

I hate the "now that the dust has settled" meme.


I hate the ""_____" meme" meme.

So now that the dust has settled on "now that the dust has settled" memes, what's the verdict on Ironfang Invasion?

Really makes you think.

We must go deeper.

does anyone have the build for 5 monkeys with guns on hand? I need it. For 'reasons.'

This one?

>It still hurts. Even now. ;_;

>think about running Ironfang
>want to change some bits
>mfw i am stuck in endless loop of rewriting parts of it and never going to run it

The campaign is perfect as-is, why would you want to ever change it? Amber Scott truly outdid herself with this one.

I want to add more stuff to it

>being bamboozled this hard

It doesn't need more stuff! It's perfect!

Started a RoW campaign, might be getting into a board game night with some old friends on Tuesdays, and oh yeah fucktons of response papers because English majors end up with three classes' worth of writing on the regular...

Anons, memedog isn't that stupid. Why would he want to have people giving him shit now? This is just another witch Hunt user. I don't like either one but it's nothing to get riled up over

Does it have good puss?

you people overreact to her stuff

if you like amputees, yes

I hate the "I hate the ____ meme" meme.

How's the RoW campaign going? I hear it's a fun AP

Amber Scott is a sign a product is going to be shit, and the fact people insist her turds smell divine enrages people.

Like I said, overreact

How are we supposed to react when Scott releases a subpar book and people start praising her work, like with Baldur's Gate?

Siege of Dragonspear was not ALL terrible

Literally just started on Saturday. Apparently, nobody in the group knows what this 'chess' game is, but I'm a doctor so I got to go all house call on the frostbitten Ulfen.

It seems fun so far, I have a habit of making noisy characters though so I'm kinda concerned about taking up too much conversation time...

A chess game? I don't remember one of those in RoW. Was that something your DM did?

DM'd opened up with two old foggies playing chess in the village square.

It was terrible enough to besmirch the name of Baldur's Gate and shame the developers.

What's the last product Amber Scott has touched that has been looked upon fondly by people? Like, you'd have to be a goofus to think /v/ or people in general discount a game because of the views of the developer - Subnautica is made by a genuine nu-male loser, and everyone loves it and is willing to look beyond his flaws.

Damn, that sounds different. He explain why? There's nothing in the AP about them as far as I see. Was it just a spur of the moment thing?

user, from the sound of things he just wanted to have an opening shot.

Like RotRL opening with a summer fair, or War of the Worlds beginning with a closeup of a raindrop, or Forrest Gump and the feather.

Reign of Winter kind of opens up awkwardly, so starting with some old farts sitting around talking before snowflakes start to fall makes sense.

I hate the "I hate the "I hate the ____ meme" meme" meme

I don't know because I didn't read the AP. RoW is one of the few AP's I have absolutely zero knowledge of outside of the Russia thing that everyone knows and I intend to keep it that way until the campaign is done. It seemed like a nice segue into the main plot though. If you didn't just mention it wasn't part of of the AP, I wouldn't have noticed.

...Hrm. You got that right. RoW just drops you in and says "you're in this town, talk to the popsicle man, go questing". I can applaud the opening shot replacing that. It sounds fun!

You know what I hate? Not you!

How common is for the Lodge in Reign of Winter to be a PC graveyard?

I hate my team

Basically this. In that light I gotta hand it to the GM, that felt plenty natural.

Like damn, I haven't read the AP books but wtf man? Where'd /that/ come from?

So I'm a multiclass monk3/stalker9, but my DM refuses to let me use Unchained. I used Temporal Body Adjustment, to end the obviously negative condition of being a Chained Monk, but the DM won't let me switch or retrain. What do?

Kill your DM. Eat his heart. Gain his power.

Why does he refuse to let you use it? Has he given a reason?

The dust is still being kicked up. How can you make a verdict 1/3 of the way through a trial? Shut the fuck up.

Not that guy, but this is what the DM probably said
>"That shit looks broken. There's nothing wrong with monks; they're a strong class already."
And this is what the DM meant
>"I don't want to have to read anything new or get a handle on your new abilities or numbers. Running this game is already a huge pain in the ass."

That's like saying we should give the new Mass Effect series a chance because the first game is not representative of the next two games.

If you can't make a good first two books than the rest of the series does not or should not deserve the benefit of the doubt, "it gets better 200 hours in" is one of the most cancerous things you can tell a person.

And a number of people were all 'Hey that actually looks alright' regarding the art paizo actually gets of Kitsune, rather than having to deal with The Generic Furry Face

>Right meow
Are you a catte.

>Fennec user is also a cowboy

I like this.


Honestly? I kinda like Paizo's kitsune art. It isn't that offensive. Same deal with tengu. I can imagine kitsune and tengu, Pathfinder wise, coexisting with orcs and hobgoblins and humans and such, without much disconnect or furry shit. Plus, their Skinwalkers LOOK like shapeshifty manimal combinations, rather than awoos and kemonomimi. I give Paizo shit but they can do some things right sometimes

>no examples of paizo kitsune

c'mon man

I want to fuck that fox.

But that's a rakshasa-you can tell by the backwards hands.

We caught Nualia! But I don't know if she summoned the thing or not yet.

Where is her fluffy tail

This distresses me.