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You retarded fucking moron, goddamn.
He probably forgot about that one because it isn't a CYOA General and it doesn't even link to any old thread :^)
now fuck off
Obviously go with The Eye because it's such an amazing power.
The Skeleton because it means I can have it do the boring shit I learn to do with The Eye.
The Succubus because I'm a thirsty virgin.
I agree with this user. Eye and Skeleton to obtain new skills that the skeleton uses for me, and Succubus for someone to do while the skeleton works.
>No fox girl
>The monk is shit
For shame
The Totem to be safe
The Soldier to fuck shit up
The Seer to see what could happen to me if i choose to send the soldier to fuck shit up
The Mole
The Sheep Girl
The Mask
Now i can go anywhere, do anything without much consequence, and bring a fluffy companion with me.
You should consider getting a zoot suit.
Is getting teleported to the Australian outback a viable Misfortune for the Spirit? If so Mole's a fantastic combo.
''Half of you gets teleported to the australian outback''
So it's not exactly a CYOA, yet, but I am working on some civilization generation tables, here's a few examples thus far:
"Race: Catgirls (East Asian)
Culture: Central European
Alignment: True Netural
Territory: Tropical (Savanna) / Hills
Government: Imperial
Domestic Priority: Scientific
International Priority: Unconventional (Balance of Power + Ideology: Liberalism)
National Perks: Colonial, Trade, Massed Infantry
Suit: Hearts
Race: Human (South Asian)
Culture: South Asian
Alignment: Neutral Good
Territory: Temperate (Mediterranean) / Flatlands
Government: Oligarchic
Domestic Priority: Industrial
International Priority: Esoteric (Grand Ritualism)
National Perks: Espionage, Elite Soldiers
Suit: Clubs
Race: Elf (Western/Northern European)
Culture: Eastern European
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Territory: Temperate (Highland) / Flatlands
Government: Dictatorial
Domestic Priority: Intelligence
International Priority: Imperialism (Economic Domination)
National Perks: Administrative, Industrious
Suit: Spades"
Thinking about turning this into a nation building CYOA, but at least it will be a rollable tool.
Is there a question?
Excellent premise but poor execution. Especially since it's almost unwinnable.
I consider it like one of those challenge cyoa's. You're given tools but not the tools to succeed, just to help. its all on you as an individual to win or lose.
I wonder what goes through an author's head when they completely wreck their own cyoa with a single option.
I don't understand the people like you who randomly post shit ITT. At least you quoted the thing you're replying to but nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about.
>take this spoon, fight a dragon
The "enemies" are basically extremely enhanced versions of your own allies in greater numbers. Your own powers are weak. Time is running.
For good measure there came 57 before you, so odds are against you in all ways.
Is Zodiac user here? Can you give the sauce artist from this pic?
Her smug face makes me feel weird in a lewd way
You don't?
Abyssal Blood. Almost half your points, but you become an eldritch deity/monster/god after several millenia. So you either build a proper demiplane (almost no one did this) or pick abyssal blood, make yourself comfy, and wait for godhood.
That one option defeats the purpose of the cyoa.
MAYBE the last option? No idea though, i mean, i've played that one multiple different ways before and opinion is fine but damn, wtf is he saying.
Bull shit, plenty of people made other damn builds.
I'm not happy about it, but I'm not going on the frontlines, and extra companions will be necessary.
Knowledge is power.
Having the government on our side will be invaluable.
I'll need at least one person who can fight if it comes to it.
>Blue blood
Diplomancers are always have stength in numbers, and being a good don would almost require this.
I assume that being a prissy would give me a chance to get 3 before getting their attention?
If I can get all 3 first, then good. If not, I'd go Grandma-Olaf-Ma.
The most dangerous with time to plan, and the other two probably wouldn't work together too well, since the dragons would likely want to eat the lesser god.
It's objectively bad design for a single option in a cyoa to overshadow all others.
Imo the cyoa would be better without it, or as an ominous freebie (watch out you don't lose your sanity in this plane of yours, because that's how the mad gods come to be)
You retarded or something?
Her waist is too skinny. This is not what a woman should look like. Not memeing either. Having a head bigger than your midriff is a deformity.
You know what I want.
Waifu's ??
Idk, a good example of overshadowing is those mystery box's, you don't know what you're getting but they sure as hell stand out from everything else.
Werewolves and dragons in cyoas.
I'll also accept weredragons.
I used to love that word. Fuckers like you ruined it
What an objectively shitty opinion.
Weredragonwaifu's ??
It's still an objectively great word though user :^)
Who cares?
Weredragonwaifu's (male)
I do. She looks unhealthy.
>Muscle man 3000
Can't be a trap and I never play a female, so I might as well enjoy the extra strength and ability to do frontline work... also, I opt out of old age.
>Yellow Blood
because supernatural luck to cover all the odds of misc plot/magic of Lesser Gods and Dragons while aiding in blitz attacks while doing frontline work.
>Purged Enemy - Vampires
Gotta clear up the government from being directly controlled by them... Dragons and Lesser Gods would be a problem, but the Lesser Gods are coming back any ways and maybe I can sick some Chthulean horrors on them.
The lack of direct intent or direction on a macro level should aid my "supernatural luck", to tap the chaos factor.
>Tirvaca, Voidling, Mage
Gonna need him for the Lesser Gods and maybe against the Dragons, or whatever minions they can summon.
Morally he is undesireable, but that might aid his zeal to purge the Lesser Gods and Dragons. Plus, help keep the criminal underworld "honest".
>Olaf, Minor God, Enforcer
definitely gonna need him for the Dragons... and as backup doing frontline work
Ooooh you're into boys
No. I'm into girls (male).
dragon dildo owner confirmed
Or I get teleported halfway there.
You are no fun
Is that girls with dicks? Never were into those
Boys so feminine and cute you mistake them for girls. I want to date one and bring him to our annual family picknick to see everyone fumble and get awkward.
The terrain cost doubling seems a little draconian, IMO. Maybe 'all choices after your first cost twice their listed score', but constant doubling is a bit depressing for something that's basically just aesthetic.
Anyway, I'll try it regardless.
Terrain (20):
Biomechanical (10)
Lake (10)
That gets me a pretty diverse and interesting world since lake comes with free wetland and Biomechanical can replicate a lot of other terrain features in a more alien way.
Estate (140):
Magical Focal Tower (20)
Hospital (10)
Settlement of 10,000 (20)
Planar Affinity (10)
Mages (15)
Automata (10)
AI Automated Workshop (25)
Portal (10)
College with Eldritch Studies (20)
Decent mixture of magic and technology, with an eye towards the long game: I can probably be taught magic at the college, the workshop combined with the automata will let me go more high tech in the future and gives me hope of repairing the portal if damaged. Eldritch studies isn't as immediate as cosmic knowledge, but is a lot cheaper and hopefully will come to the same thing eventually. Planar Affinity lets me slowly unlock all the other terrains to make the place way more diverse and fun eventually.
Gifts (90):
Immortality (10)
Charisma (15)
Mythical Steed (25)
Eldritch Bride (40)
Immortality is obligatory, and I'll trust in my magic studies to eventually let me replicate most of the other gifts since I have forever to study. Not really interested in a waifu with no free will, but I am interested in turning 40 points into 90.
Eldritch Bride (90):
Immortality (10)
Summoning, Greater (35)
Two Legendary Weapons (20)
Artificer Armour (25)
I'll not make her have to love me unconditionally, but since she's still perfect waifu and I have Charisma, odds are still strongly in my favour. I'll take her second legendary weapon, we can share armour (adjusting in workshop to fit), we can use Summoning to make pacts to get us other things as needed, especially if I need to pact to get magic potential.
>he would tell his family his trap bf is a boy
Shit taste senpai. The best is when you don't tell he's a boy and laugh about it when you go drive home and then fuck him allnight
Aren't vehicles kinda big? I mean, an APC is half as big as a fighter.
Trucks are kinda big I guess but it really depends on what "big" is. I wouldn't consider a regular car "big". I mean, have you seen horses?
No, I mean, we have a jeep, then we have a boarding ship that is 3x as big and a dropship that is 4x as big and equal in size to a fighter.
I mean, being starcraft/starship trooper dropships is okay, but I kinda expected BattleTech.
Caverns (240)
Lake (230)
Woodland (210)
I imagine a dense forest, with a lake in the middle. Beneath this lake, deep within the natural caverns, a path leads to an island in the middle of the lake. My estate exists partially on this island and stretches to the expansive caverns below. Without the coastline option, I'm not sure how far this Plane stretches. Endless forest, maybe? Maybe a rework would benefit from an "Edge of the World" category like The Village CYOA
Settlement with electricity and plumbing (195)
Planar Affinity (185)
Tavern with Excellent Food (175)
Hi-Tech Hospital (150)
Harem (135)
Mages (120)
College with eldritch knowledge (100)
Library (90)
Automata (80)
Workshop (70)
My people live as I do. The homes surround my above ground estate and, like my estate, they exist both above and below. The caverns hold our secrets, a college of magic and eldritch lore serviced by a great library, a place of gathering, a hospital and workshop of great innovation, and automata who keep this all in good shape and maintain the strange power grid.
I wonder if we'd benefit from a Portal, allowing the the best and brightest in, as well as aiding my old world. But that may invite more problems than it solves. It's also a shame that the Cosmic Knowledge option for the library is so expensive, but maybe we'll be happier not knowing.
Regeneration (50)
Charisma (35)
Immortality (25)
Super Strength (15)
Elemental Magic (0)
Survivability, versatility. I'd drop elemental magic if it mentioned mages/college can provide this ability, but in lieu of that I have to assume i have no magic ability unless a magic Power is taken.
Wait what are you talking about? I thought we were talking about the size of cars?
No, I am talking about star dust cyoa.
someone should post stardust for us to see
Vehicles are a little big, but it could also account for other things that take up room that are needed for vehicle maintenance.
for some reason the capture is being a bitch for me sorry for being slow
Anybody know what the difference between versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 is?
Also I was thinking of a carrier build, but there's something I thought of that doesn't seem to have an answer in the CYOA itself. If I take ship weapon specialization, does that boost the weapons of those types on drones that my ship launches too, or only the main ship weapons?
Room cost reductions and a few other minor corrections.
Specialization says it only applies to the ship you're piloting; I would say it applies to drones you launch, but not fighters or frigates that have pilots of their own. I'm not SDA, though; I just like his world.
Not linking to an old thread doesn't affect finding it. You're just being an idiot on purpose, aren't you.
Some buffs to Beatrice and Pulsar ships, stat adjustments to destroyers unerfing the spine slots on some of them, adding synergy between mana blasters and mana cores, typo fixes.
>Immortality (10)
>Form Change (At Will) (40)
>Charisma (55)
>Psion (With Telekinesis) (80)
>Resistance (100)
>Regeneration (120)
>Eldritch Bride (160)
>Battlemaster (170)
>Super Strength (10 times as strong) (190)
Bride Gifts
>Immortality (10)
>Scrying (Recognize Magic) (25)
>Elemental Magic (40)
>Psion (55)
>Regeneration (75)
>Summoning (90)
>Highlands (195)
>Settlement (1,000 people) (205)
>Tower (215)
>Mages (230)
>Cult (240)
>Planar Affinity (250)
don't think it applies to drones. I think they're almost standalone units and don't have to be assigned to given ship, you just have to have enough room for them.
Also remember that bigger drones like brawlers get only 1 (one) free weapon, the rest costs money.
I've never used pastebin before so I don't know if this will work, but here goes.
> “Sounds like the Cap’n and Alessia are at it again.”
> “Yup.”
> “Wonder if they know we can hear them down here.”
> “I wonder if they know the whole damn ship can hear them.”
> “At least they’re not in a aquaculture room this time.”
Oh. Your mistake. Should've made they clear. I hide all things Star Dust.
hmm... baby step progress for stardust x space opera
Thanks, I'll be sure to replace my 2.1.0 images then.
I didn't forget about that cost, but thanks for the thought I suppose.
I'm thinking maybe I'll pretend that if I take ship weapon specialization + computer science, then the bonus will apply to the drones as long as I'm taking the job of directly controlling their attack patterns.
Holy shit, the spelling errors in this thing.
grammar hard
You lack a verb, a full stop and the first word to be capitalized.
Okay, with my calculations for only 70(or 64) millions you can get:
Wasp fighter
3 Spinal torpedos
4 broadside torpedos
2 Point-defense Flak Cannons.
For mere 646 millions you can outfit your Carrier with 10 wasps that can bring down Mothership with ease
And for 40 extra millions they would be upgraded with Banshee command mod into "Autistic Screeching squadron" able to destroy any shield and pierce any armor
> The demigod really is the only of the big titles I consider and it is REALLY dangerous.
> It is just that Comet and Hailey are neat and the premise feels like some of my favorite scifi.
This ship's only big enough for one space magical girl!
>Not wanting a Momdom shipfu.
What are you gay or something?
Question about Stardust
It says that you can do up to 2 or 3 jobs other than piloting yourself, but then in the gunner section it says you need at least one if you have any weapons installed, same with Digital Security room.
Can't you just do the gunning and cyber stuff by yourself?
found this have no idea when i downloaded it though.
SDA has mentioned he is likely to restrict torpedoes to 1 per fighter.
But with their powers (and sexiness) combined....
good thing there is only one
I don't want my mom listening in when I'm having sex with a girl and then commenting on my performance later.
I got enough of that in my senior year of high school.
How do you guys feel about CYOAs like this one where it lets you set your power level and point total in exchange for more danger and responsibility?
>no tesla overchargers
How about this more well-rounded fighter for ~66 millions:
Tomahawk Fighter
Na: 25
HA: 2
SS: 25
2 Spinal Torpedoes
2 Spinal Tesla Overchargers
2 Spinal Heavy Laser Cannons
2 Point-Defense Flak Cannons
On one hand I feel sympathy for you. On the other that's fucking hilarious.
Sounds hot.
Did she compliment you? Offer advice?
I always liked that one except for the gilded cage aspect (I escaped with the crazy).
I think the intention is, "you need at least one, which could include yourself."
Unless you splurge for the mind-link upgrade, you can't do piloting, gunning, and cyber security all by yourself at the same time.
Okay, sure, one has mana powers, the other has psychic powers. But that's beside the point. The point is, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.
That can't be a point, you didn't offer any arguments.
yes, I've done it to show anons why such nerd is needed.
Now, now hobo version of Wasp for mere 47(45) million you will get
3 Spinal Artillery cannons
4 broadside Artillery cannons
2 Point-defense Flak Cannons.
I like them a lot. Feels less like powergaming to get all the skills you want and more like choosing the scale of the adventure you want to have.
Welp then I guess we'll have a Voyager style transporter 'accident' and merge them into one person.
That's retarded. This is CYOA, you obviously need to include yourself into a three way merge with them.
Eh, I just wrote my character so that they already had mana and psychic powers. I just wanted to merge the two of them so I had a waifu almost as awesome as me.