>Sci-fi setting takes place in the future
>White people still exist
Sci-fi setting takes place in the future
>Sci-fi setting takes place in the future
>Moros & kikes & anglos still exist
Maybe its a good future.
Nothing wrong with a Utopian future setting OP. Not everything has to be grimdark all the time.
>Scifi setting takes place past the year 2525
>man is still alive
You know why aliens are grey? Their Hitler won.
>Grey is beautiful! We must purge the green menace from our society! Greens will destroy our economy!
I tried to look up when all races will be mixed into one but the results weren't very scientific in nature.
Anyway, biological immortality is right around the corner. The first person to be immortal has already been born. That might extend the lifespan of certain ethnicities.
Sci-fi is a Cultural Marxist cover up for white genocide.
It's called science FICTION for a reason.
>tfw eurasians are the prettiest racemix but eurafricans have the future
Whites will be gone in a few centuries, it's like blue eyes, but most other ethnicities probably aren't going to go anywhere fast.
>Woman can survive
Green menace was killed, their tech spiked and now they have lightspeed tech.
>Sci-fi setting takes place in the future
>Indians not the most powerful race in the world
Wasn't that the plot of a Babylon 5 episode? One of the minor races (don't remember their name) used to share their planet with a similar race which was hairier and stupider, so they just exterminated all of them Nazi style. Then it turned out their genetics somehow depended on regular interbreeding so now their race is doomed to go extinct from rampant diseases.
I mean white skin is primarily a feature of colder climates.
Maybe snow world?
>Cultural Marxist
Marxism started in Russia, right? where the predominate people are...remind me, purple?
Immortality right now? Of all the bullshit I've heard that takes the c-
>Cambridge scientists say it's real
The same ones who say FTL travel is real every so often? I'm not saying it's all impossible, but I've learned to keep my hopes down *even* if I read an article saying "scientists say [amazing science fiction development] is just around the corner".
Especially if I read it anywhere other than an academic journal.
You just need to be careful with whose bullshit you buy. Popular papers have a tendency to get "Communications undergrad in Wichita college writes seminary work analyzing the correlation between watching Christopher Nolan films and belief FTL travel will one day be possible" as "SCIENTISTS SAY FTL TRAVEL POSSIBLE WITHIN OUR LIFETIME!"
Germany, actually.
>Sci-fi setting takes place in the future
>people still exist
Fuck off, Curry Thunder. Go peddle ME:Andromeda to someone who cares.
Earth was a mistake.
>implying that once Genetic engineering exists, any standard skin color will still exist.
Buddy I'm going to become the literal red-man
You know what's odd? The fact that people who celebrate the idea of future humanity as one brown race also tend to be people who claim to love diversity.
Precisely. Transhuman future or bust.
Go hide in dyson spheres, plastic trash.
But brown people are the diversi-est.
>Go hide in dyson spheres, plastic trash.
>[monkey screeching]
That monkey created stable society, plastic lgbt niggers created only magical realms.
Daily reminder, that leftist caused more harm that most of dictators.
>/pol/ been proven wrong millions of times
>faggots like op still post here
Whats wrong with refusal to face the ugly reality?
The other race wasn't stupider. They were just as smart. They were just less numerous.
White people and ding dongs are the only ones with space travel.
God damn both of you.
Not every scifi setting is a dystopian nightmare.
This is that we all apparently descended from the same line of people, they originally were from Africa and we're all dark skin. That means that external factors brought about the white colour of skin and that even if it gets bred out it could return given the right circumstances.
Also recessive genes when together will create that person. For example there was a black African couple who had a white child.
Hating white people isn't racist because [insert name] said so...! b-baka
Does anyone have a list of presidential acts that Trump has done to piss off the leftists, other than being a white male?
>orange male
>That monkey created stable society
fuggen jij