
We post things that PLEASE Slaanesh

*No lolis
**NO (pure) WAIFUS

Other urls found in this thread: nun

Is this your first day on Veeky Forums?

I would post music by Celldweller, but I don't want to be called a fag

>No lolis

>please slaanesh
>immediately imposes limits


I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.

user is actually a follower of the false emperor.

>Making anything but the purest of maidens your waifu
I bet your also the same kind of thirsty betafag that thinks they can redeem a prostitute or succbus by being a nice guy and making some half-hearted preaching to them.

Too far even for Slaanesh you fucking degenerate scum

I once had a story idea about a Grizzled Guardsmen platoon that was engaged with a Emperor's Children warband, and came face to face with Daemonettes.

It ended up with the Daemonettes charming them into submission, before fucking their brains out. But the more they fucked the Daemonettes, the more the Guardsmen transformed into horny, female concubines for the Warband. The main character, seeking to escape this horrible fate, tries to kill himself, but finds out that they have also been cursed to regenerate from any harm, and in the process, plants the seeds of a masochism fetish. This is so that the Warband may perform whatever tortures they wish upon them, and still keep their playthings. The last part of the story is the Former-Guardsmen being led to the Slaaneshi camp, to be presented as a harem to the Chaos Lord in command, as a gift from Slaanesh himself. On one hand, the Concubines are terrified, but as they slowly walk through the camp, naked and chained, they begin to grow excited for what is to come next.

I don't.


>LoL player
I didn't know quality had gotten that bad around here. Stop posting, it bums me out.

>tries to kill himself, but finds out that they have also been cursed to regenerate from any harm, and in the process,

Why not just murder all the Cultists with your OP pls nerf power then?

>LoL Player
I hate Mobas, I don't know what gave you the idea that I like LoL
Don't even know what that is
You mean not being an emotional Masochist and self-hating faggot who feels the need to lower his standards in his own fantasies and settle for the cheap, used-up, old roastie whose past her prime and knows it? Yeah I guess I would say that.

The only one lowering the quality if posts around here is you with your shit taste.

Is this Slanneshi enough for you?

>tfw TG is my fetish
I would join Slaneesh if she didn't turn her followers into hermafrodites.

Is it checking for dubs?

Because it's not just Cultists: It's Daemons, Space Marines AND Cultists. All of which want to strap you down, and fuck your ass seven ways to sunday, and that's just to start with. And sure, you have regenerating powers, but how's that gonna help you when you're a 20 year old woman, against strung out Demi-Gods and demons?

Besides, at this point, it's only a matter of time before the Guardsmen break mentally from the overstimulating sensations and pleasures, and they've already been corrupted enough to secretly want more.

That's why you post music by Perturbator instead



Cuck pls, return to reddit




Get a load of this faggot

>have shit taste
>people call you out on it
>"It must be the same guy"
Eighteen you're just one of the most delusional faggots I've seen in a while or you really are from Reddit. Either way my response is still the same.

>post things that please slaanesh
>don't post things that please slaanesh
OP is a faggot.

leagueof legends fag trying to be cool by hanging out in Veeky Forums

>Fag from r/the_donald calls people redditors
Made me think

Are you retarded? Flawless regeneration pretty much guarantees you can murder anything, even if it takes a long ass time. Not even to mention that as your brain degrades to Slaaneshi corruption coupled with your desire to murder the warband your gonna get favor from Slaanesh pretty quickly the moment you strangle the Warbands current champion with his own whip of agony cause you eventually exhausted him while fucking his ass.

you don't belong here, go back to being a normie, tryhard

Go back to little Robot. This place isn't bitter enough for you.

Fantastic thread


does Slan please Slaanesh?

>thinks accusing someone of being of X-label or Y-fandom constitutes an arguement
>can't even defend their shit tastes so they have resort to ad hominems immediately

Look at all these newfags pretending to be ebin 4chin Hackers XDDD! My my Is it summer already?

Me too.

>*No lolis
>**NO (pure) WAIFUS
Fuck you faggot. Any true adherent of Slannesh knows that rules are meant to be broken.

no u


why does Slaanesh not like Lolis?

well, about everything Slaanesh related, you never know, if something has a dick or vagina, or both, or more of the same

depends, what does she like?

I guess she isn't pure anymore


By the Prince of Pleasure, why would we ever want to do that?

I posted the same pic a while back but Slaanesh has barley visible nipples and was banned for 4 days. The fuck mods.


This is a Christian Blue Board, my brother, and your foul images have no place here. Begone from this place and returneth only when thine sins have been purged and your soul has been purified.

Have you seen the shit posted on this thread?

Long story involving a wombat, the Emperor, some time-travelling tau, an elevatus, 2 bolters, a schoolbus, and a literal mountain-sized crack rock. The Prince doesn't like to think about it.

Do you have any other pictures of that sort? I need them for theological and research reasons.

>Slaanesh is all about degenerate sex, passion and perfection
>Hardly, if any, gay stuff
wtf? nun

>telling someone to google shit when they track your searches and are happy to turn over your data to anyone who asks
No, user, get fucked with barbed wire.
Either post what was asked or fuck off quietly.

The chaos god of excess isnt just about sex. It is the promise of food that isnt a maggot biscuit. A huge stack of pancakes with the purest of of sugars while sitting on the sofest chair will please Slaanesh

this is a trick
the only things that please Slaanesh are banworthy
Id post a album of futa pictures if I could

Why would anyone care that google sells search data? unless you have something to hide?

>A huge stack of flapjacks with the purest of Canadian maple syrups while sitting on the biggest log you have ever felled with your hands and a good axe will please Slaanesh

Perfect thread for this question. Would Slaanesh prefer virgin sacrifices, or non-virgins? Or would it be fine with either?

>hurr i (think) don't have anything to hide so it doesn't matter if others invade my privacy for profit!
First, you indeed have broken laws before, enough that if law enforcement wanted to come after you, your google data would give you away.
Second, you are why the word sheeple has come to exist.
Third, you are merely trolling filth,
but since my medium new york strip, marinated for 22 hours in a thick bourbon maple sauce that I made myself from locally harvested syrup and buffalo trace, has filled me with a great joy, I will ignore that in favor of cussing you out. Be honored.

Fine with either so long as it is the best goddamn sacrifice you ever did.

>The biggest logs you felled with your hands and the purest of canadian maple syrups while sitting on a huge stack of flapjacks will please slaanesh
lets not pretend Slaanesh is all that choosy. Slaaneshi bodies are holy, because like churches they welcome all and any.

All perfect virgins are good.

... y'know what?
I am okay with this.
Kudos, user.
>gonna send this pic to my Dark Heresy GM
>mfw I'm a unsanctioned psyker that snapped into her powers during game
>mfw he just might use this on me
>mfw it pleases Slaanesh
>mfw it pleases ME

I wasn't trolling, I have broken the law, but nothing in my search data would betray that, and you'd be far likelier to discover any of that from my ISP but I know how to hide shit even from them.

This is because if I need to know something to do something illegal I log out of my google account. I then search what I need in incognito mode on chrome just to be sure, and then wipe the internet history and temporary data afterwards, as well as later wiping the drive to clean any trace of that data out of my computer, even if google logged it to my computer specifically there would be no proof I ever did it anyway. Although now that I'm being accused of being both an idiot and a troll I should tell you that I also use a VPN, and proxies to further hide my questionable activities, when I need to do them, otherwise, as in when not doing illegal things, why would I care that google knows what I search for? it doesn't hurt me, and is just used as one in billions of search results sold mainly to advertisers.

>Thinking people give a shit about what you wank to as long as you don't talk about it.
>Thinking you know people well enough to assume that they had broken laws
>Thinking that Government Gary is going to bother going through the trouble to arrest every person who read a comic online or downloaded a college textbook without paying for it.
>Thinking that your opinion carries enough weight to merit you calling someone a sheeple as an actual point in your argument.

Perhaps >>>/Tumblr/ would be more your speed.

oh god, people start this ''is it summer already'' shit earlier every fucking year

>Almost red Friday, hardest day in Christian world, when one must concentrate on spiritual side and avoid bad thoughts
>Fisrt thing I saw was a slaanesh thread
dammit, Veeky Forums, you did it again.
anyways, heres some genzo slaanesh
plz no ban ;_;

ok, and what has the Loli to do with that?

I wouldn't be surprised, if a femanon is behind this post

just don't eat meat

Putting meat in your mouth and sucking on it vigorously is fine though.

Especially if it's feminine.

>cebruz trying to act high and mighty

back to /v/

>i dont know what gave you the idea that I like LoL

maybe it was the LoL picture
>inb4 hurr durr i had no idea

Ehh, it looks more like two Tau chicks drawn in weebstyle to me.


Not if it's bleeding.


Two more months, buddy.


perhaps if you have the willpower, you could eventually do it. But the strength difference between a daemon or space marine and an average woman is extremely large. Furthermore, they're enjoying it at this point. They only want to fight back to the point where they get to be beaten, not to the point where they kill someone and the warband decides to leave them behind, tied up on a deserted planet.

just censor it a bit, did you see that fulgrim thread the other day? Pretty damn banworthy, but it stayed up

>Slaanesh posting while getting a tattoo
It feels good being top tier

so much more slaanesh worship in the past month or so, what happened?

I fucking love that band, why is it considered fag-tier?

I suppose that's a possibility down the line, although I imagine at this point, they're more along for the ride, rather than logically thinking. If the Chaos Lord can help them get their jollies, then they will stick with the Chaos lord. But its a definite possibility that they could one day rise up, lusting after further pleasure.

>killed some faggot so they leave them on a planet
>not laughing at whoever died to a tranny whore
>not putting unkillable trany whores on the front lines with a melts bomb vest
Seriously this is Chaos we're talking about.

>not surgically implanting bombs in them à la dark knight joker and leaving them stranded
>not then setting up a distress signal for their location, and blowing up whoever rescues them, and doing this over and over again because they regenerate

>what happened

Slaanesh Happened

Can't please a corpse.
Well, unless Nagash wills it.

Consider the bait taken.

>doing all of this insane shit to hide their "bad" data
>yet privacy for the sake of privacy does not matter to you at all

Way to out yourself as a pedophile, user.

>mfw that was my thread

I don't know what happened to it.
I am also not sorry, because it was pleasing to Slaanesh.


>no lolis

OP, you gigantic winged faggot, we have such sights to show you

Wow you are too cynical, I'm not a pedophile, I'm a serial killer, and a very successful one at that.