>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Other urls found in this thread:
GM looking for an established group of players
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
I have a flexible schedule so can free up a couple of hours for gaming at any time or day of the week
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and roll20
>Additional Notes
I'm looking for an established group of friends(to avoid drama and the group collapsing) and players to run fun and challenging games for. My main calling as a GM is to really cater to my group and make sure they are all having a blast.
Picture related, my favorite book
>not posting the superior Pathfinder pasta
>System Preferred
Dive into the Sky
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+2. So far thinking about the weekend, after 3PM.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
The game will be 50% ecchi and 50% Ace Combat, at least that's what I'm aiming for.
Deadlands Reloaded
Saturdays, 11:30 PM EDT
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
Rallicus#7222 on Discord
>Additional Notes
Looking for one active player. No real experience with Savage Worlds is needed, since most of us are new to it (including me).
We do a combination of text and voice. Text is predominately for roleplaying, voice is for OOC, combat, and other things. Voice is not required for players, however. If you feel more comfortable sticking to text entirely, that's fine so long as you can hear the rest of us.
4 players
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturday around 19 GMT+1
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Any voice
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
If your usual group isn't particularly interested in trying out L5R, just let me know: our group would be interested in trying out the Legend of the 5 Rings. The upsides are that we know each others' playstyles and know that we can commit every saturday. We also won't be backstabbing the rest of the group and shit like that. Cons are that you'll have to take my word for it
Damn, if I didn't already have games on that time I'd apply, just to see what system is like.
Here's the system if you want to check it out
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Probably starting around 10 or 11 a.m. Saturdays (PST)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord (and roll20 for combat)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I'd like to have an open discussion/ session zero so that is everyone is on the same page when characters are created. I don't usually impose any huge restrictions are characters, but I believe it's important that the players are comfortable with the party dynamic.
Player, almost no experience but I love roleplaYing so just need to read the rules a bit. I'll play anything, but interested in D&D. Anytime after 1500 est is fine w/ me, can't stay up crazy late due to working early hours. I use Skype for contact but will work with anything. Search Seth Baum in skype, my picture is a man with an eyeball for a head. I'm a writer and I love story driven narrative.
2 Players
>System Preferred
DnD 5e, Dnd 3.5 or Pathfinder
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sunday 11AM to 1PM start EST Weekly
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and/or Roll20 are ideal. No voice.
>Contact Info
Ysfael#4912 on Discord
>Additional Notes
Trying to find a game for me to introduce my SO to the hobby. Looking for something more newbie friendly and lower level so as not to overwhelm them.
For the love of Crom just run something for them, going through gamefinder will turn them off of this forever.
Gm (Or well player recruiting for the gm)
5e with a wounds and vigor system, we're starting at level 2.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
It's a free marches game so we play when you're good to play. For more information see the document below
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for games, Discord for OOC and IC between session communication
>Contact Info
Grumbock is the GM, but he doesn't have the time to vet people so message me Kali#8088
>Additional Notes
Below are some relevant Google Docs for the game
West marches Doc for people that are deaf:
West marches Video for people that can't read:
[YouTube] The West Marches, Running the Game 34 (embed)
Setting Doc:
Wounds and Vigor systems:
In the works, but soon to be published.
Ah, the elusive #8088, the legendary Kali of all Kalis.
What is this kali meme
It's the meme I'm forcing.
GM here, I should note that I am PST and generally I will be running sessions starting from late in the morning (10 or 11 at the earliest) to around 8pm, assuming I don't get cucked by outside circumstances.
Fuck if I know honestly, but if Kali being an e-celeb gets more players in the game I'm happy with it :^)
You just got dubs twice. You can do whatever you want man.
>9-10 hour games
I phrased that horribly. That's the window for when games could start. I don't like running sessions longer than 4 hours.
I have no idea how it started, I've never played with this Kali.
Unfortunately I am but not
>not running 24 hour long games fueled by monster and doritos
I do it every week.
Do you happen to have a discord or mail to reach you on? We're a 4man group with members who'd love to take time off GM duty here
>actually falling for the copypasta
Anyone running some MnM? Been itching for some capeing.
Sure, what's your discord?
>System Preferred
Rogue trader
>Times Available (with timezone!)
No timeframe has been established yet, will be determined once enough players show interest and are put together.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 text, and using discord to communicate outside of game.
>Contact Info
elric225#2405 on discord.
>Additional Notes
I'm hoping to start running a game of rogue trader in may, once I get my work schedule and figure out when the players would be free. Game will be somewhat inspired by star trek voyager, and ideally will at least last the summer.
We used to go far on Monster and Dew
God it was horrific
Why to heck ????
It's because they're a faggot and they don't wanna scare off a GM because they have poopdick. Or it could be some internet """"""""""""girl""""""""""""
Can people please lay off the kali memes, I want people to take my game ad seriously and not just shitpost at me over discord.
Sorry m8, I can stop but I am but one shitposter among many.
This is what you get for being in a gamefinder. Everyone here is a memester.
Sorry about your meme trouble.
I'd join in if I had any interest in 5e.
Good luck on your search though.
Players (7 plus my wife's son every other weekend)
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
3am wednesday nights GMT +7
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
IRC and Teamspeak for voice
>Additional Notes
We're an affinity group who's progressive and looking for a non-cis GM to join in the rotation for GMs for the next month. The campaign is about bunny girls trapped in a alternate universe where everyone is an accountant and is just wrapping up so we were hoping for a great climax from a great GM.
I'm mildly amused by this. How IS China and/or Russia anyway?
Very nice comrade, Putin has sent me my premium vodka upgrade to shitpost on Veeky Forums.
>a great climax
And on that note, shitposting bump!
I'm Satan trips Kali, which is higher ranked
Kali is officially worse than cuck
If it's a girl I can DM
Send you a friend request, seems we have talked before as well.
GM looking for a player or two more
>System Preferred
AD&D 2e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Tuesday and friday, noon GMT
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, text, with Discord as OOC chat
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
The party is about to descend down a yet another wizard tower, and are looking for a wizard of their own to join in with them. There's also a previously rolled dwarven cleric whose player had to drop, and whom you could maybe take over if you don't feel like rolling up your own character.
It's set in Wilderlands of High Fantasy. There may be dinosaurs.
>GM throws a fit and says he will continue the campaign after he finished reading eisenhorn
>System Preferred
DH / RT / OW
>Times Available (with timezone!)
any day from 6 pm. GMT+2
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, roll20, discord. Anything
>Contact Info
Skype: rykenn
email: [email protected]
>Additional Notes
Player, with prospects of a GM sometime in mid-May (Posted this a few times, it's gonna happen, waiting for a friend's schedule to open up. Naturally, people I'm playing with will be invited as well assuming we mesh. It'll be Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition.)
>System Preferred
D&D 3.5, D&D 4e, Pathfinder, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e, Any of the 40k RPGs
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat as long as it's past 1:00 PM CDT.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Anything's fine, preference for Roll20 and Discord
>Contact Info
Bumblebuggy#1192 on Discord
>Additional Notes
My preference is for text IC. I am uninterested in wholly voice games. I can do voice OOC if necessary.
I am ok with lewd stuff. Might not partake, but I don't mind it regardless.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Every friday starting at 7/8pm GMT-4
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
**Skype: [email protected]**
>Additional Notes
I'm running a game set in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil.
It's a Camarilla game, sandboxy, in a frontier domain.
We need a fourth man to round up the cotterie. Knowledge about the country isn't really necessary.
>Knowledge about the country isn't really necessary.
What about the game?
In what sense? I'm newbie friendly, if you mean the rules.
Or do you mean the backstory? Either way, add me on skype and we can talk.
Players looking for a GM
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Weekends (CST) open end
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll20, text only
>Contact Info
Skype: subspace particle beam
>Additional Notes
We're looking for a new GM because our old one had to quit for personal reasons. We absolutely want to play at minimum 20th level. Your job as GM will be to create an interesting world with believable NPCs, interesting set pieces and challenging dungeons. We would prefer a homebrew setting with kitsunes and other anime inspired custom races, but if you want to run it in Golarion (tm), that's fine too. You have to be able to take in input from our side, we will tell you what we want and when we want it, don't worry ;)
Pic related is our favourite supplement, that we absolutely want to see in action. You also have to absolutely be on board for ERP
>System Preferred
D&D 5e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
GMT+5, all day Wed and most Sunday nights after 8pm
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
Skype: gamma-32
Discord: gamsly#2802
>Additional Notes
schedule is fairly workable at the current moment
I'm starting a Numenera game in roll20. Information here.
Update: Game has filled up.
Is this post real
It's showed up here in a few threads. I honestly can't even tell.
No, it's clearly not. It's a parody of all the worst possible traits to have in a game except the ERP.
And yet they're using PF instead of 3.5e or FATAL? Subtle.
All dnd is garbage
Nice b8 there m80. A tad obvious, though.
>System Preferred
3.5 or 5e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Most nights, 6-10 EST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
Discord, Vexxus#4492
>Additional Notes
Haven't played in years but 5e looks so fun.
Wasn't bait hombre just an honest opinion. Now, I get that it triggers a lot of people and that's why it's spoilered, but it comes straight from the heart.
>implying you've played even half of D&D's 10 editions
It comes straight from the ignorance.
d20 is shit, alignment is shit, dungeoneering is shit, classes are shit, levels are shit, I can't think of really anything positive to say about the gameline.
But yeah, I've only ever played 3.5, Pathfinder, and 5e.
This is up here instead of at the bottom because I want to warn you this game is my magical realm. If that's not what you're looking for I hope I've saved you some time.
>System Preferred
Exalted 3e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any time after 6:30 PM MDT (UTC -6) except Fridays and Sundays. Ideally we'll have a plot session once a week, and deal with side sessions or things that need wrapping up on a case-by-case basis on other days.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Text over Discord.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Seriously though, this is going to be my magical realm and I'm hoping to find players who are into the same weird stuff. It's actually pretty tame, but we can't discuss it on a worksafe board so hit me up in the discord. Think /e/ and /h/, not /d/.
I'm looking for 1 to 5 players who can play well together. For my own part I've played Exalted's previous editions for ages, but this would be my first time GMing the beast.
>we can't discuss it on a worksafe board
You usually can. It's just pictures that get nuked.
Oh, I still don't want to be rude to the people who don't want to deal with my fetishes.
You can be polite or you can get people actually interested in your plot idea, it's your choice.
Seriously, ''Exalted 3e Magical Realm" gives absolutely no idea what you're planning on besides lewd, so nobody's going to give a shit unless you give them some actual details to get hooked on.
>Still using Skype
Dude, just move on to Discord. Skype is awful now.
I can't play because of the time, but I'm curious. What's different about Vampires in Brazil?
So is Discord.
>Think /e/ and /h/, not /d/.
You lost me, not even fun magical fetish land erp.
Then you don't know shit.
Out of curiosity, what is the appeal of ERP fetish games? Does it ever bother you that your text-based fantasy is written by a collection of sweaty neckbeards? That maybe one of them is touching themselves furiously as you type out descriptions of your fetishy anime shit?
Genuinely curious, cause I don't see the appeal.
If you were a porn star, would it bother you that who knows how many creeps are touching themselves at your video or will touch themselves in the distant future?
It doesn't stop people from doing that shit sometimes even for free.
>System Preferred
OSR, 3.xx/pathfinder
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mon-Thurs 1pm-12pm +11 GMT
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Any is fine
>Contact Info
old man cloak#7549 on discord/[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Holy shit. How often is this folder updated? I've been dying to read Gaia 2.
Whenever I have something new to add and remember about it. So usually whenever I have to give somebody the link.
Bad comparison. If I was a male pornstar and had a direct conversation with a sweaty neckbeard fapping to me, then yes, I'd be fucking uncomfortable.
Certainly, but what I meant is there are still male pornstars around, some of them even having fun with the job, and many of whom might well be less uncomfortable with the experience you describe.
Just the same way, roleplayers vary, and some are more willing to ERP than others.
Nah, I know enough.
Stats don't lie, the vast majority of people play these terrible games, not whatever ancient/obscure pet version of DnD you have in mind. Which is also shit, by the way.
>player sample size: 65,005
>other listed games: 69,982 players
The fuck is up with this chart?
Also does this imply that there's about 6 players on average per game in "other listed games"?
It's working off whatever you put in your Roll20 profile as 'games played'. So it counts the same people multiple times.
What games do you like, then?
Try and be a little more positive.
Why even put a "player sample size" stat if they're going to do that, makes it pointless.
It works for the ones that are single systems (D&D 3.5, 4, 5, and Pathfinder). I think that player sample size stat is R20's player base size, so it tells you roughly what percent of the player base plays a given game.
To make that chart even more useless, the Games measurement covers all games in existence on R20. Including the ones that have never been played, or have long since ended, because not everybody deletes their dead games.
Apocalypse World
Eclipse Phase
FFG Star Wars
(Classic/v20) World of Darkness
>Apocalypse World
>Eclipse Phase
>FFG Star Wars
>(Classic/v20) World of Darkness
This one's good. Nah, I'm kidding, it's twice the shit.
What is it like, to be actual physical garbage?
So what games do you think are good then?