How do you pull off a bittersweet ending?
How do you pull off a bittersweet ending?
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Talk to your players.
>The day has been saved, but something of great value (emotional or otherwise) has been lost forever
>Something good has ended, but there is a vague glimmer of hope that it may one day be restored again
It's in the term: combine the bitter with the sweet. It's neither good nor bad, it's a "yes, but..." or "no, but..." situation.
Lots of people die at what cost, people sacrifice themselves, cut off, lonliness, lost but gained something, everyone dies but not in vain, that sort of thing.
About 60-70% cocoa and only 10% sugar.
>PC's have a NPC friend.
>NPC's village gets hit with The Plague
>The PC's go to seek a cure for their friend.
>They find it and make it back
>but their friend has already died from the sickness
The village and it's people are saved but the party lost something of value to them.
You got the girl but she got a dick yo
All thing must end, even your adventures.
Pan's Labyrinth is a good movie to watch for such an ending.
The only bitter thing about that is the taste of the semen my dude.
Everything is saved, but in the process it was revealed that the people of the world are ill-equipped to deal with another trouble right over the horizon, and there is no sign of that changing.
That's more salty-sweet
Like this or the Grey Havens
Party saves the day
Splits up shortly afterward
Future choices and duties they assume for themselves in their lives means it's almost impossible the heroes ever see each other ever again
Don't pull it out of nowhere. You need sufficient buildup, and you need to maintain a consistent tone all the way up to the ending if you want bittersweet to not feel like a gutpunch.
Best answer right here
>Something good has ended, but there is a vague glimmer of hope that it may one day be restored again
user, there's something even better than that for a Bittersweet ending, something that Ghibli has perfected.
>Something good has ended, but something new has taken it's place. Life goes on.
Princess Mononoke does a good job encapsulating this feeling.
After all this years I still feel empty inside
Dracula had a nicely done ending
>Dracula looks at peace when they finally stab him
>But it's a little ambiguous if it worked because it was with a bowie knife
>Mina is freed from the curse and marries Jonathan
>They name their son after Quincy who died in the battle
The entire thing was a simulation the whole time. During the game's final conclusion, describe a character who is using a computer to view the sim before he turns off the power. Once this happens, stop responding to your players and stare at a wall for the rest of the game
>>Something good has ended, but something new has taken it's place. Life goes on.
Another example of this is the end of Gurren Lagann.
Watch the movie Your Name and 5 Centimeters per Second.
Actually, watch every single Makoto Shinkai movie. (The feature length films, anyway.)
Prepare to be sad.