>name important npc/city/continent/god
>players all laugh
>ask why
>it's already the name of some pokemon/anime/40k/netflicks/wwe superstar/youtuber eceleb/furry porn artist
Name important npc/city/continent/god
Other urls found in this thread:
Just shrug it off and tell them you didn't know. Ask for suggestions on what they think it should be changed to. Get them involved in the creative process and just retcon the name to whatever the group comes up with.
Tell us the name and context or else it didn't happen.
I once came up with not-China for my DnD setting and I named it Dai-Koku, thinking it meant "Big Country".
Of course the players just called it "Diet Coke" the rest of the campaign.
If you come up with a name for something during your prep time, consider Googling it to make sure that's not going to happen.
In the meantime, that sucks but don't lose your shit over it. I once named a kingdom Eria without thinking enough about it ahead of time, and my players spent the rest of the campaign cracking Nazi jokes about it. It happens, you just need to deal with it.
Eh, is probably right, but I'd say ignore them. If you just act like you didn't hear anything and impose the name enough, they'll have to follow.
Of course your players may be a bunch of 8-year-olds, in which case name everyone Bob Smith of Northbeach and ask them how they like it.
Doubly funny to me because the Japanese word for China is a similar/rhyming word.
>name anything
>name is part of a famous person's name
>name vaguely sounds like part of a famous person's name
>name is a noun used in a pop culture phrase
>a player exclusively refers to it by referencing what it sounds like
"Rodriguez" became referred to as "Robert Rodriguez"
"Quinn" became referred to as "Quentin Tarantino"
A drug named "spice" became referred to as "sugar, spice, and everything nice"
This is the same person who once got bored and texted me 50+ texts of word association in the span of 3 minutes. And then did it again a couple days later.
If it's something that makes sense in world, like a city name that sounds like a bodily orifice or sexual organ work it into the world, make all the citizens call it that jokingly and have it be a source of shame for the lord of the area.
Sounds like he knows how much it bothers you
That's why I always just steal names from music or actors. If everyone knows what you use for names, they'll just look like an ass when they try that "that's also the name of X" shit.
break one of his fingers next time
>running D&D game
>describing the scene when the PCs encounter the aftermath of a battle
>mention an injured soldier whose head lolls to the side limply
>one player practically shits himself because LOL! LOL! DM SAID LOL!
This is why I hate gaming online.
I like to do this too. Players almost universally appreciate it and find it funny.
It's not really any more immersion-breaking than the players making jokes/comparisons themselves, and at least it's on the GM's terms.
It's also why I only game in person, with older folks that want more than just stupid chuckles and furry ERP
No, he just can't help himself. He cracks jokes nonstop, and will laugh at literally anything mildly out of the ordinary. Half the things he says he wants his character to do he says while trying not to laugh. The worst part is I laugh REALLY easily, so when he does this stupid shit I just end up encouraging him by laughing
The only time I had something like this happen was in a 40k game where I named a traitor city "Repalia" without thinking too hard on the name. The moment I said it one of my players said something like, "Well no wonder they rebelled! Might as well have named it Treasonia!"
>Spent a weekend coming up with a Shadowrun campaign where the main antagonist was going to be a south american terrorist group called Black Dawn
...It didn't take me long to hate myself after the PCs asked what the group was called.
What, because of Red Dawn? That's tenuous at best.
My friend named his WoW guild "Night of broken glass". He had to take it down in a few days.
Because the first time I said the name, one of my players asked "Black Dong, what?" and it sadly stuck from there.
After that I couldn't bring myself to say the name without slowly and clearly pronouncing it.
Not nearly as bad as what I like to call the Simpsons-did-it Guy.
Any idea you present will be boiled down to
>Oh, you mean like episode X of anime Y from the 1990's that only myself and my cat saw.
What repalia means ?
I think "Dark Souls" guy is worst
>introduce stock fantasy character npc
>"Oh so he's like X from Dark Souls?"
Reminds me of that one retarded DM who named all of his antagonists after vegetables.
I got the name wrong, embarrassing. I named the city Revalt, which sounded like revolt.
Reminds me how GW renamed the Lizardmen "Seraphon", which is coincidentally the name of a furry tickle fetish artist. For a while he was also the first result when you Googled the word.
Just make your names so obnoxiously retarded that it's impossible for them to be associated with anything.
>what was this guy's name again?
I don't understand the mentality. It's like they can't stop themselves from interjecting how knowledgeable they are on pop culture through backhanded dismissal without considering that maybe other people literally have no idea what they're talking about.
It's like including elves in a fantasy game and the guy goes, "Oh, like Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I saw that too. It's based off a book, you know."
fuck this pisses me off.
>its x plot element from book y!
yeah or like the thing i came up with while spending six hours planning this session for you ungrateful cunts
>tfw dark souls has easily some of the best writing and lore of any game in the past decade but retards think that the intentionally archetypical characters are completely original
I scrapped a map because one player kept pointing out anything vaguely dick shaped on it and that the mountain range on it made no sense. It was helpful to haves such blunt advice.
I've had to look a player in the eyes and tell them anime and memes are trash to get them to stop. It is shame really, being polite and talking to them didn't work but being dick then talking to them did.
I just go on google translate and translate non Germanic or Romance languages like Hindi, Greek or Basque. For example moon in Armenian is 'lusin' which to me at least sounds original and something that would fit in a fantasy setting.
I have zero sympathy for this. If you walk well travelled ground, whether you know it or not, you aren't discovering anything new. If it was just to save on effort like , that's fine, you've made it clear you aren't setting out to be creative.
If you actually set out to be creative and end up with identical results to someone else, maybe you aren't very good at it.
I had a GM introduce me to some dark lord of the underworld called Hastur. After the encounter with them was over, we commented how, as some kind of eldritch hotel manager, he didn't really fit the classic idea of the King in Yellow.
He just stared blankly. He had no idea Hastur was a name anything else had. It didn't concretely effect anything, and I was keeping quiet rather than hooting about lovecraft the whole time because I assumed it was intended. Instead, I was left shattered by the idea that they just genuinely couldn't think of a name that hadn't been done before. Also, I should point out that they were part of a pantheon of similar sorts, whose names were otherwise all greek titans, this guy alone was supposed to be the one dude with a name we'd never heard before.
I actually do just that whenever some fuckwit starts spouting off about his subculture.
"The elf wearing a crown of flowers bows, and-"
"No, he's referencing Lord of the Rings. Did you know it was based off a book? Four books actually. "
And it shuts them right up because they realize what they sound like.
I'm glad you know everything there is to know about pokemon/anime/40k/netflicks/wwe superstars/youtuber ecelebs/furry porn artists so that it never, ever happens to you, user.
I read the wikipedia summary of every single show or franchise I become aware of unless I plan to experience it myself, in order to avoid ever making a thing anyone else has done before by accident.
So far, going pretty good.
friend told me this after explaining the system of reincarnation that takes place in my world of sentient candy and other foodstuffs. i'm not changing it or watching his dumb anime
Is it really that big of a deal that something from your game reminds your players of something else?
Are you genuinely retarded? Creating something that resembles something you've never fucking heard of or experienced isn't being bad at being creative, how could it be? They're not ripping anything off, their own original thoughts just happen to have gone- completely independently- along similar lines. It's called parallel evolution you mongoloid.
This better fucking be bait.
1) spice is the name of a drug currently hitting the headlines in the UK
2) it's also a slang term for candy
People are bound to make mental connections between media, my problem is when a player interrupts me while I'm describing the something for the group.
>Gael is an amazing character and super deep
>he's old man Guts
I mean not that I disagree, I love Gael, but it's surprising how many people don't know how much of DS is a loveletter to Berserk.
I heard it must flow
That seems more of an issue of rude players than anything else.
Probabilistically anything you name something will either be something else or sound close to it.
>"Oh like X from Leeguh Lejjins?
Its not really that big of a deal unless-
This. Interuppting the demon or over-focusing on how much the DM's Y is like pop culture X is kind of a dick move.
But there's nothing wrong with making comparisons like that. I very frequently compare things in games to existing characters or concepts.
"So he's like A only with B instead of C?"-Me, half the time someone pitches a character to me.
This is almost always responded with "Yeah but more D then E."
That's shitty. One of the players in my group has a Master of Geology, but she's polite enough to not point out when a map has a geologically impossible feature. I go to her for advice when world building though, exactly because she's not a bitch about knowing more on the subject than me.
this grinds my ass the most because LoL is the most cancer-filled faggotted game in all of existance
>"So he's like A only with B instead of C?"
>"Yeah but more D then E."
So you are really horrible at listening and understanding what the player is actually describing?
Just say "Oh cool sounds good" or something. That's what the player actually wants instead of any comparison.
>pick a city
>any city you want. Pick multiple cities
>look up a list of street names for that city
Literally has never evver failed me.
Actually pretty good. You can incorporate that in your worldbuilding and name everything in one kingdom after Estonian words and everything in another one after Mongolian.
>more /d/ than /e/
Do go on.
You're wrong because my friends are also pop-culture nerds who adapt concepts from other works.
One of my PCs in a Mage the Ascension game for instance used Aztec blood energy that flowed through his body to transform things into other [usually ridiculous] things. Said PC was a musclebound cowboy.
Jojo jokes were had by all. And I can't even count all the Mazinger and Getter Robo jokes we made at the pixie piloting a giant [human sized] mecha.
>Jojo jokes were had by all
If you don't want him in your group then he can join mine. I think we're soul mates.
>had a character from a many years back named "Trump"
dodged a bullet
>they enter a temple of The Twelve pantheon
>they speak to the head cleric
>wizard asks about lore on the deities of The Twelve
>head cleric goes on a discourse of the pantheon
>mention "Bahamut"
It only pisses me off when people use it to call something unoriginal, as if there is a single original thing left that isn't just x, but with y.
Though sometimes I'll base something on an actual historic event, or find the first instance of a trope, just so that when faggy mcweebshit tries to look smart and says "nyuuur, dey did dat in naruto-geass-whatthefuckever", I can inform him of the actual origin, and tell him he's a dumbfuck.
You sound like an unimaginable cunt of epic proportions.
What furry porn artist was it?
>>they enter my homebrew temple of The Twelve
>>they speak to the head cleric
>>wizard asks about lore on the deities of The Twelve
>>head cleric goes on a discourse of the pantheon
>>mention "Jerry Seinfeld"
There's a running gag involving the first boss the party fought, because he acted like a stereotypical vampire, including hiding in the shadows, that he was in fact a vampire.
So he's referred to as a vampire whenever he's brought up in reference, the whole party considers it a joke.
It's not a joke any more.
This just makes me want to make a Pokemon themed character without anyone noticing. Pick a number between 1 and 802
how about a 563
A Mummy that wears his sarcophagus as armor. Uses spooky shadow hands to dick with things.
I was going to throw 100 at you because thats voltorb but my random pick sounds pretty fun desu
Bahamut existed before Final Fantasy, user.
>Dick shaped geological features can't naturally form
>What is Scandinavia
>What is Florida
>What is Italy
Just google before you commit to a name. It's easy peasy.
I know a couple of languages and once you're at that point, just naming something after something very mundane in an old language usually lets me avoid OP's trouble. Gotta git gud
barely related but one time i got very salty at a DM placing a desert right next to the ocean. I have no idea why I didn't think of literally all of sahara and the arabian peninsula right then and there.
>your dick is shaped like italy
>Google will tell you all the things that sound like other things
Not everyone plays online, user
Using a DBZ-esque naming convention would probably shut down the problem, actually. Then you can just say "Yes. Yes, that's what the name sounds like. I know." And your players also get to feel smart if the name requires a bit of thought to understand what it's wordplay of.
>barely related but one time i got very salty at a DM placing a desert right next to the ocean.
maybe don't fall in next time
the wheelchair lady really ties this image together
I thought Bofum would be a nice name for a Dwarf, especially since it's just a name from The Hobbit with one letter changed.
All I got was "BOFUM DEEZ NUTS".
I just enforce a "Everything you say when you don't have the talking stick is IC." rule.
I really wish I didn't have to enforce the talking stick rule, but one of my players is high-functioning autistic and will literally not shut up about how everybody is doing everything very slightly wrong unless the rules say he has to shut up.
I know a group that could have made good use of this device
>If you actually set out to be creative and end up with identical results to someone else, maybe you aren't very good at it.
Or, since you independently had the same idea as someone else (presumably someone people would know about, or this would be a non-issue), maybe you are. Coming up with a good idea is still coming up with a good idea, whether or not someone you've never heard of had that idea first.
>just genuinely couldn't think of a name that hadn't been done before
There are only so many letters, so there are only so many combinations of them that you can have in a name of any given length. Furthermore, not all of those are going to be something people can semi-easily pronounce or remember, and most of the rest are either taken or sound very much like ones that are. Insisting on 100% completely original names every time is not sustainable, unless you're willing to end up with hideous monstrosities with hundreds of letters each (then later thousands, then tens of thousands, and so on).
tl;dr just because someone accidentally had the same idea as someone else isn't inherently bad, stop being a faggot.
>every idea I come up with was already done before, even if I never heard about anyone else doing it at all
Sometimes I think my future self is fucking with me by sending ideas into the past for others to use so that it ruins my day to find them out.
To expand on this, it's an issue when it becomes detrimental to the game. Interrupting is the easiest, most direct way to do this, but if some/all of the players frequently crack jokes about some "hilarious" name it can ruin the tone of the game.
That said, if the players slip that easily into a sillier tone, and the DM isn't able to reign them in, maybe the game should change to become more lighthearted.
>name unimportant npc
>players love the shit out of the character
>ask why
>they just respond that he's a bro
>one player names his new kitten after the npc after the campaign finishes
>Mazinger and Getter Robo
You're a cool person.
what's nazi about eria? or did you mean erica
I don't know how either of those would invoke nazis.
I'd guess "Erian", was a homophone of "Aryan".
>try to make an epic worthy fantasy world for a bunch of neckbeards with pop culture and meme references out their ass
>realize Im not a writer, will never be a writer, and all I have is pop culture and meme references my self.
>give up, use the internet as a table
>trust in the dice when i roll on it
never failed me
I have to deal with people like that at work. They're all adults in their 30s.
Bahamut is originally a fish in Arabian mythos.
And how, pray tell, do you manage to avoid names sounding like something in another language? Just play with narrow-minded mongoloids like yourself?
I dunno if I struck gold or what but my DM introduced a Grey colored dragon into the campaign and a few sessions later when confronting it I called it an ass dragon as a joke instead of ash dragon and now it's stuck.
>You need to be in an online game in order to use google
Hastur being a dark lord, especially with the "u" spelling, probably isn't a complete coincidence. He probably inadvertently picked it up somewhere.* But there are a limited number of syllable combinations that are natural to say in any particular language, at least if you want to keep your words relatively short, and a shitload of them are already being used for common shit like "apple" or "toaster". If you randomly generate a two-syllable word, it's pretty much guaranteed it's already a thing. The only question is how obscure that thing is.
*Of course, that's what people do. It's how we learn to speak in the first place.
Mobas are where game designers are sent to atone for their sins