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Anyone ever played a hunter-turned-vampire game?
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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Anyone ever played a hunter-turned-vampire game?
Going to be running a Werewolf the Forsaken game set in the Reconstruction South, Richmond Virginia
Come check it out if you're interested.
Because there's no chance of a good or even decent ending, it's just never ending shit your way
So my group is currently playing Pathfinder, but one of the players has decided she wants to run a V20 Dark Ages game. I haven't played Vampire since the late 90's, and looking through the V20 Dark Ages book, it looks like there are a lot more vampire groups than I seem to remember.
Anyway, so I'm looking for advice on how to make a character. I'd like to make a character with a fair amount of competency both in and out of combat. The person who is going to ST tends not hold back during a fight, so if my character can't hold their own in combat I'll be rolling up a new character.
I'm looking at having my character be Norse. Past that though, I don't have anything in mind. Anybody have any ideas for a good clan or bloodline who could reasonably be from that part of the world and that has some decent combat and non-combat options?
Initial Beast rewrite design notes, for the interested:
>Geist is released
>only gameline that strays from muh darkness inside me
>game is basically half-finished
>never going to find someone who will play it with me
>2e might not be out for years
Why the fuck is this allowed?
What are the best and worst (OWoD or NWoD) Games for LARPs? I'll be wrangled into helping start another one soon and I'm curious if anyone has experience with anything outside the norm/what I've done.
I've previously run NwoD Mage and Changeling and played in an OWoD werewolf LARP or 2 as well as an OWoD Mage conversion with NWOD spell rules.
Are there any game lines that just don't work? Are there any that work exceptionally well? I've been eyeing hunter, but I'm not sure its more combat-esque nature of a game would lend it self well to a LARP.
Ok, I'm making a dark ages styled vampire game set in Westeros.
Gangrel: Stark
Ventrue: Lannister
Toreador: Tyrell
Assamite: Faceless Men
Masters: Tremere
Brujah: Baratheon
Greyjoy: Ravnos
Setites: Red priests
Tzimisce: Bolton
Any comments on this?
my regret buying the geist book as soon as it came out cannot be expressed
Targaryens: Malks
Greyjoy: Lasombra
Uh... a lot of these aren't exactly one-to-one comparisons, especially if the clan is supposed to be synonymous with the dynasty or whatnot. Most egregiously, maesters hate magic, and Setite dogma is pretty much the polar opposite of R'llhor's. And Ravnos aren't remotely Vikingish (the Greyjoys weren't great with that either, to be honest, but Ravnos don't even have the trappings).
Resident LARPfag here. I have ran both versions of Vampire, and played Forsaken, Awakening and Lost as LARP versions. I've also played Apocalypse (briefly) as a LARP.
Games that have a good social dynamic and reason for the PCs to get together are easier to handle. It's one of the reasons that Vampire is so effective in LARP; it's tight-knit enough to run itself to an extent, with players going off to socialize, plot, etc. and STs needed when things wander away from the 'play area,' the IC gathering spot. For example, the Masquerade LARP I run, we have four STs for about 25-30 people, and we're all in the know with all of the plots that are going on so any of us can handle people going out to investigate the weird shit in the world.
Conversely, Mage was difficult on the STs, event with a small game, because of the sheer amount of stuff you have to KNOW to run it effectivley.
I find both versions of Werewolf kinda meh personally, though both have a social dynamic built in, though Forsaken is more difficult because of the default 'pack territory' structure. Apocalypse is easier (especially with the new changes to the By Night Studios LARP version on the social aspect).
Changeling the Lost works REALLY well as a LARP, though again, having a fair number of STs is paramount. But Changeling is probably the easiest, because you have a lot of political and social things to do, as well as weird shit to investigate.
I wouldn't say a Hunter LARP would work out well, though honestly I am not a person who would run Hunter. I can see HOW it would work, but there's a point where the social concepts break down to 'find enemy, plan to kill enemy, ST runs mass combat to kill enemy' and go on from there, as the most 'baseline' of plots and such. Dreaming CAN work (you have a very Game of Thrones-esque commoners vs. nobles aspect, which can be fun in a LARP setting), but you have to have individuals who are mature about it, since Dreaming allows for child-age PCs.
Do you have any plans to alter how Beasts feed?
I'm toying with the idea of removing mechanically defined Hungers, and letting players choose how they work in a more freeform way. I'm also making it clear that Beasts can gain some Satiety by giving people ordinary nightmares, of the sort they wake up from and forget--but that can only get you to the lower end of Sated, if that.
I feel you. My impression of Vampire is that it is that bleak, but they're geniuses at distracting themselves and their society is founded on it. The ideal arc would start at motivational terror, into thrilling diversions, then a denouement to bring dread back and let you feel dirty.
For me, I think my favorite thing to do with Vampire is carve out some happiness, meaning, or both from it, and then make it last.
Posted in the old thread by accident.
Thank you for your suggestions, friends.
I may have another question about game mechanics, Torment, to be more exact.
On page 161 of the core manual it says:
>When you attempt to perform an evocation, compare the successes on your Faith Roll against your Torment. If the successful dice all show numbers greater than your Torment, you can use the positive aspects of the power normally.
Then on page 169 it says:
>When a player makes a roll to perform an evocation, she compares her successes to her character's permanent Torment score, if her successes exceed her character's Torment score, the effect is carried off as intended. If she rolls a number of successes equal to or less than her Torment, then use the High Torment version.
First, what are they talking about? What's a Faith roll? An evocation, so Lore usage?
Second, I don't understand how to set the difficulty.
Is the difficulty success based? So If I have 4 Permanent Torment I need 5 successes to obtain the low Torment effect? That would be messy, you would need 4-5 successes to get a low Torment at the mere beginning.
Or does it just set the difficulty rating, so you need to surpass 4 with your success rolls in order to achieve the low Torment effect? But most effects and lore usage require at least difficulty 6 to be used without failing, so it would be pointless.
Or, do I just need to choose, as ST, a particular moment when interior Torment of one character may influence the Evocation and use this rule as in the first example?
This is really confusing to me.
The way I interpret 'Animal Minion' is not that you're controlling a life form, which you are in a round about way, it's that you're possessing it.
The description it gives is similar to how a Familiar works and creating a familiar bond is indeed a 4 dot practice.
Controlling a Life form in the style of 'psychic domination' would be a two dot practice. Hell copy and paste the spell and just change the relevant parts.
Which is better, masquerade or requiem?
Maybe Toreador for Martell?
Can I shill this actual play to you dudes? It's a dark ages Inquisitor chronicle.
He also has a chronicle that he based around bloodlines for people new to vampire.
Well if you're set on being norse or of any sort of northern European the most common clan you'd be sired into is split between Brujah and Gangrel. Both are very good at fighting, Brujah have the social edge while Gangrel have an edge in both the utility and survivability.
Now if you wana be really janky but interesting you can be a Follower Of Set from a cult that worships a pagan god as an aspect of Set, probably Jormungand
>Now if you wana be really janky but interesting you can be a Follower Of Set from a cult that worships a pagan god as an aspect of Set, probably Jormungand
Should be the Targaryens. The Valyrian Freehold was loaded with potent blood magic.
Actually, it would be easier to just call them mages.
Game of Ascension
Euthanatoi & Nephandi
>Children of the Forest / First Men
>YiTish & Lengii
>Red Priests
Order of Reason
Not sure about the Warlocks of Qarth and the Others/White-Walkers.
Thought so
SO since you only have one player in this game after posting about it in multiple threads, I have to ask everyone else, what's the problem here? Is this guy a known problem player or something?
I like Vampire as a sociopathic crime simulator.
yeah, he's a huge faggot and super autistic
The last thing anyone wants or needs is Colette condescending to Southerners about the Civil War or the horrors of Reconstruction. Stick to your gender studies horseshit and stay away from history.
You're just saying that. I've only played in two other games that have been open to TG. One went badly and ended up being dropped, the other's going fine and is going to reach the natural stopping point one or two sessions.
Also, I've gotten two more people who have expressed interest but not posted characters yet.
It's a well-known fact that TG doesn't actually play games. They just bitch about them online.
Who the fuck is Colette?
Stop capitalizing Veeky Forums, faggot-kun.
I enjoy WtF 2e so much now that I've eliminated everything but wolfbloods and tells. Sprinkle in the horny teenager element from the Forsaken Chronicler's Guide and you've got a decent game without all the faux spiritual waffle.
Gr8 comeback mate. You haven't even said how he's a faggot.
Not him, but capitalizing board names and replying while pretending to be somebody else are both pretty faggy.
we're all fags in the chronicles of fagness
But not all fags fag equally.
>magefag supremacy
I bet magefags use fagic to make themselves simultaneously the most and lest faggoty, since they can't abide losing in anything at all.
True, we've got a few ascended archfaggots but their our ascended archfaggots.
Why does that name sound so horribly familiar?
I like Vampire as a Mage's toilet-slave simulator.
Reconstruction should have continued until those garbage people were made into proper Yankees, and the plantation owners who started the war should have hanged for treason, and their belongings given to the underclasses who bled for them, black and white alike.
>who needs laws n ethics n shit
Well, I'll give you one thing, your proposal is well in keeping with Union doctrine.
Hey man whatever floats your boat
It's also competely unrelated to the game in question. Nobody who's applied for the game is called Colette, and the ST has never been called Colette.
Perhaps user meant
user is retardedly tilting at windmills, as usual.
Quick Veeky Forums, post the best Legacy for each Path!
>All Paths
Timori, the only true path.
Acanthus: 1E Blank Badges
Moros: Stygian Heralds
Mastigos: Fangs of Mara
Obrimos: Transhuman Adept
Thrysus: I've yet to see a Thrysus legacy I actually like.
Found the Objectivist.
Acanthus: Awakening's Gambit
Moros: Wraiths of Epoch
Mastigos: Bene Ashmedai
Obrimos: Pure Sovereigns
Thyrsus: Dreamspeakers
It's neat although it's a bit edgey.
While we're on the subject. What's a good legacy for an Arrow Thrysus? Acanthus? Moros?
Join today and see if hunting mages is right for you!
>Changeling the Lost works REALLY well as a LARP, though again, having a fair number of STs is paramount. But Changeling is probably the easiest, because you have a lot of political and social things to do, as well as weird shit to investigate
I wish I didn't always get pulled back to Changeling The Lost, but that's probably where I'll end up. Though I might do something dumb like try to use the 2e rules once they're out. Not sure how well beats work in a LARP but I love the baiting healthy LARP behavior with beats.
Is this Tilt Condition system new to nWoD 2e?
I'd never heard of it before, and I'm pretty shocked by stuff like Beaten Down.
It's worth mentioning beaten down is an optional rule, and doesn't apply if your enemies are playing for keeps.
Wild, thanks, bro.
Arrow Thyrsus: Illuminated Path
Arrow Acanthus: Awakening Gambit
Arrow Moros: Forge Masters
Actually I've run numerous Geist games and there are many outer there that play it. It's actually a very great game and amazing stories can come from it. If you're looking for a game I am preparing to run a new one in a few weeks...
list things that happened, especially things you've set up
no one ever posts stories in these god damn threads
Guys how do I get a qt unfleshed waifu?
Getting a Promethean waifu seems pretty straightforward
You'd end up hating the waifu though.
He could be a scion, you didn't even ask.
Baali. The clanbook literally opens with a fat man fucking a child.
Holy shit realy?
Share your experience user
What happens to a vampires soul after final death? In oWoD I'd guess it gets eaten by oblivion, in nWoD I haven't got a clue.
Yup. Then the kid paralyzes the man and starts pushing handfuls of bugs into his mouth and other things, lol.
The kid is a Baali pretending to be human, if that was not clear.
I've been struggling with this question for ages. I've never actually played either (just other lines in nWoD 1e), but I'm looking to run one of them so I had to figure out which one is best. I'm in the process of plowing through most Requiem (1e) books now, and then I'll get started on Masquerade, after that I'll hopefully know my personal opinion at least. What seems to be a consensus: oWoD is more 'alive' and has more fun lore, nWoD has much better rules for combat and makes crossovers much easier (like having a werewolf show up as an antagonist).
I'll raise with 'The south should have won. Look at how freedom treated the black community is the US, they are obviously not fit to be free. The same goes for Africa and colonialism'
I've never run VtM but if you have any question about running Requiem shoot
changeling 2ed when?
There is a lot I like but there is one but. With Heroes like this there is little grey to be possible from their side as they turned into very specific slashers(not that they were not slashers in the original game)
Nobody cares about Changeling.
>fixing beast
>Kicked around a few ideas myself
>Nobody cares about Mummy
fixed it
Using a Moros Master as the big bad for my Requiem Chronicle.
Any creative ways of taking her down without plot armor or making her incompetent? Or was this a mistake? Session is in two days.
Bros don't let bros fight masters. Unless their bros are Ochemata or abyssal beings
Tell me more about the Moros in question why is she big bad/order/what not
Answer this and we can start some theory crafting.
Voodoo queen style Gnosis 6 Master, a Marie Leveau carbon copy, but not really.
Death 5 Fate 5 (third ruling) Matter 4 Forces 3 Time 1
Her intentions are to override the Prince (princess) of New Orleans (and a bit beyond) by meddling in their nightly politics, via Fate.
Vampires being among the unliving, she wholly believes that they're rightfully hers to command, being of the Bokor Legacy.
Anything? I like to think it's more of a work-in-progress.
Unless the vampires have their own mage assistance or other very powerful allies, it's game over for the bloodsuckers. If the mage also has her won allies, such as an Obrimos cabalmate, any confrontation will be over in seconds.
The only way to "win" such an scenario, is for the vampires to convince the Moros Master that they are so insignificant and uninteresting as to not warrant the attention of such a powerful and august individual.
They're going to have a "certain" degree of incompetence because mage stuff is rediculous at master levels and you can basically asspull a lot of shit.
That said, consider using mortals as a buffer to incur paradox and make using magic more and more of a danger to the mage.
Gnosis 6, Death 5, Fate 5 and Forces 3, and a Bokor Legacy?!?!
The vampires might as well just leave town now and mitigate the damage.
The only chance the vampires have is to find another powerful mage or cabal that can challenge the Bokor master, and hope they negotiate.
Your Marie Laveau is going to crush them.
You're going to have to bring her down a couple notches. She's a monster.
>Bokor master
Congratulations, you're doing little more than providing shock troop zombies to the mage.
Jesus christ just die in fire
You will need to do a lot of house rulling. Or just fuckin sic Seers of the Throne on her.
>shock troop zombies to the mage
Remember that as a Bokor, the mage's zombie creating abilities are Attainments, and thus incur no Paradox.
Think of a WoD game, old or new.
Got it?
Now blend it with your magical realm
What happens?
>Gnosis 6 Master, Bokor, Death 5 Fate 5 (third ruling) Matter 4 Forces 3 Time 1
You really don't like vampires...