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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What's a good movie for inspiration? Changeling, preferably.
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>Uses DnD terms for swords
>Bitching about not getting things right
You're a dumbass.
Going to be running a Werewolf the Forsaken game set in the Reconstruction South, Richmond Virginia
Come check it out if you're interested.
Note that I actually have enough applications to be selective now, so you're not basically guaranteed a spot anymore.
DAAAAAAAAAAAVE!! You're still here.
I'm loving the previews you've done so for the Tremere and the Scelesti.
>What's a good movie for inspiration?
Hellboy 2 has some cool visuals for the Fae.
There's also Pan's Labyrinth.
Sure but David Bowie was probably an actual member of the gentry.
Perhaps you ought to read that a little more, when it talks about size classifications, then google how large a guitar case is.
Protip: a "greatsword", which doesn't really exist and is a expression used for swords often 5'+, were roundly larger than hand and a half/longswords, which were commonly 4-5'.
I am amused you thought you could link wikipedia, not actually quote anything, and count that as a rebuttal.
Not a movie, but I find myself coming back to this ost when running Changeling games.
Nigga, it defines a greatsword right in the fucking article.
I'm surprised you can walk without falling over based on your gifted intellect.
And that is not what WoD has in mind when it speaks of greatswords, you monstrous oaf.
You decided to use a real life definition that does not apply to WoD because it still has fucking longswords as single hand blades like D&D. Your wikipedia article does not apply to this discussion at all, and you are the one acting like it is relevant in the slightest.
You know what you always wanted? A Legacy dealing with forgetting things, but in the good, (probably) non-Abyssal way! Well, let me present the Disciples of Transcendent Memory!
I have dementia-level memory problems, fuck you I didn't always want a Legacy for them! I mean, as far as I know.
Fuck, user, I hope you're joking, otherwise that's really rough. I'm sorry.
Well it is true but I am always joking about it. I'm not seriously taking offense to your homebrew or something.
>What's a good movie for inspiration? Changeling, preferably.
Pan's Labyrinth. Coraline. Hellboy 2 for the goblin market. Labyrinth itself, which has one of the best quotes for showing some Keepers' mindsets:
Sarah: Give me the child.
Jareth: Sarah, beware. I have been generous up 'til now. I can be cruel.
Sarah: Generous? What have you done that's generous?
Jareth: *Everything*! Everything that you wanted I have done. You asked that the child be taken. I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for *you*! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?
Does anyone have a download link to A Beast I Am? It's incredibly rare and almost impossible to track down. Mostly just interested in it as a piece of WoD history but some of the tracks I've heard are pretty good.
It's also the most 80s thing in existence.
>Jim Henson, George Lucas and David Bowie... [irrelevant details]
Hang in there, man.
user a couple threads back said he was going to bite the bullet and buy it since nobody can seem to find it anywhere, but that was the last I heard about it.
>Consensus makes it so
>What's a good movie for inspiration? Changeling, preferably.
How often do VtM games with Giovanni PCs devolve into Sopranos memes?
Mine devolve into baccano memes on occasion
In addition to these, Stardust has a fantastic goblin market as well.
>Issac and Miriah as a pair of FishMalks
It's like pottery.
Just a question. For spells that cause area lilts like Control Weather, the default scale is still one target right? I just find it funny that heavy winds only affect one guy
I had a Giovanni PC who force fed his ghoul gabagool before sucking his blood.
Rarely, there are just too many incest jokes to get through to anything else. That's what happens when your clan consists entirely out of multi-dimensional inbreeding.
Mage question!
If I acquire a photo of one-hundred individuals, would the sympathy count towards all of them at once? Could I dictate their lives by the usage of Fate?
Haven't looked at anything 2E for it yet.
How bad did they fuck up Changeling?
Changeling was never elegant so as long as they didn't steamroll over the lore they've done no harm.
That's too new for a lot of vampires. I think they're still on Chico Marx.
>Seemings are now determined on your method of escape
>not the theoretical hundred years of reality torture you endured
So, I want to DM my first game, and I'm trying to pick a nWOD game to play. Which one should I go with? I'm down with warwilfs, but is there a specific one I should go for as someone new?
If its your first with nWOD or CofD I'd do regular mortals/hunters to get the hang of things.
You are everything wrong with mage
From what I've seen so far...they haven't. They are leaning more on the "madness" end of the spectrum making your Seeming a clear allegory to trauma coping mechanism but also disconnecting it from Kith meaning any Kith can be paired with any seeming making for some very cool combos.
Contracts are less limiting and opened up a lot. A lot of good changes in a lot of ways. Plus you don't have to focus on the story of your trauma, you can leave that in your backstory and move on with your own story and the events in your area just like you could before and leave the metaphors in the background and focus on what you want to.
I don't think anyone is going to be brave enough to answer your question, out of fear for more mage supremacy wank.
Though, the answer to your question is a big fat yes.
Sympathetic range is an actual thing, user.
Have you ever played a nWOD or CofD game? If yes, Wolves would be fine. Probably a lot of fun. Beast also might be as well. You have one less thing to worry about as a new ST, in keeping track of morality and those problems. DO NOT ALLOW A MONSTER MASH. For the love of hell I made that mistake. I ended up rushing my game to it's end because trying to keep track of what everyone did and power levels was a unhallowed bitch and her sister on meth.
That I don't think is their problem it's using a photo to get Sympathetic range on 100+ people with the same spell. Which said mage could do...but they would clearly need to reach for advanced scale and take a -10 to yeah hope they didn't need to pump up duration to indefinite (which if they want to control their lives with fate they may need to) or more potency because they are going to run out of casting dice quick unless they are a massively advanced character.
Edited due to me being me.
Advanced Scale is not needed when Sympathy is involved.
A hundred people spread across the planet is the same as a hundred people in a single room when the Space Arcanum is being deployed, assuming the photo is in hand.
>Note that I actually have enough applications to be selective now, so you're not basically guaranteed a spot anymore.
Why would anyone bother apping then?
Because they could still get in? It's just that it's no longer basically automatic.
Yes. Go ruin a community of werewolves while you're at it. Not sure why Acanthus is considered the king of the Paths, when the Mastigos can do shit like what you're suggesting.
Apparently they're more or less starting the book over with the same basic principles (Huntsman are a thing, it's using the 2e system), so who knows about Changeling 2e lore anymore.
Werewolf is pretty good for first-timers; the themes of working as a unit, defending your territory, and killing shit are straightforward enough. Hunter is good as well, for largely the same reasons.
Isn't Mage just the best?
>dumb frogposter
That said, unironically yes.
You still need advanced scale to target 100 people. Normal scale can only target up to 16.
Kith is the theoretical hundreds of years of torture.
It's a -8 penalty for 100~ individuals, -10 would be exceeding 160.
Thank god for the Space 4 Attainment 'Everywhere'
-8 only gives you 80. You'd still need to go up to -10 to get the 100. -12 is 360, -14 is 720
Not really. It's a fun problem-solver game but there isn't as much preconfigured social conflict as a VtM game will game, where every player is kept on-edge about who among them has the most vulnerable back to stab.
No, it's still a -8
You also can't exceed 320.
>game will game
*game will have
What? I'm looking right at Page 327 in 2e mage. Max number of subjects you get for a -8 is 80 How are you hitting 100 subjects when you can only target 80?
Also it says that for each -2 after -10 you may double the number of subjects or increase the size of the target subjects by 5But AOE cannot be further increased. It gives no cap to how far you can increase the penalty to keep doubling the number of subjects after the 320.
It literally says you cannot push it further.
>"Area of effect cannot be increased further."
But entirely doable
>You know nothing of swords, go play D&D
>W well WoD uses D&D terms so you're wrong
Jesus Christ
Also different user
Fortitude + Presence or Fortitude + Dominate?
Go Mind or go home.
And people still think vampfags are the ones who start shit...
Fort + Obs, really throw people for a loop
Either pick something that the coterie needs, or think more deeply about your Ventrue concept. Is she more wheeling-and-dealing politician or more forceful overlord when it comes to mortals? Also, remember that you can take both when you have enough points.
Presence + Dominate. They combo.
Well excuse me for being retarded.
This current thread has a weird vibe to it.
>He still plays coterie games
Brah court intrigue pvp with non metagaming players is where it's at yo.
Why not all three?
How about no?
How about yes?
David Hill left OPP, so there's still marginal hope for Changeling 2e left. If every bit of it that Hill, Filamena Young, and ArcaneArts wrote about it was simply and totally discarded, it still has a chance to be okay.
Unless you just thing ChroD is garbage, which would be fair. Then there's no helping it.
Alright so I haven't been keeping up. What about Hill being on made people think changeling was going to suck/be super awesome?
Caine > Archmages
Now we can go back to normal
How many dots in forces to create this kind of weather phenomenon?
Area of effect is the column over from Size dude. It's saying you can't make the Area of effect bigger than -10's value. You can keep upping The number of subjects with additional -2 and the maximum size of that subject.
So I'm trying to sleep with every single supernatural type at least once. Any tips on builds? Standard human thus far.
Ex Nihilo? Forces 5
From an existing bad weather? Forces 2
Pitching or catching?
Can Heavy winds be created on the spot?
Either. I'm playing a dude so I'm going after girls but if I have to settle for another dude here and there so be it.
Unmarried Thyrsus maiden. Would you make her your bride?
Prioritize Stamina. At a certain point in the deed the brain kinda starts running on instinct and you don't want to have your hips crushed into fine dust, or be gutted like a fish. (See Man of Steel, Woman of Tissue)
His defense (and authorship of one) of these pieces of garbage.
Depends if she could put up with me....
But I wouldn't mind. It's pretty lonely being a changeling at times. Having someone who can appreciate what I have been through, help me and encourage me to explore my abilities and adapt to my life, even provide stability as I help them in an equal and loving partnership sounds wonderful. Well equal until she hits Gnosis 3....and starts getting 4 dots in her which point I might become un-needed...
Yeah. Depending on what you're trying to do both forces and matter could do that.
I don't think 5 whole sidebars is enough to really warrant declaring the book ruined.
Oh you mean the shit that causes people's eyes to glaze over, or roll in annoyance. And Dead english professors to roll in their graves?
As a mage, how would I go about convincing a mass production company to start producing Soylent Green like that one movie?
Would the God-Machine approve?
Stop it you false flagging mage fag.
Good point.
Also another general question for the thread, to fuck a beast and have it count would I just need to have sex with them, or go into their lair and fuck the beast proper.
If I want a wind burst that applies knockdown condition, what practice would that be?
I'm a VtMfag dbh
Sounds like a reach effect on an attack spell Arcana 3 or 4.
I wish it were just five sidebars. That's just the obvious shit.
Really, it just sums up a complete disconnect between Onyx Path and their playerbase. The fact that they're getting rid of (some) people who think that genders and soggy knees are more important than the system means there is some hope that the people brought in to work on it are actually people who want to use this as a game system.