Why do I always have to make these threads? It's not hard.
What card out of Amonkhet will see play?
None yet? I don't know, I could see the new Gideon being in a control deck.
Since only like 2 people posted brews from last thread, let's have some more brews. Seriously, let's look at brews, that's what I like about modern, you can sneak a brew or two in there, not only tier 1 decks are viable.
How do you beat Death's Shadow Jund? I'm not really sure on this deck, what are it's good and bad matchups? Seems really solid all around.
I don't know the resources, but I'm sure someone else will post them.
Also Gerry Thompson 5-0d a modern daily with Tezzerator with Whir, list seemed pretty good, he beat Death's Shadow Grixis, Esper Shadow, UW control, Abzan, and Affinity, not a bad showing, what are your thoughts on the deck?
>Since only like 2 people posted brews from last thread, let's have some more brews. Seriously, let's look at brews, that's what I like about modern, you can sneak a brew or two in there, not only tier 1 decks are viable. I present to you "Crucible Teachings":
Creatures: 3 1 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir 2 Torrential Gearhulk
Sideboard: 15 2 Engineered Explosives 1 Extirpate 1 Dispel 2 Collective Brutality 1 Celestial Purge 2 Vendilion Clique 1 Timely Reinforcements 1 Pulse of the Fields 2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 1 Consume the Meek 1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
It's almost certainly too durdly to ever be good in Modern, but I look forward to testing it on Xmage after full AMK spoilers are out. I still haven't decided which 2 mana counter suite to use, or which finishers, but this version feels the most aesthetic to me.
Ryder Martinez
>Why do I always have to make these threads? It's not hard.
Stop making them, then.
Modern threads are just cancerous little mini-/v/s for people who have too little money to play Legacy and lack the social skills to play with more people in Standard.
Elijah Mitchell
Why no gifts senpai?
Jaxson Jenkins
I can't speak to the quality of the threads, but Modern is a better format than Legacy right now, and way better than Standard right now. I can't believe you're seriously telling people to play Standard. It's worthless and it's also about to be completely different.
Benjamin Clark
Great, you should fuck off then
Caleb Reed
I'd say Modern and Legacy is for people with different styles. I mean, really, if you want to play control, just play legacy.
Robert Gray
Is there a pile I can use to get Crucible without adding Green for Loam? If there is I could try a singleton.
Aaron Martin
that's fair. I guess it feels like that's really the only thing that Legacy has over Modern, as a format.
John Moore
Noxious Revival, Academy Ruins, Crucible, Value card.
Nathan Myers
you could add green for Gaea's Blessing
Asher Foster
It's also not 65% """"Midrange""""" and Aggro
Samuel Moore
>Also Gerry Thompson 5-0d a modern daily with Tezzerator with Whir. Thoughts on the deck? Tezzerator with Whir is the real deal. A guy in my local scene was playing it for a few months and was running a control build with Whir + Pentad Prism and a bunch of 1 or 2-of silver bullet artifacts like Ensnaring Bridge, Spellskite, Nihil Spellbomb and Pithing Needle, alongside Tezz + Thopter/Sword as a wincon. He also had a light smattering of counterspells (mostly Negate, I believe) and Fatal Push, with some discard in the side.
After the first 2 turns or so the deck can pretty much operate entirely at instant speed, and if you're not packing mass artifact removal in your sideboard it can get out of hand really quickly.
From talking with the guy and watching him play against others, it seems like it has at least a 50/50 matchup against most of the current meta, if not better for most decks. It's not great against ultra-aggressive strategies, but the deck absolutely preys upon anyone trying to play a slower game. I wouldn't be surprised if the deck started picking up steam and putting up more results.
Blake Carter
It's a sweet deck I just don't feel like being slow and weak to aggro is a good place to be in Modern rn
Robert Moore
I play the deck myself. Deaths Shadow Jund can be kind of rough, they sometimes run up to like 5 targeted artifact hate spells. Also what is your play against stony silence? In addition to that, I do think the deck is pretty good. I honestly think it's the best control deck right now, like best true control, which isn't saying much in modern, but still.
Samuel Jackson
Push and Whir for bridge really helped with the Aggro matchup desu senpai
Jeremiah Sanders
Reposting from last thread, and that's all I'll say on this deck, I really reccomend giving it a shot, it's pretty fun.
Okay guys, here's the list I ended up bringing to fnm, happy with it went 4-1 and I think that's pretty solid. Sideboard is kind of weird, didn't have all the cards I wanted, but it served its purpose.
Land (18) 4x Arid Mesa 2x Blood Crypt 4x Bloodstained Mire 1x Godless Shrine 3x Marsh Flats 1x Mountain 2x Sacred Foundry 1x Swamp Creature (12) 4x Bedlam Reveler 4x Death's Shadow 4x Street Wraith Instant (14) 2x Kolaghan's Command 3x Lightning Bolt 4x Manamorphose 2x Path to Exile 3x Terminate Sorcery (16) 2x Collective Brutality 4x Faithless Looting 2x Inquisition of Kozilek 4x Lingering Souls 4x Thoughtseize Sideboard (15) 2x Anger of the Gods 2x Crumble to Dust 2x Grafdigger's Cage 1x Lost Legacy 1x Nihil Spellbomb 2x Painful Truths 3x Stony Silence 2x Wear and Tear
Game 1 Vs. Elves Thoughtseized his CoCo and then bolted his Archdruid and Ezuri. Never drew Reveler or Shadow, but a single lingering souls brought me the distance. Matchup felt pretty good. Boarded in 2 Grafdiggers and 2 Angers. Turn 1 Inquisitioned his Chord. Turn 3 I angered his board and he just couldn't come back from it, he had me dead on board but that deck just gets blown out by Anger. 1-0 Game 2 Vs. Ad Nauseum Brought in a Lost Legacy for any combo matchup, real happy I did. Game 1 I had a good draw, Inquisition and brutality turns 1 and 2 into 2 shadows turn 3. Really hard to beat that no matter what deck you're playing desu. Game 2 was kind of funny, but I don't chalk it up to a good win, idk. Turn 4 I'm pretty sure he's about to go off. I have 3 lands, I cast Lost Legacy, he pacts of negation, then I played a 4th land and thoughtseized his Angel's Grace. He lost on upkeep.
Adrian Cox
Well fuck, post some lists. I'm sure I've got lost of the money cards from affinity
Benjamin Russell
2-0 Game 3 Vs. Jund Honestly a really boring and long matchup. Game 1 we are just 1 for oneing, until I play a Souls. Souls is really good against Jund it seems. Literally just Souls alone carried me to the finish line, because you really can't 1 for 1 souls, and he never drew pulse, card is really good. I boarded in 2 painful truths and a wear//tear that could be discarded if it needed to. Game 2 he had that Jund draw where they thoughtseize your hard removal, then play goyf, then play Liliana and you can't win. Goyf is a real good card and can end games quickly, especially with a Grim Flayer follow up. I just couldn't establish anything, didn't draw well at all it seemed. Game 3 is where Reveler really did some work. This time I'm on the play, he has the answers but I had the threats, I drew some souls he drew a Jund Charm, I killed his Goyf, he killed my Shadow. But then I hit Bedlam Reveler. Board State wasn't great, I had 1 Souls Token, he had a Lili at 3. Played Reveler into drawing another reveler, and a souls and a land. Played Souls, attack Lili down to 2, pass turn. He topdecks pulse, pulses my souls, -2 Lili. But now I have another Reveler in hand. Played Reveler and drew another Revler. That carried me to a win. I really really like the card when you're in a grindy matchup, that really won me the game there, topdecking a reveler feels amazing. 3-0 Game 4 Vs. GB Tron Matchup doesn't feel unwinnable, but turn 3 natural Tron into Karn on the play is really hard to beat. My hand wasn't great, but it didn't get any better with a Karn out. Never got anything going game 1. Brought in the Stony Silence and crumble to dust. Starting hand was a 1 lander with looting and 2 silences and some other not great stuff cause my deck really doesn't match up well against Tron. Missed on the looting, and I didn't hit my second land until turn 4, what do you do. I think I want to try that matchup a bit more, it really doesn't seem unwinnable at all.
Adrian Thomas
3-1 Game 5 Vs Bant eldrazi Death's Shadow is great against Eldrazi. If you take away their Path, there's nothing they can do. Had a good first hand. Opponent kept a pretty heavy hand, 2 Nobles, a thoughtknot, smasher, and a stirrings. I Inquisitioned the first Noble away, and then turn 2 I Collective Brutality to kill his second and take his Stirrings. Death's Shadow the next turn ended it quick. A big advantage to this deck it seems, is you don't run out your reveler until you had to. No one boarded in GY hate against me, which was really convenient. At least none that I saw. Didn't know what to board, didn't really have to much it seems. Game 2 got pretty grindy. All I want to say, is that Displacer is a card that has to get killed. Souls Tokens kind of held off his guys, and his drowner tapped down my guys until it ate a terminate. Then I drew a Reveler, and he carried me to the promised land. The really great thing about Reveler and Faithless looting in the Graveyard is that you get 3/5 cards. That's really good selection. Played Reveler, drew path Wraith, land, flashbacked Looting, drew terminate land, discarded 2 land. Next turn drew Souls, then cycled into a bolt. That carried me to the end.
Not sure if I can have a good Tron matchup, better than Jund maybe but not good. Also didn't play burn. Deck felt good, I'm happy I made it and if anyone has questions about it I'd gladly answer them. In conclusion I want to say I feel like Reveler has some untapped potential. He's the Grindiest card imaginable. I see people playing him in UR decks, makes no sense with counterspells. I see people play him in Burn decks, makes no sense you just want more burn spells. I think the deck he wants, is a grindy, tappout style deck, where you 1 for 1, until you come out on top. Empty hand and empty theres, and then if you topdeck a Reveler, it's some great value. Solid deck I believe, if anyone has some constructive criticism, or suggestions I'd be happy to hear it.
Robert Taylor
>Goyf is a real good card and can end games quickly, Literally what we've been telling you
>Also what is your play against stony silence? The guy I was talking about splashed green for Abrupt Decay in the side for if it hit the battlefield and Negate + Thoughtseize for getting it beforehand. I think this is the list the guy at my local scene based his deck off of, although I know for a fact he changed a few things.
Lands 1 Breeding Pool 4 Darkslick Shores 1 Creeping Tar Pit 1 Flooded Strand 3 Ghost Quarter 1 Inventors' Fair 2 Island 4 Polluted Delta 2 River of Tears 1 Sunken Ruins 1 Swamp 2 Watery Grave
Spells 2 Fatal Push 2 Collective Brutality 3 Inquisition of Kozilek 4 Whir of Invention
Artifacts 1 Crucible of Worlds 1 Engineered Explosives 2 Ensnaring Bridge 1 Executioner's Capsule 2 Mox Opal 1 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Pentad Prism 1 Pithing Needle 1 Ratchet Bomb 1 Relic of Progenitus 2 Sword of the Meek 2 Thopter Foundry 1 Trading Post 2 Welding Jar
Splashing Green is a meme. Literally no room for it desu.
Aaron Reyes
Wow, you're right, every deck that doesn't run Goyf is bad, at last I truly see.
Evan Turner
Dude, next time, please, please, please use TappedOut for your Deck list and Pastebin for your match reports. If people are interested (I usually am) then they'll read and comment and you don't have to take three posts for something a lot of people don't care about.
That said, I would make room for a 4th lightning bolt.
Jacob Hernandez
Good advice, I will do that from now on. But also, do you think Bolt is good right now? Infect is dead, and it seems like the top decks don't care about getting bolted
Spells (17) 4 Abrupt Decay 2 Go for the Throat 2 Golgari Charm 4 Inquisition of Kozilek 3 Kin-Tree Invocation
Creatures (21) 4 Creakwood Liege 3 Hag Hedge-Mage 4 Putrid Leech 2 Reaper of the Wilds 4 Scavenging Ooze 4 Woodlurker Mimic
Golgari Charm - It's a good card, but not competitive by any means. It's here only for being both green and black. Reaper of the Wilds - Just another dumb big body. I may replace Go For The Throat with Maelstrom Pulse.
I've been working on it for a while, but i'm dumb when it comes to manabase and overall consistency, that said i would really appreciate some help.
What would you do to make it more playable?
Owen Diaz
Different guy, but I think bolt is only good right now if you're not in colours with good removal of you're running snap. Or a burn deck obviously
Nolan Gomez
It kinda activates my almonds when there's not a playsets of bolts. But it's also going to help you close out games that much faster. If you don't want a 4th bolt, you can try a single temur battlerage. Shadow or Reveler + battlerage just wins games.
Angel Walker
I have some suggestions to make your GB pretty competitive if you'll listen.
Creatures (14) 4 Tarmogoyf 4 Dark confidant 2 Kalitas, Traitor of ghet 1 Tireless Tracker 3 Scavenging ooze
Savra, queen of the Golgari is pretty nice with creakwood. also you need a sac outlet
Daniel Wright
Is there any way to make this playable?
Henry Rogers
No, too much mana for almost no impact, with almost a ton of impact
Nolan Murphy
Shadowborn apostle.
Joseph Scott
>Want to test brew >Friend conveniently plays a deck that seems almost designed to counter said brew >"Nah man just a coincidence :^)"
Logan Nelson
Test your deck properly. Take it to FNM, Xmage/cockatrice. Or just ask your friend to use more than one deck.
Eli Flores
Seems like a shit "friend" Whenever my buddies want to test, I have affinity, Burn and most of Tron, then I proxy any number of top meta decks to help them out. Isn't that what most people do?
Jordan Powell
I am sad. Sad that this lil guy isn't playable.
Dylan Reyes
You want shitbrews? Here's a shitbrew:
UB Control
Artifacts (2): 2 Batterskull
Creatures (9): 4 Delver of Secrets 3 Snapcaster Mage 2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Instants (13): 2 Remand 3 Mana Leak 2 Countersquall 4 Fatal Push 2 Victim of Night
Tooth and Nail is just better than Genesis wave, T&N just wins on the spot, Wave can still get BTFO
Joshua Bell
Connor Perry
I could try it, though the point of the deck is slapping down a 20+ genesis wave.
Julian Turner
Rev up those banhammers
Andrew Cruz
It's really just better to slap down an entwined T&N and just win
Easton Campbell
How do you fellow burn players deal with abzan? Just hope to hit your paths and palms? And in the spirit of brews, has anyone tried to run 4 color burn? Splashing black doesn't seem too hard and I could just cut rift bolt for bump in the night
Jaxson Howard
Isn't Abzan not a hard matchup for burn? They don't even run Meme Lightning Helix Goyf anymore.
Bentley Kelly
How about just getting rid of all of them and letting the native inhabitants of the planes we're visiting take charge?
Cameron Price
What do you ban to hurt deaths shadow? The namesake? Won't jund/junk just take its place? Good stuff decks are just too strong and reselient to bans.
Jose Price
but then MaRo's special snowflake squad won't get new cards again.
Andrew Anderson
ban goyf
Lucas Price
> Have a playset of Snapcasters that I kinda wanna start using > No scalding tarns > They are over $50 each > Nothing competitive with blue right now doesn't also run red.
I should have gotten a playset 2 years ago when they were much cheaper. Fuck.
Robert Green
Oh no it's not a hard match up, I was just wandering if there was any more ways to deal with rhinos and goyfs besides what I mentioned
Alexander Reyes
Merfolk is both Mono-U and competitive. Doesn't run snapcasters though.
Hudson Kelly
Built Sultai Control. Do it for the memes.
Lucas Gonzalez
>I want to run my Snapcasters >Play Merfolk, it doesn't run Snapcasters Is it autism?
Levi Martinez
4c Burn is terrible. I've tried. The trade off is "extra bolts" in 4c, but you lose a ton of life from lands and end up losing to decks you should have won against. For Abzan, I have extra Skullcracks (I run 4 ACommand, 4 Skullcrack in my 75) along side path. Helps out a lot when they think they can stabilize.
Lucas Taylor
>Nothing competitive with blue right now doesn't also run red. >State a competitive blue deck that doesn't run red
There's autism, but it's coming from you.
Jaxson Young
Reminder that this is actually the best card in Amonkhet and Gideon is just overhyped mediocrity. This card gives control a winning matchup against BGx variants and Combo a much better chance at beating BGx midrange.
Justin Lewis
How? I mean, how exactly will this help any modern deck?
Elijah Watson
>Merfolk >Blue Might as well be green desu cause it's the exact same meme creature tapping mindless shit. Guy said he wanted to play snaps, but you're autistic so it's okay
Carter Ross
I'm not seeing how this deck beats tron. Seems like an auto lose
Adrian Sullivan
Step 1: Play it. Step 2: Watch as all their discard cards become dead. Liliana is awful against this card too, so they don't even have that. Control decks can run cycle lands with it to ensure value and combo decks only care about not dealing with liliana any more.
Ian Phillips
>3 drop
Christopher Flores
So, and correct me if I'm wrong, you play it as early as turn 3 AFTER midrange decks have already used their Iok/ts, to blank the 4- 5 other discard spells they have in their deck? It seems to me like a 3 mana do- nothing card in that scenario.
Now, I could see it in a living end style deck with a bunch of cyclers to get additional value, but even then it's a winmore card.
Either I don't get it, or this is some subtle bait. Or some meme I missed.
Jordan Morales
that's why you ssg ssg island this t1 family
Carter Phillips
You can't play it until turn 3, which is a long time to pray it doesn't get discarded to an IoK or thoughtsieze. If you topdeck and jam it down before it gets picked away, you'll find out that Abrupt Decay is a card.
Nolan Baker
You should just play modern more. This card is bad. Discard is hardly relevant after turn 3 anyway
Samuel Long
The problem with Shadow is that it turns (most of your) your opponents' gameplan (pressure lifetotal with creatures) against them and it doesn't really have the drawing wrong end of syndrome of traditional bgx since you can just switch to being proactive and kill with a (trample double strike) 10/10 while playing a 50ish card deck. BGx as a whole didn't have the meta share in 2k16 that shadow has now, Tarmogoyf alone isn't a sufficiently overpowered beatstick to justify that.
Mason Clark
No control deck is good against Tron obviously you cuck. But it isn't 100% dead to tron. The 2 ways I see, is recurring ghost quarter with Crucible real fast out of the gate, or just building up a quick mass of thopter tokens that can carry you to the finish. It has it's outs, but yes, you are correct, control is bad against Tron.
Nathan Brown
>playing around a 2 of in most BGx decks.
Combo decks still play leyline, this card serves as a way to win through liliana (something combo decks can't do) and forces them to discard it over a combo piece.
For control, control can afford to play cycle lands, making this card even better for them; it makes their liliana borderline unplayable and turns their lands into pretty reasonable defenders and finishers.
Isaac Ramirez
wrong end of deck*
Samuel Flores
>Crucible + Ghost Quarter lock >Whir for Pithing Needle in response to Planeswalkers >Whir for Ensnaring Bridge in response to creatures >Sac things being targeted for exile to get them back later The version I played against also had some counter magic, discard, and surgicals. While the matchup for Tezzerator isn't the best, it can definitely hold its own against tron.
Connor Howard
Yeah, probably like 60-40 in favor of Tron at best, and that's assuming main board tech or something.
Samuel Johnson
Then the deck is trash. Tron and other big mana strategies are way too much of the meta to just play a deck that loses to them
Julian Carter
A 2/2 is way easier to deal with than a counter spells for BGx. I'd rather take the risk to make you discard a spell that could have gotten you out of a bad situation. Oh no, you're 2/2 blocked my 6/7 Goyf.
Juan Butler
Tron's only like 5% right now so it's not that bad
Ayden Thomas
Is it legal to bring and use my Duel Disk at a tourney?
Xavier Taylor
For control, you'd be playing it with cycle lands, so it would be an army of 2/2s. For combo, blocking a 6/7 with your 2/2 lets you stall for much longer than normal.
William Hall
I don't see why not
Asher Murphy
You're expecting this go on for a very long time if you're getting to the point where you're actually using the cycle lands. By this point, I will have gotten my abrupt decay long before you amass that many 2/2's.
Ethan Sanders
Am I really the only one who likes this Lingering Souls more than Ghost Tiddies?
Christopher Diaz
Eldrazi tron is not counted in tron for some reason
Michael Brooks
>For some reason Cause they're really different decks bud.
Joseph Garcia
Because it's not. Every Tron build (gx, gifts, monou) utilizes the urzalands to play an over-the-top control game whereas monocolorless is just a yolo midrange list that's looking to get nuts sevens and sixes.
Austin Murphy
Vendillion Clique exist, its not like control has no answers to Abrupt Decay even if you manage to get it. Besides, if you use Abrupt Decay on Drakes, you aren't using it on a combo piece like Phyrexian Unlife or on a Vendillion Clique that could stop Liliana as well.
Anthony Russell
They're both tron. It's different than bant eldrazi but they group it with them. Bud.
Josiah Morgan
You actually thought I would use Abrupt Decay on a Drake? I'm gonna stop giving you those sweet (You)'s now.
Hunter Smith
Listen bud, Bant Eldrazi and Eldrazi tron are far more similar in their game plan and card selection than Tron is with Eldrazi Tron. Really all Trondrazi has in common with the Tron deck is a couple walkers or 2 and the lands bud. You don't seem to understand bud.
Kayden Martinez
Yes. Ghostly titties win every time.
Ayden Gray
Drake as in Drake Haven m8
Grayson Hernandez
Which planeswalkers would best fit in a midrange Bant shell?
Jaxon James
this just potentially shifts the focus of modern from "add g to your xx list" to "maybe add g to your xx list"
Thomas Lopez
Gideon, Ally of Memerange
Cooper Nelson
Wow that sounds like a great idea. Like unironically that sounds like a much better format