Just want to end every last one of them and hope their next characters are not such air head furries. The cat and lizard girl won't stop trying to fuck! The kitsune plays along with them, but at least keeps the plot going.
How do I kill my PCs without it seeming unfair?
Kill yourself.
Seeing as you were enough of a retarded spineless faggot to let your players create furry PCs, you deserve every bit of the hell they're putting you through.
You earned this through your idiotic actions, now learn to live with it.
Oregon trail that shit.
OP, tell me how you know you're not in hell.
>inb4 Penny Arcade
OP deserves whatever he gets if he can't solve this problem himself.
Make them fight a competent party.
How about having a grown-up conversation about it, full of honest communication about the issues you're having with the way they play? Is that too much to ask, manlet?
>honest communication
But then it could turn out to be that everyone else is there for the furry erotic roleplay and just puts up with the "plot" to humor the OP.
Being passive-aggressive is safer, or at least feels that way.
It also gets you revenge for being hypothetically rejected.
Just do what I did, force the party to split and then subject them to individual hell by meatgrinder or magical realm... or both.
>The cat and lizard girl won't stop trying to fuck!
How do they not succeed? Is it because the lizard girl's player can't figure out how lizards fuck?
This. The PCs cease to exist when you die
I remember them being funnier in the OPM when I was a kid.
I had a PC that tried to fuck everything that moved for a while.
He stopped after the plot really picked up and started to drive it forward.
It all really hinges on getting them to care about more than their gross furry shit.
Try killing off a likable PC or something.
If you really want to kill them off without looking like a bastard have them fight something just a bit too hard for the entire party to pull through.
That way you can drop them one by one.
Alternatively you could just drop the furries and find some normal people.
You can always tell your players that you just are not feeling the game anymore.
Be open with them and hope they understand.
Killing off the PCs without talking to the players won't solve anything. It's most likely to just have them create new PCs with similar problems. Repeatedly killing off PCs will probably make things worse once players start seeing the PCs as disposable.
Talk to your players. If they adjust their PC behaviour enough (or, at least, the parts they describe), all good.
If they don't, or they feel that they can't do so with their current characters, bring the game to a conclusion. Give them whatever ending is appropriate for your campaign. That should make your players feel good about your GMing, even when the result is still that they won't get to use those PCs any more.
Then talk to your players before they make PCs for your next campaign.
Killing off a player character won't stop the player from making a similar character and doing the same stuff
Have you considered talking to them and if that doesn't work just making the game an ERPG and if THAT isn't possible find a new group I guarantee you can find 3-4 people who want to try tabletop games but none of them can/want to DM
No furries in hell.
Hell's too good for them.
>The cat and lizard girl won't stop trying to fuck
get new friends
>The cat and lizard girl won't stop trying to fuck!
Is this Prequel?
Anyway OP, can I join?
Jk. Okay, here is what I suggest you: put urgency in the campaign. Make a villain with a tight time table. Like 'if you guys don't hurry up the villain will wipe all life in the world'. When they start wasting time show consequences. Kill NPCs they find dear. Concluding, show to them that the plot will move like it or not.
Kill the players, hope that the next batch is better.
Furry here.
OP, since you have furries friends I will presume you are a furry yourself. You should have checked before the game if they weren't the loony furry type.
Since they are, you can: A) let them do as you want B) ask them to cut it down C) end the game. Killing them or trying to force them to stop will only make the game not fun.
I sincerely would be irked if people in the table tried to keep screwing, I could see if it was something necessary for the plot but that's pretty cringe. Not me through, I am 100% celibate in every game.
>heresy detected
> he says that
> while the Imperium used to have furry soldiers
That's bullshit and you know it.
whats happening in this thread ?
OP is DM, who played with furries that started having sex (because how the hell do you fail at sex) in the middle of their game and now wants to kill them.
TPK is not a solution, tell them you don't want them fucking in the game. If they refuse get rid of them, it is you that does most of the work, why let them ruin it for you. Have some fucking self-respect man.
Tell them that you're tired of the game and that you would like to start a new one in a different setting, and that they're welcome to continue the current one on their own if they want. Don't be a child about it.
clearly forged. you couldn't even line them up correctly.
>have a low key furry player in my game
>dude has never tried lewd shit, never even mentioned it in the 3 years we've been gaming
Why can't all furries be like this, holy shit.
Taking OP, those two players must be 'THAT GUYS', the kitsune close. Maybe he has other players on the table that don't give problems.
That feel when I'm the guy you're talking about.
That feel when I don't know if the circle of friends I hang with knows.
I think they know though, but they just aren't bringing it up.
Either that or I'm being paranoid.
don't GM
you aren't cut out for it
Objectively best post. All others before it are shit.
I've been in a similar situation.
Just end the game.
Don't bother telling them to cut it out or talking to them after the game, or even killing them off. Just end the game and don't invite them back.
>I couldn't man up and say no to furshit characters
>Now I need to kill the furshit characters I didn't just say no to in the first place.
What if your plot is just really boring?
>being a bitch who can't talk things out
Don't run a game if you can't even bother to communicate with your players
The players ain't going to stop. Leave the PCs Alice. Kill the players.
> be fox paladin
> cat rogue suggest we have sex
> tell her that's against my oath
> decides to knock me out and rape me
> defend myself
> fall because I defeated a CG character
>hope their next characters are not such air head furries.
There is no such hope, and you know it.
Honest communication is the only avenue that leads you out of this.
But we all know that your fate is this
>> defend myself
>> fall because I defeated a CG character
>frost giants raid a village
>paladin sits on his porch, dejected
>"Sorry guys, mom says im not supposed to hit chaotic good people"
Run them through that Travis Kobold dungeon thats on 1d4chan
I ran that once against a party of six unsuspecting folks in roll20. They *almost* made it.
As a paladin you cannot hit good people or you fall.
Paladins fall very easily according to some DMs.
save time kys
OP are you still there? What's the setting?
Just what said.
Also, if that's the kind of game they want to play, new characters won't change what happens. They can be playing gritty low dark fantasy peasants and they'll just keep trying to fuck their cows or something.
Now, a piece of DM advice: If you want the PCs to die, just make them kill themselves. Make a situation where they shouldn't be able to die, and trust them to find a way to die. I assure you they'll find one.
>Travis Kobold dungeon
Low level pathfinder. Small town in woods with a massive Goblin problem.
Tell them if they don't stop fucking around and move the goblins will wipe out the town and fail the campaign.
Or if you really want to kill them, unleash Hobgoblins.
Or even meaner, wait until when they are fucking. They unleash them and beat them to a pulp, rape them and then finish them off. They won't forget this ending.
Seconding this last spoiler! DO IT
You realize as a GM you can refuse any character concept at any point, so if you have a problem with their choices after you agreed to them it's pretty much completely your fault.
Seems to me what you really have a problem with is your player group, and not their characters because you approved those. Honestly, if you aren't a huge piece of shit as a GM you can easily find new players.
Lastly, even if your OP is weak bait, it's still a topic worth exploring.
There's two schools of thought. One is that rpgs should be games primarily, in which case an emphasis on the rules, fairness, and balanced difficulty should be the way the game work. For the most part, the majority of challenges that the players could face should be ones that they have a good chance of defeating.
Typically the idea of avoiding, running away, surrendering, or even defeat is anathema to these sorts of players. Constant progression and the destiny of heroes are common features of these sorts of games.
The alternate view is that it's an exploration of a setting and roleplaying characters in that setting with as much verisimilitude and internal consistency as possible. In that case an attempt at realism is more important than balance, and since real life is often unfair, so are these worlds.
There would be very weak and very strong encounters and everything in between, wherever it makes sense for those to be. These ensure that combat can have significant tension and is always taken seriously. Some battles will be steamrolls which help to make people feel badass, and some will require all of their creativity and wits to overcome or avoid. Many players also really enjoy discovering the inner workings of such a setting and world where things are detailed to an exceptional degree and plot holes are religiously avoided.
Either way of playing can be fun, but obviously it works better when everyone is on the same page.
Railroad them into needing to cross into deathlands
Not defending OP, but maybe he didn't think they would actually do that?
For example, here is a real situation:
> roleplaying as a fox cleric
> another player as a wolf fighter
> buys and offers me drugs
> I refuse
> tries to seduce me
> I tell him that my only interest in spreading the light of my god
> suddenly kiss me
> I say that I am a male fox and not interested in him whatever
> he tries to rubs my dick
> tell him to get the hell away from me before I maced his head
> players call him a rapist and he drops the campaign later
I mean, I'm pretty sure nobody would expect this coming.
>Either way of playing can be fun, but obviously it works better when everyone is on the same page.
>Tries to rape you
Clearly you're some 40K newb fucktard.
Is it 'Summer-fags' already?
I've been playing 40k since the 90's, and I have never ever heard of "Imperial Beastmen". ALSO, if the Beastmen were in 40k, they would be working for Chaos, not the Imperium.