I heard you like fling edition
MTG Amonkhet Spoiler Thread
Mummy cat for extra value
Seems pretty bad even for limited.
It's a functional reprint of two other cards, both of which were pretty bad, yeah, so it didn't get any better magically. Also, how many of these lands do we need in standard? This makes two of them and no one plays either, guaranteed.
White black zombies looks sweet for limited.
And this guy here seems pretty strong, though it does need for there to be a zombie under your control so dead on an empty board. Still, conditional path with no land searching seems stronk
>in standard
These kinds of lands were never for Standard, they're strictly Limited fodder.
Meh. Playable in limited because of cycling.
Personally I feel like this could have passed for a 3/3 at uncommon, but what do I know.
Not a terrible pick for an aggressive deck. Last pick often I'm sure.
I could see you dropping the 2 drop creature that puts 3 -1/-1 counters on a creature you control and targeting this guy with it. Tap him in response to the trigger to get a nice hasted 4/4 on turn 2
Alternatively you could two for one yourself for a 4 power creature by just cutting out the middle man and discarding from this guy
When ~ enters, discard a card or sac it I believe is the translation.
>mummy illusion
But how?
Nope, no saccing
Okay that's literally just a goat.
Do Wizards not know what the "taur" means in Minotaur?
They don't know what Hound and Snake mean either.
They likely put 'Keep creature types relevant' over 'Exactly perfect'. Minotaur has some actual type support.
I think that this card is legitimately good. It's basically Fervor for 1 mana, as long as you only play one creature a turn.
Fling-Tounge Kavu
Given the power level of some of the other uncommon creatures this set, i feel like this should of been unblockable or something
And yet they print Nagas again in this set after admitting it was a mistake.
Maro admitted it was a mistake. Maro is not the sole voice making MtG
Then why do we blame him for everything?
Oh that's a sick topdeck late game, much better than I thought.
Just wrap up thin air my man
PURE ILLUSION does the rest
Fuck that's... almost awesome.
White zombies are probably only going to be a thing in AKH and HOU though.
At least it'll have a place in limited.
Because Veeky Forums is bad at magic.
Fling on a Stick is always fun.
But it can't Fling itself
Maybe rev-up a big creature with Hazorets Favor and Consuming Fervor
NO user NO
I could see it used in constructed. "Exile target creature blocking or blocked by a zombie dork" for one is pretty good
Ehh... maybe in Standard.
Modern has too many options for "offcolor combat-trick-ish removal" to gain much traction.
So convincing, even the bandages are fooled!
Is it the same thing it means in "centaur"?
Wait that's a good point. Why the fuck does the Greek word for horse-man contain the word for bull?
It is not, actually.
They did it, the absolute madmen
I assume this is mostly just the fact that Wizards has no plans to pursue Goats as a tribe rather than a random creature token type while they want Minotaurs to gradually be relevant. Overall goat-men instead of bull-men still hits the "close enough" element, and otherwise you start getting the aetherborn or snake vs naga issues. Best to keep it simple with tribes.
It comes from a group of Thessalian horsemen (as in people who use horses a lot). They were described as metaphorically one with their horse, and then time made fools of us all.
Illusion is very normal and very safe my fellow desert-dwelling human Amonkhetite
What can we expect from the banlist now that we have a good idea of what this set will have.
Expecting a ban for Gideon and guardian at least, maybe scrapheap and/or heart of Kiran as well
How the fuck does MaRo get away with feeding us the line that three creature types is too busy for a type line which is why they didn't include "Rebel" as a type in Kaladesh when they have no fucking problem putting it on a goddamn token in Amonkhet.
I don't think they understand how fucking awful it is to liking this game when the autistic people who obsess over it like myself suffer when they contradict themselves in the span of less than a month.
It's too hard to give a fuck anymore.
Which banlist?
Because the things they were going to put it on were mostly Artificers, and that eats up a lot of space.
Because Maro bullshits constantly
So shouldn't they be centhessalians?
I'm drinking and not a linguist, but that doesn't seem like much of an explana... and I just remembered the word pineapple, gotcha.
>So shouldn't they be centhessalians?
Is that a serious question?
Wait. When and why did we move to "When you do" from "If you do"?
Is it because the triggering time was in question?
The snake vs naga issue pisses a friend of mine off so hard.
He has a snake tribal deck that he loves, but every time they print a new awesome card it's a fucking naga instead of a Snake Demon.
It got even worse when Khans came out and they printed Rakshasa as Cat Demons.
Look slut, I already said I'm drinking.
Just because I don't have a better idea doesn't make it any less stupid.
They're called Centaur because the word for a specific group of people in Thessaly was the Kentauros. The "tauros" in the name likely refers to a bull in some capacity, but no one really can definitively say why the Greeks called them that.
You might as well ask why the Berbers are called that. It's what the Greeks arbitrarily decided to call them. We have a clearer etymology with Berber, but it's still just a term the Greeks came up with for a group.
Then why not say that instead of being snide first?
The Rakasha tribe type is a good point. They could have gone with demon snake or spirit snake.
Because I genuinely didn't know if that was a serious question.
Or just fucking Snake Wizard/Snake Cleric/Snake Archer/Snake Warrior.
The naga in Magic are just snake people. Not demons or spirits, just sapient snakes with arms. And just like how the leonin are Cat Soldiers/whatevers, they could have leaned on the existing tribal support and made them Snake with classes, but instead NAGA.
And then they have Hounds, Wolves, and now Jackals. And Werewolves seperate from Wolves despite pretty much every werewolf related card saying 'Werewolf or Wolf'
Fucking Wizards not being consistent with creature types.
Because he's the most visible face.
He's also not involved with what gets reprinted, power levels, or the state of standard. He comes up with ideas for cards, figures out stuff, and then trusts development to make it well costed.
Nor is he involved in the storyline in any way, beyond making overall general ideas for blocks ('top-down egypt block', 'land block', etc) - and even that isn't him alone doing it
Is it just me or is white the only color receiving any new mechanics? All the other colors seem rehashed, no sort of theme, tribe or synergy.
I want orc tribal deck, or maybe red salamander people.
How the fuck you mummify an Illusion?
Blue has embalm as well.
Embalm is all over the spectrum, it's only the tokens they make that are white.
White then gets all the synergy with the embalm tokens however.
But user, aftermath is a new mechanic :v)
No, There's 0 Black, 1 Green, 1 Red, 3 Blue, and 6 White. Based on the tokens left it looks like maybe one is Green, one is possibly blue, and the rest are all definitely white. Embalm is way more heavily skewed to white than other colors.
Okay so what's a strong B/W zombie build for standard now? Hidden stockpile plus that new enchantment that makes double tokens with maybe pariah?
What the fuck is a cartouche? I mean in terms of rules.
>0 black
They're too poor to embalm their dead.
Pic related
but it's prettier than either of its predecessors. Plus it's a desert!
ha I was right about the costs
Nigga they ain't banning anything in standard, they barely ever do it and it should be clear by now even to them that it doesn't necessarily solve problems
As someone who played Zombies pre-banning era to AER you now have zero time to durdle around thanks to the Saheeli Combo. Before if you were playing RB or UB Zombies you had different approaches to your strategy between the lists and your greatest strength was that even being on the draw would allow you to take a "manaless dredge" type line by playing no land on turn 1 and discarding a Haunted Dead and then pitching 2 Amalgam's later and then slamming 9 power on the board available at the start of your 4th turn.
Right now the centrepiece of a Zombie deck would either be Mono Black or a light splash into white for Anguished Unmaking and maybe Gideon and centered around more of a zombie token strategy using Plague Belcher and Wayward Servant. The more abundance of grave hate printed and Disallow to cancel Haunted Dead activations will slow down the old plans.
>chump block Gideon with a zombie
>Okay Gids, go to the timeout corner and think about what you did to the format
What about pic related? All your grave guys come in tapped and you could use cryptbreakers effect for extra aggro. The new 1 drop zombie comes into played tapped on cast or grave as well.
Personally speaking I think thatt would work in a Mono Black sort of list where you get to abuse lot of the old token makers and stuff from Shadows where you can bring in Zombies tapped (Amalgam, Haunted Dead, From under the floorboards etc.)
I personally do like the new 1 drop zombie. The 2 power aggression for 1 cmc is good that can be good outside of Zombie tribal strategies.
I don't get this snakes and nagas shit, who cares? What, should they merge werewolves and wolves?
The issue is it splits synergy with previous cards. People probably wouldn't be so mad if they had consistency but they don't. Look at , it's clearly a mummy but they don't make it a mummy tribal because there are already so many zombie support cards.
"If" is only used for replacement effects. Things that can happen but don't have to happen always use "when."
You don't even have to chump. Just cast Time to Reflect after blockers, before damage is dealt. The Zombie gets away completely safe.
Well it isn't exactly a new thing
Another tool for the zombie decks.
And it's useful outside of limited too.
Seders EDH
Broken combos incoming.
Skeleton =/= zombie
Unless you just meant its ability costs less in which case so what?
Not that user, and not that it's good, but it's infinite creatures entering with Altar.
4 piece combo to do anything is ass though.
I'll never not be mad that i can't steal a zedruu with my boy
You wrap it in illusionous linen. Duh.
It's just a marker. They are relevant on the trials, which ask you to play cartouches.
Pretty much like Devoid it's just saying "this matters". Unlike Devoid it's not saying "this is something it just isn't". Can't wait to draft those.
Your illusionise the mummy.
People love their tribes senpai, let them be mad about their kids card game.
Also fuck auto correct.
Going to the open for this set tomorrow with Bro which colours should we get he's only going to get me extra deck I'm a noob.
The important thing is that Painted Bluffs is a land that also fixes mana. Fixing that comes as part of the land base is very attractive, whether Constructed or Limited. It's why dual lands are always worth buying..
Mana fixing isn't free in Draft, it comes at a premium. Fixing typically gets picked in the middle of the pack. In multicolour sets it gets picked even higher. In Sealed, it opens up the possibility of tricolour.
They have a lead time of 2 years. They had to make the call on whether to run with Snake or Naga in Tarkir block, and they decided Naga. Tarkir was releasing just as Amonkhet was finished up development.
So basically, by the time they find out Naga was a mistake during Tarkir block, it's already too late to fix up Amonkhet.
You can check out the different decks here:
To give you a quick feeling for the decks:
White - cheap route to victory, flying lets you ignore your opponent's creatures and hit their face directly - has a cute kitty
Blue - very similar, but slower, in return you get to handle your opponent's creatures - has a cool value drake
Black - also try to bypass creatures, if that fails, just kill them instead, gaining life advantage in the process - has many Amonketh cards, but they suck
Red - attack every turn, burn what bothers you - Amonketh card is lame, but this has Fling, which is arguably the coolest card ever
Green - big. fat. creatures. You still die to flying creatures, but there's at least some tech against it - has an Amonketh uncommon! wow!
I would be super buttmad, except for the following.
>snakes will always suck and not get a good tribal, like spiders, foxes, or assassins
>I already made my snake/assassin theme deck because WotC isn't going to ruin my fun
But honestly? How many green 1/2 one drops with some anti-flying ability will we get before they give us a spider?
Under forty minutes to go!
Will the Based Sandwurm come back to us in a real card, stronger than ever?
All the mythics were already spoiled. It's probably going to be a 6/6 trample for 6
Fake. MaRo just confirmed on his blog that the vanilla legendary is not in amonketh.
I know this is super minor, but like, there are only 30 red wizards period.
Fucking Young Pyromancer was a Shaman. So, what gives with this one? Why is IT a wizard while everyone else is a shaman?
Honestly, I always thought WOTC always picks Shaman for Red and Wizard for Blue and only does Red wizards as part of cycles or when it is like, an Izzet person.
because wizards = smart, red = dumb in wotc mindset
It is a 7/7 7 mana guy that can't be chumped by creatures with power 2 or less. Common.
I'm okay with red getting Shamans instead of Wizards, since there actually is some Shaman matters cards and all Wizard matters stuff is in Blue, but like, what is it about this card that makes it a wizard?
I wonder if they're changing their mind is all.