Why doesn't Veeky Forums ever talk about MTG Standard?
Why doesn't Veeky Forums ever talk about MTG Standard?
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Right now it's pretty ass.
Pic related, every FNM.
Amonkhet will fix it, right?
OP, you posted why
>go to FNM with Temur Energy Midrange
>Mardu (lose), BG (win), Saheeli (lose comboed both times), Reservoir meme deck (win)
>Lose all will to play for two weeks
We can all hope.
I tried making standard generals a few days in a row last week. First one went fine but the rest just devolved into "modern is better hurr" posts from the wonderfully intelligent modern community.
>3 Lillianas
>3 Gideons
>Blue finally gets an efficient flyer and some relevant counter spells
>cat combo can win without attacking
>every deck is going to splash green for manglehorn, black for fatal push and white for Gideons
>Meta will inevitably revolve around junk/jund/Mardu ballista and copycat
>3 Fucking Gideons
I would love for black control to be a thing. Just a change of pace from only 2 decks taking over a majority of tournaments really sucks.
Standard is terrible.
Point at this "Holier than thou" retard, and laugh.
Because standard is ass. It is filled with mouth breathing retards and you have to build one of 3 decks to be relevant. Its just not a great format imo and i think alot of people will agree. On another note I like the look of amonkhet so far
Because Veeky Forums doesn't play shit formats.
Although I'm temped to play a memey Electrostatic Pummeler deck with Fling in AKH Standard, looks fun desu
>three Gideons
this is a joke right?
there isn't actually three Gideons?
>Gods are shit
>Some Commander fodder
>Gideon is okay, mardu might run it
>Cycling is back but doesn't do generate enough value to be worthwhile
>Split-card rules changed because MUH INTERACTIONS
>The new mechanics are neat, but unfortunately only have a couple cards that makes good use of them
>B-but we still have fling!
>And Aven Mindsensor!
It's basically what everything after Eldritch Moon has been: disappointment with a few value cards. A lack of answers to constant threats has left the format feeling stagnant and caused two meta-warping decks to dominate. Wizards fucked up with Guardian and haven't made any effort to remedy the entire format aside releasing an incredibly ignorant statement that suggested Temur Tower would save the format.
Ally of Zendikar, of the Trials, and Martial Paragon (the planeswalker deck one).
And check out that fucking emblem while you're at it famalam.
Mindcensor is complete fucking useless in the meta because no deck searches the library and one toughness means its just going to be pinged to death by ballista which is still a 4 of in every fucking deck that matters.
>doesn't play shit formats
>there's a constant Modern general
Modern is unironically the best format right now.
Magic won't be good again until planeswalkers and mythic rarity are removed
>A 4-of
Except that's retarded. At most, Mardu will run maybe 2. Saheeli might squeeze 1 into the side, but an XX that is put on the field as a 1/1 most games isn't taking 4 spots in the top two decks that are already tight on space as it is. Ballista also doesn't push Saheeli's or Mardu's endgame beyond what the decks do without it, and more efficiently.
Its really not that good. It's playable for sure, but it isn't this format breaking card everyone is trying to make it out to be.
>8 Gideon Standard
>Emblem turn 3 cant lose
>Emblem turn 4 anthem
>not broken
Its more or less a 3 drop plat angel m8. I dont play standard but it is severely undercosted for what it does
it's much easier to kill a planeswalker than to kill plat angel m8
Yeah but the effect effectively is just put on hold until gideon comes back. Id say thats a little better then plat angel. Also more ways to kill plat angel reliably and at least you can actively defend your PW m8
It also costs 3 mana vs. plat angels 7 and works with any version of Gideon.
Hey can about help me with this deck what should I put in it to finish it
So 36 lands that's to fucking many
>>it's much easier to kill a planeswalker than to kill plat angel m8
Not if Gideon has better board presence.
>getting the emblem on turn 4 means you have no gideon and you just forced your first gideon off the field and can now lose and have no creatures
Good job, Jackass.
Because it's shit.
You know, like every new Magic set.
36 fucking lands really
Because it's beyond terrible. It's been like this for years.
Your 80% aggro/ramp format is actually terrible, dude.
What is everyones current favorite standard deck to play, and what do you hope to play when Amonkhet comes out?
>He doesn't play UR Surge shenanigans
Casting 5-6 spells in a turn is pretty damn fun. Stacking Fevered Visions takes a giant dump on control decks, too.
>what do you hope to play when Amonkhet comes out?
Cyclers + Ever After looks promising, currently leaning towards UB for Curator of Mysteries since casting it on turn 4 normally is a great fallback option. Room for splashes depending on what other cards are spoiled, hoping for decent green cyclers in order to utilise the Kaladesh fast-lands.
Modern has a healthy balance of aggro, midrange, and combo. Cancerous strategies like control are largely kept out of our glorious format by our lord and savior, Tron.
Start your engines
Wizards needs to print some more walker hate. Not garbage rares like dreadbore either.
>Walker Shock
R: shock someone. If this damage is redirected to a planeswalker it deals 4 damage instead of 2.
Hold up just returned after 10 year brake.
What did they change about split cards? Don't tell me it's mana burn change all overagain and they competently wrecked a block.
Or that wall change.
Honestly wall and mana burn changes made no sense two blocks revolved around it
you really think wizards wants that? You think they want little timmy who just pulled this sweet Mythic Planeswalkerâ„¢ after opening 40 packs with mommy's credit card to get killed by a 1 mana red spell? No way, they would rather have all enfranchised players completely lose interest in the standard format and either move to non-rotating formats or just drop magic altogether, because ever since the 2 set block change standard has been fucking miserable.
Only the block after
And not because anything is or is not confirmed, but because BFZ and SOI will finally rotate out. BFZ especially.
user Kaladesh and aether revolt completely changed standard though, in terms of power level they are the best since khans of tarkir
Because people on Veeky Forums have presumably been playing Magic for more than a couple years and have some sensibility?
Although I suppose we have EDH threads, so it's not like Standard is sinking that much further.
I was thinking about flashing Torrential or advecent
I can't wait for the 8gid/copy cat meta.
this deck is shit right?
can i fix it?
>not enough shitty draw go strategies/miracles degeneracy or spell snaring a spell snare.
It's in a good state.
Exert seems like a terrible mechanic, in practice
How many games will be ruined by people "forgetting" about the untap effect?
not from what we've seen so far no. The power level of Amonkhet is so much lower than Kal/Aether. Energy is way too strong and we've got all of about 2 anti artifact cards (both are locked behind green)
I for one am glad to see that Felidar Guardian will always continue to be a T1 Standard deck.
>Wizards needs to stop printing walkers
>He's never mindslaver-locked his opponent as utron
because it has been shit since origins
Question for the oldfags: Was standard like this back in the 90s and early 2000s? By that, I mean has it always been dominated by 2 or 3 decks? Is it this way now because of bad design or is it because of the internet disseminating information faster than has been possible in the past, making it so people can solve the format in only a month or two?
It's almost completely bad design. There have been plenty of times standard came down to only 2 or 3 decks, or worse one deck (ravager affinity, caw blade) and you can easily look back and see where the bad design is, whether it be a broken card or just unbalanced sets.
Keep in mind there has also been good standard formats.
80% of the online meta is 3 decks.
A fast online presence has literally been around since ice age block and meta percentages have been around since odyssey.
This is statistically a worse standard than affinity by far in terms of meta dominance.
Meta's often were 'solved' but because there was a large amount of counters the solved state was comprised of many many decks. 80% of the meta should be (and has been in the past) at least 10 decks.
Look at mtg top 8 and you will never find a standard worse than this one.
What's especially unique about this fuck up is that it largely isn't due to them making something completely broken, but instead due to them making 0 real strategies (except copy-cat 2 card combo, which isn't so much of a strategy as it is oops I win) so people will just put all of the best cards in 1 deck. Previously problems have been caused by conservatism creep, but now it's completely obvious that it is unsustainable.
Because right now Standard is garbage. There's very little diversity in decks. Prior to this set and bannings you had quite a few diverse decks and even several rogue decks were able to put up results and match up against the top tier decks well.
Nowadays if you're not playing any of the top 3 tiered decks you have a terrible matchup against everything.
Even during the days of Ravager Affinity and Caw Blade after appropriate bannings and so forth there were plenty of other decks that sprouted and had competitive viability. (e.g Tooth and Nail, Eldrazi Ramp, Valakut Ramp etc.) There was at least around 6 viable decks in Standard tier 1 and more at tier 2.
I think you mean pic related.
No joke, though, I want to play Turbo-Sram cartouches in Amonkhet standard.
4x Soul-Scar Mage
4x Sram
4x Nimble-Blade Khenra
3x Trial of Zeal
3x Trial of Ambition
2x Trial of Solidarity
4x Cartouche of Solidarity
4x Cartouche of Zeal
4x Fatal Push
2x Fling
4x Consuming Fervor
22 lands
4x Sram
4x Soul-Scar Mage
4x Stormchaser Mage
4x Trial of Zeal
2x Trial of Knowledge
2x Trial of Solidarity
4x Cartouche of Solidarity
4x Cartouche of Zeal
4x Cartouche of Knowledge
4x Shock
2x Fling
22 lands
Thinking of getting back into standard but it does look like the format is a little stale and I am not even sure if I should purchase anything before Amonkhet. Are there any predictions for some currently released cards that might still be good when Amonkhet comes out, or some underplayed stuff that might be better next set? Or is it too early to predict?
cat combo's probably going to get better because it's getting more blinkable auras that do more things and aren't legendary.
enchantments, not auras.
>cat combo gets a blinkable bolt, and a blinkable token maker
Just fuck my format up
I know its shit tier but I have fun playing my werewolf deck fomr SoI/EM
Why don't you ever check the catalog? There's one every other night.
So, i want to get into MTG. Is there something like YGpro but with MTG?
R/G energy aggro with Pummeler. When it works, you can swing for lethal turn 4 (give Pummeler Larger than Life and then use its energy ability to pump it twice to a 20/20 trampler). It's a dumb combo, and there are many ways for opponents to shut it down (Walking Ballista in particular), but it's just fun.
t. exclusive edh player
But edh is 100% ramp
>tfw I single-handedly purged all standard discussion from Veeky Forums
I feel a little bad, but then I remember that standard has been a giant unfun money pit since Return to Ravnica block.
Technically that's combo, not aggro. It's also extremely weak nowadays, like, "Probably won't be able to go even at FNM" weak.
As infect calls it, aggro combo, :^3
A split card's converted mana cost is now the converted mana cost of the entire split card when not on the stack, instead of being both the cost of one side and the other side independently.
This only matters with things that let you cast stuff for free that cost X or less, which would previously see a card that cost 2 and 6 and say 'yes that costs 3 or less, you can now cast either side for free', but now it sees the card as being 8.
What block did the removal of mana burn wreck?
They removed it because the rule never actually came up - either you only tapped the lands you needed, or you were winning with your excessive mana.
And no block revolved around the wall rule. Exactly two cards in onslaught could do something with it to make other things not attack, and ONE card in that block is both a wall and has power AND doesn't work the way it used to. And it still has morph so it can still attack anyways. This is not 'revolves around', this is 'minor cute tricks'
Standard has 3 relevant decks, shut your whore mouth
I had a Dragonstorm Player kill himself and his 2hG partner once through mana burn. They had me and my body beat but DSGuy still wanted to unsheath his autism, fucked up along the way and they took fatal damage.
Was the only time in ten years, aside from one or two points of chip damage very rarely.
It did make one or two cards useless that never saw competetive play, but were fun in casual.
Literally why the fuck would anyone play Modern nowadays? It fets as much support and costs about as much as Legacy, might as well play eternal without the breaks pumped and Wizards constantly ""shaping the format""
Mardu Vehicles and Saheeli decks are making up about three quarters of the meta. What is there to talk about?
It sure does. And 80% of them are saheli copy cat decks. Oh and don't forget the Lilliana copy cat sac deck â„¢
What about modern? Also what about pauper?
same reason /k/ talks about old ass guns, its all they can afford. Im not even being a dick about it but $300 for ONE deck every few months is not worth it.
>Cancerous strategies like control
I want to go back to the days when people like you weren't born yet and Magic was at least as much about the spells as it was turning the creatures sideways.
I owned two heart of kirans in the same pack. Should i just make mardu vehicles?
No one talks about Standard because fevered visions is the only fun deck
It's garbage right now, and it's about to get a lot worse. The Gideon format will continue for another rotation.
>Control is kept out
>This is a good thing
What's wrong with people nowadays?
You should set the aside until you're done diddling yourself over it. Would be real shame to stain the cards accidentally, you know...
>ever talk about MTG Standard?
Trolling or stupid? You decide.
All kids want to do these days is windmill slam fatties without having to worry that it'll be countered by the mean old man with the counterspells.
>implying dreadbore is bad
Am I the only one that likes control mirrors?
Grixis control v U/W is goodtimes