What would be the best system for a Campaign in Kono Suba?
Having my PC's bring out dead characters and sending them into a parody universe of their own. I want the stats to be similar to the show.
How does one accomplish this?
What would be the best system for a Campaign in Kono Suba?
Having my PC's bring out dead characters and sending them into a parody universe of their own. I want the stats to be similar to the show.
How does one accomplish this?
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>Having my PC's bring out dead characters and sending them into a parody universe of their own.
KonoSuba x Drifters when?
Any system would do that support the tropes displayed in the show.
Or fluff it user, it'll work out.
Best girl
Someone post the stat "sheets" that actually appear in the show. The script the show uses actually has characters that are the equivalent of Latin letters, so once you know how their alphabet works you can pretty much read what's on their sheets/cards and pick the system that fits best.
Also Megumin is meme girl, Darkness a best and S2E4 was the best episode in the damn show, OP 2 > OP 1 and ED 1 >>>> ED 2.
Fucking fight me.
Calling any of the KonoSubas a best girl is missing the point, because they are supposed to be a dysfunctional mess of a party.
All of them are self-centered, selfish, arrogant and inept.
I mean, sure, you can say that they have redeeming qualities (don't we all, though?) and that Megumin is the best out of the worst (the value of which is questionable), but what's the fucking point?
I would unironically use Mutants and Masterminds.
Probably 2E, since I know that one has a mana mechanic, but 3E works as well.
>but what's the fucking point?
Love, friend. As C.S. Lewis stated in the Problem of Pain, love does not make one blind to the flaws of those we love, instead it further emphasizes them and the question becomes whether or not we can love our beloved in spite of our flaws.
If someone of patrician taste says that Darkness is best girl, it doesn't change that she's a dysfunctional masochist who only has a few shining moments of true chivalry. It means that he loves Darkness enough to tolerate her masochism, or at the very least ignore it (which would only turn her on more).
I mean, the closest KonoSuba has to a best girl is Eris, and she is fucking boring (like she is supposed to be, but that's besides the point).
KonoSuba is basically It's Always Sunny in Philadephia set in a fantasy world - a comedy about terrible people doing terrible things and getting into terrible situations.
Bringing "best girls" and waifuism into the fantasy It's Always Sunny, well...
Well the whole joke basically hinges on them existing in a generic fantasy world, so probably some version of DnD
>Bringing "best girls" and waifuism into the fantasy It's Always Sunny, well...
I can guaran-fucking-tee you that Danny DeVito porn exists.
Which is all fine and dandy, and I won't get mad about it, but I will definitely judge you for it.
Except no, because it's clearly and obviously parodying JRPG tropes.
*won't get mad about you liking it
>Disgrace the god that is Danny
Nice post user, will screencap soon, 10/10
there is a lot of overlap there user
Every week it's a new FIASCO playset
Aside for a different ending table it's the same game.
>I can guaran-fucking-tee you that Danny DeVito porn exists.
Sauce? It's for research purposes.
>I want the stats to be similar to the show.
I feel like this is a mistake, since the show doesn't actually have a system behind it you'd either have to pretty much invent one from scratch or abandon being too close to it.
Like all comedy games, a fast-resolving system would work best. Try modifying and homebrewing something based on Toon RPG, maybe, or Fate.
Yes, Eris is best girl. This is now an Eris thread.
Only if you don't know that Chris is Eris in disguise.
mind blown
> spoiler
I do know, she is still boring as fuck. I guess that's the point, though, because "muh timid and polite girl craving for adventure".
She only seems boring because she's calm and competent in a world of hyperactive nutcases like pic related.
Nutcases are best cases, though.
You can trust Kazuma to be ruthless, cowardly and utterly mercenary, you can trust Aqua to be vain and foolish, you can trust Megumin to be a childish Explosion maniac, you can trust Darkness to be a masochistic overly energetic trainwreck etc.
You can always trust a nutcase to be a nutcase. It's the seemingly sane ones you have to cautious around, 'cause you never know when they might do something... crazy.
>you can trust Megumin to be a childish
But she's ultimately the most calm and levelheaded person in the party.
Just because she doesn't throw a hissy fit like Aqua usually does or gets aroused by abuse like Darkness doesn't mean that Megumi isn't a childish, petty and barely reasonable person that can be easily manipulated and stringed along (like Kazuma praising her to get rid of her when the Darkness episode happens, for example).
My goddess has given me the magic words that will turn heathens such as you away
None of those mean she isn't the most calm and levelheaded person in the party.
Remember, her competition for the title is Darkness, Aqua, and Kazuma. The only one who might even BEGIN to argue it is Kazuma, and he still freaks out or loses it or indulges in something petty and lazy far more than she does.
You want Fiasco, or Chuubos, or some other system that can incentivize PC suffering and misery. The key is to remember that Konosuba is a sort of tragic comedy first, and fantasy adventure series sec-
>I want the stats to be similar to the show.
Oh. Well, if you want to make it hard on yourself, other anons has the right idea with GURPS or Mutants and Masterminds, or one of the ANIMAs. Maybe BESM if you want to emulate the crazy power levels of the characters, don't want to do too much work and don't give a hot fuck about balance.
I think a heavy reskinning of Paranoia could work well. Swap out the relevant skills, change the mutations and secret allegiances to ambitions or neurosis or some other terrible character flaw. Paranoia has a lot of ways to encourage PCs to mess with each other's plans.
There might also be a translation of a jap TTRPG out there somewhere that might fit the bill. I'm struggling to think of one, though.
Maid, it was practically built for the madness in that setting.
> You can always trust a nutcase to be a nutcase. It's the seemingly sane ones you have to cautious around, 'cause you never know when they might do something... crazy.
Like Yun Yun and Wiz.
Her excuse is that she's a 14 year old girl and helping some living skellington neet (does he still have the lowest HP of the party?), a retarded goddess and a noble try and find themselves. Everyone else in her party is some form or another of reject who failed their roles in society when it came time for them to perform said roles, while Megumin is still a kid learning responsibility. Actual child versus manchildren, and I say this as someone that finds Megumin annoying.
Wiz fails at life so hard that she became undead, but other than that she's only mildly dangerous to anyone not mashing her triggers.
Eris pads her chest!
I'd say Darkness is a decent competitor in terms of being a decent person. Just because she is a twisted masochist junkie doesn't mean she is incapable of wise decisions.
Consider the following: while Darkness has almost complete disregard for danger and often fucks herself over short-term-wise, Megumi keeps putting her skill points into Explosion and Explosion-related things, fucking herself over long-term-wise until she becomes nothing but a glorified atom bomb. Darkness is also a really decent person towards others where masochism isn't concerned, whereas Megumi usually behaves like a petty kid, as indicated by her relationship with Yunyun and Kazuma.
And I'm saying all this even though I don't particularly like Darkness or Megumin. That said, Kazuma and Aqua are definitely instantly out of the race for being decent people.
>Teenagers From Outer Space
Can't say the stats are similar, but you can get away with lots of crazy shenanigans and there's even a secret number that changes from session to session and you inflict weird consequences on PCs for succeeding on rolls by more than this number. Failed at fishing you catch nothing. Too good at fishing? You just hooked Jormungandr, good luck with that fight!
>Totally Spies RPG
Actually works because the PCs need to work up some tokens by having bad things happen to them and later they can spend those tokens to do stuff. The difference is KonoSuba seems to be able to hang onto tokens from one episode to the next and then dump them all into beating super boss Generals.
Megumin's 14 and a native to a world that supports the Chuunibyous like Washington supports the Military-Industrial complex. People generally only start growing up around 16, so she still got a couple of years to become somebody less maladapted..
Doesn't Megumin try to let Kazuma reset her skill point allotment to be more useful? He obviously enables her and puts them all back in Explosion, but it was still a pretty self-aware gesture on her part.
She does, though she was pretty freaked out by it all. Like a hoarder that agrees to get rid of some stuff and stands there sobbing as you remove a single item from their pile of junk.
Of course, it helps that as terrible as the party is they're actually pretty good against singular "boss" style enemies like the Generals. Terrible at everything else of course, but when you run into stuff like Dullahan and Death Slime, you may as well keep that one big blaster power around.
It is funny that they're all shit, but somehow accidentally min-maxed into Boss killing builds.
I will always relate Konosuba toward a D&D group.
>Megumin saw the biggest most damage dealing spell on the list and wanted that and only that.
>Darkness stacked all her shit into Str, Con and AC, but has shit accuracy.
>Aqua is too fucking dedicated toward roleplaying a min-maxed cleric that has below human average intellect.
>Kazuma uses his knowledge of the system to enable the rest of the group.
>The DM is just farming the group for Veeky Forums storytimes now because it's too damn hilarious.
Related to OP's question (not me).
What if I wanted to make characters that aren't a cleric, paladin, or wizard? Kazuma is technically a rogue, but he's not overspecialized.
An overspecialized rogue would be kinda like the following:
>maxed out in stealth, acrobatics, and escape
>can't do any damage except through sneak attacks, and even then it barely hurts
>outstanding stealth is partially thanks to her poor presence and weak sneak attacks
>no only can she escape from sticky situations, but also responsibility
>is a lazy coward who is "never good enough"
>Bonus: if doing major character development, they gain more confidence and can do more than scout and steal unattended objects, such as do significant sneak attack damage and pickpocket; also learns to own up to not following through with things
And there's not just bards, sorcerers, warlocks, alchemists, artificers, barbarians, fighters, assassins, swashbucklers, rangers, knights, etc., but also alternative ways to overspecialize wizards, clerics, and paladins.
user, somebody who can move completely undetected can offensively mine the fuck outta any place and set up ambushes for her friends anytime.
Even if she herself can't do any damage, the other side will plain die before they even had the chance to react to the party's fighter cutting them up while they're trying to get out of the thief's mine field.
>TFW you enter the DM's Magical Realm, and it's Danny Devito.
M&M, ran as fantasy.
You want to flexible create your own powers with the possibility for connected drawbacks.
For instance, Giant explosion but str drops to 0 afterwards.
Especially if these dead characters come from a variety of systems.
The only other thing you're gonna get that universal and modular is gurps and boy is it a pain to learn from scratch everything you'd need to run that.
Sounds like MC of Assassination Classroom
So what's the solution then? Make it so that her stealth is only effective when not interacting? Clumsy with items? Crippling pessimism and cowardice preventing her from following through with commands?
So I thought of an alternate magic-user:
>only knows how to counter and dispel magic
>huge superiority complex that is rooted in her envy for more talented mages
>clumsy and can unintentionally dispel magic just by touching the source long enough
>likes to "accidentally" disenchant things belonging to people she doesn't like
>even though she excels at gimping mages and killing pure-magic beings, she will lose in any fight against anyone, even a low-CON low-STR wizard, that isn't super sickly
>exploits her ability to remove curses from items to both increase value of loot and for de-cursing service
Of course, this depends on the setting and how easy counter-magic is. She might need to be a sorcerer "blessed" with anti-magic instead of a wizard.
I'll be honest, I've never seen that anime, and I rarely watch anime. I only got into Konosuba because Veeky Forums talked me into it, my disdain for the idea that some Average or Below-Average Joe can get a group of ladies interested in him, and because I am more comfortable with anime that either gets universal praise or is parody material. I think the most likely reason of all is that I am not comfortable watching most anime for some reason. Maybe because I've been indoctrinated by Gun-jerking Puritan Amerifats.
Isn't that just Skeeve from the MYTH series?
Minus the clumsy bits... Replace that with "drunk"
Also "he".
And "Surrounded by people far more competent than he is but they all like and respect him because of how flipping good he is at organizing and problem solving"?
Oh yes, and "not your Mary Sue".
Is it good?
> That said, Kazuma and Aqua are definitely instantly out of the race for being decent people.
To be honest, I relate a lot to Kazuma. The only real difference is that I at least try to appear a decent person, even if I'm really not, and don't let my innate laziness overtake my life entirely.
Speaking of FIASCO, are there any playsets that would fit a Borderlands game?
the meme playset would do really well
Fuck me they nailed Gearbox writing.
Personally I just love the worlds relaxed view on murder and their bizarre super corporations. I feel like the combination of dick headed characters looking to make it big as well as Pandora's tendency to make the lives of anyone who steps foot on it turn to shit would be fitting for a Fiasco game.
"Tales from Borderlands" Telltale game is basically one giant Fiasco campaign, really.
It was the real inspiration for me wanting to run the game, rather than the shooters honestly
FATE. It's rules-light and it's very easy for the PCs to succeed at everything that matters (due to being kind of OP) while still creating more trouble for themselves and fucking things up on account of being flawed people. It doesn't really support specialisation, but someone's got to have figured out a solution to that by now.
So do you represent a player having an orgasm after casting explosion or not?
What do you think?
>a player
Are we talking remote controlled bullet vibe or what?
Which were born from D&D.
I'd run a KonoSuba game in whichever rules light meme game you like, with my personal favorite being Fate Accelerated. The tone can be done pretty much anywhere that supports the fantasy heartbreaker style of play.
Kazuma is literally an arcane trickster
>a one joke character
>best girl
You only like her because she would love to be with you
I too am not a weeb. But I have two weeb roommates who often watch things on our shared TV. So I will tell you of what I have experienced.
Fullmetal Alchemist was a good watch, and doesn't hit any of your trigger points.
I've been enjoying Log Horizon thus far. Probably fine for you. Same for Hero Academy and One Punch Man.
DragonBall Z has an excellent abridged series that's honestly a better experience than the original.
Cowboy Bebop is a classic space noir.
Slightly more zany but still less than Konosuba are Overlord, Dangan Ronpa, and Handa-kun.
Gundam is okay if you like international politics, but it bores me to tears. There's a certain breed of fa/tg/uy that would love it though, don't know if you're the type. If you liked history the way public school taught it, you're probably a match.
Which Gundam did you watch?
Seen FMA. Is gud.
I do watch OPM.
Seen nothing else, but considering Cowboy Bebop when I feel like starting it.
Fullmetal Alchemist has 2 series, both with a movie each. First run went anime-original since the manga wasn't finished. Brotherhood follows the manga but skips a good chunk of the start since first series covered it already
The secret to KonoSuba is that all the girls are worst girl, which also means that all the girls are best girl.
It's fucking brilliant.
There is fucking Danny Devito x Midna porn.
We tried several because one is a huge fan. He figured at least G would be good, but naw. SD was the only one I found even mildly entertaining.
Yeah. Watch up until Mustang crying in original then watch brotherhood for the rest. Brotherhood has Manga plot, but fast forwards through everything up to the split, ending up in some weird pacing.
You're a brave man user.
Dungeon Crawl Classics
You should stop. Its too long for normies to get into.
Try recommending Bebop or TTGL. Both solid entry level series.
So 5 seasons worth of Sherlock/Game of Thrones/whatever other series is okay, while LoGH is not?
How on earth can you be bored watching G Gundam?
Despite being around the same total length of about 10 hours, people will think of that a 2 cour anime of 25 minute episodes as being more content then 10 episodes of GoT.
Maybe he was actually watching SEEDestiny?
Aqua is best girl.
It is possible he lacks a soul.
Shit taste in goddesses I see.
Aqua stop posting.
Any of the other girls done more to benefit Konosuba?
Why do you always accuse me of being the beautiful goddess Aqua? Among other things I'd never be on an Otaku website with all you NEET losers who probably worship Eris-Chan's flat chest.
I'm not sure if I can stomach anymore of her shit. I deal with enough shitty people outside of anime, and I don't need that full of them either.
Eris's flat chest is a miracle of the universes!
Gotta be that
Who fucking cares about a goddess's breasts? I'm sure they're appreciated, but they usually don't make or break one's worthiness of worship. At least the Eris Cult worship a deity that isn't a dumb, witless jerk.
OOC note here: nice trips
>At least the Eris Cult worship a deity that isn't a dumb, witless jerk.
WHAT! After all the things I try to do for my faithful the worst thing you can do is call me a jerk, through all the horrible things I've been put through just because some NEET couldn't pick a mundane super powered item, and I still do not receive any appreciation for it! I've killed more of the Devil King's Lieutenants than anyone else and do I receive any thanks?
Aqua has an ass worth worshiping.
megumeme produced more porn