Mortars on 1w models, edition
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Mortars on 1w models, edition
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First for Fyreslayers! Bring on the Ur-Gold!
First for fimir!
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>I already won all my games against Overlords edition
Realm of Fire is the best Mortal Realm. Our rivers of corpses are cooler than Death's. And also corpse-free.
>Fantasy Vortigaunts
I'm warily interested. Is there any interesting fluff on these dudes?
Just saying, when you have 30 inch range, and your enemies (significantly more devastating) shooting isn't that long..why are you teleporting just over 7 inches away from the enemy?
>dat statline
also, what exactly WERE firmir? I started WHFB when it was in the middle of 6e, and I haven't read any of the previous rulebooks or fluffbooks from before that era.
Who said I was teleporting 7" away?
Im teleporting to any table edge that gives me line of sight of your giant piece of shit blimp
also if you think youre safe staying near scenery then you better hope this motherfucker doesnt find you
Rapey. They were very rapey cyclop lizard-trolls.
Also pre-AoS they worked for chaos but I guess after the world... exploded they started worshipping gork and mork for some reason.
I honestly had no idea they were that dangerous lol but were they around during the time of ending? I don't remember seeing them anywhere except for models on FW
Oops, the gridlines were screwed up. They're fixed now.
I have no idea what Vortigaunts are, but yes. Not sure 100% how much of this is canon and how much I've absorbed from reading a LOT of fan supplements, so take with grain of salt. They were basically mist/marsh monsters from Albion in the Old World. Used to be favoured servants of Chaos, then Chaos Gods for some reason abandoned them. They hate the sun and summon mists to follow them when their armies march to hide them, and to fuck up other people's shooting since fimir can't really do range with one eye and shit depth perception. Go around kidnapping other races and raping them to make more fimir because apparently they can't reproduce like normal fucks. (In my own version I changed it to they use magic to transform/mutate captives into new fimir). Females are super rare, like 1 in every 100 years or something like that, and they lead the clans.
There are FW models and warscroll for the warriors (statwise seem more like the elite of fimir society than the basic warriors, but w/e), but no full army. I've been making custom warscrolls so they can have a proper army for a friend and I to try out.
Painted my nurgle chaos warriors. These were made from starter set blood warriors and spare blightking bits.
More fimir ARE coming down the line. Either them or Chorfs will be the first FW battletome. More likely them since it seems that not even FW cares about chorfs now
That's scary. What was the last big edition of WHFB they left before moving to FW only?
I THINK I saw this on the FB fanpage but not sure. It's awesome.
...That's because they're Forgeworld models. Are you retarded?
I dunno, I could see their Special Snowflake Nurgle army getting one instead of Fimir. Especially if AoS Nurgle isn't getting a Khorne or Tzeentch style update soon.
You did. I post them in both places.
I know the Dirach (wizard hero) had points in the FW point costs, and was on display somewhere along with mayyybe a Meargh (female leader) and looked like some fimir with a bag. But no idea when those are coming/what their scrolls'll be like.
Timurkhan's horde? I doubt it. They have even less pull than Chorfs amongst the fanbase. To the point where I literally forgot they existed.
Shit, I hadn't seen that one. That actually makes three new models shown since there was a big one covered in rags, a smaller one with a staff, and now that one. And hopefully FUCKING BANNER HOLDERS AND HORNBLOWERS FUCK
>a Meargh (female leader)
Pic related of the maybe-Meargh
And the dirach
That one looks the closest to done. I guess they've decided to take a few months to decide how the hand looks cause god damn we've had the points for that thing for a while now
How are they, by the way? Some of the models look really, really fucking great. That one cavalry fucker, in particular.
>skeletor Myaah!
can not unhear
I had no idea asshole. I knew that. I meant before they arrived on Forge World. Like back when they were normal citadel models. Fucking lord.
As for time of ending I meant more for the fluff. Like what were they doing during that time but I got my answer
If I had to guess, smack dab in the middle. Nothing particularly good (Else they'd be cheese and people'd complain about them) or terrible (Also complaining, but for other reasons)
I'm not actually gonna check though, I'm mostly just guessing off the fact that I think this is the literal first time in a year anyone's mentioned them in these threads
That's the one that they had revealed in August of last year.
Hey /AoS/ general, Frostslayer guy here again.
Just finished my first batch of Vulkite Berzerkers. I still need to do some detail work on them but I like how they turned out in general.
Once again, any C+C is appreciated as I'm still pretty new at painting in general.
If the guy who suggested red eyes for the faces is here I wanna thank you, I think that was something which really improved the face.
Anyone got a bunch of AoS maps?
They kinda disappeared from the fluff for a while cause of the whole "Rape monster thing" Beastmen also did that but they also had (a little) other stuff going on for them, whereas the whole rape thing was more or less all they had on fimir.
Probably not much considering I don't think they've been models since...2e I think? Idk it was pretty far back. There was some miscommunication about stats and base sizes so you ended up with like, ogre-sized and priced (IRL $$$) minis with like, infantry stats, they didn't sell well, and GW decided the rape-lore was too much grimdark and promptly shuffled them into the background to never be spoken of again.
I liked them from HeroQuest back in the day cause I thought they looked cool, and then as an adult I like the mist-raiding-ambush-boogeyman aspects.
>frost themed fyreslayers
>my dwarfs are snow covered bases
>would play on a snow themed terrain with/10
True, but... Look at that bastard.
Just make up random shit on Inkarnate. It'll be about the same equality.
>when the bad guys kidnap smurfette
Since we were all talking about fimir anyway, any feedback on this warscroll? Obviously point costs can go whatever way to make more balanced, but how does the idea itself seem?
Shearls are basically the weakest, most cowardly, working/slave caste of fimir. Think slightly better Ungors. Figured they can fill the role of cheap harassers/the only ranged unit in the army.
David is that you?
Good concept but either the picture or really shitty or it looks like you only applied the base coat. Use some washes, drybrushing and highlighting to bring out the details.
Dirach balefiend W H E N? ? ?
Holy shit that's either an awful paintjob or model.
A bit of both, as with the best of Papa Nurgle's vomit.
I think it's a little bit of each DESU.
I'm still fairly new to painting so I don't know much about highlighting or drybrushing.
I am using a shitty camera phone to take pictures so they lack detail.
And thanks for reminding me because I totally forgot to do any washes on them.
No sorry.
I would totally do this
I like nurgle but I'm out off by the whole fat, diseased guy thing. Love the Harbinger tho
So with the new proliferation of range that's coming out with the Khardron Overlords, You guys think it'd be a good idea to run more ranged with my Chaos list?
20 mounted marauders with javelins and shields
2 skull canons
And probably might start running a cockatrice or WarpFlame Dragon
Who knows tho
>I like nurgle but I'm out off by the whole fat, diseased guy thing. Love the Harbinger tho
You can totally do nurgle without going fatso. You can avoid the bloated parts of conversions I did and still use the blood warriors for nurgle, or even regular chaos warriors. Right now I'm painting nurgle marauders made from bloodreavers and they are all pretty swole. I'm selling the nurgle look with the rusting of the armor and weapons and tinting their skin with a bit of jaundice.
Yeah I'm looking forward to painting the harbinger. I'm saving that for last, though, so it's going to be a while.
Well that looks like the Noble's tail next to him and that's been out for a bit, hasn't it?
I'm hoping sometime this year. For now I just make up rules and check with my opponents beforehand.
Two skull cannons are always great but kharadrons look like they're the weakest melee army in the game by far, just focus on getting there before you're all dead
You know on occasion we get that fag coming in here asking what is the closest AoS equivalent to the Tau?
We now have an answer for him.
I worry that with embark rules for Kharadron that all the other armies will get embark transports and it'll be 40k but fantasy
Yeah but unlike tau there is no riptide equivalent, ironclads aren't nearly that OP
I wouldn't imagine you'll see it a lot, it's their defining feature to have boats
Eh, more likely it's just GeeDubs testing the water for the eventual Vehicle rules for Age of the Emperor.
It took my brain like a solid minute of contemplating that image to stop seeing the molten rock as black corpses that had burned and melted together as they were dragged into that hellpit.
Oh God, you too?
Basically rapemonsters from Celtic myth, and were supposed to be Games Workshop mascots.
Now that death updates are confirmed what hopes and dreams do we have for the upcoming deathrattle stuff and maybe other death subfactions? I'd like to see:
>new skeleton archers
>skeleton wizards/liches with a new spell lore
>more options for wight kings
>different kinds of vampires for soulblight, maybe based on the 3 mortarchs
>magic lore of the vampires
>vampire thralls as rank and file soldiers
>Now that death updates are confirmed
Nothing's been confirmed, Death is just getting a team for Shadespire.
That said, I'd like to see everything on your list.
They badly, BADLY, need a wash step, drybrushing, and eyes.
Never forget the eyes. This isn't 40k.
Sort of the point of sharing it, actually.
>Now that death updates are confirmed
The only thing confirmed is death models for a competitive boardgame that is not AoS. Sorry. Death is technically getting nothing.
Haha, oh man. It's funny to see you scamper about so gleeful, unaware that the only update you are getting is for Age of Sigmar's version of X-Wing. Hush, bone-rattler. Go back to your crypt. You aren't needed yet. Maybe in a few years?
They were the forsaken of Chaos, they were the previous species that the Chaos Gods took as their chosen before the ascension of Humans.
Now they're largely disgraced and just wallow in their swamps.
Yeah the old story goes that they made the models in isolation from the stats, so they ended up with an Ogre sized model that had Orc-like stats... so obviously they were a very expensive army to field and they fell off. I think there's more to it than that though.
They had stats for small models, price for large models. That was the problem.
They might have resurrected them sooner if the mess with them finding out they didn't own things they hired part-timers for hadn't happened.
That's pretty much what I said? The models were big and the stats were shit (comparative to their size).
But I think it was also a combination that people preferred the trope races.
The models were too big, but statted like smaller dudes.
What was there problem again user?
A problem, user? What was it?
Why did Fimir not sell very well?
Can somebody explain to me?
user? A what problem it was?
Hey user, was there a problem?
You see, they had rules for big dudes but were priced as little dudes but the models were small dudes but the prices were big amounts of dollars but the community was little but the players were all big dudes.
Make sense?
They were big guys but had the stats of little ones?
Yes, they had little model stats but big models.
>implying we get soulblight shit
Nah, just skeletons and Tomb Kings stuff repackaged.
I want more factions to come out. I dont like any of the current ones enough to drop dosh on them
So they had the body of Bane but the stats of CIA?
You knew it would come to this
Did it hurt when it came to this?
I'm hoping summoning rules get changed up in ghb2. Death was doing well until the GHB dropped.
Found you, Jared. Looks nice though, I love seeing those Blood Warriors getting converted.
summoning's fine as is, it's just that death's ONLY real gimmick was using that. If they get new shit that's less dependant on summoning ( or shit like "Summoning X unit costs Y points less if you have it's faction") then it'll be fine. They kinda tried to do that with FEC
Oh fuck yourself. Summoning is the gimmick that everyone gets to have fun with outside of Destruction. Order have summoning and their special Deep Strike, Death has summoning for their Deep Strike, Chaos has summoning for their Deep Strike, and Destruction has a bunch of greenskinz rushing you down.
How to fix Death:
Instead of limited to undead and necromancy shit, add gothic horror monsters as armies
>Crow people
I vote yes, but I think we're out of luck due to the skinwolves being Chaos.
>Still no 1d4chan page for Blades of Khorne.
Come on guys, I enjoy reading these.
They should fuck off from Chaos then
Making all the summon X death unit spells alternatively let you resurrect models in an existing squad at the same values as their standard bearer abilities would be a handy benefit. Shouldn't be too hard to balance either cuz of the rule of one.
More to come for my nurgle force.
Oh snap they know my identity! Better become a shitposter!
Agreed. You can't take marks on them as well. Honestly they should just become Death and the basis for a new faction Lycanthropes.
Sounds gay as shit.
Except there's nothing about them that's Death-y at all, and everything about them screams Chaos. I'd say kys, but you're already dead.
your opinion is shit my man
>become Death and the basis for a new faction Lycanthropes
But user, you just described something that'd be better suited for the Realm of Beasts. Which would probably end up Destruction or Order due to such.
But Destruction is for WE WUZ oonga boonga stereotypes.
I've always thought that a beastmasters type faction would be a better fit for Destruction. I imagine a very feral faction of humans with dire and were animals.
Look at Beastclaw Raiders. Now tell me there's not room for a faction of feral beastmasters and druids that are a 50/50 mix of the old Beastmaster TV show and Rexxar, supported by massive carnivores and lycanthropes. Maybe even maybe them Neanderthals for funsies.
I'm cleaning up the shitfest we call AOS article. I'd gladly take any help from you guys.
Agreed. And they worship gorkamorka since he's kinda the king of beasts and such
Werewolves should still belong to Death
Dracula, Werewolf and Frankenstein Monster belong together.