Can you imagine the Tau's first time seeing a Land Raider that then disgorges terminators into hand to hand combat with the Tau fire warriors.
Damacles Crusade
No, but I can imagine them investigating a perforated wreckage of one with perforated bodies in terminator armour inside.
Hot damn that beakie looks radical as fuck
>he actually brough a land raider full of terminators list
As in you can't speak English!
What's the problem?
>"Send in the auxiliaries."
I honestly just want to read about an encounter where the Tau get shat on by the highest tier of Imperial forces. I don't even mean this in a "Humanity is so much better as a species" kind of way, I just like the thought of baseline Tau reacting to the most bullshit abominations that humans pump out, like the Custodes or Assassins. Shit like that one time they fought a Eversor.
>017 M3
>being a xeno cuck
>acknowledging reality = being a xeno cuck
Have faith, Word Bearer.
Something like thallax would surely disturb them.
Or even more obscure, officio sabatorum operative.
>Good guys.
>post image that shits on Chaos
>''Word Bearer''
No, user. You are not a space marine or a WWII general in the future.
>not being greenskin master race
>amazing codex and the most comfortable army to play with.
>can choose between lots of choppy or shooty units
>the most convertible models in the game, amazing looted tonka trucks and Mr potato head walkers.
>also fun to play against, other players love you because your the punching bag
>deep, simple lore and massive OC storyboard to play with to make "your guys"
Although, why does no-one use the squigalith anymore?
>Lumping all 40K factions into just 3 groups
Holy shit so hard.
*laughs in space egyptian*
>Shit like that one time they fought a Eversor.
Holy fuck can someone post that?
Well you are a writing with a writing with grammar in the grammar order in words on grammar with words
Should be
I'll give you a simple run down, Eversor appeared in a command bunker, butchered ALL of the tau inside leaving the ethereal to last
There was apparently a squad of Catachans who for like a year kept shitting on the Tau in a jungle
AV 14, you say?
Solution coming up right away!
No punctuation... among other issues. If the Tau wishes to spread propaganda they could at least attempt low gothic.
That was a culexus, user was talking about this.
>A Land Raider charges into the defence line of fire warriors.
>It's front rampart drops crushing the spineless xeno unlucky to be caught so close.
>From within a combination of storm bolter and holy promethium burst from the maw of the intimidating tank.
>With a slow murderous purpose, the Imperium's Terminators housing the elite holy sons of the Emperor of Man.
>Marching fourth leaving eviscerated twisted bodies of the foul xeno bodies along with heretical Tau weapons, all blown or torn apart in a mix of power fist, holy bolter, and promethium.
Not catachans, but still bad ass. From the book Fire Castle
>As Farsight's plasma rifle struck the Eversor, slowing him so that the remaining eight were able to blast ragged holes in the drug fuelled body.
How would the Damocles crusade have during the Great Crusade?
I honestly want to see the Tau react to the Emperor.
Kek, big 'E' would just blow their soulless minds.
Ok, how would you change the sentence then?
>Be me, Tau
>Gaurding the diplomatic envoy to the so-called "God Emperor" of Man
>Yeah right, fucking retard Gue' Vesa
>See the Emperor's dropship
>At least, I think it is, the light reflecting off of the gold shorted out the optics in my helmet
>Fucking Gue' Vesa
>Take it off in order to do my job just in time to see like two dozen three meter tall gold statues wielding fucking gold chainspears with fucking gold bolters mounted on the end
>What the fuck is it with all the gold
>Then, I see him
>Mother Fucker is 4 meters tall
>He's wearing more gold than is in all the banks of the Krews
>He's wielding a sword the size of a fucking XV-8
>And it's on fucking fire
>He looks at the Etheral and says in a voice the vibrates the very earth
>"So I heard you Xenos don't fucking like melee"
Your so-called emperor's a rotting skeleton sitting on his golden toilet, surrounded by corrupt pedophiles force feeding him souls to drag out his tormented comatose suffering.
Nurgle is a semi-literal piece of shit, Tzeench has ADD, Slaanesh has ADHD, and Khorne is anemic.
That pic looks about right.
If the emperor was really dead why would so many chaos space marines, one who fought in the great crusade no less, always shout on and on about "Death to the false emperor!"? If he was really dead they wouldn't say that at all, they'd just scream death to the false imperium or some other shit.
The Tau were already well familiar with the Orks before encountering the Imperium
So wouldn't be too different from a battlewagon carrying mega-armoured nobs
>I honestly just want to read about an encounter where the Tau get shat on by the highest tier of Imperial forces
But if the Tau got shat on anywhere, they'd lose. They're so small that they can't afford to get shat on anywhere, thus the immensity of their plot armor.
Farsight did literally nothing wrong.
Hes the best Tau ill say that
Damn, I remember the meta then.
Yeah, it would be popped in the first round. Then there'd be an awkward silence. Then the other player would ask why you spent so many points on a land raider if you don't hate yourself.
>moves as fast as sensors pick it up
>DBZ dodges missiles and plasma
>gun suit manages to move fast enough to cut it in half
Being a giant, comparatively slow target when there's Broadsides on the field is a bad idea.
It was a regiment and they were all killed by the Kroot in the end.
The Tau weren't impressed with Titans in the Damocles Crusade. What makes you think they would be impressed with a land rider?
Also terminators are food for the sniper drones.
I think you mean Farsight did literally nothing.
The Tau are somewhat impressed with Imperial war machines from a technical standpoint but see them as, doctrinally and logistically, huge fucking wastes of time. Mind you this is mostly because the old ancient imperial stuff was designed for war on a scale completely alien (heh) to Tau minds, and we're meant to be deployed as part of large formations. They really don't "work" these days, especially not in the kind of wars the Imperium is fighting.
Which makes the taus increasing reliance on heavier and heavier battle suits incredibly ironic as they're forced to wage war in a completely new foreign way to hold what little territory theyve taken
>already riddled with plasma blasts
>just got gruesomely electrocuted
>farsights sensors anticipated where he would be when he jumped back, still slower from all the damage
Not that impressive on farsights end
He lived, that's impressive enough
they're trying to kill Horus who's rotting corpse is being used as a battery for the Golden Throne.
>multiple retaliation cadres against a single target
Yet the Tau were nearly exterminated by the Imperium and they were left alive coz reasons.
Imagine what Fires of Cyraxus will be like. Tau meet the Castellax, Thanatar and Vulturax for the first time.
Minor nitpick, but the Tau name for humans is Gue'la. Gue'vesa is the word for humans who live under/fight for the Tau. 40/40 keks otherwise.
I'm just hoping the fluff isn't something like "And then the Tau effortlessly breezed through the defenses of a Forge World ready for war, massacred the techpriests until the last three released the boops, at which point the greyskins hacked the outdated AI and forced them to selfdestruct" or some bullshit.
Damn near every Magos has some mental war machine or weapon he's designed, a Synod ready for battle would look a lot like those Hero/Villain musters from Worm where all the random superpowered dudes gather to fight the Endbringers. Just a massive, varied and almost perfectly coordinated (because neural link, since one Archmagos is enough to run a war, a few hundred would be stupidly overkill.) pile of deadly bullshit. Not to mention even the non-combat Magi are augmented to the point they can take plasma shots to the face fairly easily, judging by their 30k stats.
Was just thinking that the Vulturax would be a lot better in 40k, where it has targets that it can feasibly point those Havoc Launchers at and manage to do reasonable damage.
This is FW. I expect that the old 30k Cybernetica will bumrush the Tau, who will be surprised and suffer casualties but then rally and destroy them all, because status quo is king.
That's a culexus you retard.
Cybernetica don't bumrush anything. They plod forward and annihilate anything that comes within weapons range, and can repair themselves with a Magos around.
The Tau can afford to lose this one, though, since it's just an assault force, they're not going to lose the entirety of their pitiful and insignificant empire. I think they're probably going to win round 1, then get totally destroyed when the Cybernetica and Reductor get their groove on. Even their newer suits aren't exactly designed to take Ordinatus blasts, and they've got a good few of those. Also Triaros, which are just rolling fortresses of Fuck You Hammerhead, I have a force-field.
Would be nice just to see them unequivocally LOSE something, even if they did a chunk of damage. The Mech were designed for the Great Crusade, they're easily capable of taking on Crisis Suits.
>Would be nice to see Tau in something not written by a basement dwelling weaboo shitbag so that the Imperium doesn't completely underperform on every possible level while the blue faggots just keep getting reinforcements and pulling victories out of their ass
Have the Tau even attempted to GREATER GOOD a forge world or AdMech territory?
They did in one bit of fluff. The Admech threw a Titan battlegroup, a Knight Household and a fuck ton more and drove them out. The Diorama at Warhammer World is based on that battle.
Not gonna lie, it's what I struggle with most as Tau
Perhaps I just need to get good tho
Death Guard previews this week or next?
That entire bit of lore is absolute gold, holy fuck.
Imagine the Officio sent a hundred Eversor's.
>The Tau weren't impressed with Titans in the Damocles Crusade.
They were actually, they had to develop specific counter to counter them and they influenced them to make their own Titan equivalent.
imagine being the space marines that had to kill the Master of Assassins at the Eversor Temple...
I love how the one to finally get to that Lord of Terra was a Salamander. They don't mention how awesome that battle would be.
>Punches through Crisis and strangles the pilot inside
>Kills half a dozen Crisis alone
Oh come on, this is a shitty fanfic, they're cheaper and take less to train than Marines lorewise, why don't they make more Eversor instead of Marines then?
>they're cheaper and take less to train than Marines lorewise
They are not.
>When a fucking cheater with a full auto RPG invades your motherbase and kills your full A+ crew.
This was after or before sending the Deathwatch kill team?
This, an Eversor is a weapon, it can't reason, it can't hold points, it can't protect people, is just a missile, chose the location and press fire, then location gets vaporized.
I still don't know why they don't send them in pods at large scale assaults before sending Marines or IG though
Going to kidnap this for a second
Do marines have improved vision? if so why do they need scopes in their weapons?
Do marine's helmets have optics? if so why do they need scopes in their weapons?
Two first founding chapters that should have been made to counter the Tau got their asses kicked and had to exterminatus to save face.
Every battle with a half decent Tau general usually ends with heavy losses for marines that should take a hundred years to refill.
I dont even like the Tau but Space Marines trade poorly.
Do near-sighted people wear glasses? If so why do they need [optical instrument] to look at [object].
There are limitations on what an eyeball, scope and helmet optic can show or do no matter how good.
multiple sources of data are better than singular ones, especially when you've got a brain capable of dealing with that much information at once
what has that anything to do with what Im asking?
An Eversor did assassinate the planet's only Ethereal during the Taros Campaign, but beelined straight for the Ethereal after killing the guards in its way and didn't even bother to kill his target, he just sat on him until the Honor Guard shot him to death, which cause the Eversor to detonate and kill his target.
That's the only time I recall the Tau meeting an Eversor.
Because each assassin represent an investment equal to something like founding a new marine chapter, on top of the requirements being far stricter for induction.
Because a purpose made scope for long range shooting, that is coincidentally also smart-linked INTO your optics, is better than relying on multi-purpose optics alone.
I see your salt.
Back when Eversor was rly good he could alone kill 10man marine squad, and yes he was cheper in points.
Eversors don't fucking play.
No, they weren't. Period. They just needed to diversify their anti-titan arsenal to free up the mantas so they would focus on their real roles.
Read Blades of Damocles by Phil Kelly.
I love Assassin lore in general. Like that bit from the 3e(?) book where a Callidus literally swallows a noble whole and carries him around in her gutwomb for a few months to disappear him.
I like how most view humans, in every setting honestly, as these boring baseline standard troops, but then the 40k humans pump out absolutely horrific crimes against nature like God-like psychic gestalts given flesh, horrific shapeshifting murder-morphs, and soulless mind destroying abominations that are literally black holes in hell.
Because the high Lords are assholes and that many assassins would tip the power balance towards the officio assessinarium
Depends on the temple. Eversors are usually suicide missions, so stability, sustainability, and being able to retrieve them is very low on the priority list. Vindicare would he the next step up, marksman who learn the ins and outs of infiltration behind enemy lines and how to stay hidden. These are the ones that tue imperiom begins to want to recover. They would have training also to resist interrogation. Next up is Callidus and this is where it starts getting expensive, these arguably have the most extensive training and some of the most expensive gear, being able to change their form and even fool psykers into thinking they are their life long friend, said friend actually is dead and in tue dumpster, bit the dirty wych is none the wiser.
Finally Culexus, who are worth their weight in gold without trading, being pariahs. They are then trained, augmented, and sent after high level rogue psykers and sorcerers of the foul arts of the warp. Training and augmenting one of these, might, set the imperium back the same amount of money as founding a chapter of astarties. Bit thats thanks to the high rate of mortality on training a member of the assassinatorium.
KX139 anyone?
>A single Eversor
>equivalent to an entire space marine chapter
Nigger are you high? If that's in any way true, that bit of lore they posted above where one gets blown the fuck up would be a monumental loss for the Imperium, not any sort of victory.
When a Chapter falls completely, that's a big goddamned deal. Bell of Lost Souls and all that shit, Emps cries a single corpse-tear, etc.
Losing an entire Chapter for just blowing up a Tau base and *not even actually killing Farsight* would get that hypothetical Chapter stricken from Imperial records for being wildly incompetent and wasteful, even by Imperial standards.