Pathfinder General /pfg/
Fresh Summons Edition
What's your favorite outsider to bind to your will?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Fresh Summons Edition
What's your favorite outsider to bind to your will?
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Asking again. So guys, tell me how stupid this is for world building:
>continent millennia ago began to selectively breed a certain variety of relatively intelligent constrictor snake
>did this in a similar manner to early man did wolves to dogs
>now they do it exactly like dogs
>dozens upon dozens of Var breeds exist, everything from large hunting var, to self defense, to neck var (you wear them around your neck as a fashion statement)
>most the area this was done in was in the massive southern part of the continent that is fucking garbage swamp, rainforest, marsh, and wetland so the snakes do better than a dog would
For this I homebrewed multiple breeds of them for both familiar and animal companions.
Sounds cute
You'd have to substantially change how intelligent snakes are, I mean they'd have to basically behave like dogs.
/pfg/ noob here, at level 7 in my first campaign.
Has anyone here gone off-world in their campaign, whether it be extraplanar or to other planets. If so, where and how was it?
I did make them a great deal more intelligent, because as is snakes aren't smart enough to train or be funneled into selective breeding like this.
My character hit lvl 15
It has been like 6 years since last time I played this high level character
And I have no idea what to do with the build at this point
Why do you do this?
Why do you reply to it? Just ignore it.
He's probably the same faggot that's been witch hunting RoryAnon for a while now. I wish he'd just give it a goddamn rest.
Just want to help out folks get in touch with each other.
Seriously, fuck off.
Lillends. They're just so cute.
Are there ones you can fuck?
I did this for spiders in my not-asia chunk of the world, and made them much bigger of course. Spiders in stalls at festivals making things out of silk for tourists/whatever the same way people speed draw cartoonist faces at theme parks nowadays.
Only the intelligence of dogs, but now that I think of it it would be amusing if a not-silk road was literally run by spiders.
His name is Throta, and he's a Zweihander Sentinel that has sworn to protect the human princess in the party.
The occasional Chaotic Neutral succubus who uses being called and planar bound as an excuse to not have to do work back home and to faff about on the mortal plane where things are much more relaxed and pleasant, so rather than scheming against her binder she mostly just pulls the occasional mischief and really hams it up whenever she can play to stereotype.
Also thinking of perhaps doing Half-Elf with maybe Sea Legs and/or Child of the Sea. Anyone have any thoughts, or am I just talking into the void here?
I'd rather call a Neutral Evil Succubus. Can't stand Chaosfags.
My wizard has the following outsiders around and summoned:
>4 tiefling
>2 imps
>2 bearded devils
>4 hell hounds
Last time I mentioned this /pfg/ bitched at me for being a min maxer. I just love the idea of being a conjurer, specifically a devil binder
Planar binding is just broken in how easily it is gamed. Most of the time players bust it out on DM's and it's one of those "DM has to punish you by learning extra rules" spells, so most get off with it because people can not be fucking bothered to create extra plot threads just for wizards wanting extra stat points.
I want a lap pillow from her
>run game with darwinian character design
>put PCs in at the start as members of a mercenary company stuck on the wrong side of a siege
>tell players they're expected to bring a number of back up characters, if they don't want to or run out I have a bunch of extras
>PCs start dying left and right
>add in the new ones as other members of the mercenary company
>have the other members be there as the players play their first choice, have other people die as they play so something a player's third choice can die before their first
>keeps happening
>keep getting resupplied with men in secret
>characters rise in the ranks of the mercenary company as commanders die
>character gain odd quirks as some survive longer, survive certain thinks, shoot up in the ranks, or die in funny ways
>a collective story is build of what is left of the company
>do this for three sessions of the city under siege
>when the city is liberated what is left is the new mercenary company and the NPCs for the actual campaign
Had a great time.
How do I play a giant PC, /pfg/?
The point of non-Evil is to have one who doesn't actually give a shit about demonic power struggles and ambition, and mostly just wants personal comfort.
Chaotic neutral and neutral Evil are the same distance from Chaotic Evil. Either could be equally involved in Abyss shit. I'd much rather have a selfish, criminal waifu that isn't a retard, personally.
thar we go
Help save this dying thread
[autistic screeching]
I have no shame.
Who is that?
Also have a ladyknight.
>Who is that?
Oh boy
Does anyone have a full list of DHB's characters?
No really, who is that?
>"I guess we're an art thread now."
You're in for a ride, user, but I'll let someone else explain.
The shitheel who dumped his ERP logs to prove his e-dick was bigger than everyone else's. Nearly got him thrown out of a game. No idea why it didn't *actually* get him thrown out, given his attitude since then.
hey man, just roll with the punches
No, but for real.
Though it says "better picture coming soon", so...
Have you ever played a completely Chad character?
Post more Awoos
>"what brah, I just rolled all 18s, you saw it"
>one day it's a shipping thread
>another day it's a smut thread
>another day it's day-trading
>now it's a character art thread
>sometimes they discuss 5e
>there's 4e stuff thrown in
If you don't need any other board because of Veeky Forums, then you don't need any other general because we've got /pfg/
The world may never know, user.
Define what you mean by "completely chad".
Like, a Str/Cha build? A womanizing frat boy kind of character? Or just a man who's attractive and mildly popular rather than a spaghetti-dropping shut-in?
What, you think this isn't still a shipping thread? I need to hear more about Aster and Quinn's handholding adventures.
I did mean the second option, yes.
Fixes most of the issues I had with it, the personality is actually supported now, though it's still lacking any real flaws.
Are cats fine too?
How do I pic-related, anons? Harbinger w/ Black Seraph and Elemental Flux? I've got no clue
I mean, it's cute, but it's a bit too meme-y for me.
I just want the thread to post more female gnoll art, I've figured out a gnoll character I actually WANT to play
Meh, never really struck me as an interesting idea. Sure, it's an okay concept for a joke, but I need something that's more open to an arc rather than just there to get his dick wet, knawmsayin?
Yeah, I do.
I always play the Team Dad who never gets his dick wet because his wife is back home waiting for him!
You're just jealous she's not holding your hand, Rory!
>that art
I'd say a Zweihander Sentinel Warder with Eternal Guardian, Scarlet Throne, and Black Seraph. Emphasis on the Black Seraph.
Non-Touhou Awoo art is hard to find, mate.
I'm not jealous, user. Girls can hold the hands of whatever other girl they want to hold hands with. I just like to pat their heads and tousle their hair.
>mfw I'm the only one in Dragons 2 with NO DRAGON BLOOD AT ALL
Thinking of posting a game in a homebrew setting, thing is it has no non-human races. How much will PFG ree at this?
sort of like you never should've been picked
Not Roryanon, but I sure am.
Are you telling me you wouldn't be jealous to hold this QTs hand
Obnoxiously so, at that.
To be fair, Rinka only gained dragonblood after she altered her build
Please, we all know where the dragon blood came from.
Speaking of, I want to play a Chaotic Neutral Gnoll girl in a /pfg/ game, to try and make it /work/ as a character concept.
>Be a gnoll girl in a backwater gnoll tribe, maybe a couple dozen members at most
>groomed to become a priestess of lamashtu
>only going along with it because it's what her mom and her mom and her mom and HER mom did before her
>would really just want to smell the roses
>Have special talent with water, which is a godsend in desert environments.
>A slave trader brings in a human priest who ALSO has a talent with water
>gnoll gal's mom thinks this is a good idea
>forces human to teach daughter about water
>daughter learns from this human
>when gnoll gal's mom isn't listening, the human tells her stories about his homeland
>heroic knights and performers who are lauded and loved
>where rivers flow free and water falls from the sky
>where love and kindness get someone further than beatings and slavery
>the gnoll gal has a conflict within herself
>On the one hand, holy heck, that sounded like the best place EVER!
>Not have to worry about water
>Not have to watch slaves get beaten
>smell more roses
>on the other hand
>abandon the tribe (bad thing for a gnoll)
>free this slave (VERY BAD for a gnoll)
>disrespect lamashtu (INCREDIBLY bad for a gnoll)
>the priest finally convinces her to follow her own dreams, uses his magic to free her
>she runs off with her favorite hyena pup to a human village
>is initially mistreated, but uses her broken understanding of common to let them know she isn't a threat
>gets a job with the blacksmith, has to unlearn her gnoll sensibilities
>can't be lazy, can't make others do her work for her, can't worship lamashtu
>ends up with DRIVE and DETERMINATION
>wants to go down in history as a hero!
>Puts on a set of heavy armor, hides her gnoll features, and then goes adventuring
It needs work, I think, but it has potential.
What are you implying!?
Iskmar Ironbeard
>Typical dwarven childhood
>Joined the militia, patrols Kraggoden
>Squad ambushed and nearly wiped out, Iskmar survived, but was wounded.
>Leaves militia, becomes traveling merchant
>Upon hearing of the Molthuni incursion, he heads to Phaendar to arm the rebellion.
From my cursory examination, there's a misconception among the applicants to BotF that a shorter app is easier to write than a long app, which I think is false. A shorter app is actually far more difficult to write, since you've got much, much less space to convey the same amount of information.
That's the crux of my issue with this app, I can't really tell you anything about him.
What's his personality like? There are a few snippets, but not enough to create a full person. In an app like this, having the backstory be a simple collection of events isn't enough, it's gotta pull double duty as both a backstory and a personality section; revealing the broad strokes of who the character is/what drives them, and allowing the personality section to fill in the details.
Why is he participating in the plot? Is it duty? Patriotism? Revenge?
Also, it's spelled "Molthune"
Strange coincidence that it's red dragon blood...
Build I'm looking at is... Kinetic Knight/Elemental Scion (of water)/Roil Dancer. The other side (if gestalt) will be Hedgewitch (Spiritualism/Charlatanism), in order to get that performance and "spiritual" angle in, along with the con-based casting as well.
Real-talk, is this art too furry for /pfg/? It's the only art I could find of a "cute" gnoll girl, All the rest is smut of some sort and it kinda fits the image of a gnoll that doesn't WANT to be a villain.
Just looking at the art, I feel like being within the same square mile of her is grounds for being cursed.
If it has a muzzle, you've gone full furry. Abort.
You don't say
I'd argue that a shorter app actually highlights the aspect of backstory for an AP basically not mattering at all.
Playing a Gnoll is super fucking disruptive, and basically makes your character nonfunctional in any social situation.
Don't do it.
Did you read the spoiler, baka senpai desu?
If I were to know holding her hand would curse me I'd still do it
Yeah, true. I'll file it away in the characters I'll play if /pfg/ runs a game that it would make /sense/ in.
The statline works too goddamn well for a Kinetic Knight, user, I hate it.
I went full furry long ago
I haven't looked back since
Good news, →
I'm implying she might have had help getting that red dragon "heritage" inside her
They're implying that all the other memebers of Dragons 2 should bully Rory for not having any dragon blood.
For pete's sake, even the RAT has dragon blood.
Not the person who wrote the app, but I did ask for the review since I like dwarves. The players guide just asks you to be in Phaendar at the start, that's the only tie in you need.
>The weirdo chuuni
>Shacking up with Jessica Rabbit
This sounds like a bamboozle.
Then play a Dual Talented human like a normal person. Don't fuck over the party by trying to be a special snowflake.
"stop having badwrong fun"
"evil races can never be good"
"you HAVE to murder the orc babies"
>The players guide just asks you to be in Phaendar at the start, that's the only tie in you need.
Right, but unless the AP does an amazing job of making the characters immediately invested, something I highly doubt, the character still needs a reason to constantly risk life and limb participating in it.