Why are different human races never given different stats in rpgs?
Why are different human races never given different stats in rpgs?
Because the differences are not meaningful or interesting enough to be worth the trouble of the absolute shitstorm that would result from doing so.
What are these stats? Life expectancy?
/pol/ please go.
We don't need bait right now.
It says IQ as the filename for the image, so I'm going to assume IQ since
>Chinese living longer then 105 years
>My sides are know orbiting Jupiter
It looks like my IQ must be below 65 since I put know instead of now.
>Greenlanders don't live at tall
The filename gives us no clue.
>average Chinese IQ is above 105
We can trust the Chinese government not to fudge the numbers they're reporting.
>Kids in countries that focus on standardised tests in education do well in standardised test
>Kids in countries with limited education opportunity test badly
Shocking, in other news water is wet and OP is a faggot
100 wasn't supposed to be the average?
This is hilarious.
>Dot Indian
>Sex Positions +4
>Modern Indians are the biggest prudes on the planet
I guess this splatbook never got updated for modern times, eh?
>doesn't understand how IQ testing works
Yeah, forget about the Kama Sutra, this listing needs more dank memes about poo
>implying a joke page made about stereotypes is going to accurately reflect real-world conditions
That's a nice theory. It'd be such a shame if it were to have been debunked over 20 years ago.
The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study not only exclusively compared Americans, but (as the study's name already implies) even swapped around the races of the children and their parents to eliminate as many social factors as possible. Black children still consistently scored one standard deviation lower than white children on IQ tests, both at age 7 and at age 17.
And then there's also the Flynn effect, the big friend of Africa apologists. Do you know what would really damn the "A-Africans are just a few decades behind!" theory? If a major European country with a large African minority were to display a reverse Flynn effect.
>Third, it might be that the increase in the numbers of immigrants with lower IQs in the French population may explain the decline. This increase has occurred
throughout western Europe and a number of studies have shown that immigrants from North Africa and southwest Asia typically have an average IQ of around 85 to 90 (Lynn, 2006, 2008; Lynn & Vanhanen, 2012; Rindermann & Thompson, 2014; for a large meta-analysis see te Nijenhuis, de Jong, Evers, & van der Flier,
2004). This conclusion has been confirmed by Kirkegaard (2013) who has shown that in Denmark the number of non-European immigrants increased from approximately 50,000 in 1980 to 400,000 in 2012 and the IQ of non-European immigrants in 18–19 year old military conscripts was 86.3, relative to 100 for indigenous Danes.
Now ain't that unfortunate! It's almost as if groups of the same species that have evolved in radically different environments under radically different circumstances for tens of thousands of years will display different traits or something!
>Inb4 "hurr durr Nazi"
Nazi's are still butthurt about the unfortunate fact that the Italians, East Asians and especially Jews outperform the "master race"
Sup /pol/tard.
Even a retard like you should know not to use an apostrophe to pluralize "Nazis".
This just tells me that IQ is based a lot more on standard of education than on anything else. Also, how Asian schooling perfectly tools people for IQ tests.
This is a quality post of a /pol/itician. Rarely see these.
Shame you got Dorks like Who just go by memes.
Understanding how to use punctuation isn't a meme, faggot.
Isn't IQ defined by the national average? How does one country's average is more or less than its average?
What's with all the /pol/ threads today? Were they overrun by ponies again or something?
I liked Veeky Forums more when we had quest threads instead of /pol/ threads.
In the defense of neither thing, quests and pol threads definitely co-existed.
I think that for these international comparisons, the USA's score is used as a standard and all other countries are compared relative to it. That's why America's score on these is almost always 99 or 100.
Ah, the favourite arguement of /pol/. It did not have, as I remember, any adopted babies, and the youngest adoptees were about 5 years old, so there you go. If they really wanted to test the biological capacities of different races, they would've started with babies, place them with parents of different race, and choose parent groups to be on par with each other intellectually.
Did you know, by the way, that one single experiment does not prove or disprove anything by itself? Can you, at least, find and show more studies and experiments that replicate MTAS and yield the same results?
>50k years are enough to form different species! Really, guys, I'm serious here!
Also, even if you give the kid to white foster parents, he's still probably gonna end up hanging out with black kids at school and sublimating black culture.
That's kinda stretching it though.
>If they really wanted to test the biological capacities of different races, they would've started with babies, place them with parents of different race, and choose parent groups to be on par with each other intellectually.
That's a brilliant idea. Why don't we do just that?
Oh wait, because the socio-legal climate has radically changed to the point where merely suggesting such a research would ruin a man's career. Maybe that's why "/pol/" keeps citing that one study, because there are close to no follow-ups. Probably because the MTAS was so controversial, now nobody who values his name wants to touch the subject with a ten foot pole. That said, you know that you're basically trying to falsify a legitimate study by relying exclusively on hypotheticals, right?
>50k years are enough to form different species!
Nobody ever claimed that except you. What I'm saying is that it's more than enough time to develop radically different traits. All you need to do is look at the diversity (that's a buzzword your kind likes, right?) in human fenotypes, which are -believe it or not- the results of diversity in human genotypes. Now let's for a moment assume that evolution doesn't stop at the neck et voila! You, on the other hand, will find yourself stumped when trying to explain how 50k years is enough time for different groups of people to adapt to certain climates by having more or less melanin and certain facial features that are more or less suited to certain climates, but at the same time is not enough time to result in different brains. Especially when racial differences in cranial capacity are already widely reported on.
I'm not saying an alternate interpretation of the facts is impossible, I'm just saying there's nothing backing up such an alternate interpretation. It's all speculation on a subject declared absolut verboten by the progressive gestapo.
Are those like phenotypes but for retards
They're like fenotypes but for ESL. For someone so concerned with tolerance you sure are intolerant. Keep correcting my language rather than my arguments though. As we all know language is universal but logic is a racist, white construct.
Fuck off /pol/
The Minnesota test didn't actually find that. The black children who scored lower were actually almost exclusively late placement adoptions. So the people whose formative intellectual development is already done. Early placement adoptions resulted in nearly identical IQs to white people.
Though the funnier thing was that unwanted Chinese baby girls adopted by white people dropped by like 30 IQ points compared to normal Asians. So the sort of white people who up front the money to get kidnapped Chinese babies are apparently terrible parents.
>why won't you tolerate me denigrating huge segments of the human race?
>bawwww intolerant left may-may
fuck off /pol/
Shh, stop ruining ESL-kun's fantasy.
I'm curious, what's your opinions on Australian aborigine intelligence?
What I dislike about your source about Morton here is that he measured cranial capacity, which is only the volume of your skull rather than the size (and fold amount) of your brain. I don't believe you could use this as an accurate source debating the overall intelligence of races. If you are solely describing the size of skulls however, then you're fine.
And the guy who made the test ended up regretting it since even he said IQ is not how smart you are but is your ability to retain information (and extrapolate from it). It shows that countries with poor education systems tend to slip behind while countries with good education systems excel, not that different people groups are any more or less intelligent
Assuming that there are other ethnic groups at the school.
Even then, as you said, that is a stretch. I've worked with white children that went to schools that were mostly black, hispanic, native american, and "picking up the culture" isn't something that happens unless they want to.
What actually does happen is that they learn to "fake it" enough to get by, but drop the facade away from school.
>the medical community takes issue with grossly unethical tests and procedure nowadays so I can't use science to support my fringe beliefs!
The best part was that the same medical, forensic and scientific communities tried for several centuries to prove the genetic superiority of Europeans, and after they roundly failed, elements are still grasping at straws.
It's kinda sad.
Fuck off /pol/
>There are people who think different races have no mental differences on average
I thought the racism argument was about how to treat people, not on obvious facts.
Different races have different average iqs, every standardized test, every society, every study, every human interaction, shows this to be the case
I guess the main point is to avoid bringing it up because it reinforces how people treat other people. Not that SJWs would bring that up because they're fucking stupid and only on the side they are for emotional reasons.
Even SJWs know not to post /pol/shit on Veeky Forums.