Pathfinder General /pfg/
Would you ever play a classy centaur? What about a prim and proper pixie?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Would you ever play a classy centaur? What about a prim and proper pixie?
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I just wanted to be a tree.
And its been ruined.
No. And no.
You guys working on any homebrew?
Do you guys ever think of anything besides waifus?
I think of the inevitable collapse of all things into the cold void at the end of the universe more often, actually.
But I can't speak for anyone else here and I've been told to stop doing that.
I want to marry a cute pixie!
God no.
Nah people just like to post waifus as the op every single time.
I honestly dont think its ever possible for a centaur to be classy no matter how much you dress them up.
Yep! I hope to release it soon!
No, but I have been trying to find a game that would let me field a cavalier centaur charger. Sadly none have.
Though I was able to play a centaur ranger that used a bow for a short while in a campaign.
Ah, you'd rather be the one riding her eh?
I know that feeling all too well.
So I've been out of the loop for a month or so due to family drama.
What if anything happened with the Avowed? Currently looking over the playtest to see if I spot differences. why does the playtest pastebin lead to erp?
Anyone have experience with DSP Lords of the Night vampire template?
Wilder in particular is basically a 9th-level-spellcasting gish. 3/4s BAB, surges give attack bonuses, etc. A lot of people mistake it for being a sorcerer-alike, though.
>why does the playtest pastebin lead to erp?
Son of a bitch how many threads has that been snuck in there.
Its pretty gay
I'd play a centaur, but only if he was also a bartender.
Why is it gay user?
I don't get the joke.
>stupidly enormous pastebin
Possibly since the it was originally posted?
Also no. I'm not into bestiality, user.
Because its for fags
so no valid criticism?
Do I really have to spell it out for you?
I have the overpowering urge to a top hat on that image and say THE RIDE NEVER ENDS.
Turns out it's just this thread, which means this thread is going to be a dead thread very soon, so get ready to jump ship.
Also, go fuck yourself OP. You're almost as bad as the anime OP faggot. I'm inclined to believe you ARE anime OP faggot actually, considering the rest of the OP besides the pastebin.
For best results, wait to reveal this shit in the endgame. After most of the robots die in their war, let the PCs discover the underground living areas of the cold, heartless oppressors - full of posters cheering the human kids on, photos of them and "DO IT FOR HER" style collages all over their walls. An especially mean antagonist robot that the PCs were actually able to kill has the most emotional collections in its living space, and it's all them. It has photos with it taking care of them as babies. It sent them every birthday cake they ever got in their pre-warzone nurseries. When they landed nude in the woods, it was the one who planted that one rusty sword they'd have died without, and got demoted as a result.
Masterfully done, OP
May your ban be swift.
Ghoran were made in Nex, which is basically Savanna.
And they
But what kind of delicious are they? What does a Ghoran taste like, or do they taste differently depending on the type of Ghoran?
You're a faggot OP but i respect you
honestly Ghoran are so fucking rarely played fluffing one as being some kind of weird fae -thing like the Shardwalkers app is should be more than acceptable
Ghoran are explicitely from Nex, which is a desert nation, and were designed to be able to grow in the middle of plague-blighted wastelands, due to Geb being a WMD happy assfaggot.
Originally, they were just supposed to be food plants to helpsave the citizens from starving to death, butthe faggot druid Ghorza fucked up somewhere and suddenly the delicious wasteland plants started to develop sapience and take on humanoid forms. Said Druid disappeared conveniently before that, and so no one knows how or why this happened
I bet they taste fruity!
/pfg/ are you planning to put in a last minute application to one of the games closing this week? If so, which game?
probably www. i already put one in for shardwalkers but i don't expect much.
Trying to get my BitF app done in the next few days.
Inspired by the discussion from another thread, I want to write up the Official /pfg/ setting for Starfinder.
What would y'all like to see in it?
What games are recruiting?
not plant people
>classy centaur
>has to shot 30lbs a day and cant wipe
Apparently you're into male hobbits.
Homebrew setting. It'll need human-like races and use psionics over magic wherever possible, but otherwise not need actual rules changes:
I'm picturing some humans will be psionically gifted like Elans, and some humans will have cybernetically enhanced body parts, but I don't know which other ways the robots will have approached their "Canonical Human" project.
I guess there will be one race that is actually a true AI that was made to be as alike to a human as possible. They'll either have an organic component to their mind / wholly organic brain (which they think is key to humans' connection to the divine) OR the other way I could go with it is have such PCs actually be fully-mechanical and just be planted monitors for tracking the real ones and tragically never told this, of course.
Satan why do you want my players to cry? What happens if I cry while GMing? This is already sad as hell.
The horse anus is a marvel of evolution, she doesn't need to wipe.
Do you mean !Plant Folk, where I say they are made of Silicon instead of Carbon and get some energy from thermodynamics?
What else?
>bakabt is now private
Are you going to post a campaign and let us make apps, user? I'm very intrigued.
/a/ please go
Scale, and vehicles that fucking matter. Because I have strong suspicions in regards to the latter come the actual game's release...
And they called me crazy!
do you have a cap of that thread?
I think they'll probably end up like mounts: can't do fuck-all with vehicles, they're just there, but you're never allowed and all the content is made for footslogging.
It's for my IRL group, but I'm glad to hear interest. I will certainly post the setting documents once I've made everything. I'm pretty good at making it look pretty, not overcomplicating, etc, so it should wind up in a state usable by anyone.
Melibrous Tincture is a helluva drug.
I reckon a colony ship might make for a good location. Kind of rolling towards a converted asteroid...
What type of ships are you interested in? Maybe a few grab bikes to have shoot outs on?
Adhere to classic space opera tropes without making them too generic by trying to "spruce up" the formula.
That said, it might be fun to figure out an empire that fanatically adheres to a religion, is comprised of numerous client races, and makes extensive use of bio-engineering.
Equal parts Combine and Covenant, in other words.
Imagine, ships molded in vast oceanic shipyards that coat them in nacre plating and are "birthed" from the waters, heretics forced into penance by splicing them as the brains of bio-mechanical horrors designed for anything from tank or transport - if they can't fight alongside the faithful, they can carry them.
The elder race of this empire should be one of three races that actually evolved and developed warp on their own - besides them and two others, every other species has been either uplifted or enlightened.
>ywn ride a white stallion into the sunset nestled comfortable and safe in Quinn's lap while she holds your hand and pats your hair
why continue anons
Fallen Empires - the progenitor race is not extinct, they're just absurdly insular and decadent in their pursuit of whatever ethos they adhere to. Think China, after the trade fleets came home to report there was nothing to stop the stagnation.
I want to chain Quinn to my altar and slowly, tenderly, lovingly flay the skin from her immaculate, flawless body a few square inches at a time, over the course of months, whispering sweet nothings into her ear all the while!
ZonZon stop, you're scaring her.
I can't help it! I need her to feel what I feel! This love burns within me, and I must share its warmth with the object of my affections! My passions overflow, and I must pour them into their destined vessel or be overwhelmed and destroyed!
I promise to be thorough, and to take things slow. I know it will be her first time; I promise to be gentle!
Part of me is intrigued but another part thinks you've just given me the BBEG and it's minions, broheim. Got anymore details?
I can see it. Give me a bit more, like what they look like, or some specific thing about them to use.
If there's enough interest after I create a setting document with details, I could do a second game for you.
Aw, shucks, user, that's Too Cute. I reckon I'd be mighty appreciative.
You are bad at memes.
I've been looking at the Swashbuckler class lately. I just don't see why anyone would even try it.
Which /pfg/ wud u fugg?
Playing a cat-taur cleric in my group. Technically a lamia but she insists on calling herself a cat-taur. She's kinda become the face of the group, talked our party out of several difficult situations including inadvertently befriending a bugbear that was trying to start a fight.
Teach me!
>literally kids ganging up on and hurting each other on a civilization-sized scale, condoned and chaperoned by evil robots
don't forget me /pfg/-senpai
You have something better than memes going on there.
>Meme Master WetHawk is becoming a Game Developer
What's wrong with suggesting BBEGs? You'll also need to include a a variety of megacorporations which can range from "massive, bumbling and too stupid to hate" to "these guys are vicious bastards."
As for the Fallen Empires? We're talking about civilizations that were already receding into the borders of their core worlds when the first humans crawled out of their caves.
The design theme of a Fallen Empire depends mostly on their ethos (are they virulently anti-alien, are they xenophiles, do they worship strange gods?) But all of them share one thing in common; their technology is the stuff of legend, and the galaxy is littered with their wonders. Dyson Spheres, Ringworlds, Terraformers that can turn even the filthiest planet into a lush garden world, the list goes on... And the Fallen Empires have forgotten how to build them, technology lost to the ages.
Even better? The rise of the young races might encourage a Fallen Empire to Awaken, and in doing so might cause another Fallen Empire that was their ancient rival to Awaken too.
And when that happens? The Empires call on the young races for allegiance, because when the trumpets blare and a War in Heaven rages, there are no neutral parties.
I would play a classy centaur IF and ONLY IF the setting allowed it. Otherwise Imma stick to my dragonblood sorceror pretty boys.
Alright so I'll admit I have no clue what I'm doing, do any of you have any recommendations for making a dex based rubato with 25 point buy? Preferably a human
Also I was thinking of replacing golden lion for another discipline but I'm not too sure if scarlet throne or veiled moon is better, I know that riven hourglass is really good but I'm not sure if it'd be really good as a 3/4ths initiator.
>not using a starknife so you can go Cha-based
Alright, I'm interested. Enlighten me.
So I posted about this in the Discord yesterday, but tell me, /pfg/, what do you think of a chest-slot item that you can install potions of Cure Lights into, and with a flick of a switch the vest automatically injects the potions into you, essentially giving you Fast Healing 5 (the average amount for a Cure Light) for as many turns as you've supplied potions?
What do you think an item like that would be worth, and would it be out of place to see such an item on, say, a Big Evil Boss?
That's all golden bruh. I like it.
I'm sure there's a few /pfg/ folks running with a similar idea.
I think I'd rather fill it with wizard heroin!
fellow djeetafriend, do not listen to this memer. Cha-starknives are a trap that won't work for anyone.
Just take Weapon Finesse, Deadly Agility, and focus into Elemental Flux, trait/tradition out Mithral Current for Scarlet Throne and maybe Golden Lion for something else, if your party doesn't have a lot of melee attackers. Veiled Moon and Silver Crane are fun.
What to heck is wizard heroin?
Just saw yeah, Riven is *really* good. Scarlet Throne + Riven Hourglass + Elemental Flux is a fun combo. Go rapier with scarlet einhander for fun.
Different user but personally I'm all about the starfighters.
Like, every sci-fi system promises shit like starfighter combat, but then even the star wars ones end up being entirely built around "mostly ground and sometimes one freighter against some mooks or a bigger captial"
As a weapon, the starknife isn't anything too amazing - 1d4/x3, can be used in melee and thrown, basically the same as a dagger with different crit range.
But, if you worship Desna and take the feat Divine Fighting Technique (Desna's Shooting Star) (which a bard can also take in place of a versatile performance), you can use Cha to attack AND damage with it.
Also make sure to get a blinkback belt (5,000 gp), so you can use a single enhanced starknife for both ranged and melee attacks easily.
Any specific maneuvers I should look for?
That seems interesting but its a custom setting a friend of mine is running and I'm not sure if I'd be able to choose it since none of his deities use a starknife. Thanks for the assistance though.
I looked it up and I don't think that's safe for direct injection, user...
There's nothing actually "divine" about most of the Divine Fighting Technique abilities other than the arbitrary association with a deity. Just that by itself would be fine as a generic feat, mechanically.
>not liking starknives
I bet you don't like Agile Dancer either, do you?
And heroin is?
Scarlet Throne: Scything Strike (1st), Rising Zenith Strike (2nd), Sanguine Barrier (2nd), Scarlet Eye's Perception (3rd), Sanguine Perseverance (4th)
Elemental Flux: Elemental Flux Stance (3rd level stance), Energy Hammer (4th), Enter The Vortex (5th level stance)
Riven: Time skitter (3rd), Temporal Body Adjustment (4th), Minute Hand (1st), Rapid Strike (2nd)
All those are really good, though some have the same purpose. Rising Zenith (ST) and Rapid Strike (RH) are both "multi-hits" so don't take both, and Temporal Body Adjustment (RH) and Sanguine Perseverance (ST) are both counters for saves/conditions, so doubling up on those is a bit moot. Feel free to play with other stuff though. A lot of stuff is fun and can be used creatively.
Depends, are you a heroin addict?