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Do any of your characters wear glasses? What effects would you attach to needing to wear glasses?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Do any of your characters wear glasses? What effects would you attach to needing to wear glasses?
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I want to make a brain-and-spine trying to pay off his body's monthly installments through mercenary work for a megacorporation in Starfinder!
Great question, I don't care.
In other news, still could use some feedback on Tower Gunner, now on Version 1.01:
But what kind of body is it?
These are all good ideas, but there's got to be others who are secretly pulling strings.
Consider Wist, Argentum, Adam R., Captain Slow, Exhack, and the like. I don't think any of those four have ever made a character that people found outright-terrible or offensive. What if THEY'RE the ones who are secretly evil as fuck, convincing GMs to choose based on their whims and desires, even purposefully being denied games to push suspicion off of them?
Argentum's literally just 2B was pretty bad.
>Michael Sayre
>10% WBL bumps aren't something that we're particularly concerned about;crafting is a core mechanic, and Wizards will actually break teh effects of WBL much more grievously. While the Blacksmith may have a small discount available, most casting crafters don't have the need to provide themselves with armor and weapons, some of the most costly components of equipping any character. That's effectively 300k open cash the Blacksmith won't have (600k worth of items) by end-game, a gap which the 10% discount doesn't even actually close. From a perspective of maximum character effectiveness alongside party contributions, the Blacksmith isn't outdoing current crafting options as far as the functional impact of WBL manipulation goes, because unlike traditional casting crafters, he still has to spend a significant chunk of his cash on standard pacing. By the time you include benefits like Reforge, which negates the cost of random loot (you don't have to eat a 50% loss on weapons or armor that aren't party appropriate), the Blacksmith can establish a slim lead, but that's also fairly conditional; in games where the GM customizes loot to the party, Reforge is a neutral value option outside of negating Sunder costs (which the Blacksmith is most likely to impose, so more often than not, another neutral value).
>Edna the Earth Seraph
>This argument is completely meaningless when a blacksmith can opt for combat methods that involve no purchased weapons at all, such as Alchemy bombing.
>and the other PCs giving the blacksmith things to craft
Was Ssalarn in the right?
Nobody cares about this e-celeb drama
Who know's could be any of them. Could be anyone else for that matter.
All I know is that I'm going to buy a lot of popcorn for 4/20.
The "rest of the party" thing is an important point. It's part of why Artificers broke stuff so thoroughly in 3.5e.
I don't know! Something buff and manly with special attachments?
Ssalarn is an arrogant dick
Runescape Game When?
You have ten words to justify your weapon choice. Go.
It's cool.
Guns r cool
>and manly
That's silly.
Longbows and Elven Curve Blades are the best Quality weapons.
nigga it a crossbow that shoots potions, still pretty shit
Wist is provably villainous as fuck. No one could be that cute without an ulterior motive.
Fuck Nodachis, I like the Glaive-Guisarme with polearm dancer.
The longsword is the favored weapon of Aroden and therefore of manking. Please ignore the fact that she's actually a half-elf.
I'd play in it honestly. Recently got back into it from an eight year hiatus. It's been going smoothly so far. Very relaxing.
They're grrrrrrrreat!
We're looking at this Petyr Baelish stuff all wrong. We shouldn't be looking for a celeb applicant, we should be looking for somebody who doesn't want to be noticed. The silent powerbroker who we probably know by character name long before we would recognize his player name. /pfg/etyr probably also made a character that was heavily memed, but not actual meme bait. He probably gave us a solid framework character and let us fill in our choice of fetishes and assumptions to flesh out the character as it was memed.
/pft/etyr may even not be that greedy, maybe he got into the one game he wanted to and hasn't applied to anything since; he just sits back and pulls the strings and makes sure his friends get into all the games they want. Are there any of our pseudo-celebs who fit that bill?
>The longsword is the favored weapon of Aroden and therefore of manking.
New question: Your setting's Excalibur? What's its name. Who wields it, if anyone. What is its story?
>not having an Excalibur that's just straight-up the Excalibur from Earth's history transported across dimensions
Do you even AD&D?
Phone posting is Hell user. Also the party stole the sword of the Grand Padishah of Vudra and then pawned it off.
So... Adam or Disk then?
Actually, has ANYONE ever talked about one of Disk's characters?
You just described Val's player to a T (I don't even know the player's handle). One app for RotJR, got on the better team and we haven't seen an app from him since AFAIK. Val is pure memes, but the vast majority of it is anons here making assumptions and putting their fetishes on her.
I want to marry that user!
Lightbringer, wielded by The Solaire. Whosever wields this blade, forged from the heart of a fallen star and quenched by the blood of the Sun God, is hereby the heir apparent to the Empire of Chalon.
Wielding Lightbringer in the borders of the Empire grants the wielder 15 Paladin levels, so long as they uphold the duties of their station and travel the land, righting wrongs and seeking counsel with the wise or righteous.
When the Solaire becomes king, they place the sword in a stone by the throne and a great tournament is called, where all are allowed to see if they can pull it from the stone.
The Sword of the True King. This is the sword that selects the king of kings, lord of lords, and master of masters. All other kings are false. In addition to being an, unbreakable, extremely sharp sword that can cut through everything, the Sword of the True King inspires obedience. Those in the presence of the sword-bearer have feelings of admiration, respect, love, and fealty spring forth from their heart. With a word, the King could order a knight to betray his lord, a priest to forsake his god, and a mother to slay her child.
While only one in a generation can draw the Sword from its stone sheath, it has been locked away by the ancients and not used in thousands of years.
I remember she app'd and got short listed for Molthune with the not!French heiress. Other than that I can't recall any other characters from her other than Young Casimir for the Ruse Cruise. Definitely a strong contender for our puppetmistress.
The actual Littlefinger has Littlefinger'd you all so hard, you haven't even though to bring them up. But I know.
I'm currently playing a Witch Treant in space. We're traveling through the galaxy looking for clues on what might have happened to the ancient Gods because they seem to have fucked off a long time ago.
Any tips on how I could play my character to make it more interesting? Goals? background info to consider?
Where do mermaids come from in your setting?
Surely you can't mean Rory
dude what the fuck
OH SHIT! He even managed to get us to put the vilderavn memes onto Rory a while back. ValPlayer confirmed for Baelish, is Rory really the upstart who he seeks to destroy before he is dethroned?
I think it's from Shantae.
What? No. NO.
It's just someone I've noticed that slips under the radar despite always making well-received apps.
>What effects would you attach to needing to wear glasses?
Drawback. -4 to vision-based Perception checks and ranged attack rolls. Overly harsh penalties due to the relative ease of mitigating them. Glasses are hardness 0, 1 HP. Suffering a critical hit or rolling a natural 1 on a Reflex save cause them to fall off and/or break.
>Rory vs Valeriya
I wanna see this
Ever since ABP came out, I haven't had to worry about WBL once in a game I've run. So it all looks fine to me.
>The first round is in the marketplace
>The second round is in the alleyways
>The third and final round is in the bedroom
This is actually a somewhat common theme in Japanese and Japanese-inspired art.
Shut the fuck up, Rory
Guns are really cool.
Rapiers are really cool.
Necromancy is really cool.
Spiked gauntlets are really cool.
That's all I got.
/pfg/ has convinced me to use Nodachi on my psion.
>He doesn't want to see the wolf and the raven going at it
>"Mommy, daddy, how are Vilderavns made?"
>Actually, has ANYONE ever talked about one of Disk's characters?
I... I don't think so... haven't most of their PCs gotten into games or been on backup lists?
They're playing a Vigilante in Hell's Rebels.
Sometimes we bitch about Corwin, but not much discussion otherwise.
But why adamantine item would be cheaper than mithral? All adamantine armors and weapons are more expensive than mithral.
Think Overlewd user is going to deliver?
What kind of characters would you make if he did?
I already know what I'd make, but it's a S E C R E T. We'll see if he ends up running.
No idea, that's just how it isz
What's Overlewd?
Female Nobunaga
or Honda Futayo
None, because I wouldn't get in even if I tried my hardest.
It is?
>Alternate universe villainous Etan?
>Alternate universe violent cannibal Rinka?
>Alternate universe sweet boy Rory?
Fund it
Some user said he'd probably run a lewd game about villains commanding monsters if he didn't get into Blingmaker. He also said that he might run it anyway.
Last I saw, he was debating over whether to set it in Brevoy and the Stolen Lands. Considering how much of a fucking blank slate Brevoy really is, I'd actually welcome it--plenty of stuff to play around with and inject if you can get past the MUH POLES THE BEST WEEBS GET OUT REEEEE crowd.
Are you me from the past?
Possibly. Tell me, is my future still trapped in a hell of 1d3 + Int Mod touch attack as a standard action being my strongest attack?
What level are you, user?
Huh. Sounds neat. I'll have to post an app. Is Reverse Apps from previous games the Chosen Theme?
So is Starfinder released or what
Out in August.
>Topic of pfg cabals comes up
>Nobody ever mentions the anime OP user and how they constantly stir shit by asking passive aggressive controversial questions repeatedly to sway the public's perception of popular issues
I don't doubt people are going to try that shit, but if they do I'm probably going to just forget about the game.
The GM seemed like he actually wanted to have a good chassis in mind, with lewds just being the fuel to get things started.
The only real theme seems to be "monsters and bad guys."
It's fascinating seeing you work on this, user.
>not making an amoral asexual Android
>TFW Valeriya devistated a bar wench mean girls style with one sentence last session
She knows how to play the game.
Oh shit nigga what are you doing. WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
This sounds neat. Lately I've been really wanting to apply this crimson countess idea I had to something, but it feels weird to do it in a game about good adventurers.
>monstergirls and bad guys
nonsense, the cabal is a myth.
now what we should talk about is how strfags are constantly clinging to whatever they can these days. Bara, brutal slayer, pickle jars. Your days are numbered. Dexfaggorty prevails.
But Brevoy is fucking boring.
Has anything been released recently? Last I remember was a shitty Ooze alchemist.
They don't count that in the finished mithral product there is 1/2 of original weight.
So then you read 500 gp per lb - it's for original weight.
Basically you pay 1000 gp per lb in finished item and item would be 1/2 lighter.
True, but nobody said my character has to be from Brevoy.
Except /pfg/ autists, but fuck them.
What kind of benefits would you give to a char that can move at 1000 kmph?
There were a lot of mistakes along the way, user. It was supposed to be something used in iteratives as a backup for after I slap buffs on people because I am "the crafting, healing, and buffing guy", but "DUDE BETTER THAN GUNS" happened and now it's... Basically worthless.
They deal "splat" damage to both themselves and enemies.
By "splat" I mean I take the nearest Player Companion and smash their miniature and whatever they run into with the book
The ability to die instantly as the wind speed flays their skin off and rips off limbs.