Ancients from the vault
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Ancients from the vault
Previous thread: (Cross-thread)
I want a comfy powerfantasy cyoa that is actually challenging and will test me to the fullest of my abilities in a grand battle for life and death.
Well you can't get one. You idiot.
Fuck off back to the old thread.
Every thread until you like it.
There's a person who literally reposts the same phone image in every thread. How pathetic can you be.
I don't know if SDA is skulking around the thread or if this has been answered before but can Dreadnoughts hold a frigate in their hangerbay? I mean they are triple the size of the Carriers so it makes sense they could but I was just wondering.
Instead of crying about being useless, take a break from power fantasies and get a fucking job. Because I'm 80% sure you're an underage parasite.
Did that big intergalactic text cyoa where user was one of the 100 shards of a demiurge or something ever finish? Could someone post it?
>said the guy who's talking shit on a korean wakeboarding enthusiast forum
>just get a job
>smile and give a firm handshake is all it takes
Boomers must leave cyoag.
Fuck off
Well he's right, getting a job is easy. Getting a job you want is hard. Kind of the same thing as finding someone to have sex with.
Well, excuse me, princess, but even though I may visit mongolian basketweaving sites, at least I don't whine in every thread and avatarfag while I'm at it.
Congrats for finding a bogeyman that you can use to make up excuses for your own pathetic failures.
Do you see an avatar in my goddamn image section, boy? No, you do not.
I came in on the tail end of this argument you've been having, but drink some water, purge some salt, and calm the hell down.
Why yes, I've seen a few. Let me remind you that avatarfagging is a bannable offence. Do not reply to me ever again.
One day I'll read it. But every time I try I stop because I'm forced to read about 20 text-pages of waifus and I ain't having none of that.
You have opened my eyes.
You are a sad little midget, aren't you?
Universal War? It's at v1.6 but I don't have it. Someone please lend your assistance.
That's an awfully specific thing to call someone. I wonder where you got the idea?
All those reply tags, and only a single (You) at the very top.
Maybe you *are* some old boomer wandering Veeky Forums, your eyesight's clearly gone to shit.
He must have seen your micropenis and extrapolated from that.
>comfy powerfantasy
>actually challenging and will test me to the fullest of my abilities
Pick one.
Whatever happened to that 'Neighbours CYOA' ?
Any progress?
>image has the exact same name but it's totally not me u guize!!!
>You awake one day in bed
>With girls that represent political ideologies
How hard did I get fucked?
Author quit because this place is a pigsty. You throw mud in a pigsty, not diamonds.
Eldritch gods playing multiversal chess with actual empires as pieces to determine an intergalactic war.
I hate to break it to you.
But you might be a pleb.
This is bait.
Author didn't quit.
Wasn't the halloween update the latest one?
Post it. Here, receive this humble anime girl in tribute.
I hate to break it to you.
But I'm someone else tired of shitheads shitting up every fucking thread.
I don't have it.
Seems to me that if the thread didn't want to get shitted, it wouldn't take the bait in the first place.
I would like to see the actual words "I quit" from the actual author.
Then give me back the girl + interest, bitch.
user you dumb fuck I'm trying to fix this hellhole.
Only way I know how is to make you fucks think you killed authors. But you don't care, you're not here for CYOAs
Here, have this anal idol.
I got a lot of art of cute monstergirls and I'd like to make a slice of life monstergirls-urban fantasy cyoa.
Not sure what to have outside of cute girls to pick from? Help please?
I am definitely here for good quality CYOAs.
The world could use a good reset
now that's a lie
glasses back on,
Bye bye, BOOMERS!
That killed almost all fat people too which takes off a huge load on the health industry. Now there's finally more money for technology and science
How about cute boys?
Regarding the "slice of life" and "urban fantasy" aspects, what sort of stuff were you thinking about?
That eliminates the two most dangerous ideologies on the planet
How about we inherit a supernatural criminal syndicate hidden from the mundane world that was previously ownded and led by a family member who was actually the leader of a bloodline which we too inherited?
>not jewish
>oh go this is the beginning of "my everything proof shield stops your unblock-able spear - nuh huh, my spear pierces all shields"
So normal Fate plot, then.
It really depends on the weapon. I assume a T1 or T2 weapon has a 360 rotating base, while something as huge as a Anti-Matter Cannon can't rotate so it functions as a real 'Spinal Weapon' in that it takes half your ship's back to hold it. Lower-tier spinal weapons presumably don't take so much space so they are able to rotate.
>I won't be affected
The old trick.
Mental Illness
Language Barriers
Political Extremism
Human Death
>Pic Related
>I won't be affected
The old natural selection trick.
None. Sorry man I only save art of cute girls
That's what I'm asking. I was thinking maybe you moved to a new neighborhood, with monstergirl neighbors, maybe live with one?... how is that slice of life?
Slice of life adventures alongside bright magitech adventures.
Get your magic abilities, your tech abilities, and a few mixers.
Cutesy monster grill companions, and at least one bro.
That solves almost every problem.
Now there's only 72 million fuckers left.
Still wish I could push the buttons a few more times.
You killed the relatively low population of muslim that are capitalists in this world.
It was pretty smart of you to fix saudi arabia but I see that you did not intend to do this.
Sex Appeal
Wish Pill
>and at least one bro.
Do you mean bro (waifu) ?
You could make it slice of life.
One of those cutesy crime syndicates where everyone acts like a delinquent with a golden heart but they insist they're evil and bad.
We need more Fate plots in this thread.
Eh, still works out fine Saudi Arabia is kind of a shit hole anyway
I'm going through the calculations again but "female companions" simply does not compute. Men and women can't be frienss unless it involves something called "cucking" but whatever that is, it's classified. Give me a sec... I'm in... let's see- HOLY SHIT!
No, but I'll take what I can get. I'm not making the cyoa after all.
No thank you but please feel free to keep suggesting things.
Not him, but stop pretending. You want to make waifu shit, make waifu shit. Don't include some other half-assed options and settings you barely spellchecked when what it's really about are the waifus and the detailed lists of their fetishes.
I'm not either. I just thought you made a mistake so I fixed it !
Any premise can be slice of life as long as you ignore any overarching conflict.
A heroes journey can be SoL if the focus lies on the misadventures in-between Major events.
A post-apocalyptic setting can be SoL, as long as the focus isn't on them trying to solve anything (they can still be solving or encountering stuff in the background)
An extra-dimensional super prison can be SoL.
A shrunken city on the back of a dust mite can be SoL.
A group of gangsters can be SoL. A group of vampires can be SoL. A group of vampire gangsters can be SoL.
Superheroes can be SoL. Supervillains can be SoL. The ancient evil coming to destroy the world can be SoL.
All that matters is the kind of stories you tell.
Who ate your peanutbutter?
this reminds me. Wasn't someone about to finish a monstergirl waifu cyoa?
I'm always down for a slice of life monstergirl cyoa. Moving into a neighborhood is a good idea.
Participate in city events, vote for laws about the neighborhood watch
choose your neighbors and shit sounds comfy and hot
You could have a section for "what's peculiar about this neighborhood".
For example, Yakuza/Mafia/other organized group that no longer does any crimes (but still look intimidating enough that some people wouldn't believe it). Instead, they do stuff like volunteer work (keeping places clean, fixing broken stuff, etc.), and if someone starts making trouble in the neighborhood, they're taken aside and given a good talking-to (to the point of working out why they're acting like they are, and offering ways to apply themselves in a more constructive manner)?
I was thinking something like
>Pick which street/part of town you live in
Monstergirls could split into different areas, like the "spooky" part was ghost-girls and vampires and shit, the "park" area has alraunes, cat-girls and such.
>Pick a roommate
Each roommate has some job that helps explain how the city works.
>Pick a job
Not sure about this one. Obviously you have to help out the city that only seems fair but it doesn't have to be menial labor. Something like playing with the kids in the park or visiting the more eccentric monstergirls counts too.
City events and voting on laws is an excellent idea! Thank you!
All the fate builds last thread were a pleasant surprise to be honest, especially since some were quite creative. Most of them were crazy OP of course, but a couple were at least creatively so.
I'm going to pretend this includes my build because it makes me happy
not sure if it kills people who are both this AND that or this OR that, but i'm leaning towards OR because you can do shit like male + female
Which one was yours?
How autistic is /cyoag/ today, anons?
I'll repost mine since the thread died shortly thereafter.
>Become a Saber
Lawful Evil
Saber of Red - Wrathful, Conflicted, Honorable, Friendly, Proud
>Physical Features
Female Saber
Teen Saber
Lone, short ahoge
Ceremonial (+NBL)
Scantily Clad
Skimpy Outfit
+ALL in Territory
>Class Skills
Independent Action A (EX free with "Become a Saber")
Territory Creation B
Mad Enhancement E
Magic Resistance C
Presence Concealment C
>Personal Skills
Mana Burst E
High-Speed Spellcast C
Golden Rule E
Expert Specialization D
Bravery D
Clairvoyance B
Information Erasure EX
Divinity E
>Noble Phantasms
Shapeless Divinity, Unwritten Scripture: Founder of Faith (Anti-Unit/Army, A/A++)
No Death Without Burial (Anti-Self, EX-)
Lion's Claw: Stone Ritual Knife (Anti-Unit, C)
Divinity Sight (Anti-Unit, E)
Fights like an assassin unless in territory, upon which she becomes a nightmare to fight against. Can cast true magic only when not in combat, so it's mostly to irresistably alter the battlefield to her advantage. She also wipes all residue of her presence and acts alone, making her a great wildcard.
Complete autismo/10, same as usual, user.
I debating whether the 40 exobytes of porn that Damain Galt brings with him is worth dealing with him hitting on the female crew.
Seems interesting. Could you clarify how the Noble Phantasms function?
The slash stats are for switching out the clothing. I'm assuming you can't stack clothing together because no one would ever pick modern clothes. As for the noble phantasms:
>Shapeless Divinity: Founder of All Faiths
Rank: A
Form: Concept
Type: Anti-Unit
Grants the ability to make sacred vows, so long as the target has faith in Caster's Divinity and deliberately agrees to it. When honoring a vow and opposed by an enemy unit who obstructs the vow, Caster is enveloped by the vow, raising Luck to the enemy's Luck (minimum Caster's Luck) against the enemy. Completing a vow grants extra Divinity ranks, which diminish over time.
>Shapeless Divinity, Unwritten Scripture: Founder of All Faiths
Rank: A++
Form: Concept/Location
Type: Anti-Army
As above, but only in Ceremonial. Condition: If the enemy uses a Noble Phantasm that is based in or significant to religious faith, the vow manifests as a reality marble, fully encompassing Caster, the enemy, and all allies involved in the fight. The marble is treated as territory granted by Territory Creation. Divinity is increased to EX while inside.
>No Death Without Burial
Rank: EX-
Form: Ability
Type: Anti-Self
Divinity cannot go below rank E. Renders one's death null so long as Divinity is rank E or higher, respawning instantly at the territory core. Condition: Cannot null a death sourced from a higher Divinity rank.
>Lion's Claw: Stone Ritual Knife
Rank: C
Form: Weapon
Type: Anti-Unit
A knife that appears before those who are within the territory and wish to end their own life. It whispers sweet words of sacrifice and value to the wielder. Intentional, self-inflicted wounds are always lethal, which transfers lifeforce mana to the owner. The knife can be destroyed but reappears whenever conditions are met.
>Divinity Sight
Rank: E
Form: Ability
Type: Anti-Unit
Can passively see if someone has higher Divinity ranks. Line of sight.
The Assassin one with the edgy noble phantasm and the one that was apparently an extra good Gae Bolg
Well, I mean, the creator must have intended for this to be people who are both this AND that, because otherwise it's retarded, right?
There is no sense of limit, right?
All this color-coding can't be here for nothing right?
I wanted to stat out the Twin Fangs with fifty million credits each, but I think I'm going to break down and give them the full hundred.
Spaceships are expensive.
Yes, they can.
>/b/ tier button CYOA
>Not retarded
Sorry user but you are now retarded by association.
I liked that one!
I feel that the edgy sacrifice Noble Phantasm was made a bit less generic by the fact you put it on an assassin IMO, since you don't have the durability for it to be likely that you survive your rage.
The super Gae-Bolg was a bit iffy, but it's not strictly speaking an insta-kill like Gae Bolg is even if it bypasses armor and stuff, so I don't think it's that unfair.
That's an interesting network of abilities. I feel that your biggest weakness by far is Anti-World and Anti-Fortress attacks that could level your domain and thus bypass your No Death Without Burial, but except for that it's a solid set of abilities. I especially like Lion's Claw, for creativity. You did sort of cheese the Noble Phantasms-it feels like the two Shapeless Divinities shouldn't count for the same thing in terms of points, but I definitely don't think your Servant is stronger than some of the monsters from the other thread so I can't complain too much.
I'm tempted to try going through all the Servants posted so far and try to give them a tier list.