One of these thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Werewolf the Apocalypse is fun
I hate Pathfinder, but I loved this character.
Thread is slow, gonna help it along
So, you made Jestro?
So you went from pure trash to very good?
user, please.
If you mean I played a Jester hired by the Not!Church to get rid of demons by using elaborate schemes and tricks then yes.
Can you please post your "What I Made" picture? I plan on playing a lizardfolk knight in a game, and I'd love to use that picture. I'd appreciate that very much.
In exchange, I will offer this neat wallpaper for D&D.
Different user here. Reverse image search is your friend, you titanic faggot. I shouldn't even spoonfeed you but I want my good boy points.
Savage worlds sci fi game where i was new to rpgs
sauce on 3rd from left? thanks in advance !
pic unrelated
Captain Harlock
It doesn't always work. It just gave me a bunch of Russian pages with Auquaman stitched onto a fapping meme.
This is the 'face' PC in my space noir campaign.
We keep forgetting that she's super charismatic because all she's a small angry space woman with no morals.
In my current game I'm the only one who actually read the combat rules, including the GM.
Last session I ripped through the space demons in a couple rounds.
I only fugged them if they really lost.
you could've just said "on the right" or "who was played"
No autistic antifa screeching this time? Nice.
>fight a bunch of vampire spawn
>they gang up on our ranger
>ranger gets btfo'd to 4 HP
>have higher initiative than two of the spawn that'll kill the ranger
>attack ranger with nonlethal damage, knock him unconscious
>use deception to convince the spawn that I killed him because he was weak
>successful deception and intimidation
>after spawn leave the 'corpse' cleric can easily heal the ranger up again
>constantly flirt with young male human cleric who recognizes tengu as demons
You have my interest care to elaborate?
source for homo
Don't be gay, user.
Mentaiko's Priapus.
Not either of the people you responded to, but crop it and then search ya dingus
updoot for a+ cropping
Been looking for a new cartoon to watch. Worth it yay/nay?
I heard it's fun bu don't watch it just for her.
>multiple images
If you don't know how to use photoshop then stop, you misunderstand the point of these
You died twice?
What that user said, that's when you crop it and try that.
What game?
made a half Goliath Barbarian with a desire to be the strongest being in existence. We've had quite a few sessions so far, going from lvl 1 to lvl 6, and in that time he has-
Been introduced to the party arm wrestling (And beating) an ogre that had much higher strength than he had
Kicked down every locked door that has been unfortunate to be between him and his enemy along with several unlocked doors that were in the same position
kicked in the door to a church vault to kill a shadow creature that ran through the door to hide. Upon realizing he was in a vault, poorly set the door back in the frame hoping nobody would notice
Carried the corpse of a knight he cut in half vertically while under the possession of an undead monster back to the city and was pretty okay with being punished for it
In a campaign with enemies that in most cases have high physical immunities (His attacks were often described as feeling pushed back toward him) he has managed to kill everything he's run at quickly
Constantly raging. The DM let me have until lvl 5 with no negative effects of rage, but he's not stopping.
Befriended the parties halfling bard, whom often rides on his shoulders into battle.
Spent part of one morning squeezing apples because said halfling wanted juice. (Pic related)
Has let two enemies leave after intimidating them, one via kicking a door down and yelling "WHATS GOOD BITCHES" as he stepped in
Spent 10 or so turns in complete darkness with a giant undead monster behind him (the monster was creating a circle of darkness) and decided to spend those turns trying to find the necromancer instead of killing the thing he could hear behind him
Made at least one maid swoon as he walked into a mansion with no shirt on (All he wears is a loincloth really anyways)
has attempted at every corner to abandon the party mage (She's constantly breaking laws in town)
it's been a fun campaign.
Grappling is Shadowrun is busted as fuck, by the way.
How about two images in one slot?
I can only hope to have this much fun when I roll up the Goliath Barbarian I had in mind.
So I recognize Metal Gear, Bubblegum Crisis, and MD Geist, but what's the bottom right of the middle panel?
Okay this I HAVE to hear about.
Is Tsubasa very good?
I trust you as a fa/tg/guy.
Same here.
shit happens when you're yamcha.
Why are these always full of weeb garbage? I never hear of people playing blatant anime knockoffs in real life. Are you people roll20 exclusive or something?
kek, nice quads
you're on a weeb board, user, expect weeb shit.
I wanted to run a reverse X-Files campaign, where the players played the monsters. Gave the players too much freedom and they ended up making a party of time traveling Nazis enhanced to near monstrous levels by cultish magic and futuristic tech. They set out on their new goal, taking over the world.
Did they succeed?
Some of those pics are just retarded. Playstation is weeb? Jackie Chan is weeb? A crow is weeb? As Seen on TV is weeb? Peanuts is weeb? The Green Lantern is weeb? Futurama is weeb?
Do you not get the fact that everything is weeaboo on this Sri Lankan cinnamon harvesting image board? Are you new here?
It's still in progress, they recently resurrected an ancient warlord and his legion of zombie soldiers to help them take a large city.
Never even the fag you posted that for, just pointing out how retarded that collage is. Weeb boards have weeb pictures, and non-weeb boards have non-weeb pics.
Also, you fucked up the meme. It's supposed to be a form of representation, not just a random activity. Tibetan sand painting, Mongolian throat-singing, etc. You just sound retarded.
>being this ignorant of Sri Lanka
It's like you've never even harvested your own cinnamon before
Now I'm no fan of that user but cinnamon harvesting is one of my primary means of self-expression and I find your remarks rather demeaning.
>caring at all about India's ethnic purging shit
At least the subcontinent can poo in loo, but that doesn't mean I care enough to study it. I assume that it involves slit the throats of a couple Tamil, but I don't really give a shit.
Also, reddit spacing.
He was a mechwarrior pilot.
Who snorted cherry koolaid.
And made his mech moonwalk while he played super saccharine magical girl anime themes that made Lisa Frank look like Edgar Allan Poe.
And tried to ask the Brotherhood of Blake if they found porn on an expedition so he could ritually sacrifice some.
And spray-painted black dongs on his cockpit because.
With all of this, everyone who fucked with him died. Horribly.
I can honestly say I hope I never have the misfortune of gaming with you, you irritating immature little shit.
C'mon, we're just having fun, bro. What's the matter, dude? Don't you like having fun? xD
Likewise, you no-fun allowed, rollplaying, rule-lawyering, creativity crushing, couldn't smile your way out of a wet paper bag, min-maxing, hardassed, offended-at-every-joke, social justice warrior loving, Lawful Neutral incarnate, "Stop Having Fun" preaching, rulebook scouring, GM frustrating, stop-the-game-for-an-hour-to-get-a-ruling-on-if-the-new-guy-can-really-throw-a-fireball-down-a-dragon's-throat scrutinizing, thinks a blank white canvas is controversial art old hack!
Short version: A little boy had a very bad day, learned black magic, joined 4 other mary sues to save the worlds, and died to kill Satan.
Long version:
Probably should have used a bit of Hellsing in there if there's no loli.
Deus Ex (the original one), Mass Effect, Simpsons.
This isn't so much a character I've played but a projection of how our next Kingmaker game is going to go.
How did Calian become a mechwarrior in the first place.
Is the third one ZED from league of legends?
>lol so random! :^)
Yeah, no, this sounds terrible.
more BIG BAD EVIL GUY ones please.
Please keep a record of the events and story of this game and share it. I look forward perusing it for inspiration in 2018 or 2019.
Do we actually have a name for this meme, come to think of it?
I don't think so, no.
You turned Rogers into a monster?
Did you practice your CQC well enough?
>DM assumed you were playing a furry because you were a swedish zoologist
I have several questions regarding the history of your group