Classic horror has things like werewolves and vampires, but does modern horror have any unique creatures or horrors? Or have we just grown beyond them?
What haunts an urban alley?
Classic horror has things like werewolves and vampires, but does modern horror have any unique creatures or horrors? Or have we just grown beyond them?
What haunts an urban alley?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What haunts an urban alley?
people of Walmart dot com
Uh, rappers.
rapping rapist clowns who do prat falls while taking turns.
>What haunts an urban alley?
The perfectly formed stick to the main streets. Two eyes, two legs, one head. Your average layman. Now, the alleyways are the domain of the malformed. Eyes on the roof of the mouth, stomachs full of teeth, extra spines, hanging from the back like streamers. The deeper into the alleyways you get, the more malformed the humans become. Utterly unrecognizable creatures haunt the sewers.
All monsters are human.
Some variant on the man eating mutant theme. Think C.H.U.D. or the giant roach people from Mimic. Urban horror plays to our fear of other people, as the primary predators in the urban environment are human. If it can pass as human (even if only at a distance) and wants to eat you, then it can fit into Urban horror. This is why vampires and zombies also show up a lot in urban horror settings.
Obligatory screen cap.
Thank you user
You get stuff like the Slender Man and new varieties of ghosts (for example them skinny black ones whose name I forget).
Try checking out the SCP foundation for other ideas. This one is always popular, and be sure to read the three sub-link documents at the bottom:
Urban Legends and local bogeymen are always present in oral storytelling, if you look closely enough.
I live in a coastal town. There is a rock just offshore where there was once a house, but it burned down.
I remember being told stories as a child about a figure called the "H man," who supposedly used to live in that house. I don't remember the explicit details of the story, but he was trapped in the house as it burned down, and a door bearing an "H" heraldry, standing for his family name, landed on his chest and seared the symbol into his flesh.
The story told that a burned corpse with an H symbol in its chest would murder people in the night.
Manbugs. Gentrification. CHUDs.
Jaquan the dopehead
He can be warded off with "jus a dolla mang"
>What haunts an urban alley?
baseball players
>What haunts an urban alley?
>does modern horror have any unique creatures or horrors?
Memetic horrors.
It started with Slenderman cultists sacrificing a girl, got serious with Ebola-chan killed 10,000 nogs, and now Kek has overthrown the mind of the President and is about to start WWIII.
This picture haunts me.
"Eyyy, throw me the ball will ya?"
That looks like a good doggo to me.
Martian niggers - we are doomed !
The most terrifying of beasts
>Not posting the webm
Didn't posting this become a bannable offense on /v/?
That is about 100 times more terrifying than the image.
Oh god, looking at that makes my face so ITCHY
I hate this
>but does modern horror have any unique creatures or horrors?
Yep, leftists.
Some guys who can benefit from hive cities.
Like doppelgangers.
What is this from?
The mimic movie freaked me out as a kid.
>What haunts an urban alley?
Jehovah's witness'/Mormons
Thanks to the It remake I looked up some shit about real life clown horror stories, and there was some weird shit, like a clown that stalked people walking at night while holding a machete.
underprivileged urban youths
pit bulls
It's funny that a glitch from a baseball game can be a lot more unsettling than most monsters from horror games.
It's a glitch from MLB the game. It got fixed.
I miss the time when Slender Man was just some photoshops that could be a little creepy to look at. It really shows that you basically have to start from scratch with horror because everyone jumps on the train and rides it into an obnoxious oblivion. At least I can be thankful that Slender Man was essentially the only Internet spooky thing to take off. I've still got my goatmen and some of SCP to draw inspiration from.
i have a headache.
Slenderman is back to being obscure again. I honestly don't think he ever got that bad, it's not like he's Cthulhu-tier or anything
>It really shows that you basically have to start from scratch because everyone jumps on the train and rides it into an obnoxious oblivion
I edited for helpfulness
cthulhu is kind of different though, sure it's mainstream but people aren't scared for real of cthulhu as some kids and idiots were of slenderman.
i imagine in his time, cthulhu and other lovecraftean concepts were the spookiest shit ever
Basic bitches. They don't actually do anything, but you can feel them silently judging you.
>thinking gentrification is a bad thing
10 bucks says you're a woman or a nigger
Jesus christ that's fucked.
Those homeless living in the mess of catacombs and sewers beneath the city. They know which carefully stacked pillar of human bones will cause a cave-in.
That name which one finds in grafitti all over the city for decades.
A shop which always seems to have everything except what you're looking for, but you always find some kind of item which will bring horrors to your home.
The few fairies which still manage to evade the dreadful modern human perception, capable of locking them into certainty and the stasis of reality.
Those ilusive kids in rain capes that aren't kids at all and carry richly ornamented blades.
>Those ilusive kids in rain capes that aren't kids at all and carry richly ornamented blades.
Those guys have been on the block for a while. They collect electronics, but they aren't modernizing, either.
Apathy, Fear of Commitment, Running out of Time.
Unfulfilled life.
Dying alone.
Being forgotten.
That gentlemen in what doesn't look like a real cop car smiling just a little too wide when he asks you to step out of the vehicle.
Those increasingly desperate phone calls and emails from that one church in that town you visited years ago, all with wishes and prayers for you to come back.
Long hairs that aren't yours on your pillowcase.
The CHUD is the epitome of urban terror.
The sewer gator is another example, and anything "mutated" that could hide in the municipal jungle.
The modern rural horror is typically cryptids. Jersey devils, chupacabras, mothmen, etc.
A very special brand of modern horror is the product of something Veeky Forums should be very familiar with - Satanic panic. The idea that day cares, fantasy roleplaying teens, heavy metal fans, politicians, soccer moms, and drug addicts all working either consciously or unconsciously for infernal purposes.
And, as other people have stated, murderers and rapists. Horror movies have really transformed the serial killer into a force of pure evil, capable of supernatural abilities.
Does anybody have any tips for expressing this, uh, Cronenberg-ism in my writing / DM-ing? I generally use it as a way to twist the knife over common zombie shit. The implication of a hairy conscious meatball is enough to make most people run for a flamethrower. Edgy cunts always want to be a Zombie Wolf Samurai.
It's hard not to turn into a perv or a tryhard. But these images evoke visceral existential terror. Fates worse than death. Good for settings where death is 'cheap'.
Okay that should've been spoilered.
I actually think it is cool. What is that?
well I think hematomas are weirdly cool and that pic made me shudder on recollecting it for like a week; different strokes for different folks. regular ole bone cancer I believe.
trypohobic comes to mind
>Thinking that having a bunch of rich hipster come in and attracting all the bums to your quiet seaside town is a good thing
I bet this guy thinks paying $10 for a coffee is normal and good.
Oh, I'm not a good reference for this. I can enjoy a yogurt while watching 30+ bot-flies being extracted from a single monkey, discounting the itching I feel. It is strangely cathartic.
But I can't withstand rotting and cigarette smells. Shit is okay, because I got used to it after working in a mental asylum.
And responding your first post, would this help? It is the kind of thing such videos inspire me to write:
>The blowgun is an example of the Nefilim's distorted perspective. It is a recent type, modeled after encountering muskets. So they made a sharpshooter, equiped with meat instead of metal and gunpowder. Imagine an armless man which his entire mouth stretched until forming a long bone funnel covered in skin. It has no nose, but many, many nostrils to suck air until the lungs inflate as bellows upon its back. The lickings of a long tongue lubrificate the "barrel", the ears serve as a bipod which helps when it is crouched in legs whose knees bend to the front like birds. The tongue loads a projectile. In this moment, it exhales, spiting a spiny tooth with enough force to make it disapear inside a tree's trunk. Once all the teeth are gone, its lips can hold anything, be it bullets, wood splinters, arrows or pebbles. If you intend to fight it, know that its eyes are the abdomen of wasps flying away from the nostrils to watch everything from the sky. Kill them and its aim becomes terrible.
Black eyed children, dindu nuffins, bored teens hooked on killer memes, kids doing rituals they found online, serial killers, slit-mouthed woman and others of her ilk, sexual predators, lizardmen, druggie zombies, killer clowns, murderous gnomes, flying humanoids, aliens, men in black, etc.
poor guy
The old GDW game Dark Conspiracy had some great urban terrors. As does Palladium's Beyond the Supernatural.
Something about the name Alvie seems disturbingly fitting.
This is a credible argument that something needs to be done about Detroit. I recommend exterminatus.
quarantine the city and let in autists who want to simulate being a post-apocalyptic scenario.
Literally how the fuck does that happen in a game?
I expected worse
Got any more scary cities stories?
Giant rats.
The giant fleas from giant rats.
Crazy homeless people.
Mutated crazy homeless people.
Wierd hybrid animals.
Animal/human hybrids resulting from homeless people and their pets.
Escaped zoo animals, such as big cats.
That first one sounds like the Thistle Men from Alice isn't Dead
The Government Project is pretty standard. Maybe it's a little girl or a mute adult, a weird dog or raccoon. Whatever it is, someone did some crazy super science to it. Now it has double-rabies, psychic walls of force exploding out of it, shapeshifting abilities making blades slide wetly out of its spine.
There can be all sorts of things, between the cracks.
It's a fragment I wrote, but I don't want to advertise. It just seemed like it might be helpful, or at least a tiny bit entertaining.
>It just seemed like it might be helpful, or at least a tiny bit entertaining.
It was both! Thanks for sharing user!
This guy looks like a real dickhead.
>thinking gentrification is anything more than a transition phase, and is a good or a bad thing
Gentrification helps one community at the expense of other nearby communities by pushing the old (typically lower class) residents out of a community and into nearby communities.
An "accidental" example of "natural" gentrification is all the urban poor of New Orleans leaving post-Katrina to move to Houston, and they pretty much just stuck around in the hundreds of thousands because Houston was actually better. As such, many places in New Orleans are now much nicer, because developers were able to wipe the slate clean and redo a lot of areas and make them much nicer than they ever were before.
This is an extreme example, and one very helped along by an act of God, but the point remains nonetheless - repairing New Orleans didn't actually fix the problems, only pushed those problems someplace else.
If you want some good postmodern urban horror, watch Tetsuo the Iron Man. Basically a man with a fetish for sticking metal into his body gets run over by a Japanese salaryman, and curses the salaryman to slowly metamorphose into a being of metal and machinery.
Another idea that would be pretty cool is the involvement of Lovecraftian alien powers in the decay of the American city. There's a neo-Mythos short story where Nyarlathotep takes the form of an eight foot tall, silver-skinned, faceless pimp in the inner city; Nyarlathotep seems like just the guy to make shit like the fall of Detroit or the LA riots happen for his own inscrutable reasons. Maybe the fate of more than just the dindus rests with the cities, and if they are not saved perhaps all of reality down to its elemental structure will follow them in their chaos and dissolution.
>"It was a trap. If someone had come to check on that girl the people in the alley would have jumped them, slit their throat, and robbed them. The kid was bait, That was probably her parents"
And liberals wonder why people hate niggers.
looking good
Gentrification is analagous to immigration: A bunch of people come to another place and change it. It's natural to resent the place you grew up being changed to accommodate people you don't like.
A long, long time ago, I played a homebrew based on Neverwhere. It was glorious, but now I can't find any trace of it. For what I can remember, there were these playable races:
>Immortal: doesn't age, has seen several eras, awkwardly anachronistic
>Junkman: A literal anthropomorphic bunch of trash brought to life by wild underground magic
>Ratspeakers: Human tribe who understand and worship rats
>Sewer folk: Smelly bunch that fishes goods out of the waters
>Legendaries: Not sure, probably some creature inspired in old myths but in a more mundane fashion
>Freaks: Unique, none of the above beasts