>when a player types "fey" instead of "fae"
When a player types "fey" instead of "fae"
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>playing online
Both spellings are correct.
>when a player types bey instead of bae.
>when there are not enough words in your language for dwarves, halflings and gnomes
>when that one player insists that just using the english "dwarf" breaks the immersion, so he either calls them гнoмы (so there is no way to refer to gnomes) or кapлaны (which literally means manlets)
>when you get cucked by your own language
>when a system spells magic "majick"
>when a system spells magical "majickul"
You mean Russophones don't need five redundant words for mythical midgets?
I will spell my mythological creatures however I damn well please, you feygot.
>when one of your favorite games calls magic "magicka"
Use the word for those house protector guys.
>caring more about how someone spells instead paying attention to what they're saying.
>when a player says "fey" instead of "fae"
Don't you mean OPgot?
>When your players argue over how to pronounce "Ki" as it is written in the PHB (Kee/Kai), but you've written it as "Qi" in your notes and pronounce it "Chee"
>When a player calls "humans" "humens".
I'm in my second year of Russian in university, and I find it very hard to believe that you don't have like 4 different ways of saying the exact same thing, no matter the subject.
>when we've been going through a campaign and people alternately say Fay, Fairy, Faerie, Fey, Fae, and nobody cares, least of all the Feyrii in the party because they're whimsical little balls of crazy, not dogmatic english professors
>I'm an english professor tho and nonprescriptivist language use such as this is my magical realm, ho ho ho
You're thinking of domovoi, if i remember my Artemis Fowl references correctly.
>When a player says nazis are bad
c'mon guys!!! It's 2017!! #stopnaziphobia!!!
Дoмoвыe? That's trickster hearth spirits, they are more like tiny trolls rather than gnomes.
Well I need them.
I can give you like ten for "somebody of short stature", but they are all insults.
OP is gae as usual
Use кapлик, it's not an insult. Also, кapликoвocть = dwarfism, so it's an appropriate term.
This. If ur players will complain, send them back to Ukraine.
>When there's no way to say "Gender and sex are different things" in your language, so you can't explain your identity to people without it sounding like pretentious nonsense
There is only one true bae
"fey" is the correct spelling what is your problem? What are you, some kind of Scottfag?
I dont get it.
Not Russian, but same in my language. Only one word for tiny people.
Russian, German, Polish and some other languages have "genders" which affect the form of verbs.
English doesn't have it.
>Mary drank
>John drrank
>It drank
In aforementioned languages the words change form slightly to match the speaker.
in Polish
>Mary piła
>John pił
>To piło
He wants gender identity insanity like being a tranny or genderqueerfryingpansexual
I think he rather referred to the fact that both 'sex' and 'gender' are both a single word with a single meaning in Russian.
It's a common name in some parts of China.
My language does have two words for those. However, the grammar structure makes it impossible to compose "halfling", so instead they need to be called something like "The People Who Are Halved"/"The People of the Half". Also, no word for "paladin", so the term used instead is "sacred knight".
Why don't you just say 'Dorf'?
I mean, 'moe' has no direct English translation either, but nerds still use it.
Never mind, I grabbed the stupid ball.
Russian folclore is plenty rich, but thers are no industrious, short, stocky people in it.
Mostly things that would eat/drown/kill you.
>when a player types "human" instead of "vshshsHAAAARGBUUuuUUuuUUuuUuu"
Not really "people" people, more spirit-like.
Just like dwarfs and elves in most pre-Tolkien mythology. If you're willing to accept they're people, no reason not to make the domovoi.
Good point, but domovoi is still more of a house guardian than a miner/craftsman
So are elves and dwarfs in a lot of times and places. Nomenclature for mythical creatures is extremely fluid.
Isn't this group of easily offended teenagers defunct now?
Loved Miles Morales tho
But user, Nazis are the hip thing to punch now!
*punches you*
nice to know I'm not the only one
Wait fey and fae are pronounced the same?
I swear I fucking hate english.
Don't you just
Just use the insult. We spaniards call them enanos and it's the same word for midgets and manlets. People grows used to it.
depends on the setting
The problem is, because of our LoTR translations dating back to Soviet Union, dwarves are called gnomes almost in all our media.
come on Veeky Forums you're better then this
You wanna fucking go?
>Just use the insult
This. Dont be SJW, Ivan.
Isnt "gender" a made up word, or at least changed to fit the modern dictionary, forced by some fucked up psychiatrist or psychology experimenter trying to proove how one could identify as female if set in the right conditions, only to have two brother, one forced to be trans, disproved that theory and killed themselves due to said fucked up experimentations?
Oh boy.
You just selected the ultimate autismo language.
>When you change whisky to güisqui because fuck güiri imperialism.
It's always funny when newfags feel the need to post in troll threads to tell everyone that it's a troll thread and they shouldn't be posting in it.
This is not the correct board for discussing gender and identity politics.
I'm glad the "this is bait" meme is dead. If you need to post that fish when it should be blatantly obvious then you should leave.
M:tA's "magick" was the most pretentious shit ever.
In what world is the O in woman like the I in Fish?
>when a player types instead of speaking
I'll let the 17th century know you disapprove of their writing methods.
In the Finnish language.
When you pronounce it "wi-min"
Factually no.
Also, take it elsewhere.
>when a girl types "no" instead of "yes user, I WILL be yours forever!
Gender is linguistic terms hijacked by the left to spread mental illness.
English doesn't have gender, all verbs have the same form that only is changed by tense.
In Poland and Russia the tranny insanity gender is not translated "dżender/ideologia dżender" which makes everyone look at you like a retard for spouting bullshit that doesn't make sense
>In what world is the O in woman like the I in Fish?
this one?
I mean gender is a word that has a meaning.
I wouldn't say it's any more "made up" then another word.
For example as a general rule in Latin rivers and winds are masculine, where as city's and country's are feminine. Why? Who knows, dig up a Roman and ask them?
I suppose people, have started to use it to refer to people, rather then words. so maybe Hijacked is a better phrase.
as to "identifying" as x,y,z. I wouldn't know, but then I conciser psychology to be voodoo at best.
Fae is a dumb neologism and you must be an idiot to use it.
The plurual, women, not singular, woman
Lots of languages don't have different words for 'sex' and 'gender' (Swedish included) which makes being that flavour of pretentious cunt difficult.
It's guiri, not güiri. The u is mute as usual after the g unlike in güisqui.
Use the insult for the gnomes then. They're manlets even for dwarf standards in most settings after all.
what the hell is a "scottfag"
You don't have krasnolud in your language?
It just means 'red people' then.
pretty sure it's not.
Does this require me to go for the RAE?
So often in ~english~ this is the correct answer. Reminder that axe is a British spelling and "ax" is the proper American spelling.
Spotted the Brit.
I'm so gay
If you're going to bitch about words, it helps to learn how to construct a sentence.
Someone named Scott who complains about spelling on Veeky Forums, I suppose.
>not pronouncing "qi" as "kwi"
>not fayyyylmao