Sup Veeky Forums
Anyone know of any artwork depicting chaos worshiping xenos/xenos working with chaos? Either one of the chaos aliens described in books and the lore (Laer, Scaephylyds ect.) or one of the playable races too, interpretive fan-art is welcome, but official stuff would be preferable
40k Chaos Xenos
Except for your pic there is barely any info on Chaos xenos.
There are ofcrs Chaos Ogryns, but I am guessing you are not talking about them.
Nahh not really, though coincidentally I did just buy a box of chaos spawn and ogryns to convert into chaos ogryns! I wouldn't mind seeing what a chaos ratling looks like, though?
for da biggest and da greenest!
I remember reading that daemonettes are Eldar souls turned daemon.
Pic unrelated but probably tzeentchy xenos.
First for the rarest and deadliest of Slaanesh's servants and daemon princes.
Back in the day, some Genestealer Cults willingly turned to Chaos, but that's been dropped from the lore.
And before some smart-arse chucklefuck posts the excerpt from the new Codex; being forcibly dragged into Nurgle's garden and possessed en-masse doesn't count as 'willingly turning to Chaos'.
you're quite right, at the same time I'd be up for any sort of image pertaining to chaos xenos, willing or otherwise
Please provide context
One of the only depiction of Crone World Eldar - those Eldar who got caught in the blast of the Eye of Terror forming and turned into completely insane slaves on the new daemon worlds.
There's also really old fluff that names Eldar Daemon Princes as among the mightiest daemons in Slaanesh's armies. Though IIRC Eldar Daemon Princes are pretty much exclusively Eldar who led their species into damnation and were raised to daemonhood during the Fall.
The first Eisenhorn book Xenos has chaos aliens in it. They're all kinds of fucked up multidimensional scent based spider crab architects.
Xenology has weird floating gasbag hypercolour aliens that are probably corrupted too.
I can't tell if Rak-gol from ffg's stuff are chaos or not. They basically look like it.
They are more like space lizard stroggs, could be uncorrupted, merely brutal and primitive.
Is that guy wearing a multi-facetted rainbow leather coat?
Is he holding onto an Eldar with hornes and a skull face?
Is that a motherfucking Tyranid Hive in the background?
Why is he look so worried?
What the fuck is going on?
Inqusitor Czevak is butt-buddies with the Harlequinns, that's a Harlequinn cloak and weapon.
Yes, it's a chaos eldar.
No, it's chaos shenanigans and mutation of eldar structures, he's on a crone world.
He's probably worried because he's on a fucking crone world.
>Why is he look so worried?
He asked the Eldar a question and received three answers, each true and terrifying to know.
>asking Eldar
>receiving answers
What sorcery is this?
Czevak gets results.
They're not results you're likely to survive, but they're results.
So what's he (and/or his harlequin buddies) doing on a hive world anyway?
Crone World.
It's a world within the Eye of Terror that didn't get dragged into the warp.