>codex is sold out, so we must be getting a new codex

Are taufags that delusional?

Finally Tau get squatted, its about damn time!

Its not just "sold out" its "No longer available"

If it was out of stock it would just say "Email me"

Well, if the rumors about them getting rid of codexes for 8th is true, they might just be letting the 7th edition books sell out.

This happens from time to time, certain models or books are "no longer available" then a few days later they are back. it happened last month with the defiler and im sure there are a few model kits that say it right now.

What is this, a joke for ants?


What? You mean the release of the soft back codex? Autism

Ah yes, we'll post a tiny post. It's like a regular post except it's tiny

>Age Of Ultramar, Astartes Fire Warrior codex confirmed

Someone REEEEE this man

Nah, they're gonna replace them with squats

When this happened to Necrons they just released the softback codex

got you senpai

>tfw the rumoured BigMarines are actually just small Tau suits

No I'm sure we're getting a new tau codex focused on auxiliaries. It will be for this time, right?

>MK 9 Battlesuits
>we march for the greater good
Shit's going to be ca$h


You're one bitch nigger to think that.

>"and then the tau got eated by tyranids"

I know they won't let it happen, but the tears would be enough to sustain me for decades.


All the codex's are getting squatted in 8th but for now this is probably them moving from a hardback to a softback.

It's literally just this

They said that about AoS when they nuked Fantasy as well, no Army Books, just the BRB and FREE PDF's!™ And now, we have battletomes, which are just codices/army books.

>Captain Farshadow Sunsight shows up on Ultramar
>discusses with Guiliman about the greater good
>"How could I be so blind? Let me write down your wise words in the Codex Astartes 2.0"
>Space Marines now become gunline: the army and field wings of dreadknights

>tau losing
>nids winning

Pick 0.

Maybe the image is smaller because it's been squatted?
Eh? Eh? Like, squatted down?
...I'll show myself out.

This sounds like a whole lot of Skub to me.

GW has been pro-Skub for years now, does this surprise you?

>the army and field wings of dreadknights
> Not Dreadtides

Ripknight sounds more marine-like.

Why would they need to rename them?

The imperium already calls them "Riptide". Tau call them XV104

The Riptide is actually the (translated) Tau name for it, too, the Imperials just translated it, it's why there's a general 'theme' to all Tau vehicle names. If anything, since the AdMech would primarily be the only ones allowed to touch Tau-tech, the closest thing the Imperials have to an official designation is probably along the lines of 'Xenologis Tau Specimen Delta-3 Omicron-4 Mark VII, Majoris.'

Further, 'XV' is an Imperial mistranslated of 'Ex'vre' (spelling might be off) which directly translates to the 'Mantle of Heroes.)

Any source for that XV statement? Both 6th and 7th edition tau codex speaks of T-model suits (fossil fuel powered), V-models (atomic powered, irradiated the pilots) and the current XV-models (still atomic but without irradiation, which I think the X comes from).

Ultratau-marines uses Ripknights which are the Imperial tech version of Riptide.

My mistake, I was remembering FFG Deathwatch fluff, in which they're called 'Her'ex'vre', which the Imperials mistranslated into XV, but that's FFG, so feel free to ignore it. I kinda like it as a concept, though, that the AdMech just took the Tau words for it and simplified it through either intentional categorisation or mistranslation.

There is a lot of 40k lore I want to ignore. FFGs stuff is rarely in that category.

It always annoyed me they were XV 8. The Tau have an 8 digit system, so 8 is 10 which works fine directly translated, but when you've got XV-81 and such, is that the 101 or the 11? And what's the riptide, 104 or 124 or what? Their use of digits confuses me. It's all fixed if they used apostrophes or something.

Please. I know something better than squatting tau. Namely, make their. Ext codex Ork tier.

>sales in GW soar as WAACS scramble to buy into the new army meta, which would ironically be tyranid hordes.

Our shop manager was telling people not to buy books until 8th comes out this summer.

Maybe this is true?

Wtf, I hate Codexes now.

>Hexadecimic math system
>Somehow progressed beyond the stone age

Now this I don't believe

XV-81 is 8 and 1, first number is the mass classification number, ie how big the suit is. Second number is the battlefield role number. AFAIK 0-2 is developemental suits, 0 being basically a concept and 2 if undergoing extensive field testing. 3 and up means actual battlefield roles, 5 is stealth/recon, 8 is fire support etc.

I get it, a post for ants about 40k's space ants

>implying this is bad

This so much fampai

>being pro-skub
I wish you faggots would all burn